

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31

姓 名 肖国桥 性 别 男
出生年月 1980年8月 籍贯 孝感市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 理学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务 Email xgqiaocug@gmail.com
工作单位 中国地质大学(武汉) 邮政编码 430074
通讯地址 武汉市洪山区鲁磨路388号
个人主页 http://dxy.cug.edu.cn/content.asp?id=2819

肖国桥,博士,副教授。1980 年 8月生,湖北安陆人。主要从事应用第四纪地质学和地貌学方面的研究,研究兴趣包括青藏高原隆升及其环境效应,黄土古气候学,磁性地层学等。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,博士后面上项目和特别资助各一项。近年来以第一作者及合作者身份在《EPSL》、《QSR》、《GRL》、《CP》、《Palaeo-3》、《科学通报》、《第四纪研究》等刊物上共发表论文30余篇。讲授课程包括:地貌学及第四纪地质学(本科生);北戴河野外实习教学(本科生);秭归野外实习教学(本科生);第四纪环境与全球变化(研究生课程,与其他老师合上)。招收第四纪地质学和地理科学方向的研究生,欢迎报考。

2010.4-2013.7 ,在中国地质大学(武汉)地质学博士后科研流动站工作;
2013.7 年至今,在中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院地理系任教。

2003 年 7 月毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)资源勘查工程基地班,获工学学士学位;
2003-2010 年,中国科学院地球环境研究所硕博连读获第四纪地质学理学博士学位。


担任GSA BulletinScientific ReportsApplied Clay ScienceCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences,《中国科学》、《地球科学》、《古地理学报》、《地质通报》、Journal of Earth ScienceFrontiers of Earth Science等期刊审稿人


• 国家自然科学基金青年基金:西宁盆地晚始新世 - 早中新世湖相沉积记录的早期 C4 植被扩张,项目批准号: ** , 25 万元,项目负责人;
• 中 国 博士后科学基金特别资助:西宁盆地碎屑锆石 U-Pb 年龄谱揭示的东亚冬季风起源,项目批准号: 2012T50641 , 15 万,项目负责人元;
• 中 国 博士后科学基金面上资助:西宁盆地始新世 / 渐新世气候突变过程的古温度重建,项目批准号: , 3 万元,项目负责人

Guoqiao Xiao, Yu Gao, Xinying Zhou, Zhixiang Wang, Xiangjun Liu, Yuqi Sun Detrital-zircon geochronology of the Badain Juran and Tengger Deserts:Implications for provenance of the Chinese Loess Plateau. 2015. Submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
•Chunxia Zhang, Guoqiao Xiao, Zhengtang Guo, Haibin Wu, Qingzhen Hao. Evidence of late early Miocene aridification intensification in the Xining Basin caused by the northeastern Tibetan Plateau uplift. Global and Planetary Change, 2015, 128: 31-46.
•肖国桥,张春霞,郭正堂. 晚渐新世—早中新世青藏高原隆升与东亚季风演化. 自然杂志,2014, 36(3): 165-169.
•肖国强, 杨吉龙, 赵长荣,王强, 胥勤勉, 胡云壮, 秦雅飞, 李静, 肖国桥. 天津滨海地区G2孔磁性地层年代及其构造指示. 地质通报, 2014, 33(10): 1642-1650.
• Huan Yang, Richard D. Pancost, Xinyue Dang, Xinying Zhou, Richard P. Evershed, Guoqiao Xiao, Changyan Tang, Li Gao, Zhengtang Guo, Shucheng Xie. Correlations between microbial tetraether lipids and environmental variables in Chinese soils: Optimizing the paleo-reconstructions in semi-arid and arid regions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2014, 126: 49-69.
• Hong Ao, Mark J. Dekkers, Qi Wei, Xiaoke Qiang, Guoqiao Xiao. New evidence for early presence of hominids in North China. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3, 2403, DOI:10.1038/srep02403.
• Hong Ao, Zhisheng An, Mark J. Dekkers, Yongxiang Li, Guoqiao Xiao, Hui Zhao, Xiaoke Qiang. Pleistocene magnetochronology of the fauna and Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin:Significance for environmental and hominin evolution in North China. Quaternary Geochronology, 2013, 18: 78-92.
• 张克信,王国灿,洪汉烈,徐亚东,王岸,曹凯,骆满生,季军良, 肖国桥 ,林晓 . 青藏高原新生代隆升研究现状 . 地质通报, 2013 , 32(1): 1-18
• 李高军 , 车旭东 , 肖国桥 , 陈忠 . 西宁黄土碎屑锆石年龄特征及其对黄土高原黄土物源的指示意义 . 第四纪研究 , 2013, 33(2): 345-350.
• Kexin Zhang, Guocan Wang, Yadong Xu, Mansheng Luo, Junliang Ji, Guoqiao Xiao , An Wang, Bowen Song, Yinpin Liang, Shangsong Jiang, Kai Cao, Fenning Chen, Ruiming Chen, Yongfeng Yang. Sedimentary Evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Cenozoic and its Response to the Uplift of the Plateau. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2013, 87(2): 555-575.
• Hong Ao, Mark J. Dekkers, Zhisheng An, Guoqiao Xiao , Yongxiang Li, Hui Zhao, Xiaoke Qiang, Hong Chang, Qiufang Chang, Dacheng Wu. Magnetostratigraphic evidence of a mid-Pliocene onset of the Nihewan Formation - implications for early fauna and hominid occupation in the Nihewan Basin , North China . Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013, 59: 30-42.
Guoqiao Xiao , Zhengtang Guo, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Houyuan Lu, Naiqin Wu, Junyi Ge, Qingzhen Hao, Shuzhen Peng, Fengjiang Li, Hemmo A. Abels, Kexin Zhang. Evidence for northeastern Tibetan Plateau uplift between 25 and 20 Ma in the sedimentary archive of the Xining Basin , Northwestern China . Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2012, 317-318: 185–195.
Guoqiao Xiao , Keqing Zong, Gaojun Li, Zhaochu Hu, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Shuzhen Peng, Kexin Zhang. Spatial and glacial–interglacial variations in provenance of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 2012, 39, L20715, doi:10.1029/2012GL053304.
肖国桥 ,张仲石,姚政权 . 始新世 / 渐新世气候转变研究进展 . 地质论评 , 2012, 17(2): 91-105.
• Hong Ao, Zhisheng An, Mark J. Dekkers, Qi Wei, Shuwen Pei, Hui Zhao, Hongli Zhao, Guoqiao Xiao , Xiaoke Qiang, Dacheng Wu, Hong Chang. High-resolution record of geomagnetic excursions in the Matuyama chron constrains the ages of the Feiliang and Lanpo Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin , North China , Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2012, 13, Q08017, doi:10.1029/2012GC004095.
• Zongmin Zhu, Shihong Zhang, Changyan Tang, Haiyan Li, Shucheng Xie, Junliang Ji, Guoqiao Xiao . Magnetic fabric of stalagmites and its formation mechanism. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2012, 13, Q06006, doi:10.1029/2011GC003869.
• Zhengquan Yao, Zhengtang Guo, Guoqiao Xiao , Qiang Wang, Xianyan Wang, Xuefa Shi, Xianyan Wang. Sedimentary history of the western Bohai coastal plain since the late Pliocene: Implications on tectonic, climatic and sea-level changes, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2012,54-55: 192-202.
• Hong Ao, Mark J. Dekkers, Guoqiao Xiao , Xiaoqiang Yang, Li Qin, Xiaodong Liu, Xiaoke Qiang, Hong Chang, Hui Zhao. Different orbital rhythms in the Asian summer monsoon records from North and South China during the Pleistocene. Global and Planetary Change. 2012, 80: 51-60.
• 许晨曦,郝青振,杨石岭, 赵淑 君,周鑫,葛俊逸, 肖国桥 . 黄土高原东南部黄土记录的全新世东亚季风变化 . 地质力学学报, 2011 , 17(2): 175-184.
• Hemmo A. Abels, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Guoqiao Xiao , Roderic Bosboom, Wout Krijgsman. Step-wise change of Asian interior climate preceding the Eocene – Oligocene Transition (EOT). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2011, 299 (3-4): 399-412.
• Hong Ao, Mark J. Dekkers, Li Qin, Guoqiao Xiao . An updated astronomical timescale for the Plio-Pleistocene deposits from ODP Site 1143 and new insights into Asian monsoon evolution. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2011, 30(13-14): 1560-1575.
Guoqiao Xiao , Hemmo A. Abels, Zhengquan Yao, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Frederik J. Hilgen. Asian aridification linked to the first step of the Eocene-Oligocene climate Transition (EOT) in obliquity-dominated terrestrial records ( Xining Basin , China ). Climate of the Past, 2010, 6(4): 501-513.
肖国桥 ,詹涛,葛俊逸 . 地磁极性年表的发展回顾 . 地球科学进展, 2010 , 25(4): 365-373.
肖国桥 ,周新郢,葛俊逸,詹涛,姚政权 . 西宁盆地晚始新世石膏 - 红色泥岩旋回的古环境指示意义 ?. 第四纪研究, 2010 , 30(5): 919-924.
• Zhengquan Yao, Guoqiao Xiao , Haibin Wu, Weiguo Liu, Yukun Chen. Plio-Pleistocene vegetation changes in the North China Plain: Magnetostratigraphy, oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of pedogenic carbonates. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2010, 297, 502-510.
• Zhengtang Guo, Junyi Ge, Guoqiao Xiao , Qingzhen Hao, Haibin Wu, Tao Zhan, Lian Liu, Li Qin, Fangming Zeng, Baoyin Yuan. Comment on “Mudflat/distal fan and shallow lake sedimentation (upper Vallesian–Turolian) in the Tianshui Basin, Central China: Evidence against the late Miocene eolian loess” by A.M. Alonso-Zarza, Z. Zhao, C.H. Song, J.J. Li, J. Zhang, A. Martín-Pérez, R. Martín-García, X.X. Wang, Y. Zhang and M.H. Zhang [Sedimentary Geology 222 (2009) 42–51]. Sedimentary Geology, 2010, 230(1-2), 86-89.
• Shuzhen Peng, LiJun Zhu, Guoqiao Xiao , Yansong Qiao, Zhidong Gao, Dongdong Chen. Magnetostratigraphy and provenance of the Qingzhou loess in Shandong province. Journal of Arid Land. 2011, 3(3): 184?190.
• Hong Ao, Chenglong Deng, Mark J. Dekkers, Qingsong Liu, Li Qin, Guoqiao Xiao , Hong Chang. Astronomical dating of the Xiantai, Donggutuo and Maliang Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin (North China) and implications for early human evolution in East Asia . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2010, 297(1), 129-137.
• Yao Zhengquan, Xiao Guoqiao , Liang Meiyan. Global cooling controls on the chemical weathering as evidenced from the Plio-Pleistocene deposits of the North China Plain. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(9): 787-790 [ 姚政权, 肖国桥 ,梁美艳 . 华北平原 BZ2 钻孔沉积物的常量元素地球化学组成与化学风化 . 科学通报, 2009 , 54(21): 3400-3403].
2009 年以前
• Zhengtang Guo, Bin Sun , Zhongshi Zhang , Shuzhen Peng , Guoqiao Xiao , Junyi Ge , Qingzhen Hao , Yansong Qiao , Meiyan Liang , Jinfeng Liu , Qiuzhen Yin and Jianjing Wei. A major reorganization of Asian climate by the early Miocene. Climate of the Past, 2008, 4: 1-22.
肖国桥 ,郭正堂,陈宇坤,姚政权,邵永新,王旭龙,郝青振,卢演俦 . 渤海湾西岸 BZ1 钻孔的磁性地层学研究 . 第四纪研究, 2008 , 28(5): 909-916.
• 尹秋珍 , 肖国桥 , 郭正堂 , 葛俊逸 , 郝青振 , 袁宝印 . 风尘堆积常见的同沉积和沉积后改造特征及其环境意义 . 第四纪研究 , 2007, 27(2): 295-302.
• 周鑫 , 郭正堂 , 彭淑贞 , 郝青振 , 肖国桥 , 葛俊逸 , 秦利 . 西峰剖面午城黄土古风化强度变化与早更新世季风环境演化 . 第四纪研究 , 2007, 27(4): 645-650.
• 袁宝印,郭正堂,郝青振,彭淑贞,乔彦松,吴海斌, 肖国桥 ,葛俊逸,孙斌,周鑫,尹秋珍,梁美艳,秦利,刘恋,姚政权,刘东生 . 2007. 天水-秦安一带中新世黄土堆积区沉积-地貌演化 . 第四纪研究, 27(2): 161-171.
• 姚政权,郭正堂,陈宇坤, 肖国桥 ,邵永新,王旭龙, 郝青振,卢演俦,安芷生, 2006. 渤海湾海陆交互相沉积的磁性地层学研究 . 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 26(1): 9-15.



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