

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31

陈刚,博士生导师,物理学教授;2002年入选“湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程第二层次人选”;中国物理学会会员,湖北省物理学会常务理事。主要从事相对论重离子碰撞物理、中高能核物理、高能非线性物理的研究工作和物理学的教学工作。发表教学论文24篇和科研论文80篇,主编和参编教材6部。先后四次应邀赴荷兰奈梅亨大学参加欧洲核子研究中心NA22和L3两个国际实验组的合作研究;赴美国Texas A&M University访问一年。主持和参加国家自然科学基金等各类科研项目16项。获得“湖北省自然科学奖二等奖”一项。获得“湖北省优秀教学奖三等奖”一项。
1978/03-1982/01,在华中师范大学物理系学习,本科毕业, 获理学学士学位
1996/09-1998/12,在华中师范大学粒子物理所理论物理专业, 获理学硕士学位
2008/05–2009/05,美国TEXAS A&M大学,加速器研究所,研究访问****
1982/02–1999/09,长江大学 物理系,助教/讲师/副教授
主讲 物理学导论、理论力学、大学物理、近代物理学等本科生课程
主讲 高等量子力学、 粒子物理学、 量子统计等研究生课程
[1]高能强子-强子碰撞中非线性现象的研究, 1999年, 主要成员,“中国-荷兰”国际横向项目:99CDP0011
[2]高能软、硬过程中非线性动力学比较研究,1999年, 主要成员,国家自然科学基金:**
[3]正负电子对撞中非线性特性的研究2000,2001年, 主要成员,”中国-荷兰” 国际横向项目:00CDP009
[4] 喷注内的动力学性质及软硬过程的比较研究,2001年,主要成员 ,湖北省教育厅重点项目:2001A45003
[5]多重产生动力学起伏特性的研究2002年, 主要成员,”中国-荷兰” 国际横向项目:02CDP011
[6]高能碰撞中喷注的动力学特性研究, 2000-2001年, 主持,湖北省教育厅重点项目:2000A45008
[7]高能碰撞中喷注的分形结构的研究, 2002, 主持,湖北省教育厅重大项目:2002Z04003
[9]胶子喷注与夸克喷注内部非线性特性的研究 2003年, 主持,湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程入选人员科研项目:鄂人(2003)31号
[10]高能碰撞中多粒子末态的非线性特性研究 2003-2005主持,湖北省高校优秀中青年科技创新团队资助计划项目:鄂教科(2003)7-16
[11]胶子与夸克喷注碎裂特性的研究, 2003年, 主要成员(2),国家自然科学基金(面上项目):**,24万
[12]胶子喷注与夸克喷注内部非线性特性的研究, 2004年,主持,国家自然科学基金(学部主任基金):** .
[13]相对论重离子碰撞和瞬子引发深度非弹产生的强作用物质性质的研究,2007年, 主要成员(2),国家自然科学基金(面上项目):**.
[14]基于最新的宇宙线观测数据对暗物质性质进行研究,2013年, 主要成员(2),国家自然科学基金(青年项目):**.
[15]用Dyson-Schwinger方程方法研究高密度夸克物质状态方程并应用于计算致密星性质,2013年, 主要成员(2),国家自然科学基金(青年项目):**
[1]“高能软、硬过程多粒子末态的分形性质”,湖北省自然科学奖 二等奖(5),奖证编号:2001Z-030-2-011-003-R05}(2002)。
[2]高能碰撞喷注内部的非线性动力学特性, 教育部登记成果,登记号:360-
[1] Chen Gang, Liu Lianshou and Gao Yanmin(NA22),《Self-affinescaling fromnon-intger phase-space partition inπ+ p and k+p collisions at 250Gev/c》,Phys. Lett., B431:451-458 (1998).
[2] Chen Gang, Liu Lianshou and Gao Yanmin,《On the Factorial Moment Analysis of High Energy Experimental Data with Non-integer partition Number》,Int. J Mod. Phys., A 14(23)} 3687-3697(1999).
[4]陈刚,刘连寿和高燕敏,《高能碰撞实验数据在非整数分割时的阶乘矩分析》,高能物理与核物理23(6):552-560 (1999).
[5] Liu Lianshou, Chen Gang,《A monte Carlo study of the Dynamical Flucaulation proporty of the Hadronic System inside Jets》,Phys.Rev. D63:054002(2001).
[6] Chen Gang, Hu Yuan, Liu Lianshou, W. Kittel, W.J. Metzger(L3 Collab.),《Measurement of the scaling property of factorial moments in hadronic Z decay》, in Proc. of the XXXI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Datong Sept. 2001, eds.(WORLD SCIENTIFIC).
[7] Chen Gang and Liu Lian-shou,《Comparison of different methods in the study of dynamical fluctuations in high energy e+e- collisions》,Phys.Rev. D65: 094030 (2002) .
[8]陈刚,张昆实和刘连寿,《e+e-碰撞中喷注内部动力学起伏特性的研究》,中国科学A 32(12)(2002)
[9] Chen Gang, Liu Lianshou,《A Monte Carlo Study of the Levy Stability and Multifractal Spectrum in e+e- collisions》,Chinese Physics Lett. 19(9):1271(2002).
[10] Zhang kun shi, Chen Gang, Liu Lianshou,《A Monte Carlo Study on the Danamical fluctuations Inside Quark and Antiquark Jets》,Int. J. M.Phys. A17(30):4543 (2002) .
[13] Chen Gang Zhang kunshi and Liu Lianshou,《A study of the dynamical-fluctuation property inside jets in e+ e- collision》,SCIENCE IN CHINA G 46(3),(2003).
[14] Chen, G; Hu, Y; Kittel, W; Liu, LS; Metzger, W J(L3 Collab.)《Scaling property of the factorial moments in hadronic Z decay》in Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Multiparticle production, Iraklion,Greece, Jun 08-15. 2002, eds.(Correlations & Fluctuations In QCD 23-32 ( 2003) .
[15] Liu Lianshou, Chen Gang, Fu qinhua《On the scale of visible jets in high energy electron-positron collisions》in Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Multiparticle production, Iraklion,Greece, Jun 08-15. 2002, eds.(Correlations & Fluctuations In QCD 73-78,(2003).
[16] Chen Gang and Liu Lianshou《A Monte Carlo Study of the gluon and quark jets with defferent Hardness In three jet Events Identified By b-tag Method》J. Phys. G,. 30 :1399(2004) .
[17]陈刚,刘连寿《夸克喷注和胶子喷注硬度特性的研究》高能物理与核物理 28(5)(2004).
[18] Chen Gang, Liu Lianshou,《A monte carlo study on cone-angle property of the quark-and gluon-jet identified by b-tag method》,Chin. Phys.Lett.,22(4):83(2005).
[19] He Kai- Hua,Zheng Guang,LüTao,Chen Gang,Ji Guang- Fu《Effect of high pre s sure son structural, electro nic a nd optical prop ertie s of BN na notube》,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,Vol . 55 ,No. 6:2908-2913(2006).
[20]He Kai- Hua,Zheng Guang,Chen Gang,《First Principles Study o f the Elasc , Electronic and Optical Properties of CdO under Pressure》,CHINSE JOURNAL OF HiGH PR ESSURE PHSICS,21 (3):299-304(2007).
[21]魏会领,陈刚,《夸克喷注与胶子喷注的角分布特性的研究》,高能物理与核物理,31(11) 907-912(2007).
[22]Chen Gang, Yu Mei-Ling and Liu Lian-Shou,《On the jet production scale in e+e- collisions》, I. J.M. Physics E16(10), 3386-3394(2007).
[23] He Kai- Hua,Zheng Guang,Chen Gang,《Effects of single oxygen vacancy on electronic structure and ferromagnetism for V-doped TiO》,Solid State Communications 144 :54-57 (2007) .
[24] He Kai- Hua,Zheng Guang,Chen Gang,《Ab initio study of structural, electronic and optical properties of MnHg(SCN)4 and FeHg(SCN)4-》,Physica B 390:231–235(2007).
[25]Li Di-Kai, Chen Gang, Wei Hui-Ling,《Energy dependence of on-linear dynamical features in e+e- collisions》,Chinese Physics C , 32(7), 552-556(2008).
[26] Wei Hui-Ling, Chen Gang, Tian Feng-Ge,《Study on the geometrical characteristics of jets With the HBT Correlation Method in e+e- Collisions at 91.2 GeV》,I. J. M. Physics E17(8), 1467-1475(2008).
[27] He Kai- Hua,Zheng Guang,Chen Gang,《Fist Principles Study of the Electronic Structure and Ferromagnetism of the V-DOPED BN(5, 5) Nanotube》,Modern Physics Letters B, 22(18 ):1749–1756(2008).
[28] He Kai- Hua,Zheng Guang,Chen Gang,《The electronic structure and ferromagnetism of TM (TM?V, Cr,and Mn)-doped BN(5, 5) nanotube: A first-principles study》, Physica B 403: 4213–4216(2008).
[29]Tian Feng-Ge, Chen Gangand Wei Hui-Ling,《The Hardness Spectrum of Quark- and Gluon-jets,Produced by Different Flavor Quarks》,I. J. M. Physics A 23(26), 4337–4343(2008).
[30] Chen Gang, Yu MeiLing and Liu LianShou,《A Monte Carlo study on the production scale and internal structure of jets in high energy collisions》, Chinese Science Bulletin,vol. 53 (24 ), 3808-3815(2008).
(陈刚,喻梅凌,刘连寿,《高能碰撞中喷注的结构及其产生标度》,科学通报,53(21)(2008) 554-2561.)
[31] Chen Gang, Li Di-Kai and Liu Lian-Shou,《Energy dependence of L′evy stability and multifractal,spectrum in e+e? collisions》, Eur. Phys. J. A 37, 227–232(2008).
[32] Chen Gang, Li Di-kai1 and Liu Lian-shou,《The power spectrum of anomalous scaling in a high-energy e+–e? collision and double-Hurst exponent fractal》,J. Phys. G 35,65002: 1-12(2008).
[33] Li Di-kai,Chen Gang and Liu Lian-Shou,《高能碰撞末态粒子相空间分形特性与HURST指数的研究》,中国科学G,40(4)387-512(2010)。
[34] Chen Gang Wei Hui-Ling,《Comparison of the Geometrical Characters Inside Quark- and Gluon-jet Produced by Different Flavor Quarks》,I. J. M. Physics E,vol.20(3) 667-678(2011).
[35] Li De-sheng,Tian Feng-Ge and Chen Gang,《Study on the Method of Mini-jet Identification in relativistic heavy ion collisions》,Chinese Physics C.Vol.25(9),(2011) 1-5,http:// arxiv.org/ abs/1102.5469.
[36]Yu-Liang Yan, Gang Chen,… Ben-Hao Sa,《Predictions for the production of light nuclei inppcollisions at √s= 7 and 14 TeV》,Phys. Rev. C 85, 024907 (2012).
[37]Chen Gang*,Yu-Liang Yan, De-Sheng Li, Dai-Mei Zhou, Mei- Juan Wang,Bao-Guo Dong, and Ben-Hao Sa,《Antimatter production in central Au+Au collisions at√SNN= 200 GeV》,Phys. Rev. C86 054910( 2012).
[38]Wang Mei-juan, Chen Gang,Wu Yuan-fang,《Eccentricity and elliptic flow at a fixed centrality in Au+Au collisions at √SNN= 200 GeV in an AMPT model》, Chinese Physics C, Vol. 37, No.1,014104, (2013).
[39] Chen Gang*, Huan Chen, Juan Wu, De-Sheng Li, and Mei-Juan Wang,《Centrality dependence of light (anti) nuclei and hypertriton production in Au+Au collisions at√SNN= 200 GeV》, Phys.Rev.C88, 034908 (2013).
[40]Xie Yi-Long, Chen Gang*, Wang Jiang-Ling, Liu Zhao-Hui,Wang Mei-Juan,Scaling properties of multiplicity fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions simulated by AMPT model,Nuclear Physics A 920 , 33, (2013).
[41]Chen Zheng-Yu, Chen Gang*, Wang Mei-Juan,《Study on the Energy Dependence of the source size of Jets by the HBT Correlation Method in e+e- collisions》, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 45 (5)(2014).
[42]Chen Gang*, Chen Huan, Wang Jiang-Ling and Chen Zheng-Yu,《Scaling Properties of light (anti) nuclei and (anti )hypertriton production, in Au+Au collisions at√SNN= 200 GeV》,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.41(2014) 115102,arXiv:1401.6872v1,(2014).
[43]Wang Jiang-Ling, Li Di-Kai, Li Hai-Junand Chen Gang*,《The energy dependence of antiparticle to particle ratiosin high energyppcollisions》,International 1 Journal of Modern Physics E,Vol. 23, No. 12 (2014) **。
[44]Mei-Juan Wang, Gang Chen, Yuan-Fang Wu, and Guo-Liang Ma,《Rapidity bin multiplicity correlations from a multi-phase transport Model》, Eur. Phys. J. A (2016) 52: 46.
[45]Zi-qiang Zhang, De-fu Hou, YanWu, and Gang Chen,《v2 Corrections to the Jet Quenching Parameter》, Advances in High Energy Physics, (2016)**.
[46] She Zhilei, Chen Gang*, Xu Hongge, Zeng Tingting, and Li Dikai,《Centrality dependence of light (anti)nuclei and (anti)hypertriton production in Pb-Pb collisions at√sNN = 2.76 TeV》, Eur.Phys.J. A (2016) 52: 93.
[47] Zi-qiang Zhang, De-fu Hou and Gang Chen,《Heavy quark potential and jet quenching parameter in a D-instanton background》,Eur. Phys. J. A (2016) 52: 357.
[48]Zi-qiang Zhang, De-fu Hou, YanWu, and Gang Chen,《Holographic Schwinger Effect in a Confining D3-Brane Background with Chemical Potential》,Advances in High Energy Physics, (2016) **,.
[49] Mei-Juan Wang, Gang Chen, Guo-Liang Ma,Yuan-Fang Wu,《Pseudorapidity dependence of short-range correlations from a multi-phase transport model》,Chinese Physics C 40(3)(2016) 034105.
[50] Zi-qiang Zhang, De-fu Hou, Gang Chen, The effect of chemical potential on imaginary potential and entropic force, Phys. Lett. B 768 (2017) 180–186.
[51] Zi-qiang Zhang, De-fu Hou, Gang Chen, Heavy quark potential from deformed AdS5 models, Nuclear Physics A 960 (2017) 1–10.
[52] Zi-qiang Zhang, Chong Ma, De-fu Hou, and Gang Chen,Heavy Quark Potential with Hyperscaling Violation, Advances in High Energy Physics, (2017) **, 7
[53] Zi-qiang Zhanga,, Chong Maa, De-fu Houb, Gang Chen, R2 corrections to holographic Schwinger effect, Annals of Physics 382 (2017) 1–10
[54] Zi-qiang Zhang, De-fu Hou and Gang Chen, Holographic Schwinger effect with a moving D3-brane, Eur. Phys. J. A (2017) 53: 51
[55]Zi-qiang Zhang,Zhong-jie Luo,De-fu Hou, andGang Chen, Entropic Destruction of Heavy Quarkonium from a Deformed AdS5 Model, Advances in High Energy Physics, (2017) **, 6.
[56] Panadda S, Kristiya T, Pornrad S, Ayut L, Christoph H, Yu-Liang Yan, Gang Chen, Dai-Mei Zhou, Chinorat Kobdaj, and Yupeng Yan, Production of K ? p and K + ˉ p bound states in pp collisions and interpretationof the∧(1405) resonance,PHYSICAL REVIEW C 96, 064002 (2017).
[57] X.L. Chen, Y. Wang, G. Chen,D. Han, X. Wang, M. Zeng, Z. Zeng, Z. Zhao and B. Guo,Performance study of large area encoding readout MRPC,Journal of Instrumentation 13(2018)02007.
[58] Zi-Jian Dong , Quan-Yu Wang , Gang Chen , Zhi-Lei She , Yu-Liang Yan, Feng-Xian Liu , Dai-Mei Zhou, and Ben-Hao Sa,Energy dependence of light (anti)nuclei and (anti) hypertriton production in the Au-Au collision from 11.5 to 5020 GeV,Eur. Phys. J. A (2018) 54: 144.
[59] X.L. Chen,D. Han,M. Gouzevitch, G. Chen,Y. Wang, Study of MRPC performance at different temperatures,Journal of Instrumentation 13 (2018) 12005.
[60] Fei Li, Zi-qiang Zhang, Gang Chen,R4 corrections to holographic Schwinger effffect,Chinese Physics C Vol. 42, No. 12 (2018) 123109.
[61] Liang Zheng,Dai-Mei Zhou, Zhong-Bao Yin, Yu-Liang Yan,Gang Chen,Xu Cai,and Ben-Hao Sa,Effect of single string structure and multiple string interaction on strange particle production in pp collisions at 7 TeV, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 98, 034917 (2018).
[62] X.L. Chen,D. Han,X. Wang,G. Chen,Y. Wang, The performance study of MRPCs used for muon tomography,Journal of Instrumentation,Vol. 14(2019) C06012.
[63] Feng-xian Liu, Gang Chen, Zhi-lei She, Dai-mei Zhou and Yi-long Xie,Light (anti)nuclei production in Cu+Cu collisions at 200 GeV,Eur. Phys. J. A (2019) 55: 160.
[64] Kristiya Tomuang,Panadda Sittiketkorn,Pornrad Srisawad,Ayut Limphirat,Yu-Liang Yan,Gang Chen, Dai-Mei Zhou,Production of K? pp and K+ pˉ pˉ in pp collisions at 7 TeV,PHYSICAL REVIEW C 99, 034002 (2019).
[65] Z.-H. Luo,J.-B. Wei,G. Chen H. Chen,Equation of state and sound velocity in hybrid stars with a Dyson-Schwinger quark model,MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A34(2019) 25.
[66] Feng-Xian Liu,Gang Chen,Zhi-Lei She,Liang Zheng,Yi-Long Xie,Zi-Jian Dong,Dai-Mei Zhou,and Ben-Hao Sa, hupertritium and antihupertritium production and characterization in Cu+Cu collisions at 200 GeV,PHYSICAL REVIEW C 99, 034904 (2019).
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