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王蓉 个人简历
姓名:王蓉 性别:女
出生:1970年8月24日 籍贯:湖北潜江
1987.9-1989.6: 湖北荆州师专英语专业学习
1992.9-1994.3: 华东师范大学外语系英语语言文学研究生班学习
2006.3-2007.1: 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心访问****学习
1994.4-至今: 就职于海南师范大学外国语学院任教。
1. 英语教师对任务型教学的准备(第二作者),《中小学外语教学》,2004年1月。
2. 英语师范生的专业成长:3DR课程试验总结,《海南师范学院学报》(社科版)2005年1月。
3. 英语师范生教师教育课程的专业化目标(第二作者),《教师教育研究》2005年5月。
4. 理解职前外语教师的“反思性实践”(第二作者),《外语教学理论与实践》,2008年10月。
5. 高中英语阅读课教学目标的理解与选择,《中小学外语教学》(中学篇),2009年10月。(人大复印资料《中学外语教与学》全文转载,2010年4月)
6. 职前外语教师的反思性实践研究文献述评,《海南师范大学学报》(社科版),2009年12月。
7. 农村英语教师的行动研究案例解析,《中小学外语教学》(中学篇),2011年1月。
8. 职前英语教师教学反思的思维特点研究,《海南师范大学学报》(社科版),2012年1月。
10. 大学英语教师的反馈话轮交际策略:比赛课堂与常规课堂的比较,《解放军外国语学院学报》,2014年7月。
11. 如何提高初中生英语课堂小组合作效率,《中小学外语教学》(中学篇),2016年1月。
12. 欠发达地区高中英语教师培训需求调研报告—基于海南省一项个案调查的研究,《新教育》,2016年3月。13. 海南乡镇中学英语教师校本专业发展现状的调查:制约因素与对策,《海南师范大学学报》(社科版),2016年4月。
三、 译著论文集
1. 《小法老之死》(第二译者)海南出版社,2000.9。
2. Designing a New FLTE Program for Pre-service Teachers in China(第二作者),《第四届英语教学国际研讨会文集》,外语教学与研究出版社,2007年5月。
3. 职前外语教师教育课程的探索改革、探索性新课程的实证性研究与反思,吴一安主编《中国高校英语教师教育与发展研究》第14、15章(第二作者),外语教学与研究出版社,2007年12月。
4. 促进外语教师的互动性专业发展:农村外语教师TTR周末培训的理论与实践,吴一安 张莲主编《外语教师文化建设与教师发展:第三届全国外语教师教育与发展研讨会论文集》(pp149-178)(第二作者),外语教学与研究出版社,2011年10月。
5. 外语教师基本教学能力的核心构成,王文斌等主编《2016中国基础外语教育年度报告》(pp.102-108),外语教学与研究出版社,2017年6月。

1. 3DR英语教师教育课程改革的个案研究(01JAZJD740010)(第2完成人),1万元,教育部人文社科重点研究基地2001年度重大研究项目“高校英语教师发展研究”子项目,2002-2005年
2. 职前英语教师课堂教学评估原则、机制与实践(第3完成人),第三批“中国外语教育基金”项目,1万元,2006-2007年
3. 反思性英语教学技能训练的研究(Hj2008-93)(主持),海南省教育厅高校科研资助项目,0.3万元,2007-2010年
4. 海南欠发达地区中学英语教师校本专业发展的人文环境调查研究 (HNKY2014-46)(主持),海南省高校科研项目,1万元,2014-2016年
5. 核心素养背景下中学英语教师课堂提问拓展研究(QJY)(主持),海南省教育科学“十三五”规划课题,无经费,2017-2020年
1. 《高师英语学科教学论课程改革的研究与实践》,海南省优秀教学成果一等奖(第二完成人),2005年1月。
2. 《英语教师课堂教学技能:聚焦教师话语》,第三届海南省高等学校优秀科研成果著作类三等奖,2011年8月。
3. 《农村英语教师的行动研究案例解析》,第四届海南省高等学校优秀科研成果论文类三等,2013年12月。
4. 《英语教师口语课程建构的研究与实践》,海南师范大学2014年校级教学成果二等奖,2014年11月。
Curriculum Vitae

Basic information
Name: Wang Rong Gender: Female
Birthday: Aug.24,1970 Birthplace: Qianjiang, Hubei
Professional title: Associate professor/
Supervisor for professional master of TEFL
Research field: FLTE/TEFL methodology
Courses: TEFL curriculum and instruction/TEFL pedagogical skills training/EFL Teacher classroom discourse analysis/English grammar teaching/Researh on English curriculum and teaching materials
Learning experiences
2006-2007: visiting scholar at Beijing Foreign Studies University
1992-1994: postgraduate student of English language and literature at East China Normal University
1987-1989: undergraduage student of English at Jingzhou Teachers College of Hubei
Work experiences
1994-present: teacher of English at Hainan Normal University
1989-1992: EFL teacher at Guanghua Middle School
Academic achievement
I. Papers
1. EFL teachers’ preparations for TBLT (2nd author). Foreign Teaching in Schools, 2004.
2. The professional development of EFL student teachers in “3DR” teacher education program. Journal of Hainan Normal University (social science), 2005.
3. Professionalization-oritented curriculum objectives for EFL prospective teachers (2nd author). Teacher Education Research, 2005.
4. Understanding preservice EFL teachers’ reflective practice (2nd author). Journal of Educational Linguistics, 2008.
5. Understanding and selection of teaching objectives of senior high reading class. Foreign Teaching in Schools, 2009. (reprinted by Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in High School, 2010.)
6. Review of studies on reflective practice for preservice foreign language teachers. Journal of Hainan Normal University (social science), 2009.
7. Action research case analysis of rural EFL teachers, Foreign Teaching in Schools, 2011.
8. Research on the EFL student teachers’ reflective pedagogical thinking: A multi-case study with Hainan Normal University. Journal of Hainan Normal University (social science), 2012.
9. Analysis of questionnaire design for college EFL teacher’s action research. Journal of Xi’an Technological University (social science), 2012.
10. A study of college EFL teachers’ IRF third-turn communicative strategies. Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages, 2014.
11. How to improve group-work efficiency in junior high English classes. Foreign Teaching in Schools, 2016.
12. An investigation report on senior high EFL teachers’ training needs in Hainan rural areas. New Education, 2016.
13. Research on the current situation of school-based professional development of EFL teachers in Hainan rural areas: Restrictive factors and countermeasures, Journal of Hainan Normal University (social science). 2016.
II. Monographs and Coursebooks
Pedagogical Skills for Teachers of English: Focusing on Teacher Talk in Larges Classes. Haikou:Hainan Press, 2010.

III. Translation and collected papers
1. Death of a Boy King (2nd translator). Hainan Press. 2000.
2. Designing a new FLTE program for preservice teachers in China (2nd author), in Papers Presented at the Fourth International Symposium on ELT in China. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching ad Research Press, 2007.
3. Exploratory reform of FLTE program (Chap.14) & Empirical research and reflection on the reformed FLTE program (Chap.15) (2nd author), in Research on English Teacher Education and Development in Higher Learning of China by Wu Yi’an. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching ad Research Press, 2007.
4. Facilitating the interactive profesional development of rural EFL teachers: Theory and practice of TTR training model (pp149-178) (2nd author), in FLTED in China 2009: Papers Presented at the 3rd National Symposium on Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development by Zhang Lian, Wu Yi’an. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching ad Research Press, 2011.
5. The key teaching compentencies of EFL teachers (pp.102-108), in 2016 Annual Report on the Basic Foreign Language Education of China by Wang Wenbin. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching ad Research Press. 2017.
IV. Research projects
1. A Case Study of 3DR FLTE Reform (2nd investigator) (01JAZJD740010), 10000yuan, a subproject of Research on EFL Teachers’ Development in Universities, supported by MOE Key Research Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2001-2005.
2. A Study of Assessment Principles, Mechanism and Practice of Preservice EFL teachers’ Classroom Teaching (3rd investigator). The Third-Batch Funds of China Foreign Lanugage Education, 10000yuan, 2006-2007.
3. A Study of Reflective EFL Pedagogical Skills Training (principal investigator) (Hj2008-93), 3000yuan. a research project by sponsored by Education Department of Hainan Province. 2007-2010.
4. An investigation of Professional Development Context of High School EFL Teachers in Hainan Rural Areas (principal investigator) (HNKY2014-46), 10000yuan, a research project by sponsored by Education Department of Hainan Province. 2014-2016.
5. A Study of High School EFL Teachers’ Classroom Questioning Interaction in the Context of Key Competencies (principal investigator) (QJY), a Thirteenth-Five-Year-Planned Education Research Project, 2017-2020.
V. Awards
1. “Research and Practice of FLTE Curriculum Reform in Normal University” awarded the first prize of Excellent Teaching Achievement of Hainan province, 2005.
2. “Pedagogical Skills for Teachers of English: Focusing on Teacher Talk in Larges Classes” awarded the third prize for monographs in the Third Excellent Research Achievements of Universities in Hainan, 2011.
3. “Action Research Case Analysis of Rural EFL Teachers” awarded the third prize for research papers in the fourth Excellent Research Achievenments of Universities in Hainan, 2013.
4. “Research and Practice of Course Construction of English Teacher Talk” awarded the second prize of Excellent Teaching Achievement of Hainan Normal University, 2014.

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