


人才工程”第一层次人选,第七届海南省青年科技奖,作为主要成员获 “全国专业人才先进集体” 荣誉称号。《海
南大学学报》(自然科学版)编委会委员。Carbohydrate PolymersColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects,Food
Hydrocolloids,《精细化工》等期刊审稿人。近年来,主持多项国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金及海南省自然科学基金创新团队项目,以第一完成人获得海南省科技进步奖二等奖 2 项,三等奖 3
项, 其他省部级科技进步奖 4 项。在 Carbohydrate polymers, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.,Int J Biol Macromol ,
MAT Sci Eng C-Mater,RSC Advances等国际国内学术期刊上发表论文 80 余篇,编写出版学术著作 3 部,获得发明专
利 5 项,在绿色农药应用中,开发了多个水基化、控释化、省力化、与环境友好
的农药新制剂,产生了显著的经济效益及社会效益。已指导研究生 20 余名。招生专业:化学工程与技术、化学工艺、应用化学


(1)Zhao, Xinyu.; Li, Jiacheng*.; Feng, Yuhong*.; Yu, Gaobo.; Zhou, Qinfeng.;He, Furui.; Xia,
Dunchao.; Chen, Kai.; Zhang, Lei. Self-aggregation behavior of h ydrophobic sodium alginate
derivatives in aqueous solution and their applicati on in the nanoencapsulation of acetamiprid.
International journal of biological macromolecules 2018, 106, 418-424. (SCI 收录)
(2)Zhao, Xinyu.; Yu, Gaobo.; Li, Jiacheng*.; Feng, Yuhong*.; Zhang, Lei.; Peng,
Yang.; Tang, Yiyuan.; and Wang, Long zheng. Eco-Friendly Pickering Emulsi on Stabilized by Silica
Nanoparticles Dispersed with High-Molecular-Weight Amphiphilic Alginate Derivatives. ACS
Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018, 6 (3), 4105-4114 (SCI 收录)
(3) Chen, Kai.; Li, Jiacheng*.; Feng, Yuhong.; He, Furui.; Zhou, Qingfeng.; Xiao,
Dunchao.; Tang, Yiyuan., Structural and rheological characterizations of nanoparticles
of environment-sensitive hydrophobic alginate in aqueous solution. Materials
science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications 2017, 70, 617-627. (SCI 收录)
(4)Kai Chen, Gaobo Yu, Furui He, Qingfeng Zhou, Dunchao Xiao, Jiacheng Li*,
Yuhong Feng? A pH-responsive emulsion stabilized by alginate grafted anisotropy
silica and its application in controlled release of
λ-cyhalothrin.Carbohydrate Polymers .176 (2017): 203-213(SCI 收录)
(5)Kai Chen, Miancai Chen, Yuhong Feng, Gaobo Yua, Lei Zhang?,, Jiacheng Li?,
Application and rheology of anisotropic particle stabilized emulsions: Effects of
particle hydrophobicity and fractal structure Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects
524 (2017) 8–16 (SCI 收录)
(6)Qingfeng Zhou, Yanf eng Liu, Gaobo Yu, Furui He, Kai Chen, Dunchao Xiao,
Xinyu Zhao,Yuhong Feng, Jiacheng Li*.Degradation kinetics of sodium alginate via
sono-Fenton, photo-Fenton and sono-photo-Fenton methods in the presence of TiO2nanoparticles.
Polymer Degradation and Stability.135 (2017) 111-120. (SCI 收录)
(7)Junhao Huang, Shixin Zhang, Yuhong Feng, Jiacheng Li*,Huiqiong Yan, Furui
He,Guizhen Wang, Yanfeng Liu, Lining Wang. Rheological properties and

application of wormlike micelles formed by sodium oleate/benzyltrimethyl ammonium bromide.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 500 (2016) 222–229(SCI 收录)
(8)Junhao Huang, Jiacheng Li*, Yuhong Feng, Fei Xiang, Rui Wang, Jianbo Wu,
Huiqiong Yan, Kai Chen, Qingfeng Zhou, Yanfeng Liu. Investigation of the Modified Sodium
Alginate-Alkyl Glycoside Interactions in Aqueous Solutions and at the Oil -Water Interface. RSC
Advances.2016, 6, 51068–51077 (SCI 收录)
(9)Huiqiong Yan, Xiuqiong Chen, Yuhong Feng, Fei Xiang, Jiacheng Li*, Zaifeng
Shi, Xianghui Wang, Qiang Lin*. Modification of montmorillonite by ball-milling
method for immobilization and delivery of acetamiprid based on alginate/exfoliated
montmorillonite nanocomposite, Polymer Bulletin.2016 (73):1185–1206)(SCI 收录)
(10)Junhao Huang, Jiacheng Li* ,Yuhong Feng, Ke Li, Huiqiong Yan, Pengbo Gao,
Ting Xiao and Chunxiu Wang. Aggregation Behavior of Amphiphilic Cholesteryl
Grafted Sodium Alginate Derivative and the Nonionic Surfactants N-Octyl-β-D-Glucopyranoside in
the Aqueous Solutions[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering
Aspects .2015, 479(20): 11-17. (SCI 收录)
( 11) Xiuqiong Chen, Huiqiong Yan,Wei Sun, Yuhong Feng ,Jiacheng Li*, Qiang
Lin*, Zaifeng Shi, Xianghui Wang. Synthesis of amphiphilic alginate derivatives
and electrospinning blend nanofibers: a novel hydrophobic drug carrier, Polym. Bull.(2015)
72:3097–3117(SCI 收录)
( 12 ) Huiqiong Yan, Xiuqiong Chen,Tiantian Wu,Yuhong Feng, Chunxiu Wang,
Jiacheng Li*,Qiang Lin*, Mechanochemical modi?cation of kaolin surfaces for immobilization and
delivery of pesticides in alginate-chitosan composite beads ,Polym. Bull, 2014, 71:2923–2944
(SCI 收录)
( 13 ) Huiqiong Yan, Yuhong Feng, Wentao Hu, Chunfeng Cheng, Ruolin Liu,
Chunxiu Wang, Jiacheng Li*, Qiang Lin*. Preparation and Evaluation of
Alginate-Chitosan-Bentonite Based Beads for the Delivery of Pesticides in the

Controlled-Release Formulation. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25 (17), 9936-9940(SCI 收录)
( 14 ) Huiqiong Yan, Xiuqiong Chen, Jiacheng Li, Yuhong Feng*, Zaifeng Shi,
Xianghui Wang, Qiang Lin*. Synthesis of alginate derivative via the Ugi reaction and
itscharacterization[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers .136 (2016): 757–763(SCI) (SCI 收录)
(15)Xinyu Zhao, Jiacheng Li, Yuhong Feng, Gaobo Yu, Qingfeng Zhou, Furui He,
Dunchao Xiao, Kai Chen, Lei Zhang. Self-aggregation behavior of hydrophobic
sodium alginate derivatives in aqueous solution and their application in
the nanoencapsulation of acetamiprid. Biological Macromolecules; Volume 104, Part
A, November 2017, Pages 457-464 (SCI 收录)
(16)Wentao Hu, Jiacheng Li, Hongwei Hou, Huiqiong Yan, Yuhong Feng, Xue Mi, Qiang Lin.
Preparation and Characterization of Hydrophobic Alginate Derivative Nanocapsules
Entrapping λ-Cyhalothrin. Asian Journal of Chemistry; 2013, 25 (17), 9904-9908(SCI 收录)

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