姓 名 郭清海 性 别 男
出生年月 1978年4月 籍贯
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博导
行政职务 Email qhguo2006@gamil.com
工作单位 邮政编码
郭清海,男,汉族,1978 年4 月19 日生,博士、教授、博士生导师。
2010年05月-2011年05月:加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)地球与环境科学系(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences)
2013年08月-2013年11月:美国地质调查局(US Geological Survey)水资源部(Water Resources Discipline)
1. 中国地质学会青年地质科技奖“金锤奖”(2011年)
2. 国际地球化学协会(IAGC)Ebelmen Award(2010年)
3. 湖北省自然科学一等奖(第二完成人)(2009年)
4. 湖北省优秀博士学位论文(2006年)
5. 中国科学院奖学金(2004年)
1. 国家自然科学基金项目3项(面上项目No. **、No. **;青年科学基金项目No. **)
2. 青海省科技计划项目1项(No. 2013-G-Q08A)
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目3项(特色学科团队No. CUG120113、腾飞计划No. CUG120505、摇篮计划No. CUGL100406)
4. 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目1项(No. )
5. 湖北省自然科学基金项目1项(No. 2007ABA312)
6. 中国博士后科学基金项目2项(特别资助项目No. 、一等资助项目No. )
7. 中德合作科研项目(PPP)1项(No. [2014]6065)
8. 山西省水利厅东山供水工程建管局委托项目1项(No. DSGS(F)-QT-SJ-92(2013))
9. 国家电力投资集团公司科技项目1项(No. 2015-138-HHS-KJ-X)
10. 国家重点实验室自主研究课题/开放课题3项(No. GBL11505、No. SKLEG9012、No. GPMR200714)
1. Qinghai Guo, Britta Planer-Friedrich, Mingliang Liu, Jiexiang Li, Chao Zhou, Yanxin Wang, 2017. Arsenic and thioarsenic species in the hot springs of the Rehai magmatic geothermal system, Tengchong volcanic region, China. Chemical Geology 453, 12-20.
2. Qinghai Guo, Yaowu Cao, Yaqin Zhuang, Yijun Yang, Mindai Wang, Yanxin Wang, 2017. Effective treatment of arsenic-bearing water by a layered double metal hydroxide: iowaite. Applied Geochemistry 77, 206-212.
3. Qinghai Guo, Mingliang Liu, Jiexiang Li, Xiaobo Zhang, Wei Guo, Yanxin Wang, 2017. Fluid geochemical constraints on the heat source and reservoir temperature of the Banglazhang hydrothermal system, Yunnan-Tibet Geothermal Province, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 172, 109-119.
4. Qinghai Guo, Yaowu Cao, Jiexiang Li, Xiaobo Zhang, Yanxin Wang, 2015. Natural attenuation of geothermal arsenic from Yangbajain power plant discharge in the Zangbo River, Tibet, China. Applied Geochemistry 62, 164-170.
5. Qinghai Guo, D. Kirk Nordstrom, R. Blaine McCleskey, 2014. Towards understanding the puzzling lack of acid geothermal springs in Tibet (China): Insight from a comparison with Yellowstone (USA) and some active volcanic hydrothermal systems. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 288, 94-104.
6. Qinghai Guo, Mingliang Liu, Jiexiang Li, Xiaobo Zhang, Yanxin Wang, 2014. Acid hot springs discharged from the Rehai hydrothermal system of the Tengchong volcanic area (China): formed via magmatic fluid absorption or geothermal steam heating? Bulletin of Volcanology 76 (10), 1-12.
7. Qinghai Guo, Jiao Tian, 2013. Removal of Fluoride and Arsenate from Aqueous Solution by Hydrocalumite via Precipitation and Anion Exchange. Chemical Engineering Journal 231, 121-131.
8. Qinghai Guo, Yin Zhang, Yaowu Cao, Yanxin Wang, Weide Yan, 2013. Boron sorption from aqueous solution by hydrotalcite and its preliminary application in geothermal water deboronation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (11), 8210-8219.
9. Qinghai Guo, 2013. Water defluoridation by hydrotalcite and takovite and subsequent formation of new fluoride-bearing phases. Environmental Technology 34 (8), 1053-1062.
10. Qinghai Guo, 2012. Hydrogeochemistry of high-temperature geothermal systems in China: a review. Applied Geochemistry 27 (10), 1887-1898.
11. Qinghai Guo, Eric J. Reardon, 2012. Calcined dolomite: an alternative to lime for minimizing undesirable element leachability from fly ash. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (26), 9106-9116.
12. Qinghai Guo, Eric J. Reardon, 2012. Fluoride removal from water by meixnerite and its calcination product. Applied Clay Science 56, 7-15.
13. Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, 2012. Geochemistry of Hot Springs in the Tengchong Hydrothermal Areas, Southwestern China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 215-216, 61-73.
14. Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, 2009. Trace element hydrochemistry indicating water contamination in and around the Yangbajing Geothermal Field, Tibet, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83 (4), 608-613.
15. Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, Wei Liu, 2009. Hydrogeochemistry and environmental impact of geothermal waters from Yangyi of Tibet, China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 180 (1), 9-20.
16. Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, Wei Liu, 2007. Major hydrogeochemical processes in the two reservoirs of the Yangbajing geothermal field, Tibet, China. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 166 (3-4), 255-268.
17. Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, Teng Ma, Rui Ma, 2007. Geochemical processes controlling the elevated fluoride concentrations in groundwaters of the Taiyuan Basin, Northern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 93 (1), 1-12.
18. Qinghai Guo, Yanxin Wang, Teng Ma, Luxiu Li, 2005. Variation of karst spring discharge in the recent five decades as an indicator of global climate change: a case study at Shanxi, northern China. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences 48 (11), 2001-2010.
19. 郭清海, 王焰新, 2014. 典型新生代断陷盆地内孔隙地下水地球化学过程及其模拟——以山西太原盆地为例. 地学前缘, 21 (4), 83-90.
20. 郭清海, 闫世龙, 蒋方媛, 2005. 太原市深层孔隙水的水化学分带性及其地球化学模拟. 地球科学, 30 (2), 245-249.
21. 郭清海, 王焰新, 马腾, 李录秀, 2005. 山西岩溶大泉近50年的流量变化过程及其对全球气候变化的指示意义. 中国科学D辑, 35 (2), 167-175.
22. Zhu Shu, Qinghai Guo*, Yun Chen, Jun Zhou, Wei Guo, Yaowu Cao, 2017. Accelerated sorption of boron from aqueous solution by few-layer hydrotalcite nanosheets. Applied Clay Science 149, 13-19.
23. Yaowu Cao, Qinghai Guo*, Zhu Shu, Yaqin Zhuang, Zhengyan Yu, Wei Guo, Canhai Zhang, Mingcheng Zhu, Qian Zhao, Tianlin Ren, 2016. Application of calcined iowaite in arsenic removal from aqueous solution. Applied Clay Science 126, 313-321.
24. Mingliang Liu, Qinghai Guo*, Xiaobo Zhang, Yanxin Wang, 2015. Characteristic solutes in geothermal water from the Rehai hydrothermal system, Southwestern China. Journal of Earth Science 26 (1), 140-148.
25. Xiaobo Zhang, Qinghai Guo*, Jiexiang Li, Mingliang Liu, Yanxin Wang, Yijun Yang, 2015. Estimation of Reservoir Temperature Using Silica and Cationic Solutes Geothermometers: A Case Study in the Tengchong Geothermal Area. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 34 (2), 233-240.
26. Jianfei Yuan, Qinghai Guo*, Yanxin Wang, 2014. Geochemical behaviors of boron and its isotopes in aqueous environment of the Yangbajing and Yangyi geothermal fields, Tibet, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 140, 11-22.
27. Yanxin Wang, Qinghai Guo, Chunli Su, Teng Ma, 2006. Strontium isotope characterization and major ion geochemistry of karst water flow, Shentou, northern China. Journal of hydrology 328 (3-4), 592-603.
28. 李洁祥, 郭清海*, 余正艳, 2017. 高温地热系统中粘土矿物形成对Na-K和K-Mg地球化学温标准确性的影响. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 42 (1), 142-154.
29. 王敏黛, 郭清海*, 郭伟, 彭月娥, 赵倩, 2016. 硫代砷化物的合成、鉴定和定量分析方法研究. 分析化学, 44 (11), 1715-1720.
30. 庄亚芹, 郭清海*, 刘明亮, 李洁祥, 周超, 2016. 高温富硫化物热泉中硫代砷化物存在形态的地球化学模拟:以云南腾冲热海水热区为例. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 41 (9), 1499-1510.
31. 李洁祥, 郭清海*, 王焰新, 2015. 高温热田深部母地热流体的温度计算及其升流后经历的冷却过程: 以腾冲热海热田为例. 地球科学——中国地质大学学报, 40 (9), 1576-1584.
32. 王敏黛, 郭清海*, 严维德, 刘明亮, 曹耀武, 李洁祥, 石维栋, 尚小刚, 马月花, 2014. 青海共和盆地中低温地热流体发电. 地球科学——中国地质大学学报, 39 (9), 1317-1322.
33. 天娇, 郭清海*, 2013. 水铝钙石类阴离子黏土在水污染处理领域应用的研究现状. 环境化学, 32 (8), 1571-1579.
1. 郭清海, 曹耀武, 余正艳, 天娇, 张寅. 地热系统来源典型有害组分的阴离子黏土处理. 科学出版社, 2017年6月. pp 198.
2. 郭清海, 马瑞, 王焰新, 马腾. 盆-山地下水系统演化及其水资源-环境效应. 科学出版社, 2010年4月. pp 236.
3. 郭清海, 王知悦(译). 水文地质学原理(Paul F. Hudak著,第三版). 高等教育出版社, 2010年8月. pp 165.
Kanime Abraham Iitembu
Msiska Aaron
1. 中国地质大学(武汉)特色学科团队“高温水热系统中岩浆脱气过程影响下的地热水-岩石相互作用及其环境效应”
2. “生物地质与环境地质”国家重点实验室研究组”高温地热系统环境地质学“
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31
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