

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31

姓 名 董田 性 别 男
出生年月 1987年4月 籍贯 安徽当涂县
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 群众
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博导
行政职务 Email winter866877@126.com
工作单位 中国地质大学资源学院 邮政编码 430074
通讯地址 中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院 石油地质系,湖北省武汉市鲁磨路388号


2016.03-2017.12. 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,地球与大气科学系,博士后,导师:Nicholas Harris教授

2011.01-2016.01,博士,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,地球与大气科学系,石油地质方向,导师:Nicholas Harris教授

1. 2017年4月入选中国地质大学首批“地大百人”人才计划
2. 2013年获得美国石油地质学家学会研究生科研基金(AAPG Grants-in-Aid)资助

1. 美国地质协会(GSA)会员
2. 美国石油地质协会(AAPG)会员
3. 担任国际SCI期刊Marine and Petroleum Geology, International Journal of Coal Geology等的审稿人

1. 泥页岩有机质富集机制
2. 泥页岩储层物性和力学性质
3. 泥页岩成岩演化作用
4. 常规油气地球化学及油气成藏

1. An integrated sequence stratigraphic, geochemical and petrophysical analysis of Middle and Upper Devonian, Horn River shales, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Northeast British Columbia, 加拿自然科学基金以及Shell, Nexen, Husky等国际石油公司联合资助, 起止时间: 2012.08-2017.12, 参与。
2. 中扬子下古生界高演化海相页岩有机质孔隙微观结构差异性及富集规律,国家自然基金青年科学基金项目, 起止时间:2014.01-2016.12, 参加。
3. 长岭坳陷成藏规律研究, 中石化东北油气分公司横向项目,起止时间:2009.12-2010.12,参与。
4. 泌阳凹陷不同环境烃源岩成烃差异研究,中石化河南油田分公司横向项目,起止时间:2008.09-2009.12,参与。

1. Ayranci, K., Harris, N.B., Dong, T., 2018. Sedimentological and ichnological characterization of the Middle to Upper Devonian Horn River Group, British Columbia, Canada: Insights into mudstone depositional conditions and processes below storm wave base. Journal of Sedimentary Research 88, 1-23.
2. Dong, T.*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, 2018. Relative sea-level cycles and organic matter accumulation in shales of the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group, northeastern British Columbia, Canada: Insights into sediment flux, redox conditions, and bioproductivity. Geological Society of America Bulletin, accepted, in press.
3. Wang, F., He, S., Hou, Y., Dong, T., He, Z., 2017. The distribution and origin of carbonate cements in deep-buried sandstones in the central Junggar Basin, northwest China. Geofluids, vol. 2017, Article ID **, 13p.
4. Hou, Y., Wang, F., He, S., Dong, T., Wu, S., 2017. Properties and shale oil potential of saline lacustrine shales in the Qianjiang Depression, Jianghan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum geology 86, 1173-1190.
5. Dong, T.*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, S., Yang, 2017. The impact of rock composition on geomechanical properties in a shale formation: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Shale, Northeast British Columbia, Canada. AAPG Bulletin 101, 177-204.
6. Dong, T.*, N.B., Harris, Ayranci, C.E., Twemlow, B.R., Nassichuk, 2017. The impact of composition on pore throat size and permeability in high maturity shales: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group, northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Marine and Petroleum Geology 81, 220-236.
7. Dong, T.*, N.B., Harris, K., Ayranci, C.E., Twemlow, B.R., Nassichuk, 2015. Porosity characteristics of the Devonian Horn River shale, Canada: Insights from lithofacies classification and shale composition. International Journal of Coal Geology 141-142, 74-90.
8. Dong, T., He, S.*, Yin, S.Y., Wang, D.X., Hou, Y.G., Guo, J.G., 2015. Geochemical characterization of source rocks and crude oils in the Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Changling Sag, southern Songliao Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 64, 173-188.
9. Dong, T.*, He, S., Liu, G.Q., Hou, Y.G., Harris, N.B., 2015. Geochemistry and correlation of crude oils from reservoirs and source rocks in southern Biyang Sag, Nanxiang Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry 80, 18-34.
10. Dong, T.*, He, S., Wang, D. X., 2014, Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Qingshankou Formation, Changling Sag, southern Songliao Basin: Insights from integrated fluid inclusion analysis, oil to source rock correlation and basin modeling. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 90, p.77-87.
11. Dong, T.* and N. B. Harris, 2013, Pore size distribution and morphology in the Horn River Shale, Middle and Upper Devonian, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada, in W. K. Camp, E. Diaz, and B. Wawak, eds., Electron microscopy of shale hydrocarbon reservoirs. AAPG Memoir 102, p. 67-79.
12. 侯宇光,何生,杨香华,段威,朱光辉,许晓明,董田,2015. 澳大利亚波拿巴盆地大陆边缘裂陷期海陆过渡相烃源岩地球化学特征与发育模式. 石油实验地质地质 37, 374-382.
13. 董田,何生,林社卿,2013. 泌阳凹陷核桃园组烃源岩有机地化特征及热演化成熟史. 石油实验地质 35, 187-194.
14. 段威,侯宇光,何生,王冰洁,董田,2011. 澳大利亚波拿巴盆地侏罗系烃源岩热史及成熟史模拟. 地质科技情报 30, 65-71.


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