

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-21

高树基,厦门大学国家级人才****(2011-至今),基金委创新研究群体学术带头人 (2018-2023年), 曾为国际PAGES/IMAGES计划海洋氮循环的过去与现在(NICOPP)工作组成员。专长以稳定同位素为主要手段研究上层海洋复杂氮动力学过程。2011年加入厦门大学,组建“氮循环实验室”,成功建立了国际领先的稳定同位素示踪技术平台
在碳-氮同位素技术、河流碳的源汇过程、氮循环各个过程速率与影响因子、氧化亚氮产率与机制以及天然同位素示踪等方面取得一系列创新性成果,相关结果在国际期刊发表200 余篇SCI 论文,其中以通讯及第一作者在Nature Communication、EPSL、Geology、GRL、ACP、L&O、JGR、Biogeosciences及Paleoceanography等国际重要期刊发表60多篇论文,文章总引超过7000 次,H-index 49。曾服务与台湾“中央研究院”,获得过台湾“年轻****研究著作奖”(1996-2010年间海洋学科唯一获奖人)、TAO(Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)“最佳文章奖”等。





2019- 2022








2020 陈玲(博士);赖瑶、乔静、方永(硕士)
2019 谭萼辉(博士);黄志雄、林巧云、周俞彤(硕士);李春锦、许继聪、唐甜(本科)
2018 徐敏、郑珍珍、卢阳阳 (博士);刘丽、朱谦 (硕士)
2017 郑立伟、丁晓东、万显会、颜秀利(博士);张伟杰、邵光贺(硕士)
2016 罗笠(博士);何萌、吴乔、张骁(硕士);杨欣妍(本科)
2015 杨进宇(博士);吴燕华、江新磊(硕士)
2014 王白云(硕士)

N Geeraert, A Archana, MN Xu, SJ Kao, DM Baker, B Thibodeau, (2021). Investigating the link between Pearl River-induced eutrophication and hypoxia in Hong Kong shallow coastal waters. Science of The Total Environment, 145007.
Y Lu, S Cheung, L Chen, SJ Kao, X Xia, J Gan, M Dai, H Liu, (2020). New insight to niche partitioning and ecological function of ammonia oxidizing archaea in subtropical estuarine ecosystem. Biogeosciences 17 (23), 6017-6032.
L Chen, X Zhang, B He, J Liu, Y Lu, H Liu, M Dai, J Gan, SJ Kao*, (2020). Dark ammonium transformations in the Pearl River Estuary during summer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2019JG005596
J Shen, N Jiao, M Dai, H Wang, G Qiu, J Chen, H Li, SJ Kao, JYT Yang, P Cai, K Zhou, W Yang, Y Zhu, Z Liu, M Chen, Z Zuo, B Gaya, M G. Wiesner, Y Zhao, (2020). Laterally transported particles from margins serve as a major carbon and energy source for dark ocean ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (18), e2020GL088971.
D Zou, R Wan, L Han, MN Xu, Y Liu, H Liu, SJ Kao, M Li, (2020). Genomic characteristics of a novel species of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea from the Jiulong River Estuary. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86 (18).
L Luo, SJ Kao, YF Wu, XL Zhang, H Lin, RJ Zhang, HY Xiao, (2020). Stable oxygen isotope constraints on nitrate formation in Beijing in springtime. Environmental Pollution 263, 114515.
X Ding, L Zheng, X Zheng, SJ Kao, (2020). Holocene East Asian summer monsoon rainfall variability in Taiwan. Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 234.
ZZ Zheng, LW Zheng, MN Xu, E Tan, DA Hutchins, W Deng, Y Zhang, D Shi, M Dai, SJ Kao*, (2020). Substrate regulation leads to differential responses of microbial ammonia-oxidizing communities to ocean warming. Nature communications 11 (1), 1-10.
Y Li, H Jing, SJ Kao, W Zhang, H Liu, (2020). Metabolic response of prokaryotic microbes to sporadic hypoxia in a eutrophic subtropical estuary. Marine pollution bulletin 154, 111064.
E Tan, W Zou, Z Zheng, X Yan, M Du, TC Hsu, L Tian, JJ Middelburg, T W. Trull, SJ Kao*, (2020). Warming stimulates sediment denitrification at the expense of anaerobic ammonium oxidation. Nature Climate Change 10 (4), 349-355.
Y Zhang, W Qin, L Hou, EJ Zakem, X Wan, Z Zhao, L Liu, KA Hunt, N Jiao, SJ Kao, K Tang, X XIe, J Shen, Y Li, M Chen, X Dai, C Liu, W Deng, M Dai, A E, Ingalls, D A, Stahl, G J. Herndl, (2020). Nitrifier adaptation to low energy flux controls inventory of reduced nitrogen in the dark ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (9), 4823-4830.
X Jian, W Zhang, S Yang, SJ Kao, (2020). Climate‐dependent sediment composition and transport of mountainous rivers in tectonically stable, subtropical East Asia. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (3), e2019GL086150.
S Chen, P Wang, H Liu, W Xie, XS Wan, SJ Kao, TJ Phelps, C Zhang, (2020). Population dynamics of methanogens and methanotrophs along the salinity gradient in Pearl River Estuary: implications for methane metabolism. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 104 (3), 1331-1346.
LW Zheng, D Li, X Ding, TY Lee, Z Zheng, FK Shiah, X Zheng, TC Hsu, JC Huang, SJ Kao*, (2020). Isotope constraints on the sources of particulate organic carbon in a subtropical deep reservoir. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125 (1), e2019JG005240.
L Wei, SJ Kao, C Liu, (2020). Mangrove species maintains constant nutrient resorption efficiency under eutrophic conditions, Journal of Tropical Ecology 36 (1), 36-38.
J Qiao, H Bao, D Huang, DW Li, TY Lee, JC Huang, SJ Kao, (2020). Runoff-driven export of terrigenous particulate organic matter from a small mountainous river: sources, fluxes and comparisons among different rivers. Biogeochemistry 147 (1), 71-86.
Y Lu, Z Wen, D Shi, W Lin, S Bonnet, M Dai, SJ Kao*, (2019). Biogeography of N2 Fixation Influenced by the Western Boundary Current Intrusion in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (10), 6983-6996.
X Yan, XS Wan, L Liu, MN Xu, E Tan, Z Zheng, W Zou, L Tian, DW Li, T W. Trull, SJ Kao*, (2019). Biogeochemical dynamics in a eutrophic tidal estuary revealed by isotopic compositions of multiple nitrogen species. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 (7), 1849-1864.
Zou, D., Y. Li, S. J. Kao, H. Liu, and M. Li (2019), Genomic adaptation to eutrophication of ammonia‐oxidizing Archaea in the Pearl River estuary, Environmental Microbiology.
Bao, H., J. Niggemann, D. Huang, T. Dittmar, and S. J. Kao (2019), Different responses of dissolved black carbon and dissolved lignin to seasonal hydrological changes and an extreme rain event, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124(3), 479-493.
Luo, L., Y. Wu, H. Xiao, R. Zhang, H. Lin, X. Zhang, and S.-j. Kao* (2019), Origins of aerosol nitrate in Beijing during late winter through spring, Science of the Total Environment, 653, 776-782.
Tan, E., Zou, W., Jiang, X., Wan, X., Hsu, T.-C., Zheng, Z., Chen, L., Xu, M., Dai, M., Kao, S.-J.* 2019. Organic matter decomposition sustains sedimentary nitrogen loss in the Pearl River Estuary, China. Science of The Total Environment 648, 508-517.
Xu, M. N., X. Li, D. Shi, Y. Zhang, M. Dai, T. Huang, P. M. Glibert, and S. J. Kao* (2019), Coupled effect of substrate and light on assimilation and oxidation of regenerated nitrogen in the euphotic ocean, Limnology and Oceanography.
Chen, M., Y. Lu, N. Jiao, J. Tian, S. J. Kao, and Y. Zhang (2019), Biogeographic drivers of diazotrophs in the western Pacific Ocean, Limnology and Oceanography.
Li, D.-W., R. Xiang, Q. Wu, and S.-J. Kao* (2019), Planktic foraminifera-bound organic nitrogen isotopic composition in contemporary water column and sediment trap, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 143, 28-34.
Huang, X., S.-J. Kao, J. Lin, X. Qin, and C. Deng (2018), Development and validation of a HPLC/FLD method combined with online derivatization for the simple and simultaneous determination of trace amino acids and alkyl amines in continental and marine aerosols, PloS one, 13(11), e**.
Kandasamy, S., B. Lin, J. Y. Lou, S. J. Kao, C. T. A. Chen, and L. M. Mayer (2018), Estimation of Marine Versus Terrigenous Organic Carbon in Sediments Off Southwestern Taiwan Using the Bromine to Total Organic Carbon Ratio as a Proxy, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(10), 3387-3402.
Bao, H., Niggemann, J., Luo, L., Dittmar, T., Kao, S.-J.*., 2018. Molecular composition and origin of water-soluble organic matter in marine aerosols in the Pacific off China. Atmospheric Environment 191, 27-35.
Archana, A., Thibodeau, B., Geeraert, N., Xu, M.N., Kao, S.-J., Baker, D.M., 2018. Nitrogen sources and cycling revealed by dual isotopes of nitrate in a complex urbanized environment. Water Research 142, 459-470.
Luo, L., Kao, S.-J.*, Bao, H., Xiao, H., Xiao, H., Yao, X., Gao, H., Li, J., Lu, Y., 2018. Sources of reactive nitrogen in marine aerosol over the Northwest Pacific Ocean in spring. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, 6207-6222.
Li, D.-W., Chang, Y.-P., Li, Q., Zheng, L., Ding, X., Kao, S.-J.*, 2018. Effect of sea-level on organic carbon preservation in the Okinawa Trough over the last 91 kyr. Marine Geology 399, 148-157.
Wan, X.S., Sheng, H.-X., Dai, M., Zhang, Y., Shi, D., Trull, T.W., Zhu, Y., Lomas, M.W., Kao, S.-J.*, 2018. Ambient nitrate switches the ammonium consumption pathway in the euphotic ocean. Nature communications 9, 915.
Hou, L., X. Xie, X. Wan, S.-J. Kao, N. Jiao, and Y. Zhang (2018), Niche differentiation of ammonia and nitrite oxidizers along a salinity gradient from the Pearl River estuary to the South China Sea, Biogeosciences, 15(16).
Xu, M.N., Zhang, W., Zhu, Y., Liu, L., Zheng, Z., Wan, X.S., Qian, W., Dai, M., Gan, J., Hutchins, D.A., Kao, S.-J.*, 2018. Enhanced ammonia oxidation caused by lateral Kuroshio intrusion in the boundary zone of the northern South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters.
Luo, L., Kao, S.-J.*, Bao, H., Xiao, H., Xiao, H., Yao, X., Gao, H., Li, J., Lu, Y., 2018. Sources of reactive nitrogen in marine aerosol over the Northwest Pacific Ocean in spring. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, 6207-6222.
Lu, Y., Wen, Z., Shi, D., Chen, M., Zhang, Y., Bonnet, S., Li, Y., Tian, J., Kao, S.-J.*, 2018. Effect of light on N 2 fixation and net nitrogen release of Trichodesmium in a field study. Biogeosciences 15, 1.
Li, Y.-Y., Chen, X.-H., Xie, Z.-X., Li, D.-X., Wu, P.-F., Kong, L.-F., Lin, L., Kao, S.-J., Wang, D.-Z., 2018a. Bacterial diversity and nitrogen utilization strategies in the upper layer of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in microbiology 9.
Li, D.-W., Chang, Y.-P., Li, Q., Zheng, L., Ding, X., Kao, S.-J.*, 2018. Effect of sea-level on organic carbon preservation in the Okinawa Trough over the last 91 kyr. Marine Geology 399, 148-157.
Itoh, M., Kojima, H., Ho, P.-C., Chang, C.-W., Chen, T.-Y., Hsiao, S.S.-Y., Kobayashi, Y., Fujibayashi, M., Kao, S.-J., Hsieh, C.-h., 2018. Correction to: Integrating isotopic, microbial, and modeling approaches to understand methane dynamics in a frequently disturbed deep reservoir in Taiwan. Ecological Research, 1-2.
Archana, A., Thibodeau, B., Geeraert, N., Xu, M.N., Kao, S.-J., Baker, D.M., 2018. Nitrogen sources and cycling revealed by dual isotopes of nitrate in a complex urbanized environment. Water research.
Zheng, Z.Z., Wan, X., Xu, M.N., Hsiao, S.S.Y., Zhang, Y., Zheng, L.W., Wu, Y., Zou, W., Kao, S.J.*, 2017a. Effects of temperature and particles on nitrification in a eutrophic coastal bay in southern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122, 2325-2337.
Zheng, L.-W., Ding, X., Liu, J.T., Li, D., Lee, T.-Y., Zheng, X., Zheng, Z., Xu, M.N., Dai, M., Kao, S.-J.*, 2017. Isotopic evidence for the influence of typhoons and submarine canyons on the sourcing and transport behavior of biospheric organic carbon to the deep sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 465, 103-111.
Zhao, H.-D., Kao, S.-J., Zhai, W.-D., Zang, K.-P., Zheng, N., Xu, X.-M., Huo, C., Wang, J.-Y., 2017. Effects of stratification, organic matter remineralization and bathymetry on summertime oxygen distribution in the Bohai Sea, China. Continental Shelf Research 134, 15-25.
Zhang, Y., Liang, P., Xie, X., Dai, X., Liu, H., Zhang, C., Kao, S.-J., Jiao, N., 2017. Succession of bacterial community structure and potential significance along a sediment core from site U1433 of IODP expedition 349, South China Sea. Marine Geology 394, 125-132.
Yang, J.Y.T., Kao, S.-J.*, Dai, M., Yan, X., Lin, H.L., 2017. Examining N cycling in the northern South China Sea from N isotopic signals in nitrate and particulate phases. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122, 2118-2136.
Yan, X., Xu, M.N., Wan, X.S., Yang, J.Y.T., Trull, T.W., Dai, M., Kao, S.-J.*, 2017. Dual isotope measurements reveal zoning of nitrate processing in the summer Changjiang (Yangtze) River plume. Geophysical Research Letters.
Xu, M.N., Wu, Y., Zheng, L.W., Zheng, Z., Zhao, H., Laws, E.A., Kao, S.-J.*, 2017. Quantification of multiple simultaneously occurring nitrogen flows in the euphotic ocean. Biogeosciences 14, 1021.
Wen, Z., Lin, W., Shen, R., Hong, H., Kao, S.-J., Shi, D., 2017. Nitrogen fixation in two coastal upwelling regions of the Taiwan Strait. Scientific reports 7, 17601.
Tan, E., Hsu, T.-C., Huang, X., Lin, H.-J., Kao, S.-J.*, 2017. Nitrogen transformations and removal efficiency enhancement of a constructed wetland in subtropical Taiwan. Science of The Total Environment 601, 1378-1388.
Qian, W., Dai, M., Xu, M., Kao, S.-J., Du, C., Liu, J., Wang, H., Guo, L., Wang, L., 2017. Non-local drivers of the summer hypoxia in the East China Sea off the Changjiang Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 198, 393-399.
Milliman, J., Lee, T., Huang, J., Kao, S.-J., 2017. Impact of catastrophic events on small mountainous rivers: Temporal and spatial variations in suspended-and dissolved-solid fluxes along the Choshui River, central western Taiwan, during typhoon Mindulle, July 2–6, 2004. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 205, 272-294.
Li, D., Zheng, L.-W., Jaccard, S.L., Fang, T.-H., Paytan, A., Zheng, X., Chang, Y.-P., Kao, S.-J.*, 2017a. Millennial-scale ocean dynamics controlled export productivity in the subtropical North Pacific. Geology 45, 651-654.
Li, D., Chiang, T.-L., Kao, S.-J.*, Hsin, Y.-C., Zheng, L.-W., Yang, J.-Y.T., Hsu, S.-C., Wu, C.-R., Dai, M., 2017b. Circulation and oxygenation of the glacial South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 138, 387-398.
Lee, T.-Y., Hong, N.-M., Shih, Y.-T., Huang, J.-C., Kao, S.-J., 2017. The sources of streamwater to small mountainous rivers in Taiwan during typhoon and non-typhoon seasons. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 26940-26957.
Itoh, M., Kojima, H., Ho, P.-C., Chang, C.-W., Chen, T.-Y., Hsiao, S.S.-Y., Kobayashi, Y., Fujibayashi, M., Kao, S.-J., Hsieh, C.-h., 2017. Integrating isotopic, microbial, and modeling approaches to understand methane dynamics in a frequently disturbed deep reservoir in Taiwan. Ecological Research 32, 861-871.
Huang Jr, C., Milliman, J.D., Lee, T.Y., Chen, Y.C., Lee, J.F., Liu, C.C., Lin, J.C., Kao, S.J., 2017. Terrain attributes of earthquake‐and rainstorm‐induced landslides in orogenic mountain Belt, Taiwan. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42, 1549-1559.
Hong, H., Shen, R., Zhang, F., Wen, Z., Chang, S., Lin, W., Kranz, S.A., Luo, Y.-W., Kao, S.-J., Morel, F.M., 2017. The complex effects of ocean acidification on the prominent N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Science 356, 527-531.
Gong, X., Jiang, W., Wang, L., Gao, H., Boss, E., Yao, X., Kao, S.-J., Shi, J., 2017. Analytical solution of the nitracline with the evolution of subsurface chlorophyll maximum in stratified water columns. Biogeosciences 14, 2371.
Du, C., Liu, Z., Kao, S.-J., Dai, M., 2017. Diapycnal fluxes of nutrients in an oligotrophic oceanic regime: the South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 44.
Ding, X., Bao, H., Zheng, L., Li, D., Kao, S.-J.*, 2017. Lacustrine lignin biomarker record reveals a severe drought during the late Younger Dryas in southern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 135, 281-290.
Bao, H., Niggemann, J., Luo, L., Dittmar, T., Kao, S.-J.*, 2017a. Aerosols as a source of dissolved black carbon to the ocean. Nature communications 8, 510.
Bao, H., Kao, S.-J.*, Lee, T.-Y., Zehetner, F., Huang, J.-C., Chang, Y.-P., Lu, J.-T., Lee, J.-Y., 2017b. Distribution of organic carbon and lignin in soils in a subtropical small mountainous river basin. Geoderma 306, 81-88.
Zhou, K., Maiti, K., Dai, M., Kao, S.-J., Buesseler, K., 2016. Does adsorption of dissolved organic carbon and thorium onto membrane filters affect the carbon to thorium ratios, a primary parameter in estimating export carbon flux? Marine Chemistry 184, 1-10.
Zheng, X., Li, A., Kao, S., Gong, X., Frank, M., Kuhn, G., Cai, W., Yan, H., Wan, S., Zhang, H., 2016a. Synchronicity of Kuroshio Current and climate system variability since the Last Glacial Maximum. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 452, 247-257.
Zheng, X., Kao, S.-J., Chen, Z., Menviel, L., Chen, H., Du, Y., Wan, S., Yan, H., Liu, Z., Zheng, L., 2016b. Temporal variation of the deep circulation of the South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 8590-8599.
Zheng, X., Kao, S.-J., Chen, Z., Menviel, L., Chen, H., Du, Y., Wan, S., Yan, H., Liu, Z., Zheng, L., 2016c. Deepwater circulation variation in the South China Sea since the last glacial maximum. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 8590-8599.
Yang, S.-H., Chiang, P.-W., Hsu, T.-C., Kao, S.-J., Tang, S.-L., 2016. Bacterial community associated with organs of shallow hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus near Kuishan Island, Taiwan. PloS one 11, e**.
Wu, P.-C., Gong, G.-C., Cheng, J.-S., Liu, K.-K., Kao, S.-J., 2016. Origins of Particulate Organic Matter Determined from Nitrogen Isotopic Composition and C/N Ratio in the Highly Eutrophic Danshuei Estuary, Northern Taiwan. Aquatic geochemistry 22, 291-311.
Wang, H., Dai, M., Liu, J., Kao, S.-J., Zhang, C., Cai, W.-J., Wang, G., Qian, W., Zhao, M., Sun, Z., 2016. Eutrophication-driven hypoxia in the East China Sea off the Changjiang Estuary. Environmental science & technology 50, 2255-2263.
Shih, Y.-T., Lee, T.-Y., Huang, J.-C., Kao, S.-J.*, 2016. Apportioning riverine DIN load to export coefficients of land uses in an urbanized watershed. Science of the Total Environment 560, 1-11.
Shao, H., Yang, S., Cai, F., Li, C., Liang, J., Li, Q., Hyun, S., Kao, S.-J.*, Dou, Y., Hu, B., 2016. Sources and burial of organic carbon in the middle Okinawa Trough during late Quaternary paleoenvironmental change. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 118, 46-56.
Luo, L., Yao, X., Gao, H., Hsu, S., Li, J., Kao, S*., 2016. Nitrogen speciation in various types of aerosols in spring over the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 325-341.
Liu, J., Xiang, R., Kao, S.-J., Fu, S., Zhou, L., 2016. Sedimentary responses to sea-level rise and Kuroshio Current intrusion since the Last Glacial Maximum: Grain size and clay mineral evidence from the northern South China Sea slope. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 450, 111-121.
Lin, Y.-C., Hsu, S.-C., Chou, C.C.-K., Zhang, R., Wu, Y., Kao, S.-J., Luo, L., Huang, C.-H., Lin, S.-H., Huang, Y.-T., 2016a. Wintertime haze deterioration in Beijing by industrial pollution deduced from trace metal fingerprints and enhanced health risk by heavy metals. Environmental Pollution 208, 284-293.
Lin, H., Dai, M., Kao, S.-J., Wang, L., Roberts, E., Yang, J.-Y.T., Huang, T., He, B., 2016b. Spatiotemporal variability of nitrous oxide in a large eutrophic estuarine system: The Pearl River Estuary, China. Marine Chemistry 182, 14-24.
Huang, J.-C., Lee, T.-Y., Lin, T.-C., Hein, T., Lee, L.-C., Shih, Y.-T., Kao, S.-J., Shiah, F.-K., Lin, N.-H., 2016a. Effects of different N sources on riverine DIN export and retention in a subtropical high-standing island, Taiwan. Biogeosciences (Online) 13, 1787.
Ho, P.C., Okuda, N., Miki, T., Itoh, M., Shiah, F.K., Chang, C.W., Hsiao, S.S.Y., Kao, S.J., Fujibayashi, M., Hsieh, C.H., 2016. Summer profundal hypoxia determines the coupling of methanotrophic production and the pelagic food web in a subtropical reservoir. Freshwater biology 61, 1694-1706.
Ding, X., Zheng, L., Li, D., Yang, T.-N., Lee, T.-Q., Kao, S.-J.*, 2016a. Lacustrine record of centennial-and millennial-scale rainfall variability of the East Asian summer monsoon during the last deglaciation: Multi-proxy evidence from Taiwan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 450, 38-49.
Ding, X., Li, D., Zheng, L., Bao, H., Chen, H.-F., Kao, S.-J.*, 2016b. Sulfur Geochemistry of a Lacustrine Record from Taiwan Reveals Enhanced Marine Aerosol Input during the Early Holocene. Scientific reports 6, 38989.
Dai, M., Xu, Y., Kao, S., Huang, B., Sun, J., Sun, Z., 2016. Observations of rapid changes in N: P ratio associated with non-Redfield nutrient utilization in mesoscale eddies in the upper ocean, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, abstract# B43A-01.
Bao, R., McIntyre, C., Zhao, M., Zhu, C., Kao, S.-J., Eglinton, T.I., 2016a. Widespread dispersal and aging of organic carbon in shallow marginal seas. Geology 44, 791-794.
Bao, H., Lee, T.-Y., Huang, J.-C., Feng, X., Dai, M., Kao, S.-J.*, 2016b. Erratum: Importance of Oceanian small mountainous rivers (SMRs) in global land-to-ocean output of lignin and modern biospheric carbon. Scientific reports 6, 20710.
Hongyan Bao,Tsung-Yu Lee,Jr-Chuan Huang,Xiaojuan Feng,Minhan Dai,Shuh-Ji Kao*,Importance of Oceanian small mountainous rivers (SMRs) in global land-to-ocean output of lignin and modern biospheric carbon,Scientific Reports,2015,5。
Liang-Chi Wang,HermannBehling,Shuh-Ji Kao,Hong-Chun Li,Kandasamy Selvaraj,Meng-Long Hsieh,Yuan-Pin Chang*,Late Holocene environment of subalpine northeastern Taiwan from pollen and diatom analysis of lake sediments,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2015,114:447-456。
Li-Wei Zheng,Silver Sung-Yun Hsiao,Xiao-Dong Ding,Dawei Li,Yuan-Pin Chang,Shuh-Ji Kao*,Isotopic composition and speciation of sedimentary nitrogen and carbon in the OkinawaTrough over the past 30ka,Paleoceanography,2015,30:1233-1244。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,B.Y. Wang,L.W. Zheng,K. Selvaraj,S.C. Hsu,X. H. Sean Wan,M. Xu,C.T. Arthur Chen,Spatiotemporal variations of nitrogen isotopic records in the Arabian Sea,Biogeosciences,2015,12:1-14。
Jian-jun Zou*,Xue-fa Shi,Ai-mei Zhu,Min-Te Chen,Shuh-Ji Kao,Yong -hua Wu,Kandasamy Selvaraj,Patrick Scholz,Ya-zhi Bai,Kun-shan Wang,Shu-lan Ge,Evidence of sea ice-driven terrigenous detritus accumulation and deep ventilation changes in the southern Okhotsk Sea during the last 180ka,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2015,114:541-548。
Tsung-Yu Lee*,Jr-Chuan Huang,Jun-Yi Lee,Shih-Hao Jien,Franz Zehetner,Shuh-Ji Kao,Magnified Sediment Export of Small Mountainous Rivers in Taiwan: Chain Reactions from Increased Rainfall Intensity under Global Warming,PLos One,2015,10(9)。
Dalin Shi*,Weiying Li,Brian M. Hopkinson,Haizheng Hong,Dongmei Li,Shuh-Ji Kao,Wenfang Lin,Interactive effects of light, nitrogen source, and carbon dioxide on energy metabolism in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana,Limnology and Oceanography,2015,60(5):1805-1822。
Kai-Hsien Chi*,Shangde Luo,Shuh-Ji Kao,Wei-Ting Hsu,Tzu-Yi Lee,Sources and Deposition Fluxes of PCDD/Fs in the Largest Reservoir System in Taiwan before and after Typhoon Morakot,Aerosol and Air Quality Research,2015,15(4):1227-1239。
Jih-Terng Wang*,Chia-Min Hsu,Chao-Yang Kuo,Pei-Jie Meng,Shuh-Ji Kao,Chaolun Allen Chen,Physiological Outperformance at the Morphologically-Transformed Edge of the Cyanobacteriosponge Terpios hoshinota (Suberitidae: Hadromerida) when Confronting Opponent Corals,PLos One,2015,10(6)。
K. Selvaraj,T.Y. Lee,J.Y.T. Yang,E.A. Canuel,J.C. Huang,M. Dai,J.T. Liu,Shuh-Ji Kao*,Stable isotopic and biomarker evidence of terrigenous organic matter export to the deep sea during tropical storms,Marine Geology,2015,364:32-42。
Bingbing Fu,Jiwen Liu,Hongmei Yang,Ting-Chang Hsu,Biyan He,Minhan Dai,Shuh-Ji Kao,Meixun Zhao,Xiao-Hua Zhang*,Shift of anammox bacterial community structure along the Pearl Estuary and the impact of environmental factors,Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,2015,120(4):2869-2883。
Y.T. Shih,T.Y. Lee,J.C. Huang*,Shuh-Ji Kao,K.K. Liu,F.J. Chang,Inverse isolation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen yield for individual land-uses from mosaic land-use patterns within a watershed,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions,2015,12(1):449-487。
J.D. Milliman*,T.Y. Lee,J.C. Huang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Temporal and spatial responses of river discharge to tectonic and climatic perturbations: Choshui River, Taiwan, and Typhoon Mindulle (2004),Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences,2015,367:29-39。
S. S.Y. Hsiao,T.C. Hsu,J.W. Liu,X. Xie,Y. Zhang,J. Lin,H. Wang,J.Y.T. Yang,S.C. Hsu,M. Dai,Shuh-Ji Kao*,Nitrification and its oxygen consumption along the turbid Chang Jiang River plume,Biogeosciences,2014,11(7):2083-2098。
J.Y. T. Yang,S.C. Hsu,M. H. Dai,S. S.Y. Hsiao,Shuh-Ji Kao*,Isotopic composition of water-soluble nitrate in bulk atmospheric deposition at Dongsha Island: Sources and its implications to the northern South China Sea,Biogeosciences,2014,11:1833-1846。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,R. Hilton,K. Selvaraj,M. Dai,F. Zehetner,J.-C. Huang,S.-C. Hsu,R. Sparkes,J. Liu,T.-Y. Lee,Preservation of terrestrial organic carbon in marine sediments offshore Taiwan: mountain building and atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestration,Earth Surface Dynamics,2014,2(1):127-139。
Y.F. Tseng,J. Lin,M. Dai,Shuh-Ji Kao*,Joint effect of freshwater plume and coastal upwelling on phytoplankton growth off the Changjiang River,Biogeosciences,2014,11(2):409-423
K.K. Liu*,Shuh-Ji Kao,K.P. Chiang,G.C. Gong,J. Chang,J.S. Cheng,C.Y. Lan,Concentration dependent nitrogen isotope fractionation during ammonium uptake by phytoplankton under an algal bloom condition in the Danshuei estuary, northern Taiwan,Marine Chemistry,2013,157:242-252。
Ching-Pin Tung,Tsung-Yu Lee*,Jr-Chuang Huang,Po-Wen Perng,Shih-Ji Kao,Lin-Yen Liao,The development of stream temperature model in a mountainous river of Taiwan.,Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,2014,186(11):7489-7503。
T.Y. Lee,Y.T. Shih,J.C. Huang*,Shuh-Ji Kao,F.K. Shiah,K.K. Liu,Speciation and dynamics of dissolved inorganic nitrogen export in the Danshui River, Taiwan,Biogeosciences,2014,11(19):5307-5321。
Rong-Quen Jan,Shuh-Ji Kao,Chang-Feng Dai,Cheng-Tze Ho*,Assessment of the effects of cage fish-farming on damselfish-associated food chains using stable-isotope analyses,Marine Pollution Bulletin,2014,86(1–2):111-121。
Ni-Na Chang,Jen-Chieh Shiao*,Gwo-Ching Gong,Shuh-Ji Kao,Chih-hao Hsieh,Stable isotope ratios reveal food source of benthic fish and crustaceans along a gradient of trophic status in the East China Sea,Continental Shelf Research,2014,84:23-34。
W. Soon*,V. M. V. Herrera,K. Selvaraj,R. Traversi,I.Usoskin,C.T. A. Chen,J.Y. Lou,Shuh-Ji Kao,R. M. Carter,V. Pipin,A review of Holocene solar-linked climatic variation on centennial to millennial timescales: Physical processes, interpretative frameworks and a new multiple cross-wavelet transform algorithm,Earth-Science Reviews,2014,134:1-15。
X. Zheng,A. Li*,S. Wan,F. Jiang,Shuh-Ji Kao,C. Johnson,ITCZ and ENSO pacing on East Asian winter monsoon variation during the Holocene: Sedimentological evidence from the Okinawa Trough,Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,2014,119(7):4410-4429。
Ray T Hsu,James T Liu*,Chih-Chieh Su,Shuh-Ji Kao,Shih-Nan Chen,Fang-Hsu Kuo,Jeff C Huang,On the links between a river’s hyperpycnal plume and marine benthic nepheloid layer in the wake of a typhoon,Progress in Oceanography,2014,127:62-73。
Y. Zhang ,X. Xie ,N. Jiao,S.Y. Hsiao, Shuh-Ji Kao, Diversity and distribution of amoA-type nitrifying and nirS-type denitrifying microbial communities in the Yangtze River estuary,Biogeosciences,2014,11(8):2131-2145。
Chun-Wei Chang,Takeshi Miki,Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Shuh-Ji Kao,Jiunn-Tzong Wu,Akash R Sastri,Chih-hao Hsieh*,Linking secondary structure of individual size distribution with nonlinear size–trophic level relationship in food webs,Ecology,2014,95(4):897-909。
Yu-Cheng Hsu,Pei-Jen Shaner*,Chun-I Chang,Linhua Ke,Shuh-Ji Kao,Trophic niche width increases with bill-size variation in a generalist passerine: a test of niche variation hypothesis,Journal of Animal Ecology,2014,83(2):450-459。
H.Y. Lin,P.Y. Lin,N.N. Chang,J.C. Shiao*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Trophic structure of megabenthic food webs along depth gradients in the South China Sea and off northeastern Taiwan,Marine Ecology Progress Series,2014,501:53-66。
T.C. Hsu,Shuh-Ji Kao*,Technical Note: Simultaneous measurement of sedimentary N2 and N2O production and a modified 15N isotope pairing technique,Biogeosciences,2013,10:7847-7862。
A. Han,M. Dai*,J. Gan,Shuh-Ji Kao,X. Zhao,S. Jan,Q. Li,H. Lin,C.T. Chen,L. Wang,Inter-shelf nutrient transport from the East China Sea as a major nutrient source supporting winter primary production on the northeast South China Sea shelf,Biogeosciences,2013,10(12):8159-8170。
Kai-Hsien Chi*,Chuan-Yao Lin,Chang-Feng Ou Yang,Shih-Chieh Hsu,YaFang Chen,Shangde Luo,Shuh-Ji Kao,Evaluation of environmental fate and sinks of PCDD/Fs during specific extreme weather events in Taiwan,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2013,77:268-280。
Kuanbo Zhou,Minhan Dai*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Lei Wang,Peng Xiu,Fei Chai,Jiwei Tian,Yang Liu,Apparent enhancement of Th-234-based particle export associated with anticyclonic eddies,Earth and Planetary Science Letters,2013,381:198-209。
Shih-Chieh Hsu*,Fei-Jan Lin,Tsun-Hsien Liu,Shuen-Hsin Lin,Shuh-Ji Kao,Chun-Mao Tseng,Chao-Hao Huang,Short time dissolution kinetics of refractory elements Fe, Al, and Ti in Asian outflow-impacted marine aerosols and implications,Atmospheric Environment,2013,79:93-100。
Pei-Jen L. Shaner*,Sheng-Hai Wu,Linhua Ke,Shuh-Ji Kao,Trophic niche divergence reduces survival in an omnivorous rodent,Evolutionary Ecology Research,2013,15(8):933-946。
C. Du,Z. Liu,M. Dai*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Z. Cao,Y. Zhang,T. Huang,L. Wang,Y. Li,Impact of the Kuroshio intrusion on the nutrient inventory in the upper northern South China Sea: insights from an isopycnal mixing model,Biogeosciences,2013,10(10):6419-6432。
Chuan-Shun Li*,Xue-Fa Shi,Shuh-Ji Kao,Yan-Guang Liu,Hua-Hua Lyu,Jian-Jun Zou,Sheng-Fa Liu,Shu-Qing Qiao,Rare earth elements in fine-grained sediments of major rivers from the high-standing island of Taiwan,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2013,69:39-47。
Eric D. Galbraith*,Markus Kienast,Ana Luiza Albuquerque,Mark A. Altabet,Fabian Batista,Daniele Bianchi,Stephen E. Calvert,Sergio Contreras,Xavier Crosta,Ricardo De Pol-Holz,Nathalie Dubois,Johan Etourneau,Roger Francois,Ting-Chang Hsu,Tara Ivanochko,Samuel L. Jaccard,Shuh-Ji Kao,Thorsten Kiefer,Stephanie Kienast,Moritz F. Lehmann,Philippe Martinez,Matthew McCarthy,Anna Nele Meckler,Alan Mix,Juergen Moebius,Tom F. Pedersen,Laetitia Pichevin,Tracy M. Quan,Rebecca S. Robinson,Evgeniya Ryabenko,Andreas Schmittner,Ralph Schneider,Aya Schneider-Mor,Masahito Shigemitsu,Dan Sinclair,Christopher Somes,Anja S. Studer,Jan-Erik Tesdal,Robert Thunell,Jin-Yu Terence Yang,The acceleration of oceanic denitrification during deglacial warming,Nature Geoscience,2013,6:579-584。
Yoshimasa Yamamoto*,Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Shuh-Ji Kao,Reproductive traits of bluegill Lepomis macrochirus sourced from upstream and downstream areas in a small river in western Japan,Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology,2013,46(3):159-167。
T.Y. Lee,J.C. Huang*,Shuh-Ji Kao,C.P. Tung,Temporal variation of nitrate and phosphate transport in headwater catchments: the hydrological controls and land use alteration,Biogeosciences,2013,10(4):2617-2632。
Kai-Hsien Chi*,Shangde Luo,Shuh-Ji Kao,Tzu-Yi Lee,Sources and deposition fluxes of PCDD/Fs in a high-mountain lake in central Taiwan,Chemosphere,2013,91(2):150-156。
James T. Liu*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Chih-An Huh,Chin-Chang Hung,Gravity flows associated with flood events and carbon burial: Taiwan as instructional source area,Annual Review of Marine Science,2013,5:48-68。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Jin-Yu Terence Yang,Kon-Kee Liu,Minhan Dai,Wen-Chen Chou,Hui-Ling Lin,Haojia Ren,Isotope constraints on particulate nitrogen source and dynamics in the upper water column of the oligotrophic South China Sea,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2012,26(2)。
Hsing-Juh Lin*,Tsung-Ren Peng,I-Chan Cheng,Liang-Wei Chen,Mei-Hwa Kuo,Chyng-Shyan Tzeng,Shang-Te Tsai,Jeng-Tze Yang,Sheng-Hai Wu,Yuan-Hsun Sun,Shu-Fen Yu,Shuh-Ji Kao,Trophic model of the subtropical headwater stream habitat of Formosan landlocked salmon Oncorhynchus formosanus,Aquatic Biology,2012,17(3):269-283。
J. Zou,X. Shi*,Y. Liu,J. Liu,K. Selvaraj,Shuh-Ji Kao,Reconstruction of environmental changes using a multi‐proxy approach in the Ulleung Basin (Sea of Japan) over the last 48 ka,Journal of Quaternary Science,2012,27(9):891-900。
Li Chen*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Seydou Traore,Predicting and managing reservoir total phosphorus by using modified grammatical evolution coupled with a macro-genetic algorithm,Environmental Modelling &Software,2012,38:89-100。
T.Y. Lee,J.C. Huang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Y. Liao,C.S. Tzeng,C.H. Yang,P.K.Kalita,C.P. Tung*,Modeling the effects of riparian planting strategies on stream temperature: Increasing suitable habitat for endangered Formosan Landlocked Salmon in Shei‐Pa National Park, Taiwan,Hydrological Processes,2012,26(24):3635-3644。
Rebecca S. Robinson*,Markus Kienast,Ana Luiza Albuquerque,Mark Altabet,Sergio Contreras,Ricardo De Pol Holz,Nathalie Dubois,Roger Francois,Eric Galbraith,Ting-Chang Hsu,Tara Ivanochko,Samuel Jaccard,Shuh-Ji Kao,Thorsten Kiefer,Evgeniya Ryabenko,Andreas Schmittner,Ralph Schneider,Aya Schneider‐Mor,Masahito Shigemitsu,Dan Sinclair,Christopher Somes,Anja Studer,Robert Thunell,Jin-Yu Yang,A review of nitrogen isotopic alteration in marine sediments,Paleoceanography,2012,27(4)。
Harish Gupta*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Minhan Dai,The role of mega dams in reducing sediment fluxes: A case study of large Asian rivers,Journal of Hydrology,2012,464–465:447-458。
Jr-Chuan Huang,Cheng-Ku Yu*,Jun-Yi Lee,Lin-Wen Cheng,Tsung-Yu Lee,Shuh-Ji Kao,Linking typhoon tracks and spatial rainfall patterns for improving flood lead time predictions over a mesoscale mountainous watershed,Water Resources Research,2012,48(9)。
Robert G Hilton*,Albert Galy,Niels Hovius,Shuh-Ji Kao,Ming-Jame Horng,Hongey Chen,Climatic and geomorphic controls on the erosion of terrestrial biomass from subtropical mountain forest,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2012,26(3)。
Hao-Yen Chang,Sheng-hai Wu,Kwang-Tsao Shao,Wen-Yuan Kao,Can-Jen W Maa,Rong-Quen Jan,Li-Lian Liu,Chyng-Shyan Tzeng,Jiang-Shiou Hwang,Hwey-Lian Hsien,Shuh-Ji Kao,Yu-Kai Chen,Hsing-Juh Lin*,Longitudina l variation in food sources and their use by aquatic fauna along a subtropical river in Taiwan,Freshwater Biology,2012,57(9):1839-1853。
Tsung-Ren Peng*,Hsing-Juh Lin,Chung-Ho Wang,Tsang-Sen Liu,Shuh-Ji Kao,Pollution and variation of stream nitrate in a protected high-mountain watershed of Central Taiwan: evidence from nitrate concentration and nitrogen and oxygen isotope compositions.,Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,2012,184(8):4985-4998。
Yoshimasa Yamamoto*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Relationship between latitude and growth of bluegill Lepomis macrochirus in Lake Biwa, Japan,Annales Zoologici Fennici,2012,49(1-2):36-44。(47) James T Liu*,Yu-Huai Wang,Rick J Yang,Ray T Hsu,Shuh-Ji Kao,Hui-Ling Lin,Fang Hsu Kuo,Cyclone‐induced hyperpycnal turbidity currents in a submarine canyon,Journal of Geophysical Research,2012,117(C4)。
Kandasamy Selvaraj*,Kuo-Yen Wei,Kon-Kee Liu,Shuh-Ji Kao,Late Holocene monsoon climate of northeastern Taiwan inferred from elemental (C, N) and isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) data in lake sediments,Quaternary Science Reviews,2012,37:48-60。
Kai-Hsien Chi*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Kung-Ting Liu,Tzu-Yi Lee,Evaluation of atmospheric PCDD/F depositions via automated and traditional water surface samplers in Taiwan.,Environmental Science & Technology,2012,46(5):2839-2846。
J.C. Huang*,T.Y. Lee,Shuh-Ji Kao,S.C. Hsu,H.J. Lin,T.R. Peng,Land use effect and hydrological control on nitrate yield in subtropical mountainous watersheds,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2012,16(3):699-714。
Haojia Ren*,Daniel M Sigman,Min-Te Chen,Shuh-Ji Kao,Elevated foraminifera‐bound nitrogen isotopic composition during the last ice age in the South China Sea and its global and regional implications,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2012,26(1)。
ChuanShun Li,XueFa Shi*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Min-Te Chen,YanGuang Liu,XiSheng Fang,HuaHua Lü,JianJun Zou,ShengFa Liu,ShuQing Qiao,Clay mineral composition and their sources for the fluvial sediments of Taiwanese rivers,Chinese Science Bulletin,2012,57(6):673-681。
Kehui Xu*,Anchun Li,J. Paul Liu,John D. Milliman,Zuosheng Yang,Char-Shine Liu,Shuh-Ji Kao,Shiming Wan,Fangjian Xu,Provenance, structure, and formation of the mud wedge along inner continental shelf of the East China Sea: A synthesis of the Yangtze dispersal system,Marine Geology,2012,291–294:176-191。
Tien-Nan Yang*,Teh-Quei Lee,Philip A. Meyers,Sheng-Rong Song,Shuh-Ji Kao,Ludvig L?wemark,Rou-Fei Chen,Huei-Fen Chen,Kuo-Yen Wei,Cheng-Wei Fan,Liang-Jian Shiau,Hong-Wei Chiang,Yue-Gau Chen,Min-Te Chen,Variations in monsoonal rainfall over the last 21 kyr inferred from sedimentary organic matter in Tung-Yuan Pond, southern Taiwan,Quaternary Science Reviews,2011,30(23–24):3413-3422。
Jr-Chuan Huang*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Chuan-Yao Lin,Pao-Liang Chang,Tsung-Yu Lee,Ming-Hsu Li,Effect of subsampling tropical cyclone rainfall on flood hydrograph response in a subtropical mountainous catchment,Journal of Hydrology,2011,409(1–2):248-261。
Zong-Pei Jiang,Jr-Chuan Huang,Minhan Dai*,Shuh-Ji Kao,David J Hydes,Wen-Chen Chou,Sen Jan,Short-term dynamics of oxygen and carbon in productive nearshore shallow seawater systems off Taiwan: Observations and modeling,Limnology and Oceanography,2011,56(5):1832-1849。
Huei-Fen Chen*,Yuan-Pin Chang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Min-Te Chen,Sheng-Rong Song,Li-Wei Kuo,Shie-Ying Wen,Tien-Nan Yang,Teh-Quei Lee,Mineralogical and geochemical investigations of sediment-source region changes in the Okinawa Trough during the past 100ka (IMAGES core MD012404),Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2011,40(6):1238-1249。
Kai Hsien Chi*,Shih-Chieh Hsu,Chuan-Yao Lin,Shuh-Ji Kao,Tzu Yi Lee,Deposition fluxes of PCDD/Fs in a reservoir system in northern Taiwan,Chemosphere,2011,83(6):745-752。
Harish Gupta*,Govind J. Chakrapani,Kandasamy Selvaraj,Shuh-Ji Kao,The fluvial geochemistry, contributions of silicate, carbonate and saline–alkaline components to chemical weathering flux and controlling parameters: Narmada River (Deccan Traps), India,Geochimica et Cosmochimic a Acta,2011,75(3):800-824。
Shuh-Ji Kao *,M.Dai,K.Selvaraj,W.Zhai,P.Cai,S.N.Chen,J.Y.T.Yang,J. T.Liu,C.C.Liu,J.P.M.Syvitski,Cyclone-driven deep sea injection of freshwater and heat by hyperpycnal flow in the subtropics,Geophysical Research Letters,2010,37(21)。
Shih-Chieh Hsu*,Shaw Chen Liu,Richard Arimoto,Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Gwo-Ching Gong,Yi-Tang Huang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Jen-Ping Chen,Fei-Jan Lin,Chun-Yao Lin,Jr-Chun Huang,Fujung Tsai,Shih-Chun Candice Lung,Effects of acidic processing, transport history, and dust and sea salt loadings on the dissolution of iron from Asian dust,Journal of Geophysical Research,2010,115(D19)。
Cheng-Wei Fan*,Tien-Nan Yang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Characteristics of sedimentary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the subtropical Feitsui Reservoir, Taiwan,Journal of Hydrology,2010,391(3–4):217-222。
S.C. Hsu*,S.C. Liu,S.C.C. Lung,F. Tsai,I.I. Lin,C.K.C. Chou,G. Engling,Shuh-Ji Kao,C.Y. Chan,S.C. Lin,K.H. Chi,W.N. Chen,F.J. Lin,C.H. Huang,C.L. Kuo,T.C. Wu,Y.T. Huang,High Wintertime PM Pollution over Kinmen Island off Southeastern China: 1. An Overview,Journal of Geophysical Research,2010,115(D17):D17039-D17039。
Tseng, Y. F. ,T.C. Hsu ,Y.L. Chen ,J. C. Lai , ,J.T. Shuh-Ji Kao Wu,J.C. Lu,H.Y Kuo,C.S. Lin,Y. Yamamoto,T. Xiao,F.K. Hsiah*,Typhoon effects on the variation of DOC inventory in a phosphate-limited reservoir,Aquatic Microbial Ecology,2010,60:247-260。
Shih-Chieh Hsu*,George T.F. Wong,Gwo-Ching Gong,Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Yi-Tang Huang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Fujung Tsai,Shih-Chun Candice Lung,Fei-Jan Lin,I-I Lin,Chin-Chang Hung,Chun-Mao Tseng,Sources, solubility, and dry deposition of aerosol trace elements over the East China Sea,Marine Chemistry,2010,120(1–4):116-127。
C.C. Tsai,Z.S. Chen,C.I. Kao,F. Ottner,Shuh-Ji Kao,F. Zehetner*,Pedogenic development of volcanic ash soils along a climosequence in Northern Taiwan,Geoderma,2010,156(1–2):48-59。
Minhan Dai*,Feifei Meng,Tiantian Tang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Jianrong Lin,Junhui Chen,Jr-Chuan Huang,Jiwei Tian,Jianping Gan,Shuang Yang,Excess total organic carbon in the intermediate water of the South China Sea and its export to the North Pacific,Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,2009,10(12)。
Kehui Xu*,John D. Milliman,Anchun Li,J. Paul Liu,Shuh-Ji Kao,Shiming Wan,Yangtze- and Taiwan-derived sediments on the inner shelf of East China Sea,Continental Shelf Research,2009,29(18):2240-2256。
Yuan-Pin Chang,Min-Te Chen*,Yusuke Yokoyama,Hiroyuki Matsuzaki,William G Thompson,Shuh-Ji Kao,Hodaka Kawahata,Monsoon hydrography and productivity changes in the East China Sea during the past 100,000 years: Okinawa Trough evidence (MD012404),Paleoceanography,2009,24(3)。
Shih-Chieh Hsu*,Shaw Chen Liu,Richard Arimoto,Tsun-Hsien Liu,Yi-Tang Huang,Fujung Tsai,Fei-Jan Lin,Shuh-Ji Kao,Dust deposition to the East China Sea and its biogeochemical implications,Journal of Geophysical Research,2009,114(D15)。
L. L?wemark*,S. Steinke,C.H. Wang,M.T. Chen,A. Müller,L.J. Shiau,Shuh-Ji Kao,S.R. Song,H.L. Lin,K.Y. Wei,New evidence for a glacioeustatic influence on deep water circulation, bottom water ventilation and primary productivity in the South China Sea,Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans,2009,47(1–3):138-153。
Kai-Hsien Chi ,Shangde Luo,Shih-Chieh Hsu, Yu-Jung, Shuh-Ji KaoTsai,Moo-Been Chang,Historical trends of dioxin-like compounds and heavy metals in sediments buried in a reservoir in central Taiwan,Chemosphere,2009,76(2):286-292。
Cheng-Tze Ho,Yi-Cheng Fu,Chi-Lu Sun,Shuh-Ji Kao,Rong-Quen Jan*,Plasticity of feeding habits of two Plectroglyphidodon damselfishes on coral reefs in southern Taiwan: evidence from stomach content and stable isotope analyses,Zoological Studies,2009,48(5):649-656。
Tzen-Fu Yui,*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Tsai-Way Wu,Nitrogen and N-isotope variation during low-grade metamorphism of the Taiwan mountain belt,Geochemical Journal,2009,43(1):15-27。
J.C. Huang,T.Y. Lee,Shuh-Ji Kao*,Simulating typhoon-induced storm hydrographs in subtropical mountainous watershed: an integrated 3-layer TOPMODEL,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2009,13(1):27-40。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,K.K. Liu,S.C. Hsu,Y.P. Chang,M.H. Dai,North Pacific-wide spreading of isotopically heavy nitrogen during the last deglaciation: Evidence from the western Pacific,Biogeosciences,2008,5(6):1641-1650。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Sen Jan,Shih-Chieh Hsu,Tsung-You Lee,Minhan Dai,Se diment Budget in the Taiwan Strait with High Fluvial Sediment Inputs from Mountainous Rivers: New Observations and Synthesis.,Terrestrial, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences,2008,19(5):525-546。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,J.D. Milliman,Water and sediment discharge from small mountainous rivers, Taiwan: The roles of lithology, episodic events, and human activities,The Journal of Geology,2008,116(5):431-448。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,M.H. Dai,K.Y. Wei,N.E. Blair,W.B. Lyons,Enhanced supply of fossil organic carbon to the Okinawa Trough since the last deglaciation,Paleoceanography,2008,23(2)。
J.P. Liu*,C.S. Liu,K.H. Xu,J.D. Milliman,J.K. Chiu,Shuh-Ji Kao,S. W. Lin,Flux and fate of small mountainous rivers derived sediments into the Taiwan Strait,Marine Geology,2008,256(1–4):65-76。
Shih-Chieh Hsu*,Shaw Chen Liu,Yi-Tang Huang,Shih-Chun Candice Lung,Fujung Tsai,Jien-Yi Tu,Shuh-Ji Kao,A criterion for identifying Asian dust events based on Al concentration data collected from northern Taiwan between 2002 and early 2007,Journal of Geophysical Research,2008,113(D18)。
Franz Zehetner*,Narasimham L Vemuri,Chih-An Huh,Shuh-Ji Kao,Shih -Chieh Hsu,Jr-Chuan Huang,Zueng-Sang Chen,Soil and phosphorus redistribution along a steep tea plantation in the Feitsui reservoir catchment of northern Taiwan,Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,2008,54(4):618-626。
Cheng-Wei Fan*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Effects of climate events driven hydrodynamics on dissolved oxygen in a subtropical deep reservoir in Taiwan,Science of the Total Environment,2008,393(2–3):326-332。
Li Chen*,Chih-Hung Tan,Shuh-Ji Kao,Tai-Sheng Wang,Improvement of remote monitoring on water quality in a subtropical reservoir by incorporating grammatical evolution with parallel genetic algorithms into satellite imagery,Water Research,2008,42(1–2):296-306。
J.C. Huang,Shuh-Ji Kao*,M.L. Hsu,Y.A. Liu,Influence of Specific Contributing Area algorithms on slope failure prediction in landslide modeling,Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,2007,7(6):781-792。
Kon-Kee Liu*,Shuh-Ji Kao,A Three End-Member Mixing Model Based on Isotopic Composition and Elemental Ratio.,Terrestrial, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences,2007,18(5):1067-1075。
Shih-Chieh Hsu*,Shaw Chen Liu,Shuh-Ji Kao,Woei-Lih Jeng,Yi-Tang Huang,Chun-Mao Tseng,Fujung Tsai,Jien-Yi Tu,Yih Yang,Water‐soluble species in the marine aerosol from the northern South China Sea: High chloride depletion related to air pollution,Journal of Geophysical Research,2007,112(D19)。
J.D. Milliman*,S.W. Lin,Shuh-Ji Kao,J.P. Liu,C.S. Liu,J.K. Chiu,Y.C. Lin,Short-term changes in seafloor character due to flood-derived hyperpycnal discharge: Typhoon Mindulle, Taiwan, July 2004,Geology,2007,35(9):779-782。
Kon-Kee Liu*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Liang-Saw Wen,Kuan-Lun Chen,Carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of particulate organic matter and biogeochemical processes in the eutrophic Danshuei Estuary in northern Taiwan,Science of the Total Environment,2007,382(1):103-120。
Kai-Hsien Chi*,Moo-Been Chang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Historical trends of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in sediments buried in a reservoir in Northern Taiwan,Chemosphere,2007,68(9):1733-1740。
Kon-Kee Liu*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Han-Chieh Hu,Wen-Chen Chou,Gwo-Wei Hung,Chun-Mao Tseng,Carbon isotopic composition of suspended and sinking particulate organic matter in the northern South China Sea—From production to deposition,Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography,2007,54(14–15):1504-1527。
Cheng-Tze Ho,Shuh-Ji Kao,Chang-Feng Dai,Hwey-Lian Hsieh,Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Rong-Quen Jan*,Dietary separation between two blennies and the Pacific gregory in northern Taiwan: evidence from stomach content and stable isotope analyses,Marine Biology,2007,151(2):729-736。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Chung-Ho Wang,Kon-Kee Liu,Efficient trapping of organic carbon in sediments on the continental margin with high fluvial sediment input off southwestern Taiwan,Continental Shelf Research,2006,26(20):2520-2537。
Jr-Chuan Huang,Shuh-Ji Kao,*,Mei-Ling Hsu,Jiun-Chuan Lin,Stochas tic procedure to extract and to integratelandslide susceptibility maps: an example ofmountainous watershed in Taiwan,Natural Hazards and Earth SystemScience,2006,6(5):803-815。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Chau-Ron Wu,Yi-Chia Hsin,Minhan Dai,Effects of sea level change on the upstream Kuroshio Current through the Okinawa Trough,Geophysical Research Letters,2006,33(16)。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,A.P. Roberts,S.C. Hsu,Y.P. Chang,W.B. Lyons,M.T. Chen, Monsoon forcing, hydrodynamics of the Kuroshio Current, and tectonic effects on sedimentary carbon and sulfur cycling in the Okinawa Trough since 90 ka,Geophysical Research Letters,2006,33(15)。
L. L?wemark*,Y. Lin,H.F. Chen,T.N. Yang,C. Beier,F. Werner,C.Y. Lee,S.R. Song,Shuh-Ji Kao,Sapropel burn-down and ichnological response to late Quaternary sapropel formation in two 400 ky records from the eastern Mediterranean Sea,Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,2006,239(3–4):406-425。
Fuh-Kwo Shiah*,Tsong-Han Wu,Kuo-Yuan Li,Shuh-Ji Kao,Yu-Feng Tseng,Jia-Lu Chung,Sen Jan,Thermal effects on heterotrophic processes in a coastal ecosystem adjacent to a nuclear power plant,MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES,2006,309:55-65。
Shih-Chieh Hsu*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Woei-Lih Jeng,Quantitative links between fluvial sediment discharge, trapped terrigenous flux and sediment accumulation, and implications for temporal and spatial distributions of sediment fluxes,Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers,2006,53(2):241-252。
Anne E Carey*,Shuh-Ji Kao,D Murray Hicks,Carmen A Nezat,W Berry Lyons,The geochemistry of rivers in tectonically active areas of Taiwan and New Zealand,Geological Society of America Special Papers,2006,398:339-351。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,C.S. Horng,S.C. Hsu,K.Y. Wei,J. Chen,Y.S. Lin,Enhanced deepwater circulation and shift of sedimentary organic matter oxidation pathway in the Okinawa Trough since the Holocene,Geophysical Research Letters,2005,32(15)。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,T.Y. Lee,J.D. Milliman,Calculating highly fluctuated suspended sediment fluxes from mountainous rivers in Taiwan,Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,2005,16(3):653-675。
James PM Syvitski*,Albert J Kettner,Scott D Peckham,Shuh-Ji Kao,Predicting the flux of sediment to the coastal zone: application to the Lanyang watershed, northern Taiwan,Journal of Coastal Research,2005,21(3):580-587。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Shih-Chien Chan,Ching-Huei Kuo,Kon-Kee Liu,Transport‐Dominated Sediment Loading in Taiwanese Rivers: A Case Study from the Ma‐an Stream,The Journal of Geology,2005,113(2):217-225。
Chung-Chi Chen*,Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Hung-Jen Lee,Kuo-Yuan Li,Pei-Jie Meng,Shuh-Ji Kao,Yu-Fang Tseng,Chia-Lu Chung,Phytoplankton and bacterioplankton biomass, production and turnover in a semi-enclosed embayment with spring tide induced upwelling,Marine Ecology Progress Series,2005,304:91-100。
John D Milliman*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Hyperpycnal discharge of fluvial sediment to the ocean: Impact of Super‐Typhoon Herb (1996) on Taiwanese rivers,The Journal of geology,2005,113(5):503-516。
Hsiao-Chen Chou,Gwo-Ching Gong,Shuh-Ji Kao,Jeng Chang,Cross-shelf distribution of summer dinoflagellate abundance in the east China Sea and its correlation to environmental factors,臺灣水產學會,2005,32(2):87-100。
Yu-Fang Tseng,Fei-Jen Lin,Kuo-Ping Chiang,Shuh-Ji Kao,Fuh-Kwo Shiah*,Potential impacts of N2-fixing Trichodesmium on heterotrophic bacterioplankton turnover rates and organic carbon transfer efficiency in the subtropical oligotrophic ocean system,Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences,2005,16(2):361-376。
Fuh-Kwo Shiah*,Yueh-Yuan Tu,Hsien-Shiow Tsai,Shuh-Ji Kao,Sen Jan,A case study of system and planktonic responses in a subtropical warm plume receiving thermal effluents from a power plant,Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences,2005,16(2):513-528。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Jeffrey S Owen,Export of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in a partially cultivated subtropical mountainous watershed in Taiwan,Water, Air, and Soil Pollution,2004,156(1):211-228。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Chorng-Shern Horng,Andrew P Roberts,Kon-Kee Liu,Carbon–sulfur–iron relationships in sedimentary rocks from southwestern Taiwan: influence of geochemical environment on greigite and pyrrhotite formation,Chemical Geology,2004,203(1–2):153-168。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,F.J. Lin,K.K. Liu,Organic carbon and nitrogen contents and their isotopic compositions in surficial sediments from the East China Sea shelf and the southern Okinawa Trough,Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography,2003,50(6–7):1203-1217。
Woei-Lih Jeng*,Saulwood Lin,Shuh-Ji Kao,Distribution of terrigenous lipids in marine sediments off northeastern Taiwan,Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography,2003,50(6–7):1179-1201。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Kon-Kee Liu,Exacerbation of erosion induced by human perturbation in a typical Oceania watershed: Insight from 45 years of hydrological records from the Lanyang‐Hsi River, northeastern Taiwan,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2002,16(1):16-1-16-7。
Woei-Lih Jeng*,Shuh-Ji Kao,Lipids in suspended matter from the human-disturbed Lanyang River, northeastern Taiwan,Environmental Geology,2002,43(1-2):138-144。
Anne E Carey,Carmen A Nezat,W Berry Lyons,Shuh-Ji Kao,D Murray Hicks,Jeffrey S Owen,Trace metal fluxes to the ocean: The importance of high‐standing oceanic islands,Geophysical research letters,2002,29(23)。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,Kon-Kee Liu,Estimating the suspended sediment load by using the historical hydrometric record from the Lanyang-His watershed,Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,2001,12(2):401-414。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,S. Lin,C.H. Wang,I.T. Lin,K.K. Liu,Sedimentary organic carbon and nitrogen contents and their isotopic compositions along two transects on the East China Sea shelf,Geochemical Journal,2001,35(4):237-244。
Shuh-Ji Kao*,K.K. Liu,Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope systematics in a human‐disturbed watershed (Lanyang‐Hsi) in Taiwan and the estimation of biogenic particulate organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2000,14(1):189-198。
Fuh-Kwo Shiah*,Shi-Wei Chung,Shuh-Ji Kao,Gwo-Ching Gong,Kon-Kee Liu,Biological and hydrographical responses to tropical cyclones (typhoons) in the continental shelf of the Taiwan Strait,Continental Shelf Research,2000,20(15):2029-2044。
Fuh-Kwo Shiah*,Kon-Kee Liu,Shuh-Ji Kao,Gwo-Ching Gong,The coupling of bacterial production and hydrography in the southern East China Sea: Spatial patterns in spring and fall,Continental Shelf Research,2000,20(4–5):459-477。
Chorng-Shern Horng*,Masayuki Torii,Kai-Shuan Shea,Shuh-Ji Kao,Inconsistent magnetic polarities between greigite- and pyrrhotite/magnetite-bearing marine sediments from the Tsailiao-chi section, southwestern Taiwan,Earth and Planetary Science Letters,1998,164(3–4):467-481。
Fuh-Kwo Shiah,Shuh-Ji Kao,Kon-Kee Liu*,Bacterial production in the western equatorial Pacific: implications of inorganic nutrient effects on dissolved organic carbon accumulation and consumption,Bulletin of marine science,1998,62(3):795-808。
Shuh-Ji Kao,K.K. Liu*,Fluxes of dissolved and nonfossil particulate organic carbon from an Oceania small river (Lanyang Hsi) in Taiwan,Biogeochemistry,1997,39(3):255-269。
Shuh-Ji Kao,K.K. Liu*,Particulate organic carbon export from a subtropical mountainous river (Lanyang Hsi) in Taiwan,Limnology and Oceanography,1996,41(8):1749-1757。
Chang, F.-Y., S.-J. Kao, and K.-K. Liu (1991), Analysis of organic and carbonate carbon in sediments, Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 27, 140-150.

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