

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-31

蔡红柱, 男,1989年4月出生, 2015毕业于美国犹他大学,获博士学位,中国地质大学(武汉)教授。2009年研究生学习以来一直从事地球物理重力、磁法、三维电磁法正演模拟与反演成像方面的研究。回国工作之前曾在美国犹他大学、犹他大学TechnoImaging公司、丹麦奥胡斯大学先后担任博士后研究员、助理教授等职务。主要从事地球物理方法在石油、矿产资源、地下水勘探等领域的研究。在勘探地球物理领域国际SCI期刊共发表论文近20篇,其研究成果得到业界同行的高度认可,多次在大型国际会议做专题报告并担任会议专题召集人。第7届三维电磁国际研讨会(将于2021年在武汉举办)的大会共同召集人。2018年入选福布斯中国30岁以下精英榜(科技领域)。

邮箱: caihz@cug.edu.cn



2. 2018-今:中科院地质与地球物理研究所新疆轮台地区大地电磁探测项目,48万元人民币,项目负责人
3. 2017-2018:EU H2020 Research-Innovation-Action Project: Smart Exploration,25万欧元,项目co-leader,primary researcher
4. 2017-2018:IFD (Innovation Fund Denmark) Project: AirTec4Water,200万丹麦克朗,项目co-leader,primary researcher

1. Hongzhu Cai and Michael Zhdanov, 2017, Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetotelluric Data for the Depth-to-Basement Estimation, IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing and Letters, 14(8), 1228-1232
2. Hongzhu Cai, Xiangyu Hu, Jianhui Li, Masashi Endo, Bin Xiong, 2016, Parallelized 3D CSEM modeling using edge-based finite element with total field formulation and unstructured mesh, Computers & Geosciences, 99, 125-134.
3. Hongzhu Cai, Xiangyun Hu, Bin Xiong, Esben Auken and Jianhui Li, 2017, Finite element time domain modeling of controlled-Source electromagnetic data with advanced boundary condition, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 145, 133-143.
4. Hongzhu Cai, Xiangyun Hu, Bin Xiong and Michael Zhdanov, 2017, Finite element time domain modeling of electromagnetic data in general dispersive medium using adaptive Padé series, Computers & Geosciences, 109, 194-205.
5. Michael Zhdanov and Hongzhu Cai*, 2016, Redatuming controlled-source electromagnetic data using Stratton-Chu type integral transformations, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 126, 1-12. (Corresponding author)
6. Hongzhu Cai* and Michael Zhdanov, 2016, Three-Dimensional Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data for the Sediment–Basement Interface, IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing and Letters, 13(3), 349-353.
7. Hongzhu Cai and Michael S. Zhdanov, 2015, Application of Cauchy-type integrals in developing effective methods for depth-to-basement inversion of gravity and gravity gradiometry data, Geophysics, 80(2), G81-G94.
8. Hongzhu Cai, Bin Xiong*, Muran Han, Michael Zhdanov, 2014, 3D controlled-source electromagnetic modeling in anisotropic medium using edge-based finite element method, Computers & Geosciences, 73, 164-176.
9. Hongzhu Cai* and Michael S. Zhdanov, 2014, Modeling and Inversion of Magnetic Anomalies Caused by Sediment-basement Interface Using 3D Cauchy-type Integrals, IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing and Letters, 12(3), 477–481.
10. Hongzhu Cai, Bin Xiong* and Michael S. Zhdanov, 2015, 3D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modelling in anisotropic medium using node-based finite element method, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 58(8), 2839-2850.
11. Xiaodong Luan, Qingyun Di, Hongzhu Cai, Michael Jorgensen, Xiaojing Tang, 2018, CSAMT Static Shift Recognition and Correction Using Radon Transformation, IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing and Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2018.**
12. Weiqiang Liu, Rujun Chen, Hongzhu Cai, Weibin Luo, 2017, Correlation analysis for spread spectrum induced polarization signal processing in strong interference environment, Geophysics, 82(5), E243-E256.
13. Daeung Yoon, Michael Zhdanov, Johan Mattsson, Hongzhu Cai, and Alexander Gribenko, 2016, A hybrid finite difference and integral equation method for modeling and inversion of marine CSEM data, Geophysics, 81, E323-E336.
14. Weiqiang Liu, Rujun Chen, Hongzhu Cai and Weibin Luo, 2016, Robust statistical methods for impulse noise suppressing of Spread Spectrum Induced Polarization Data, with application to a mine site, Gansu Province, China, Journal of Applied Geophysics. 135, 397-407.
15. Bin Xiong, Hongzhu Cai, Tianya Luo, Changwei Li, Yanli Ding, Jianguo Zhao, 2015, 3D controlled-source electromagnetic response based on unstructured mesh, Journal of Guilin University of Technology, 35(3), 423-430.
16. Michael S. Zhdanov, Hongzhu Cai and Glenn A. Wilson*, 2012, Migration transformation of two-dimensional magnetic vector and tensor fields, Geophysical Journal International, 189(3), 1361-1368.
17. Michael S. Zhdanov, Hongzhu Cai and Glenn A. Wilson*, 2012, 3D Inversion of SQUID Magnetic Tensor Data, J Geol Geosci 1:104.

1. Hongzhu Cai and Yue Zhu, 2017, 3D Modeling and Inversion of Gravity Data in Exploration Scale, Book Chapter for Gravity, ISBN 978-953-51-5685-7.

1. Hongzhu Cai*, Martin Cuma and Michael Zhdanov, 2015, Three-dimensional parallel edge-based finite element modeling of electromagnetic data with field redatuming. SEG Technical Abstracts 2015: pp. 1012-1017.
2. Hongzhu Cai* and Michael Zhdanov, 2015, Magnetotelluric inversion for depth-to-basement estimation. SEG Technical Abstracts 2015: pp. 874-878.
3. Daeung Yoon, Michael Zhdanov, Hongzhu Cai and Alexander Gribenko, 2015, A hybrid finite difference and integral equation method for modeling and inversion of marine CSEM data. SEG Technical Abstracts 2015: pp. 823-827.
4. Hongzhu Cai* and Michael Zhdanov, 2014, Inversion of gravity data in the Big Bear Lake Area to recover depth to basement using Cauchy-type integrals. SEG Technical Abstracts 2014: pp. 1280-1284.
5. Hongzhu Cai* and Michael S. Zhdanov, 2013, Redatuming of borehole-to-surface electromagnetic data at the Kevin Dome exploration site. SEG Technical Abstracts 2013: pp. 685-689.
6. Michael Zhdanov and Hongzhu Cai*, 2013, Inversion of gravity and gravity gradiometry data for density contrast surfaces using Cauchy-type integrals. SEG Technical Abstracts 2013: pp. 1161-1165.
7. Bin Xiong, Hongzhu Cai*, and Tianya Luo , 2013, The characteristics of magnetotelluric responses for anisotropic conductivity. SEG Technical Abstracts 2013: pp. 658-662.
8. Qiang Jianke, Zhou Junjie, and Hongzhu Cai, 2013, Synthetic Study of 2.5-D ATEM Based on Finite Element Method. Near Surface Geophysics Asia Pacific Conference, Beijing, China 17-19 July 2013: pp. 573-577.
9. Michael S. Zhdanov and Hongzhu Cai*, 2012, Redatuming borehole-to-surface electromagnetic data using Stratton-Chu integral transforms. SEG Technical Abstracts 2012: pp. 1-5.
10. Michael S. Zhdanov, Hongzhu Cai*, and Glenn A. Wilson, 2011, 3D inversion of full tensor magnetic gradiometry (FTMG) data. SEG Technical Abstracts 2011: pp. 791-795.
11. Hongzhu Cai and Michael S. Zhdanov, 2017, Finite element time domain electromagnetic modeling with IP effects using adaptive Padé series, SEG Technical Abstracts 2017: pp. 1163-1168



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