中国地质大学 免费考研网/2015-11-27
舒杼(Shu Zhu),男,1985年出生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中国地质大学(武汉)材料与化学学院材料系。共发表国际SCI论文30余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者12篇,申请专利6项,合著专著1本。
? 先进纳米材料的设计、合成及环境能源应用
? 矿物材料的纳米尺度开发与应用
? 固体废弃物的资源化利用
? 2006/09–2011/06,中国地质大学(武汉),环境学院环境科学与工程系,导师王焰新教授,博士
? 2009/12–2010/11,海梅一世大学,西班牙陶瓷技术研究所,导师Eliseo MonfortGimeno教授,联合培养博士
? 2002/09–2006/06,华中科技大学,环境学院环境工程系,学士
? 2014/01–至今,中国地质大学(武汉),材料与化学学院材料系,副教授
? 2013/07–2013/12,中国地质大学(武汉),材料与化学学院材料系,讲师
? 2011/07–2013/06,中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,高性能陶瓷和超微结构国家重点实验室(介孔与低维纳米材料组),合作导师施剑林研究员,博士后
1. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目“基于蒙脱石层间域的石墨相氮化碳纳米片的限域合成及机理”(**),2016.1-2018.12,项目负责人;
2. 教育部纳米矿物材料及应用工程研究中心开放研究课题“高比表面的偏高岭土基介孔氧化硅的无模板法制备”,2015.7-2017.6,项目负责人;
3. 中央高校新青年教师科研启动基金项目“高岭石原位制备介孔材料及其成孔机制研究”(CUGL140811),2014.1-2015.12,项目负责人;
4. 国家部委项目“煤矸石提铝后氧化硅的综合利用技术及产业化”(**),2012.1-2014.12,子课题负责人;
5. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目“有机/无机杂化纳米药物输运系统的设计、制备及其在药物共输运中的应用探索”(**),2014.1-2016.12,参与;
6. 湖北省环境保护厅环保科研项目“湖北省磷化工行业磷石膏的无害化处置及资源化研究”(2013HB10),2014.1-2014.12,参与;
7. 国家973重大科技基础研究发展计划“半封闭空间机动车排放污染物治理的关键技术”之课题2“NOx的常温吸附/催化氧化/碱吸收过程与纳米材料的设计合成与性能”(2013CB933200),2013.1-2017.8,参与;
8. 上海市科委基础研究重点项目“NO室温催化氧化及其在城市隧道污染物治理中的应用研究”(11JC**),2012.1-2014.12,参与;
9. 国家自然基金面上项目“基于介孔空心球的新型CO2吸附剂的设计制备与性能研究”(**),2012.1-2015.12,参与;
1. Zhu Shu, Yun Chen, Jun Zhou*, Tiantian Li, Dongxue Yu, Yanxin Wang*. Nanoporous-walled silica and alumina nanotubes derived from halloysite: controllable preparation and their dye adsorption applications. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 112-113: 17-24.
2. Jun Zhou,Zhu Shu*, Tiantian Li, Dongxue Yu, Zimo Sheng, Yanxin Wang*. Novel fabrication route for non-fired ceramic tiles only using gypsum. Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 9193-9198.
3. Tiantian Li, Zhu Shu*, Jun Zhou*, Yun Chen, Dongxue Yu, Ximing Yuan, Yanxin Wang. Template-free synthesis of kaolin-based mesoporous silica with improved speci?c surface area by a novel approach. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 107: 182-187.
4. Jun Zhou, Chao Liu,Zhu Shu*, Dongxue Yu, Qiuyu Zhang, Tiantian Li,Qiang Xue. Preparation of specific gypsum with advanced hardness and bending strength by a novel in-situ loading-hydration process. Cement and Concrete Research,2015, 67: 179-183.
5. Zhu Shu, Tiantian Li, Jun Zhou*, Yun Chen, Dongxue Yu, Yanxin Wang*. Template-free preparation of mesoporous silica and alumina from natural kaolinite and their application in methylene blue adsorption. Applied Clay Science, 2014, 102: 33-40.
6. Jun Zhou, Dongxue Yu, Zhu Shu*, Tiantian Li, Yun Chen, Yanxin Wang*. A novel two-step hydration process of preparing cement-free non-fired bricks from waste phosphogypsum. Construction and Building Materials,2014, 73: 222-228.
7. Zhu Shu, Weimin Huang, Zile Hua, Lingxia Zhang, Xiangzhi Cui, Yu Chen, Hangrong Chen, Chenyang Wei, Yongxia Wang, Xiangqian Fan, Heliang Yao, Dannong He and Jianlin Shi*. Template-free synthesis of mesoporous X-Mn (X = Co, Ni, Zn) bimetal oxides and catalytic application in room-temperature removal of low-concentration NO. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1 (35): 10218-10227.
8. Zhu Shu, YuChen, WeiminHuang, Xiangzhi Cui, Lingxia Zhang, Hangrong Chen, GuobinZhang, XiangqianFan, YongxiaWang, GuijuTao, Dannong He, Jianlin Shi*. Room-temperature catalytic removal of low-concentration NO over mesoporous Fe-Mn binary oxide synthesized using a template-free approach. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 140-141: 42-50.
9. Z. Shu*, J. Garcia-Ten, E. Monfort, J.L. Amoros, J. Zhou, Y.X. Wang. Cleaner production of porcelain tile powders. Fired compact properties. Ceramics International, 2012, 38: 1479-1487.
10. Z. Shu*, J. Garcia-Ten, E. Monfort, J.L. Amoros, J. Zhou, Y.X. Wang. Cleaner production of porcelain tile powders. Granule and green compact characterization. Ceramics International, 2012, 38: 517-526.
11. Z. Shu*, E. Monfort, J. Garcia-Ten, J. Zhou, J.L. Amoros, Y. Wang. A new cleaner process to prepare pressing-powder. Boletín de la Sociedad Espa?ola de Cerámica y Vidrio, 2011, 50(5): 235-244.
12. Zhu Shu, Jun Zhou, Yanxin Wang. A novel approach of preparing press-powders for cleaner production of ceramic tiles. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2010, 18: 1045-1051.
13. MinWang,ZhuShu, LingxiaZhang*, XiangqianFan, GuijuTao, YongxiaWang, LisongChen, MeiyingWu, JianlinShi*. Amorphous Fe2+-rich FeOx loaded in mesoporous silica as a highly efficient heterogeneous Fenton catalyst. Dalton transactions, 2014, 43(24): 9234-9241.
14. Weimin Huang, Zhu Shu, Jianlin Shi*. Assembly of Ti/Ce metal-to-metal charge-transfer moieties on a graphene oxide surface and their catalytic activity. Catalysis Communications, 2013, 33: 24-28.
15. Jun Zhou, Zhu Shu, Xiaohua Hu, Yanxin Wang*. Direct utilization of liquid slag from phosphorus-smelting furnace to prepare cast stone as decorative building material. Construction and Building Materials, 2010, 24: 811-817.
16. Yu Chen, Pengfei Xu, Zhu Shu, Meiying Wu, Lianzhou Wang, Shengjian Zhang, Yuanyi Zheng, Hangrong Chen, Jin Wang, Yaping Li, Jianlin Shi*. Multifunctional Graphene Oxide-Based Triple Stimuli-Responsive Nanotheranostics. Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24(28): 4385.
17. Xiangqian Fan, Zheng Xing, Zhu Shu, Lingxia Zhang*, Lianzhou Wang, Jianlin Shi*. Improved photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4 derived from cyanamide-urea solution. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 8323-8328.
18. Qiuyu Zhang, Jun Zhou*,Zhu Shu, Tiantian Li, Yanxin Wang. Phase separation phenomenon and mechanism in the preparation of cast stone from liquid slag from phosphorus-smelting furnace. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. 2014, 8(3-4): 300-305.
19. Jun Zhou*, Hui Gao, Zhu Shu, Yanxin Wang, Chunjie Yan. Utilization of waste phosphogypsum to prepare non-fired bricks by a novel hydration-recrystallization process. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 34: 114-119.
20. Yu Chen, Pengfei Xu, Meiying Wu, Qingshuo Meng, Hangrong Chen, Zhu Shu, Jin Wang, Lingxia Zhang, Yaping Li, Jianlin Shi*. Colloidal RBC-Shaped, Hydrophilic, and Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanocapsules for Highly Efficient Biomedical Engineering. Advanced Materials, 2014,26(25): 4294-4301.
21. Lisong Chen, Xiangzhi Cui, Yongxia Wang, Min Wang, Ruihao Qiu, Zhu Shu, Lingxia Zhang, Zile Hua, Fangming Cui, Chenyang Wei, Jianlin Shi*. One-step synthesis of sulfur doped graphene foam for oxygen reduction reactions. Dalton Transactions, 2014, 43(9): 3420-3423.
22. Guiju Tao, Lingxia Zhang, Zile Hua, Yu Chen, Limin Guo, Jiamin Zhang, Zhu Shu, Jianhua Gao, Hangrong Chen, Wei Wu, Ziwei Liu, Jianlin Shi*.Highly efficient adsorbents based on hierarchically macro/mesoporous carbon monoliths with strong hydrophobicity. Carbon, 2014, 66: 547-559.
23. Yanyan Du, Weimin Huang, Zile Hua, Yongxia Wang, Xiangzhi Cui, Meiying Wu, Zhu Shu, Lingxia Zhang, Jin Wang, Hangrong Chen, Jianlin Shi*. A facile ultrasonic process for the preparation of Co3O4 nanoflowers for room-temperature removal of low-concentration NOx. Catalysis Communications, 2014, 57: 73-77.
24. Xiangqian Fan, Lingxia Zhang, Guobin Zhang,Zhu Shu, Jianlin Shi*. Chitosan derived nitrogen-doped microporous carbons for high performance CO2 capture. Carbon, 2013, 61: 423-430.
25. Yu Chen, Pengfei Xu, Hangrong Chen, Yongsheng Li, Wenbo Bu, Zhu Shu, Yaping Li, Jiamin Zhang, Lingxia Zhang, Limin Pan, Xiangzhi Cui, Zile Hua, Jin Wang, Linlin Zhang, Jianlin Shi*. Colloidal HPMO nanoparticles: silica-etching chemistry tailoring, topological transformation, and nano-biomedical applications. Advanced Materials, 2013, 25 (22), 3100-3105.
26. Yongxia Wang, Xiangzhi Cui, Yongsheng Li, Zhu Shu, Hangrong Chen, Jianlin Shi*. A simple co-nanocasting method to synthesize high surface area mesoporous LaCoO3 oxides for CO and NO oxidations. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 176: 8-15.
27. Guobin Zhang, Hangrong Chen, Yun Gong, Zhu Shu, Dannong He, Yan Zhu, Xiaoxia Zhou, Xiangqian Fan, Haojie Zhang, Jianlin Shi*. One-pot synthesis of mesoporous CuOx/CeO2 Co-loaded ZrO2-TiO2 nanocomposites via surfactant-Free solvothermal method for catalytic removal of soot under NO/O2. Catalysis Communications, 2013, 35: 105-109.
28. Xiangzhi Cui, Zile Hua, Chenyang Wei,Zhu Shu, Liangxia Zhang, Hangrong Chen, Jianlin Shi*. An in situ carbonization–replication method to synthesize mesostructured WO3/C composite as nonprecious-metal anode catalyst in PEMFC. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2013, 2: 429-436.
29. Guiju Tao, Zile Hua, Zhe Gao, Yan Zhu, Yan Zhu, Yu Chen, Zhu Shu, Lingxia Zhang and Jianlin Shi*. KF-Loaded Mesoporous Mg-Fe Bi-Metal Oxides: High Performance Transesterification Catalysts for Biodiesel Production. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49: 8006-8008.
30. Yongxia Wang, Xiangzhi Cui, Yongsheng Li, Lisong Chen, Zhu Shu, Hangrong Chen, Jianlin Shi*. High surface area mesoporous LaFexCo1?xO3 oxides: synthesis and electrocatalytic property for oxygen reduction. Dalton Transactions, 2014, 42(26): 9448-9452.
31. Xiaoxia Zhou, Hangrong Chen, Yan Zhu, Yudian Song, Yu Chen, Yongxia Wang, Yun Gong, Guobin Zhang, Zhu Shu, Xiangzhi Cui, Jinjin Zhao, Jianlin Shi*. Dual-Mesoporous ZSM-5 Zeolite with Highly b-Axis-Oriented Large Mesopore Channels for the Production of Benzoin Ethyl Ether. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013, 19 (30): 10017-10023.
32. Jun Zhou*, Tiantian Li, Qiuyu Zhang, Yanxin Wang, Zhu Shu. Direct-utilization of sewage sludge to prepare split tiles. Ceramics International, 2013, 39 (8), 9179-9186.
1. 舒杼, 周俊,李天天,于冬雪,陈云,王焰新,袁曦明. 高岭土基介孔氧化硅材料的制备方法, **69.7, 中国发明专利
2. 周俊, 于冬雪, 舒杼, 王焰新.高强度高掺量磷石膏免烧砖的生产工艺, **71, 中国发明专利
3. 周俊, 李天天, 于冬雪, 舒杼, 王焰新. 一种免烧建筑陶瓷的生产工艺, **67, 中国发明专利
4. 舒杼, 施剑林. 介孔锰基复合金属氧化物及其制备方法和用途, **9.6, 中国发明专利
5. 周俊, 王焰新, 舒杼. 一种半干法制备建筑陶瓷用坯料的工艺, **1.6, 中国发明专利
6. 周俊, 王焰新, 舒杼. 利用高温磷渣液制备建筑装饰用磷渣铸石的生产工艺, **0.1, 中国发明专利
周俊, 舒杼, 王焰新. 建筑陶瓷清洁生产. 北京:科学出版社. 2011