姓 名 葛明峰 性 别 男
出生年月 1986年7月 籍贯 湖北仙桃市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 特任教授 导师类别 博导
行政职务 Email fmgabc@163.com
工作单位 机械与电子信息学院 邮政编码 430074
通讯地址 湖北省武汉市鲁磨路388号中国地质大学(武汉)
单位电话 **
个人主页 http://jidian.cug.edu.cn/info/1134/1389.htm
Ming-Feng Ge is currently an associate professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China. He received B.Eng. and Ph.D. degree in Automation and, in Control Theory and Control Engineering, respectively, from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2008 and 2016. His research interests include networked robotic systems, formation tracking, distributed controller-estimator algorithms, and multi-agent networks.
担任多个国内外期刊审稿人,包括:自动化学报,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,Automatica,Neurocomputing,Journal of the Franklin Institute等。
参与国基金面上项目“具有混杂智能特性的多自主体网络动态演化与协调控制研究”; 资助号:**;项目负责人:关治洪教授;2015.01—2018.12。
[1]Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰), Zhi-Hong Guan, Bin Hu, Ding-Xin He, and Rui-Quan Liao. Distributed controller-estimator for target tracking of networked robotic systems under sampled interaction. Automatica, 2016, 69: 410-417. (SCI/EI)
[2]Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰), Cai-Hua Xiong, Zhi-Wei Liu, Jie Liu, and Xiao-Wen Zhao. Coordinated tracking for networked robotic systems via model-free controller-estimator algorithms. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2017, To appear. (SCI/EI)
[3]Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰), Zhi-Hong Guan, Chao Yang, Chao-Yang Cheng, Ding-Fu Zheng, and Ming Chi. Task-space coordinated tracking of multiple heterogeneous manipulators via controller-estimator approaches. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2016, 353: 3722-3738. (SCI/EI)
[4]Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰), Zhi-Hong Guan, Chao Yang, Tao Li, and Yan-Wu Wang. Time-varying formation tracking of multiple manipulators via distributed finite-time control. Neurocomputing, 2016, 202: 20-26. (SCI/EI)
[5]Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰), Zhi-Hong Guan, Tao Li, Ding-Xue Zhang, and Rui-Quan Liao. Robust mode-free sliding mode control of multi-fingered hand with position synchronization in the task space. Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, October 3-5, 2012, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp.571-580. (EI)
[6]Jie Wu, Zhu-Jun Zhou, Xi-Sheng Zhan, Huai-Cheng Yan, and Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰). Optimal modified tracking performance for MIMO networked control systems with communication constraints. ISA Transactions, 2017, 68: 14-21.(SCI/EI)
[7]Jie Chen, Zhi-Hong Guan, Tao Li, Ding-Xue Zhang, Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰), and Ding-Fu Zheng. Multiconsensus of fractional-order uncertain multi-agent systems. Neurocomputing, 2015, 168: 698-705. (SCI/EI)
[8]Jie Liu, Youmin Hu, Bo Wu, Kaibo Zhou, and Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰). An adaptive sliding mode control technology for weld seam tracking. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 10(1): 95-101. (ESCI)
[9]Lei Chen, Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰), Ding-Xin He, Zhi-Hong Guan and Yan-Wu Wang. Synchronization control of multi-finger dexterous hand based on iterative learning control scheme. Proceedings of the 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2014, May 31-June 2, ChangSha, China, pp.1162-1166. (EI)
[10]Youmin Hu, Jie Liu, Bo Wu and Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰). Seam tracking control of welding robotic manipulators based on adaptive chattering-free sliding-mode control technology. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2014, September 1-3, Vienna, Austria, pp.417-420. (EI)
[11] Youmin Hu, Jie Liu, Bo Wu, Kaibo Zhou and Ming-Feng Ge(葛明峰). An adaptive sliding mode controller for synchronized joint position tracking control of robot manipulators. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2015, July 21-23, Colmar, France, pp.239-245. (EI)
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