

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31

姓 名 郭益铭 性 别 男
出生年月 1975年6月 籍贯
民 族 政治面貌
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博导
行政职务 Email ymkair@gmail.com
工作单位 邮政编码
个人主页 //huanjingxueyuan.gotoip1.com/jiaoshou/661.jhtml

(1)植生滤带(vegetative filter strips)控制面源污染物的研究:
过去在美国攻读博士学位时,曾经在美国佛罗里达州磷矿区应用植生滤带(vegetative filter strips)控制面源污染物(磷和积物)于集水区坡地地表径流的传输。亦在台湾行政院国家科学委员会(现为台湾科技部)资助下主持『沉积物与非点源污染物于植生滤带传输机制之探讨』项目,设置不同植生滤带坡度、植株长度、及植生密度等变量作为不同最佳管理作业的试验组合,探讨不同组合条件于抑制沉积物、径流量及磷污染物传输的效益。也应用VFSMOD模型(可模拟农药、磷、地表径流及积物于植生滤带传输模拟地表径流与磷在植生滤带的迁移转化。累积丰富的现地实验水文与水质资料的采集经验,对面源污染物在土壤及水中的化学特性及模型的操作及模型参数的校正、不确定分析与敏感度分析程序相当熟悉。
b. 项目:汉江中下游潜流带地表水与地下水间氮磷流通量估算及其对汉江水域生态的影响

1. 2013/09 - 至今,中国地质大学(武汉),环境学院,教授
2. 2009/08 - 2013/07,明道大学(台湾),绿环境设计学系,助理教授
3. 2009/02 - 2009/07,中兴大学(台湾),环境保育科技研究中心,助理研究员。
4. 2008/03 - 2009/01, 台湾大学(台湾),生物环境系统工程学系,博士后研究。
5. 2007/012 - 2008/02, 佛罗里达大学(美国),农业及生物工程学系,博士后研究,导师:Rafael Munoz- Carpena。
6. 2003/08 - 2007/08, 佛罗里达大学(美国),农业及生物工程学系,研究助理
7. 2001/04 - 2003/07, 台湾大学(台湾),农业工程学系,研究助理

2003/08-2007/08,佛罗里达大学(美国),农业及生物工程学系,博士,导师:Rafael Munoz- Carpena。

(1)植生滤带(vegetative filter strips)控制面源污染物的研究:
过去在美国攻读博士学位时,曾经在美国佛罗里达州磷矿区应用植生滤带(vegetative filter strips)控制面源污染物(磷和积物)于集水区坡地地表径流的传输。亦在台湾行政院国家科学委员会(现为台湾科技部)资助下主持『沉积物与非点源污染物于植生滤带传输机制之探讨』项目,设置不同植生滤带坡度、植株长度、及植生密度等变量作为不同最佳管理作业的试验组合,探讨不同组合条件于抑制沉积物、径流量及磷污染物传输的效益。也应用VFSMOD模型(可模拟农药、磷、地表径流及积物于植生滤带传输模拟地表径流与磷在植生滤带的迁移转化。累积丰富的现地实验水文与水质资料的采集经验,对面源污染物在土壤及水中的化学特性及模型的操作及模型参数的校正、不确定分析与敏感度分析程序相当熟悉。
b. 项目:汉江中下游潜流带地表水与地下水间氮磷流通量估算及其对汉江水域生态的影响

1. 中国地质大学(武汉)盆地水文过程与湿地生态恢复学术创新基地,BHWER201401(A),汉江中下游潜流带地表水与地下水间磷流通量估算及其对汉江水域生态的影响,2016/1-2018/12,10万,在研,主持。
2. 2015年度湖北省自然科学基金****项目,2015CFA050,南水北调中线与引江济汉工程对汉江中下游水域生态环境的影响,2015/1-2017/12,40万,在研,主持。
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,CUG130616,影响汉江中下游水域富营氧化程度变化的机制探讨,2013/9-2016/12,80万元,在研,主持。
4. 湖北省楚天****(****),2011年,环境工程。
5. 台湾行政院国家科学委员会(现为科技部)项目,NSC102-2313-B-451-002,探讨主要影响武陵溪流中石附生藻类生物量变化的因子,2013/8-2014/7,95万新台币,已结题,主持。
6. 台湾行政院国家科学委员会项目,NSC101-2313-B-451-003,因子分析石门水库藻类丰富度季节性时空变化,2012/8-2013/7,85万新台币,已结题,主持。
7. 台湾行政院国家科学委员会项目,NSC99-2313-B-451-003-MY2,沉积物与非点源污染物于植生滤带传输机制之探讨,20010/8-2012/7,150万新台币,已结题,主持。
8. 台湾行政院国家科学委员会项目,NSC98-2313-B-451-005,植生滤带于减缓沉积物与非点源污染物之效能评估,2009/11-2010/7,70万新台币,已结题,主持。
9. 台湾行政院国家科学委员会项目,NSC97-1013-B-211-001,应用动态因子分析探讨影响垦丁海藻床生长速率的环境因子,2009/2-2009/7,51万新台币,已结题,主持。
10. 台湾大学五年五百亿研究基金,NTU58901,应用动态因子分析探讨影响台湾西南沿海地下水砷污染变化的机制,2008/3-2009/1,70万新台币,已结题,参加。
11. Florida Department of Environmental Protection-Bureau of Mine Reclamation,DEP No. 798181,Field and Data Maintenance of the FL-DEP BoMR Vegetative Filter Strip Research Facility in Homeland, Bartow (FL),2007-2008,40,500美元,已结题,参加。
12. Florida Department of Environmental Protection-Bureau of Mine Reclamation,DEP No. SP633,Using vegetative filter strips to reduce phosphorus runoff transport from reclaimed phosphate mining areas in Central Florida,2003-2007,128900美元,已结题,参加。

1. 第一作者论文(仅不列此项时可删除该标题)
(1) Yi-Ming Kuo, Chuan-Hung Chiu*, Tsung-Yi Pan, Temporal precipitation estimation from nearby radar reflectivity using dynamic factor analysis in the mountainous watershed - a case during Typhoon Morakot. Hydrological Processes. 2014, 28(3): 999-1008. (SCI)
(2) Yi-Ming Kuo, Cheng-Shin Jang, Hwa-Lung Yu, Su-Chin Chen, Chuan-Hung Chiu*, Identifying nearshore groundwater and river hydrochemical variables influencing water quality of Kaoping River Eestuary using dynamic factor analysis. Journal of Hydrology. 2013, 486: 39-47.
(3) Yi-Ming Kuo, Sheng-Wei Wang, Cheng-Shin Jang, Naichia Yeh, Hwa-Lung Yu*, Identifying the factors influencing PM2.5 in southern Taiwan using dynamic factor analysis. Atmospheric Environment. 2011, 45: 7276-7285. (SCI)
(4) Yi-Ming Kuo, Chuan-Hung Chiu*, Tsung-Yi Pan, Hwa-Lung Yu, Investigating common trends of annual maximum rainfalls during heavy rainfall events in southern Taiwan. Journal of Hydrology. 2011, 409: 749-758. (SCI)
(5) Yi-Ming Kuo, Fi-John Chang*, Dynamic factor analysis for estimating groundwater arsenic trends. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2010, 39: 176-184. (SCI)
(6) Yi-Ming Kuo, Hsing-Juh Lin*, Dynamic factor analysis of long-term growth trends of the intertidal seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in southern Taiwan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2010, 86: 225-236. (SCI)
(7) Yi-Ming Kuo, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena*, Simplified modeling of phosphorus removal by vegetative filter strips to control runoff pollution from phosphate mining areas. Journal of Hydrology. 2009, 378: 343–354. (SCI)
(8) Yi-Ming Kuo, Willie G. Harris*, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, Dean Rhue, Yuncong Li, Apatite control of phosphorus release to runoff from soils of phosphate mine reclamation areas. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2009, 202(1-4): 189-198. (SCI)
(9) Yi-Ming Kuo, Chen-Wuing Liu*, Kao-Hung Lin, Evaluation of the ability of an artificial neural network model to assess the variation of groundwater quality in an qrea of blackfoot disease in Taiwan. Water Research. 2004, 38(1): 148-158. (SCI)
2. 通讯作者论文(勿与第一作者论文重复)(仅不列此项时可删除该标题,序号按实际情况编排)
(1) Shi Yu, Yi-Ming Kuo*, Wenyue Du, Shiyi He, Ping-An Sun, Yaqiong Yuan, Rui Li, Youshan Li, The hydrochemistry properties of precipitation in karst tourism city (Guilin). Southwest China. Environmental Earth Science. 2015, 74:1061–1069.
(2) Yan Deng, Yi-Ming Kuo*, Zhongcheng Jiang, Xingming Qin, Zhenjiang Jin, Using stable isotopes to quantify water uptake by Cyclobalanopsis glauca in typical clusters of karst peaks in China. 2015, Environmental Earth Science. 2015, 74:1039–1046.
(3) Hwa-Lung Yu, Yuan-Chien Lin, Bellie Sivakumar, Yi-Ming Kuo*, A study of the temporal dynamics of ambient particulate matter using stochastic and chaotic techniques. Atmospheric Environment. 2013, 69: 37-45. (SCI)
(4) Su-Chin Chen, Yi-Ming Kuo*, Hsiao-Chia Yen, Effects of submerged flexible vegetation and solid structure bars on channel bed scour. International Journal of Sediment Research. 2012, 27: 323-336. (SCI)
(5) Chuan-Hung Chiu, Chuan-Yao Lin, Churn-Jung Liau, Yi-Ming Kuo*, Identify controlling factors of ground-level ozone levels over southwestern Taiwan using a decision Tree. Atmospheric Environment. 2012, 60: 142-152. (SCI)
(6) Chuan-Hung Chiu, Hwa-Lung Yu, Yi-Ming Kuo*, Identifying spatial mixture distributions of PM2.5 and PM10 in Taiwan during and after a dust storm. Atmospheric Environment. 2012, 54: 728-737. (SCI)
(7) Hwa-Lung Yu, Chih-Hsih Wang, Ming-Che Liu, Yi-Ming Kuo*, Estimation of fine particulate matter in Taipei using Landuse Regression and Bayesian Maximum Entropy methods. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2011, 8: 2153-2169. (SCI)
(8) Su-Chin Chen, Yi-Ming Kuo*, Yu-Hsiu Li, Flow characteristics within different configurations of submerged flexible vegetation. Journal of Hydrology. 2011, 398: 124–134. (SCI)
(9) Chen-Wuing Liu, Kao-Hung Lin, Yi-Ming Kuo*, Application of factor analysis in the assessment of groundwater quality in a blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. The Science of the Total Environment. 2003, 313: 77-89. (SCI)
3. 既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文(仅不列此项时可删除该标题,序号按实际情况编排)
(1) Jinou Huang, Menggui Jin*, Yi-Ming Kuo, Zhijiao Di, Yang Xian, Jingjing Yuan, Compartment Model for Estimating Element Content in a Water–Soil–Cotton System. Agronomy Journal. 2015, 108:129–140. (SCI).
(2) Zhao Liu, Yuanyuan Zha, Wenyuan Yang, Yi-Ming Kuo, Jinzhong Yang*, Large-scale modeling of unsaturated flow by stochastic perturbation approach. Vadose Zone J. Accepted Paper, 2015, posted 11/16/2015. doi:10.2136/vzj2015.07.0103. (SCI).
(3) Jui-Pin Tsai, Yu-Wen Chen, Liang-Cheng Chang*, Yi-Ming Kuo, Yu-Hsuan Tu, Chen-Che Pan, High recharge areas in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan (Taiwan) assessed from recharge potential analysis and average storage variation indexes. 2015, Entropy 17(4): 1558-1580. (SCI).
(4) Hwa-Lung Yu, Yuan-Chien Lin, Yi-Ming Kuo*, A time series analysis of multiple ambient pollutants to investigate the underlying air pollution dynamics and interactions. Chemosphere. 2015, 134:571-80. (SCI).
(5) Shi Yu, Wenyue Du, Pingan Sun, Shiyi He, Yi-Ming Kuo, Yaqiong Yuan, Jie Huang, Study on the hydrochemistry character and carbon sink in the middle and upper reaches of the Xijiang River basin, China. Environmental Earth Science. 2015, 74:997–1005.
(6) Gaybullaev, Behzod, Su-Chin Chen*, Yi-Ming Kuo, Water volume and salinity forecasts of the small Aral Sea for the years 2025. Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation. 2013, 44(3): 265 – 270. (EI)
(7) Cheng-Shin Jang*, Shih-Kai Chen, Yi-Ming Kuo, Applying indicator-based geostatistical approaches to determine potential zones of groundwater recharge based on borehole data. Catena. 2012, 101: 178-187. (SCI)
(8) Gaybullaev, Behzod, Su-Chin Chen*, Yi-Ming Kuo, Large-scale desiccation of the Aral Sea due to over-exploitation after 1960. Journal of Mountain Science. 2012, 9(4): 538-546. (SCI)
(9) Cheng-Shin Jang*, Shih-Kai Chen, Yi-Ming Kuo, Establishing an irrigation management plan of sustainable groundwater based on spatial variability of water quality and quantity. Journal of Hydrology. 2012, 414: 201-210. (SCI)
(10) Sheng-Wei Wang, Yi-Ming Kuo, Yu-Hsuan Kao, Cheng-Shin Jang, Sanjoy Kumar Maji, Fi-John Chang, Chen-Wuing Liu*, Influence of hydrological and hydrogeochemical parameters on arsenic variation in shallow groundwater of southwestern Taiwan. Journal of Hydrology. 2011, 408: 286-295. (SCI)
(11) Fi-John Chang*, Li-shan Kao, Yi-Ming Kuo, Chen-Wuing Liu, Artificial neural networks for estimating regional arsenic concentrations in a blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. Journal of Hydrology. 2010, 388: 65-76. (SCI)
(12) Rafael Muñoz-Carpena*, Zuzanna Zajac, Yi-Ming Kuo, Global sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of the water quality model VFSMOD-W. Transactions of the ASABE 2007, 50(5): 1719-1732. (SCI)
(13) Chen-Wuing Liu*, Han-Chen Huang, Shih-Kai Chen, Yi-Ming Kuo, Subsurface return flow and ground water recharge of terrace fields in Northern Taiwan. Journal of American Water Resources Association. 2004, 40(3): 603-614. (SCI)
1. 第一作者论文
(1) 郭益铭,张丽红. 影响高屏溪出海口海域浮游藻类生物量变化的环境指标。第八届地下水资源及水质保护研讨会暨 2014 两岸地下水与水文地质应用研讨会,台湾成功大学2014.11.19-20.
(2) Yi-Ming Kuo, Hsing-Juh Lin, Factors controlling dynamic changes in abundance of epilithic algae in mountain streams of subtropical Taiwan. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2014.04.27-05.02.
(3) Yi-Ming Kuo, Chuan-Hung Chiu, Hwa-Lung Yu, Hsing-Juh Lin, Dynamic factor analysis of environmental systems: III. Applications in environmental management and decision. 29th European Meeting of Statisticians, Budapest, 2013.07.20-25.
(4) Yi-Ming Kuo, Chuan-Hung Chiu, 2013. Identifying the factors affecting phytoplankton abundance dynamics in Shihmen Reservoir, Taiwan. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2013.04.07-04.12.
(5) Yi-Ming Kuo, Cheng-Shin Jang, Su-Chin Chen, Chuan-Hung Chiu, Identifying the dynamic relationship between environmental variables and water quality in the Kaoping River Estuary. MingDao University. 2012.05.18.
(6) Yi-Ming Kuo, Cheng-Shin Jang, Hwa-Lung Yu, Sheng-Wei Wang, NOx, VOCs, and meteorological conditions influencing ozone variation in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. American Geophysical Union, 2011.12.05-09.
(7) Yi-Ming Kuo, Chuan-Hung Chiu, Tsung-Yi Pan, Hwa-Lung Yu, Investigating common trends of the annual maximum rainfalls for 24-hour duration in Southern Taiwan. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, 2011.08.08-12.
(8) Yi-Ming Kuo, Sheng-Wei Wang, Hwa-Lung Yu, Temporal common trends of ambient pollutants at four supersites in Kaohsiung City. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2011.04.03-08.
(9) Yi-Ming Kuo, Su-Chin Chen, Hsiao-Chia Yen, Clear water local scour and flow field around various submerged flexible and solid structures. 2010 ASABE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2010.06.20-23.
(10) Yi-Ming Kuo, Hsing-Juh Lin, Dynamic factor analysis of long-term growth trends of the intertidal seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in southern Taiwan. Symposium on Animal Behavior, Ecology and Biological Education – The Biological Society of China 2010 Joint Annual Conference, ChunHaw. 2010.01.04.
(11) Yi-Ming Kuo, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, Yuncong Li, Vegetative filter strips to control surface runoff phosphorus transport from mining sand tailings in the upper Peace River basin of Central Florida. Symposium on Soil and Water Conservation Technology, MingDao University, 2009.10.26.
(12) Yi-Ming Kuo, Fi-John Chang, Chen-Wuing Liu, Dynamic factor analysis for estimating groundwater arsenic trends, Agricultural Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. 2009.10.02.
(13) Yi-Ming Kuo, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, Willie G. Harris, Yuncong Li, Dean Rhue, Vegetative filter strips to reduce surface runoff phosphorus transport from mining sand tailings in the upper Peace River basin of Central Florida. Sustainable Water Resources: Florida Challenges, Global Solutions Conference, Gainesville, Florida. 2008.2.27-28.
(14) Yi-Ming Kuo, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, Axel Ritter, Modeling phosphorus transport in vegetative filter strips in mining sand tailings. Annual International Meeting of ASABE, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2007.07.17-20.
(15) Kuo,Y.M., Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, Yuncong Li, Runoff water quality pollution and control by vegetative filter strips from phosphate mining áreas. Florida Section ASABE 2007 Annual Conference and Trade Show, St. Pete Beach, Florida. 2007.05.30-06.02.
(16) Yi-Ming Kuo, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, Yuncong Li, K.L. Campbell, J.E. Parsons, Using vegetative filter strips to reduce phosphorus transport in the phosphorus mining area in Central Florida. Annual International Meeting of ASAE, Tampa, Florida. 2005.07.17-20.
(17) Yi-Ming Kuo, Chen-Wuing Liu 2000. Analysis the composition of groundwater quality in Yun-Lin coastal area by multivariate factor analysismethod. Agricultural Engineering Conference, Taiwan. 2000.10.30.

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