胡小兰 English Version (英文版)
Name: Xiaolan Hu, Associate Professor Address: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, 430079, China Email: xlhu@mail.ccnu.edu.cn
Combinatorial Mathematics, Calculus
Graph theory
2012.09--2015.06, Nanjing University, Ph.D2013.09--2013.12, West Virginia University, Visiting Student2009.09--2012.06, Hubei University, M.A2005.09--2009.06, Hubbei University, B.A
2015.07-present, Central China Normal University, Assistance Professor 2017.09-2018.09, Charles University, Post-doctoral2017.03-2017.09, Charles University, Visiting Scholar
1. Z. Dvorak and X.L. Hu, (3a:a)-list-colorability of embedded graphs of girth at least five, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 34(2020) 2137-2165.2. Z. Dvorak and X.L. Hu, Fractional coloring of planar graphs of girth five, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 34(2020) 538-555.3. H.Q. Liu, X.J. Hu and X.L. Hu, Burning number of caterpillars. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 284(2020) 332-340.4. H.T. Wu, Y.J. Chen and X.L. Hu, Planar graphs without 4- and 6-cycles are (7:2)-colorable, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 40(2020) 45-58.5. Z. Dvorak, X.L. Hu and J-S. Sereni, A 4-choosable graph that is not (8:2)-choosable, Advances in Combinatorics, 2019, Paper No. 5, 9 pp.6. Y.J. Chen and X.L. Hu, Complete graph-tree planar Ramsey number, Graphs and Combinatorics, 35(2019 1659-1671.7. S.Z. Zhang, H.Q. Liu, D. Li and X.L. Hu, Fractional matching preclusion of the restricted HL-graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 38(2019) 1143-1154. 8. Z. Dvorak and X.L. Hu, Planar graphs without cycles of length 4 or 5 are (11:3)-colorable, European Journal of Combinatorics, 82(2019), 102996, 18 pp.9. H.Q. Liu, R.T. Zhang and X.L. Hu, Burning number of theta graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 361(2019)?246–257. 10. H.Q. Liu, X.L. Hu and S. Gao, Hamiltonian cycles and paths in faulty twisted hypercubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 257(2019)?243–249.11. H.Q. Liu, X.L. Hu and S. Gao, The g-good neighbor conditional diagnosability of twisted hypercubes under the PMC and MM* model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 332(2018) 484-492.12. X.L. Hu and Y.J. Chen, Embedding trees in graphs with independence number two, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 10(2018) **.13. X.L. Hu, Y.Q. Zhang and Y.Q. Zhang, Quadrilateral-tree planar Ramsey numbers, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 97(2018) 194-199.14. H.B. Hua, H.Z. Wang and X.L. Hu, On eccentric distance sum and degree distance of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 250(2018) 262-275.15. X.L. Hu, Y.Q. Zhang and Z.K. Miao, Upper bounds on adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 233(2017) 29-32.16. X.L. Hu, Y.J. Chen, R. Luo and Z.K. Miao, Neighbor sum distinguishing index of 2-degenerate graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 34(2017) 798-809.17. Z.K. Miao, R. Shi, X.L. Hu and R. Luo, Adjacent vertex distinguishing total colorings of 2-degenerate graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 339(2016) 2446-2449.18. X.L. Hu, Y.J. Chen, R. Luo and Z.K. Miao, Neighbor sum distinguishing edge colorings of sparse graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 193(2015) 119-125.19. X.L. Hu, Y.Q. Zhang and Y.J. Chen, A note on almost balanced bipartitions of a graph, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 91(2015) 177-182.20. X.L. Hu, H.Q. Liu and X.F. Pan, Fault-free Hamilton cycles in burnt pancake graphs with conditional edge faults, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 169(2014) 152-161.21. X.L. Hu and H.Q. Liu, The (conditional) matching preclusion for burnt pancake graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161(2013) 1481-1489.22. X.L. Hu and H.Q. Liu, New upper bounds for the Huckel energy of graphs, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 66(2011) 863-878.23. X.F. Pan, X.L. Hu, X.G. Liu and H.Q. Liu, The spectral moments of trees with given maximum degree, Applied Mathematics Letters, 24(2011) 1265-1268.
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China: On fractional coloring and substructure of graphs (**), 2020.01-2023.12.2. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Fractional chromatic number and independence number of some graphs (**), 2017.01-2019.12.3. Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province: On restricted coloring of some graphs (2016CFB146), 2016.06-2018.06.
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