姓 名 谢小青 性 别 女
出生年月 1970年6月 籍贯 山东单县
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 经济学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务 Email cathywh@163.com
工作单位 中国地质大学(武汉)公共管理学院 邮政编码 430074
通讯地址 武汉市洪山区鲁磨路388号
09/2003——07/2006 经济学博士中南财经政法大学
09/2000——07/2003 工商管理硕士中南财经政法大学
09/1996——12/1999 国际金融学士中南财经政法大学
03/2011——至今 中国软科学研究会常务理事
2019 ——至今 中国财政学会农村分会理事
2017——至今 湖北财政学会专家
03/2013——至今 湖北省人社厅专家委员会专家
05/2012——05/2013 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学社会政策研究中心,高级访问****
10/2008——01/2012 武汉大学公共管理博士后流动站从事博士后研究
1.2019-2020,国家外专局“一带一路”合作研究项目, “巴基斯坦的债务与投资潜力对中国企业在中巴经济走廊投资的影响研究”,项目编号:G,项目负责人.
2.2018-2019, 国家外专局“一带一路”合作研究项目, “合作与双赢:中巴经济走廊与区域经济发展”,项目编号:DL**,项目负责人.
3. 2017-2018, 国家外专局“一带一路”合作研究项目, “中巴经济走廊框架下就业与社会保障政策比较研究”,项目编号:DL2017ZGDZ[WH]029,项目负责人.
4. 2016-2017, 中国财政学会项目, “财政扶贫政策评价研究”,项目负责人.
6.2012-2015, 教育部人文与科学研究规划一般项目, “农村剩余劳动力转移就业培训评价研究”,项目编号:12YJA630156,项目负责人.
7.2014-2015,湖北省人文社科重点研究基地创业与就业研究中心重点研究课题, “农民工就业质量评估指标体系研究”,项目编号:3**7,项目负责人.
11. 2008-2009, 参与世界银行援助中国经济改革项目,“就业支出评价研究”(排名第二).
Khizar Abbass, Xiaoqing Xie, Deyi Xu, Khalid Manzoor Butt, Assessing an empirical relationship between energy poverty and domestic health issues: A multidimensional approach,Energy, 221(2021),
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.119774, (通讯作者,SCI检索,T1).
2.Kyunghee Lee, Xiaoqing Xie, Associations between home learning environment and mental health for young children living in China, Social Work in Mental Health, 2018(16),284-302.doi.org/10.1080/**.
3.Xiaoqing Xie, Khalid Manzoor Butt, Win-win and Development: Research on Social Responsibility of China’s Enterprises Invested in Pakistan, Proceedings of International Conference on Migration and Displacement 2017, Government College
University Lahore, Pakistan, November 14-16, 2017.
4.Khalid Manzoor Butt, Xiaoqing Xie, Nadeem Abbas, Local Government System of
Wuhan (People’s Republic of China), The Journal of Political Science, 2017, vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅤ, p.52-75.
5.Khalid Manzoor Butt, Xiaoqing Xie, Zaighum Abbas, China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor: Perspectives from Gilgit-Baltistan, The Journal of Political Science, 2017, vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅤ, p.20-39.
6.Xiaoqing Xie, Muhammad Ahmed Qadri, An Empirical Analysis of Effects of ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor on Economic Growth and Employment in Pakistan, International Conference on Diversity and Peace:Challenges for Social
Discourse, University of Karachi, Pakistan, Nov.7-8, 2017.
7.谢小青, 黄晶晶. 基于PSR模型城市创业环境评价分析:以武汉为例,中国软科学, 2017(2):172-182.
8.Xiaoqing Xie, Mominyar Khalid. Government Patronage of Human Resource Development in China: Policy Evaluation and Recommendations, The Journal of Political Science, 2016, vol.ⅹⅹⅹⅳ, p.39-48.
9.Xiaoqing Xie, Changqian Ma, Jiang Yuan. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: The Flagship Project of One Belt One Road, Proceedings of International Conference on Inter-Regional Connectivity: South Asia and Central Asia, GC University Lahore,
Pakistan,November 9-11, 2016.
10.Xie Xiaoqing, Lv Shanshan. Empirical Research on Employment Quality of Transferred Surplus Rural Labor Force in Poverty Areas of China: An Example from the West of Hubei Province, China Soft Science, 2015,(12): 63-74.
11.Xiaoqing Xie, Changqian Ma, Jiangfeng Li. Research on EmploymentOpportunities under the Framework of China Pakistan Economic Corridor, International Conference on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, held in Centre of Excellence China Studies, GC University Lahore, Pakistan,December 9-10, 2015.
12.谢小青. 在职培训投资调查研究,财政研究, 2009(9):45-46.
13.Xie Xiaoqing, Xu Chengzhen. Peasants’ willing and Policy Choices of the new type of rural cooperative medical care system, China Soft Science, 2009(9):60-67.
14.Xie Xiaoqing. Constructing the Sustainable Operation Mechanism of School Enterprise Training Mode in China, Public Finance Research, 2008(10): 61-63.
15.Xie Xiaoqing, Feng Guilin. Research on Obstacle and countermeasure of Social Insurance Choices during Rural Migrant Workers’ Urbanization-for the example of Hubei, Jianghan Tribune, 2009(7):135-139.
16.Xie Xiaoqing, Huang Shuang. Research on Mechanism of Action of Non-governmental Organization in the Earthquake Disaster Relief—the Example of Yushu Earthquake, 2011 International Conference on Earth Sciences and Engineering
(ICESE 2011), Hong Kong, China, February, 2011.
17. Pi Xingcan, Xie Xiaoqing, Liu Yunlang, Lu Haijian and Li Guannan. The research on mechanism of post-earthquake property disposal — Example of Beichuan, 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
(ICMMME 2011), June, 2011 (Included by The Engineering Index).
18.Xie Xiaoqing, Su Xiaohong. Research on Public Hospital Reform and Medical Staff Incentive Mechanism in China, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, Vols. 55-57, P.737-741 (Included by The Engineering Index).
19.Xie Xiaoqing. A Study of the Re-employment Training Model of America and its Enlightenment, The International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010), May, 2010(Included by The Engineering Index).
20.Xie Xiaoqing. Research on the Effect of Microcredit on the survival Entrepreneurship in China, The International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010), May, 2010 (Included by The Engineering Index).
21.Xie Xiaoqing. Research on Survival Entrepreneurship Development in China -- Based on a Field Investigation in Wuhan, China, International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2009), Sep, 2009 (Included by The
Engineering Index).
22.Xie Xiaoqing. A Field Study on New Rural Cooperative Medical System in China, International Conference on Management and Service Science, Sep, 2009 (Included by The Engineering Index).
23.Xie Xiaoqing and Dwyer, W. . The effect of Investment in Human Capital on Employment in China, International Conference on Management and Service Science, Sep, 2009 (Included by The Engineering Index).
24.Xie Xiaoqing and Dwyer, W. An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of FDI on Employment in China, Management Track within WICOM: Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management, Oct, 2008 (Included by the Engineering Index).
25.Xie Xiaoqing, Shuai Chuanmin. An Analysis of Enterprise Investment in On-the-Job Training--Based on a Field Investigation in Wuhan, China, The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Oct, 2008 (Included by The Engineering Index).
26.Shuai Chuanmin, Xie Xiaoqing. Research on the Management Efficiency of Poverty Reduction Projects in Rural China-- Based on an Empirical Analysis of Different Models, The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Oct, 2008(Included by The Engineering Index).
27.Xie Xiaoqing and Dwyer, W. Solving China’s growing employment problem: is investment in human capital the answer?, presented at All China Economics Conference, City University Hong Kong, December, 2007.
28.Xie Xiaoqing and Dwyer, W. The impact of FDI on employment: Some Evidence from China, presented at All China Economics Conference, City University Hong Kong, December, 2006.
29.Xie Xiaoqing. Investment in Physical Capital, Investment in Health and Economic Growth in China, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2005(1):23-29.
30.谢小青. 中国外商直接投资对就业的影响,统计与决策, 2005(8):72-74.
31.Xie Xiaoqing, Zhao Man. Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasure of Re-employment Training in China, Hubei Social Sciences, 2005(8):78-80.
32.Zhao Man, Xie Xiaoqing. A Theoretical Model of the Effect of Investment in Human Capital on Employment, Employment and Social Security, 2005(2): 4-10.
33.Xie Xiaoqing. Human Capital Property Right and Building Incentive Mechanism of Managers, Academic Exchange and Trends, 2004(8):20-23.
34.Xie Xiaoqing (Coauthor). Rural Migrant Works Social Security, Hubei People’s Press, 2008.
1.Xie Xiaoqing. Investment in Human Capital and Employment Promotion, China
University of Geosciences Press, 2007.
2.Xie Xiaoqing. Research on Motivation Mechanism of Employment Training: Based on Multiple Subject Perspective, Renmin Press, China, 2012.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31
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