

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-08-09

现任American Name Society执行委员会委员,SSCI/A&HCI双检索期刊Names: A Journal of Onomastics编委等。
[1] 主持完成2017年度国家社会科学基金中华学术外译项目林庚《唐诗综论》英译(17WZW006)
[2] 主持完成2015年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目《唐诗英译的影响与世界文学建构研究(1815-2014)》(15YJC740078)
[3] 联合上海大学获批2017年度国家社会科学基金重大转重点项目《李白诗歌全集英译及译本对比研究》(17AZD040),负责子课题《李白诗歌英译译本对比研究》
[4] 主持完成湖北省社会科学基金项目《唐诗经典英译研究》(**)
[5] 主持完成湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究青年项目(2014Q047)
[1] 独译林庚先生《唐诗综论》英文版,Wang, Feng. A Comprehensive Study of Tang Poetry (I, II), Translated from Prof. Lin Geng’s Tangshi Zonglun. Routledge, 2021.
[2] 独著《唐诗经典英译研究》(中国社会科学出版社,2015,入选中国社会科学博士论文文库,获评湖北省高等学校人文社会科学研究A等级成果)
[3] 第一作者《唐诗英译集注、比录、鉴评与索引》(陕西人民出版社,2011)
[4] 合译刘德华教授、孙敬博士《非均质砂岩油藏井网优化控制理论与应用》英文版(The Control Theory and Application for Well Pattern Optimization of Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoirs, Springer, 2017)
[5] 第二作者《翻译与文化》(中国社会科学出版社,2017)
[6] 第二作者《新编简明英语语言学概论》(清华大学出版社,2014)
[7] 合译《中国古代童诗精选 50 首:英译与赏析》(外语教学与研究出版社,2015)
[8] 参编《秘书英语教程》《海洋英语教程》
[1] MA, Yan, WANG Feng (Corresponding author). Patriotism in Li Bai’s Tang Poetry and its Influence on the English World. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science, 2020, 5 (4).
[2] FENG, Tingting and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). Translation Strategies of Metaphors in Political Texts—A Case Study of the Report on the Work of the Government 2020. European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, 2020, 4 (2).
[3] HUANG, Shanshan and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). A Cognitive Study of Metaphor Translation in "Travelling Far Away from Mt. Jingmen". European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, 2020, 4(2).
[4] YING, Ting and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). A Corpus-Based Quantitative Analysis of Seven English Versions of "Shu Dao Nan" Concerning the Harmony-Guided Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria. European Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 2020, 5(4).
[5] HUANG Shanshan and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). A Study of Sadness Metaphor in Li Bai’s Poetry and Its English Translation from the Perspective of Image Schema. European Journal of Multilingualism and Translation Studies. 2020, 1(2).
[6] FENG, Tingting and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). On the English Translation of Li Bai’s “Six Poems of Border Tune” (No. 1) under the “Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria”. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science, 2020, 5 (4).
[7] MA, Yan and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). Practice of Information Technology in Translation Teaching at Chinese Regional Universities in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, European Journal of Education Studies. 2020, 7(10).
[8] ZHU, Lihong and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). Nature, Inaction and Illusion: the Influence of Taoism on American Poetry in the 20th Century. European Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies. 2020, 3(1).
[9] GAO, Ning and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). A Study on the Tang Poetry Translation in the Perspective of “Harmony-Guided Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria”—A Case Study of Li Bai’s “Climbing the Phoenix Terrace in Jinling”. European Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies. 2020, 3(1).
[10] WANG, Congcong and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). A Study on the Tang Poetry Translation in the Perspective of “Harmony-Guided Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria”—A Case Study of Li Bai’s “Looking at the Mount Sky Gate”. European Journal of Literary Studies. 2020, 2(2).
[11] LI, Wenxuan and WANG Feng. Multimodal Cognitive Critical Analysis of Mainstream British Media on COVID-19. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS). 2020, 5(5): 1447-1450.
[12] LI, Wenxuan and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). A Comparative Study on the Tang Poetry Translation in the Perspective of “Harmony-Guided Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria"—A Case Study of Li Bai’s "Invitation to Wine". IRA-International Journal of Education & Multidisciplinary Studies, 2020, 16(3).
[13] WANG, Feng, and HUANG Hongxia (Corresponding author), An Application of the “Harmony-Guided Criteria” to the English translation of Song ci: A Case Study of “Immortals at the Magpie Bridge” by Qin Guan. International Linguistics Research, 2020, 3 (3).
[14] CHEN, Nan and WANG Feng (Corresponding author). On the English Translation of Tang Poetry in the Perspective of “Harmony-Guided Three-level Poetry Translation Criteria”—A Case Study of “Song of the Roosting Crows”. Journal of Humanities and Education Development. 2020, 2(4).
[15] WANG, Feng (Corresponding author) and Kelly WASHBOURNE. “The Exultation of Another”: The American Beat Poets as Translators, Orbis Litterarum (A&HCI indexed), 2020, 75(1): 34-49.
[16] WANG, Feng and Kelly WASHBOURNE (Corresponding author). Anthologizing Classical Chinese Poetry in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries: Poetics and Ideology, Meta: Translators’ Journal (A&HCI indexed), 2019, 64(3): 687–707.
[17] WANG, Feng (Corresponding author), ZHANG Shuyue, CHEN Cheng. A Preliminary Study on the Nicknames of the FIFA National Football Teams. Names: A Journal of Onomastics (A&HCI / SSCI indexed). 2020, 68 (2): 1-17.
[18] WANG, Feng, ZHU Yunhui & MA Yan. On the English Translation of Chinese Advertisements from the Perspective of Elegantization and Popularisation. London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019, 19 (2).
[19] ZHU, Lihong, WANG Feng (corresponding author). A Study of Tang Poetry’s Influence on American Poetry: A New Perspective of “Eight Beauties. European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, 2019, 3 (2).
[20] HUANG, Shanshan, WANG Feng (corresponding author). An Analysis of the English Translation of Li Bai’s Poems. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (IJELS), 2019, 4(4).
[21] ZHANG, Shuyue and WANG Feng (corresponding author). A Survey of the English Translation of Song Ci Poetry from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis. European Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies. 2019, 2(1).
[22] HUANG, Shanshan and WANG Feng(corresponding author). On the English Translation of Color Words in Tang Poetry. IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies 2019, 15(4), 122-128.
[23] ZHU, Lihong and WANG Feng (corresponding author). The Zen Relationship between Chinese Poetry and American Poetry. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. 2019, 6(4).
[24] XU, Xinyi and WANG Feng (corresponding author). A Study on the Tang Poetry Translation in the Perspective of “Harmony-Guided Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria”—A Case Study of Li Bai’s “Qing Ping Melody (Three Poems)” International Linguistics Research; 2019, 2(3).
[25] ZHU, Lihong and WANG Feng (corresponding author), On the English Translation of Tang Poetry under the “Harmony-Guided Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria”: A Case Study of “Farewell to Uncle Yun, Imperial Librarian, At Xie Tiao Pavilion in Xuancheng”. Journal of Humanities and Education Development. 2019, 4(1).
[26] ZHANG, Shuyue and WANG Feng(corresponding author), Eco-Translatology Perspective on the English Translation of Subtitles in the Documentary Eight Hundred Years of Chu State. Humanities and Social Science Research; 2019, 2(3).
[27] YAN, Qian and WANG Feng (corresponding author), On the Translation of “Drinking Alone under the Moon” Based on the Harmony-Guided Criteria for Poetry Translation. IRA-International Journal of Education & Multidisciplinary Studies, 2019, 14(1):5-13.
[28] YING, Ting and WANG Feng(corresponding author), MA Yan. An Analysis of the Aesthetic Features in the English Versions of Li Bai’s “Hard Is the Journey (I)” from the Perspective of “Eight Beauties Criteria”. English Literature and Language Review. 2019, 5(4): 42-47.
[29] LI, Yujie and WANG Feng(corresponding author). On the English Translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems--A Contrastive Study on the Translations of the Ci-Poem “To the Tune of Tipsy in Flower Shade”. English Literature and Language Review. 2019, 5(5): 64-70,.
[30] WANG, Xu and WANG Feng(corresponding author), ZENG Yan. The English Translation of Tang Poetry Based on Cultural Self-confidence and Selective Adaptation-Taking “Changgan Xing” as an Example. English Literature and Language Review, 2019, 5(6): 75-81,
[31] HUANG, Shanshan and WANG Feng(corresponding author). On the English Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Qiang Jin Jiu. Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED) 2019, 1(3).
[32] WANG, Feng and LAN Qi (corresponding author), On the Gain and Loss of Emotions in Pound’s Translation of Cathay. Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature. 2018, 1 (4).
[33] WANG, Feng and CHEN Lili (corresponding author), On Image-Gestalt and Poetic Realm in Poetry Translation. Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature. 2018, 1(4).
[34] WANG Feng (corresponding author), ZU Yun & MA Yan. Names Across Languages and Cultures: A Case Study of the British PM’s New Chinese Nickname. London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018, 18(5).
[35] WANG, Feng, ZU Yun, NI Chuanbin (corresponding author). A Comparative Study on Women’s Courtesy Titles in Mainland China and Taiwan, Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018, 3 (8).
[36] ZHANG, Shuyue, WANG Feng (corresponding author), Ni Chuanbin. On the English Translation of Song Ci-Poetry under the “Three-Level Poetry Translation Criteria” - A Case Study of “Green Jade Table: Lantern Festival”, London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018, 18(4).
[37] CHEN, Lulu and WANG Feng (corresponding author). A Study on the English Translation of Object-Chanting Poetry in Children’s Poetry in Ancient China from the Perspective of the Three-Level Criteria of Poetry Translation, Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 2018,1 (8).
[38] WANG, Feng, ZU Yun, NI Chuanbin (corresponding author). On the Compilation of Business English Reading Textbooks under the Guidance of National Standards of Teaching Quality for Undergraduate Business English Majors, Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy. 2018, 2 (5).
[39] ZHANG, Junchi, TIAN Chuanmao, WANG Feng (corresponding author). On the Translation of “The Song of a Yue Boatman” Based on the Three-Level Criteria for Poetry Translation. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. 2018, 6(8).
[40] HUANG, Hongxia, WANG Feng (corresponding author). A Preliminary Study on the Translation of Military English Science and Technology, Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2018, 3 (8).
[41] MA, Yan, GUO Qiong (corresponding author), WANG Feng. A Study of Foreign Language Anxiety of Chinese EFL High School Students. American Journal of Educational Research, 2018, 6(6): 722-728.
[42] MIN, Mengqi and WANG Feng (corresponding author). On the Interpreter’s Subjectivity in Business Interpreting from the Perspective of Skopos Theory, Asian Social Science, 2018, 14(5).
[43] WANG, Feng and SHUAI Hongmei (corresponding author). A Study on Student-Centered Teaching of Note-Taking in Interpreting. London Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. 2018, 18(3).
[44] WU Dan, MA Yan (corresponding author), WANG Feng. EFL Students’ Burnout in English Learning: A Case Study of Chinese Middle School Students. Asian Social Science, 2018, 14(4): 38-45.
[45] WANG, Feng. On the Training of Professional Translators in UK Universities and its Implications to Chinese Universities, ICADCE 2016 (CPCI-SSH indexed).
[46] WANG, Feng. On Montrose’s Perception of New Historicism, Overseas English, 2012, 195(7).
[47] WANG, Feng and MA Yan. Gender Issues in Computer-Mediated Communication: A Chinese Perspective. Computer Science and Service System, 2012.
[48] ZHANG, Shuyue and WANG Feng (corresponding author). Research on Translation of Petroleum Technical English from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences. 2018, 47(1): 179-185.
[49] 王峰.《中国翻译市场发展60年研究》述评.长江大学学报(社会科学版),2020,43(6).
[50] 冯婷婷, 王峰. 美国主流媒体的新冠肺炎新闻报道分析——基于多模态认知批评视角,青年记者(中文核心). 2020(10).
[51] 殷容容, 王峰, 基于中和三层次诗歌翻译标准论的李白《古朗月行》英译研究, 翻译与文化研究,2019(6).
[52] 陈莉莉、王峰. “文质雅俗“视角下的唐诗《玉阶怨》英译探析,牡丹江大学学报,2018(10).
[53] 马琰,王峰.伍尔夫小说意识流诗性研究新进展[J]. 襄阳职业技术学院学报,2018(2).
[54] 王峰.田传茂《英语经典小说汉语重译的社会文化分析》英文版评介[J].长江大学学报(社科版),2016(3).
[55] 王峰.中国诗英译理论与流派之“文质雅俗”四分法[J].湖南工业大学学报(社科版), 2017(3).
[56] 陈璐璐,王峰. 从中和三层次标准看《滕王阁诗》的英译[J]. 海外英语,2017(13).
[57] 马琰,王峰. 从“文化转向”看翻译教学的文化自觉[J]. 教育评论(中文核心),2016(4).
[58] 王峰.文本目的之实现——试论版本、注释和倒文[J],山东外语教学(外语类核心), 2014(2).
[59] 马琰,王峰. 从文学翻译的“和谐说”看许渊冲的译诗[J]. 商洛学院学报,2014(5).
[60] 马琰,王峰.从汉语恭维答语问卷看男女大学生语用差异[J]. 牡丹江大学学报,2011(5).
[61] 倪传斌,王峰.雅柯布逊语符转换翻译理论述评[J],外语与翻译,2013,79(4).
[62] 田传茂,王峰. 科技术语中“副”字翻译补遗[J]. 大学英语(学术版),2015,12(2).
[63] 王峰,马琰.论文本误读的限度.求索[J](中文核心,CSSCI),2011(11).
[64] 王峰.场域视野下的文学经典构建.河南师范大学学报[J](中文核心,CSSCI),2011(4).
[65] 王峰.早期唐诗英译选材、风格单一化的文化阐释.牡丹江大学学报,2011(6).
[66] 王峰.中国诗对美国诗歌创作的影响.求索(中文核心,CSSCI),2011(3).
[67] 王峰,马琰.翻译的文化格式塔研究[A].第十八届世界翻译大会论文集(光盘版)[C],北京:外文出版社,2008 年.
[68] 王峰,马琰.批评性解读改写理论,外语研究[J](中文核心,CSSCI),2008(5) .
[69] 王峰.以互文性理论构建文学翻译批评体系[J]. 商洛学院学报,2007(3).
[1] 湖北省高等学校人文社会科学研究A等级优秀成果(著作类)
[2] 湖北省优秀社会科学成果著作类三等奖(排名第二)
[3] 荆州市社会科学成果著作类二等奖
[4] 荆州市社会科学成果著作类三等奖
[5] 湖北省翻译协会优秀学术成果著作类一等奖
[6] 湖北省翻译协会优秀学术成果著作类二等奖
[7] 湖北省翻译协会优秀学术成果论文类三等奖
[8] 长江大学2017年度高级别科研项目立项贡献奖
[1] 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导教师
[2] 长江大学优秀硕士研究生导师
[3] 长江大学2015年教学质量优秀奖
[4] 长江大学优秀学士学位论文指导教师
[5] 长江大学2017年度校级研究性教学示范课程优秀成果
[1] American Name Society执行委员会委员
[2] SSCI/A&HCI双检索期刊Names: A Journal of Onomastics编委
[3] 教育部研究生学位论文评审专家
[4] 中国翻译协会专家会员
[5] 中国英语诗歌研究会理事
[6] 先秦史学会国学双语研究分会理事
[7] 印度****学术与科学院Fellow
[1] 四川大学外国语学院博士论坛
[2] 南京师范大学Harvard-随园国际学术论坛
[3] 2019年美国肯特州立大学Brown Bag翻译研究论坛
[1] 2008年中国上海第18届世界翻译大会(海报展示)
[2] 2014年第十届全国口译大会暨国际口译研讨会(海报展示)
[3] 2017年澳大利亚第21届世界翻译大会(海报展示)
[4] 2019年美国俄亥俄州立大学与长江大学首届楚文化国际学术研讨会
[5] 2019美国文学翻译协会年会 (American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) 42nd annual conference)
[1] 第五、六、七届海峡两岸暨港澳地区翻译与跨文化交流研讨会(分论坛发言)
[2] 第十一、十二、十三届、十四届中西部地区翻译理论与教学研讨会暨翻译研究国际论坛 (主持青年****分论坛)
[3] 2015年中国典籍外译高层论坛(主持诗歌翻译分论坛)
[4] 2017年第七届海峡两岸暨港澳地区翻译与跨文化交流研讨会(分论坛发言)
[5] 2017年第十届全国典籍翻译学术研讨会(主持诗歌翻译分论坛)
[6] 2018年首届全国文化比较与国学外译高级研修班
[7] 2018年中国外文局中国时政话语外译高级研修班
[8] 2018年先秦史学会国学双语研究分会成立大会(分论坛发言)
[9] 2018年首届WITTA翻译教师发展高端论坛(分论坛发言)
[10] 2018年首届能源话语高端论坛(分论坛发言)

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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-09
  • 长江大学外国语学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈风华(博士、硕导)
    一、个人简介陈风华,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。1998年6月毕业于湖北大学外语系英语教育专业,2009年6月获中国地质大学(武汉)外国语言学及应用语言学研究生学历和硕士学位,2020年6月获香港理工大学应用语言科学研究生学历和博士学位,2020年8月进入长江大学外国语学院工作。二、研究方向主要从 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-09
  • 长江大学外国语学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邹文(硕导)
    邹文,男,中共党员,副教授,硕士生导师。1984年6月毕业于武汉大学日语专业,2003年12月获华中师范大学“语言学及应用语言学”专业硕士学位。1984年7月进入长江大学工作至今。 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-09
  • 长江大学外国语学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张文勋(硕导)
    张文勋,中共党员,副教授,硕士生导师。1987年毕业于原江汉石油学院。1999年毕业华中师范大学,获文学硕士学位。2005年8月至2006年3月访问美国爱荷华州卫斯理学院。研究方向为社会语言学,英语教学理论与实践,主持或参与科研、教研项目多项,主编教材2部,发表论文30余篇。曾多次获得长江大学教学优 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-09
  • 长江大学外国语学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈松松(硕导、博士)
    一、个人简介陈松松,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2002年毕业于三峡大学英语系,2008年在华中师范大学外国语学院获得硕士学位,2013-2014年在江苏师范大学语言能力协同创新中心访学,2018年在南京师范大学外国语学院获得博士学位,博士毕业论文被评为“江苏省优秀博士论文”。二、研究方向主要从事 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-09
  • 长江大学外国语学院导师教师师资介绍简介-彭沂(硕导)
    彭沂,中共党员,硕导,副教授。2001年毕业于湖北师范大学外语系获文学学士学位,2010年获美国威斯康辛大学英语教育硕士学位。美国俄亥俄州立大学教育学院访问****、宁波诺丁汉大学教育博士(EdD)在读。研究方向:应用语言学、英语教学理论与实践。主持或参与科研、教研项目多项,参编教材2部,发表论文2 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-09
  • 长江大学外国语学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王峰(硕导、博士后)
    王峰,男,1976年9月生,博士后,副教授,外国语言文学硕导,英国曼彻斯特大学(UniversityofManchester),英国伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)访问****,中国翻译协会专家会员,先秦史学会国学双语研究分会理事,印度****学术与科学院专家会员(Fe ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-08-09