

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

2004年9月- 2009年11月 中科院上海植物生理生态研究所 博士学位
2000年9月- 2004年7月 扬州大学 学士学位
2010年4月-至今 华中师范大学 讲师
1.Ye Jin, Ni Di-An, Ruan Yong-Ling*. 2009 Posttranslationalelevation of cell wall invertase activity by silencing its inhibitor in tomato delaysleaf senescence and increases seed weight and fruit hexose level.ThePlant Cell, 21(7):2072–2089
2. WilliamM. Palmer1, Lei Ru1,Ye Jin1, John W.Patrick, Yong-Ling Ruan*.2015 Tomato Ovary-to-Fruit Transition is Characterizedby a Spatial Shift of mRNAs for Cell Wall Invertase and its Inhibitor with theEncoded Proteins Localized to Sieve Elements.Molecular Plant, 8(2):315-28.(共同第一作者
3. Yong-LingRuan*,Ye Jin,Jirong Huang. 2009, Capping invertase activity by itsinhibitor: Roles and implications in sugar signaling, carbon allocation,senescence and evolution.Plant Signaling & Behavior,4(10):983–985
4. Yong-LingRuan*,Ye Jin, Yue-Jian Yang, Guo-Jing Li and John S. Boyer. 2010, Sugarinput, metabolism, and signaling mediated by invertase: roles in development,yield potential, and response to drought and heat.Molecular Plant,3(6):942–955
5. ZhimiaoLi, William M. Palmer, Antony P. Martin, Rongqing Wang, Frederick Rainsford,YeJin, John W. Patrick, Yuejian Yang and Yong-Ling Ruan*.2012, High invertaseactivity in tomato reproductive organs correlates with enhanced sucrose importinto, and heat tolerance of, young fruit.Journal of Experimental Botany,63(3):1155–1166
6. QinHu,Ye Jin, Huazhong Shi, and Wannian Yang*.2014, GmFLD, a soybeanhomolog of the autonomous pathway gene FLOWERING LOCUS D, promotes flowering inArabidopsis thaliana.BMC Plant Biology14: 263.
7. ShimingHan, Zhenjiang Wu,Ye Jin, Wannian Yang, and Huazhong Shi. 2015, RNA-Seqanalysis for transcriptome assembly, gene identification, and SSR mining inginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.).Tree Genetics & Genomes11: 37
8. ShimingHan, Zhenjiang Wu, K. Huang,Ye Jin, Wannian Yang, and Huazhong Shi.2016,De novo assembly and characterization of Gleditsia sinensis transcriptome andsubsequent gene identification and SSR mining. Genetics and Molecular Research15 (1): gmr.**.

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