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姓 名:郭志强
职 称:教授


郭志强 老师;邮箱:guozq@hainanu.edu.cn;电话:**(微信号)。


先后主持海南大学C类高层次引进人才(2017年,500万)、国家重点研究计划“蓝色粮仓科技专项”子课题(2018年,80万)、海南省高层引进人才(百人专项,2017年, 50万)、国家自然基基金上面项目(2018年,58万)、国家自然基基金地区项目(2018年,48万)、欧盟“地平线2020(Horizon 2020-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships)”项目(2018年,15.9万欧元)、国家自然基青年项目(2015年)、国家教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金(2015年)、欧盟Erasmus Mundus项目(2015年)、中国科学院A类先导专项专题(2015年)、国家留学基金委-法国高教科研部“蔡元培”国际合作项目(2011年)、海南省点项目-松涛水库水生生物与水产品安全评价、海南省白沙县西部地区供水工程(一期)水生生物调查、江东新区“九脉”流域水生生物与水环境健康评价、东寨港水生生物与周围养殖尾水处理方案规划等国家、省部级课题15项,总经费超过1000万元。

Zeng, H., Zhang, P., Ye, H., Ji, Y., Hogstrand, C., Green, I., ... & Guo, Z*. (2021). Waterborne zinc bioaccumulation influences glucose metabolism in orange-spotted grouper embryos. Environmental Pollution, 283, 117325. (SCI, 中科院JCR I区TOP, 影响因子6.7).
Lu Wei, Yu Li, Hengzhen Ye, Juan Xiao, Christer Hogstrand, Iain Green, Zhiqiang Guo* (2021), Dong Han*, Dietary Trivalent Chromium Exposure Up-Regulates Lipid Metabolism in Coral Trout: The Evidence From Transcriptome Analysis, Frontiers in Physiology, 2021, 12: 640898.(SCI, 中科院JCR II区TOP, 影响因子3.2)
Zeng H., Ye H., Ji Y., Hogstrand C., Green I., Xiao J., Guo Z.,* Fu Q.* Waterborne zinc bioaccumulation influences glucose metabolism in orange-spotted grouper embryos. Journal of Hazardous Materials (minor revision, SCI, 中科院JCR I区TOP, 影响因子9.0).
Guo Z., Ye H., Xiao J., Hogstrand C., Green I., Zhang L.* (2019). Tissue-specific simultaneous uptake of Cd from sediment, water and diet in a demersal marine goby Mugilogobius chulae. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 364: 143-150 (SCI, 中科院JCR I区TOP, 影响因子6.1).
Guo Z., Ye H., Xiao J., Hogstrand C., Green I., Zhang L.* (2018). Biokinetic modeling of Cd bioaccumulation from water, diet and sediment in a marine benthic goby: a triple stable isotope tracing technique. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(15), 8429-8437 (SCI, 中科院JCR I区TOP, 影响因子6.2)
Guo Z., Gao N., Wu Y., Green I., Zhang L.* (2017). The simultaneous uptake of dietary and waterborne Cd in gastrointestinal tracts of marine yellowstripe goby Mugilogobius chulae. Environmental Pollution, 223: 31-41.(SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子5.1).
Guo Z., Zhang W., Du S., Gao N., Wu Y., Zhang L.* (2017). Developmental patterns of copper bioaccumulation in a marine fish model Oryzias melastigma. Aquatic Toxicology, 170: 216–222. (SCI, 中科院JCR I区, 影响因子4.3).
Guo Z., Cucherousset J., Liu J.*, Lek S., et al. (2017) Coexisting invasive gobies reveal no evidence for temporal and trophic niche differentiation in the sublittoral habitat of Lake Erhai, China. Ecology of Freshwater fish, 26: 42-52 (SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子2.1).
Guo Z.*, Britton R., Andreou D. (2017). Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus biology and management across their native and invasive ranges: promoting conservation by knowledge transfer. Reviews in Fisheries and Aquaculture, 21: 84-99. (SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子2.6).
Guo Z., Zhang W., Zhou Y., Zhang L.* (2016). Feeding reduces waterborne Cu bioaccumulation in a marine rabbitfish Siganus oramin. Environmental Pollution, 208: 580-589. (SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子5.1).
Guo Z., Sheath D., Amat T.F., Britton R.J.* (2016). Comparative functional responses of native and high impacting invasive fishes: impact predictions for native prey populations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 26: 533-540. (SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子2.1).
Guo Z., Liu J*., Lek S., Cucherousset J., et al. (2016). Age, growth and population dynamics of two congeneric and invasive gobies, Rhinogobius giurinus and R. cliffordpopei (Actinopterygii, Gobiidae) in a plateau lake, southwestern China. Hydrobiologia, 763(1): 69-79. (SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子2.1).
Yang D., Guo Z.*, Green I.D., Xie D.T. (2016). Effect of cadmium accumulation on mineral nutrient levels in vegetable crops: potential implications for human health. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 19744-19753. (通讯作者, SCI, 中科院JCR III区, 影响因子2.7)
Guo Z., Zhang W., Zhou Y., Zhang L.* (2015). Feeding strategy affects cadmium bioaccumulation in black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegeli. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 7: 135–145. (SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子2.9).
Zhang W., Guo Z., Song D., Du Sen., Zhang L? (2018). Arsenic speciation in wild marine organisms and a health risk assessment in a subtropical bay of China. Sci. Total Environ., 626: 621–629 (SCI, 中科院JCR II区TOP, 影响因子4.9).
Zhang W., Guo Z., Zhou Y., et al (2015). Biotransformation and detoxification of inorganic arsenic in Bombay oyster Saccostre acucullata. Aquatic Toxicology, 158: 33-40. (SCI, 中科院JCR I区, 影响因子4.3).
Wu Y., Guo Z., Zhang W., Tan Q., Zhang L*., Ge X., Chen M. (2016). Quantitative relationship between cadmium uptake and the kinetics of phytochelatin induction by cadmium in a marine diatom. Scientific Reports, 6: 65-71. (SCI, 中科院JCR III区, 影响因子5.0).
Zhang W., Guo Z., Zhou Y., Zhang L*., et al (2016). Comparative contribution of trophic transfer and biotransformation on arsenobetaine bioaccumulation in two marine fish. Aquatic Toxicology, 179: 65–71(SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子4.3)
Zhou Y., Zhang W., Guo Z., Zhang L.* (2016) Effects of salinity and copper co-exposure on copper bioaccumulation in marine rabbitfish Siganus oramin. Chemosphere 168: 491-500 (SCI, JCR II区TOP, 影响因子4.2).
Jackson M.C., Cucherousset J. Guo Z., Britton R.J.* et al (2016). Do non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus affect the growth, diet and trophic niche of native brown trout (Salmo trutta)? Hydrobiologia, 772: 63-75. (SCI, 中科院JCR II区, 影响因子2.1).
Copp G. H., Britton J. R., Guo Z., Edmonds-Brown R*., et al. (2017) Trophic consequences of non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus for native pond fishes. Biological Invasions, 19: 25–41. (SCI, 中科院JCR III区, 影响因子2.5).
Gao, N., Zhu, L.M., Guo, Z.Q., Yi, M.S., Zhang, L*. (2017). Effects of chronic ammonia exposure on ammonia metabolism and excretion in marine medaka Oryzias melastigma. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 65: 226-234 (SCI, JCR I区,影响因子3.2).

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