

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-26

1993年9月- 1997年6月 华中师范大学 学士学位
1999年9月- 2002年6月 华中师范大学 硕士学位
2002年9月- 2006年6月 武汉大学 博士学位
2006年7月-至今 华中师范大学 副教授
1.ZhuJ, Wang WS, Ma D, Zhang LY,Ren F, Yuan TT. 2016. A role for CK2βsubunit 4 in the regulation of plant growth, cadmium accumulation and H2O2content under cadmium stress inArabidopsis thaliana.PlantPhysiology and Biochemistry, 109:240–247.
2.RenF, ZhaoCZ, Liu CS, Huang KL, Guo QQ, Chang LL, Xiong H, Li XB. 2014. ABrassicanapusPHT1 phosphate transporter, BnPht1;4, promotes phosphate uptake andaffects roots architecture of transgenic Arabidopsis.Plant MolecularBiology, 86:595–607.
3.ChenL, Wang QQ, Zhou L,Ren F, Li DD, Li XB.2013.ArabidopsisCBL-interacting protein kinase (CIPK6) is involved in plant response tosalt/osmotic stress and ABA.Molecular Biology Reports,40:4759–4767.
4.RenF, Guo QQ, Chang LL, Chen L, Zhao CZ, Zhong H, Li XB.2012.BrassicanapusPHR1gene encoding a MYB-like protein functions in response to phosphatestarvation.PLoS ONE,7(8):e44005.
5.ChenL,Ren F, Zhou L, Wang QQ, Zhong H, Li XB.2012.TheBrassicanapusCalcineurinB-Like 1/CBL-interacting protein kinase 6 (CBL1/CIPK6) component is involved inthe plant response to abiotic stress and ABA signaling.Journalof Experimental Botany,63(17):6211–6222.
6.ZhongH,GuoQQ,ChenL,Ren F,Wang QQ,Zheng Y,Li XB. 2012. TwoBrassica napusgenes encoding NAC transcription factorsare involved in response to high-salinity stress.Plant Cell Reports,31:1991–2003.
7.Ren F,ChenL,GuoQQ,ZhongH, Wu Y, Chang LL, Li XB. 2011. Identification and expressionanalysis of genes induced by phosphate starvation in leaves and roots ofBrassicanapus.Plant Growth Regulation, 65: 65–81.
8.Chen L, Zhong H,Ren F, Guo QQ, Hu XP, Li XB. 2011. A novelcold-regulated gene,COR25, ofBrassica napusis involved inplant response and tolerance to cold stress.Plant Cell Reports,30:463–471.
9.ChenL*,Ren F*, Jiang WM, Zhong H, Li XB. 2010. Identification andExpression Analysis of Genes Induced byHigh-SalinityandDroughtStressesinBrassicanapus.Acta Biochim Biophys Sin,42:154–164.(*Co-firstauthor)
10.Ren F,Lian HJ, Chen L. 2008. TobpreproHypSys-AGene Expression and Defense Protein Activity in the Tobacco Wounding Response.Journal of Plant Biology, 51(1):48–51.
11.RenF, Lu YT. 2006.Overexpression of tobaccohydroxyproline-rich glycopeptide systeminprecursorAgene in transgenic tobacco enhances resistance againstHelicoverpa armigeraLarvae.PlantScience, 171:286–292.

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