

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31

黄 刚, 教 授,博士生导师;
-2016.12--至今, 中国地质大学数理学院教授;
-北京科技大学,硕士,2008 ;
本科生课程:《线性代数》《概论统计 》(全校本科生)
《常微分方程》 《数学规划》 (数学专业本科生)
-International workshop on epidemic dynamics and its stability analysis, Sep. 6-8, 2013, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China.
1,Gang Huang, Wanbiao Ma, Yasuhiro Takeuchi: Global properties for virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response,Applied Mathematics Letters,22(2009), pp. 1690-1693.(SCI,高被引论文
2,Gang Huang, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Wanbiao Ma, Daijun Wei: Global stability for delay SIR and SEIR epidemic Models with nonlinear incidence rate,Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 72(2010), pp.1192-1207. (SCI,高被引论文
3,Gang Huang, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Wanbiao Ma: Lyapunov functionals for delay differential equations model of viral infections,SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 70(2010), pp. 2693-2708. (SCI,高被引论文
4,Gang Huang, Wanbiao Ma, Yasuhiro Takeuchi: Global analysis for delay virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAangelis functional response,Applied Mathematics Letters. 24(2011), pp. 1199-1203. (SCI,高被引论文
5,Gang Huang, Yasuhiro Takeuchi: Global analysis on delay epidemiological dynamic models with non-linear incidence,Journal of Mathematical biology. 63(2011) pp.125-139. (SCI)
6,Gang Huang, Hiroki Yokoi, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Tsuyoshi Kajiwara, Toru Sasaki: Impact of intracellular delay, immune activation delay and nonlinear incidence on viral dynamics,Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 28(2011), pp. 385-411(SCI)
7,Jinliang Wang,Gang Huang, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Shengqiang Liu: SVEIR epidemiological model with varying infectivity and distributed delays,Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 8(2011), pp. 873-886. (SCI)
8,Gang Huang, Xianning Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi: Lyapunov functions and global stability for age-structured model of HIV infection,SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 1(72), 2012, pp.25-38. (SCI)
9,Jinliang Wang,Gang Huang, Yasuhiro Takeuchi: Global asymptotical stability for HIV-1 dynam- ics with two distributed delays,Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA, Sep;29(3), 2012, pp. 283-300。(SCI)
10,Gang Huang, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Rinko Miyazaki: Stability conditions for a class of delay di?erential equations in single species population dynamics,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B,7(17), 2012, pp.2451-2464. (SCI)
11,Gang Huang, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Andrei Korobeinikov: HIV evolution and progression of the infection to AIDS,Journal of Theoretical Biol ogy,307(2012), pp. 149-159.(SCI)
12,Gang Huang, Edoardo Beretta, Yasuhiro Takeuchi: Global stability for epidemic model with constant latency and infectious periods,Mathematical Bioscience and Engineering, 2(9), 2012, pp. 297-312. (SCI)
13, Jinliang Wang, Jian Zu, Xianning Liu,Gang Huang, Jimin Zhang: Global Dynamics of multi-group epidemic model with general relapse distribution and nonlinear incidence rate,Journal of Biology System, 20, 235(2012), pp. 235-258. (SCI)
14,Gang Huang, Anping Liu: A note on global stability for a heroin epidemic model with distributed delay, Applied Mathematics Letters, 26(2013), pp.687-691.(SCI)
15, Qingnian Zhang, Wei Dong, Guohong Shi,Gang Huang: A new random ˉxed point theorem,Journal of Hebei Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 29(2005), pp. 544-549, (In Chinese).
16 Fanrui Li(研究生), Yueping Dong,Gang Huang*, Yasuhiro Takeuchi: Apoptosis in virus infection dynamics models,Jouranl of Biology Dynamics, 8(1),2014,pp.20-41.(SCI)
17,Gang Huang, Jinliang Wang, Jian Zu, Global dynamics of multi-group dengue disease model with latency distributions,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,2015,13,.pp.2703-2718(SCI)
18, Jian Zu, Bo Zu,Gang Huang, Coevolution in a predator-prey system, Proceeding of the 7thConference on Biological Dynamic System and Stability of Differential Equation, 2010,Volume I, pp.475-485, (CPCI);
19, Ling Xu, Bing Li,Gang Huang, A note onstabilityproperties of a delayed viral infection model with lytic immune response,Proceedings of the 5thInternational Congress on Mathematical Biology(ICMB2011), 2011,Volume 3: pp.38-43,(ISTP);
20, Yueping Dong,Gang Huang, Rinko Miyazaki, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Dynamics in a tumor immune system with time delays,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015,252 99–113.(SCI)
21, Linli Zhang,Gang Huang, Anping Liu, and Ruili Fan, Stability Analysis for a Fractional HIV Infection Model with Nonlinear Incidence,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,Volume 2015, Article ID 563127; (SCI)
22, Gang Huang,Urszula Forys, Anping Liu, Global stability analysis of some nonlinear delay differential equations in population dynamics,Journal of Nonlinear Sciences,2016, 26, pp.27-41. (SCI,二区)
23,Jian Zu, Jinliang Wang,Gang Huang,Evolutionary Diversification of Prey and
Predator Species Facilitated by Asymmetric Interactions,PLOS ONE,DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.** September 29, 2016, (SCI,二区)
24,Zijun Wen,Gang Huang*, Global Stability of a Delay Predator-Prey Model with Diffusion and Stage Structure, Mathematica Applicata, 2017, 30(3): 475-481.
25,Chenguang Nie,Gang Huang*, Global dynamics of SIR Epidemic model with time delay, 2018, 31(4):941-948.
26, Gang Huang,Yueping Dong, A note on global properties for a stage structured predator-prey model with mutual interference,Advances in Difference Equations, (2018), 2018:308. (SCI)
27, Min Yu,Gang Huang, Yueping Dong, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Complicated dynamics of tume-immune system interactions model with distributed time delay, submitted, 2018.
28,Gang Huang, Chenguang Nie, Yueping Dong, Global stability for an SEI model of infectious diseases with immigration and age structure in susceptibility, submitted, 2018.
29, Xinzhe Zhang,Gang Huang, Yueping Dong, Dynamical analysis on a predator-prey model with stage structure and mutual interference, submitted, 2018.

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