


徐 刚
职 称:副研究员 主要研究领域与方向:
承担本科课程植物生理学、分子生物学以及硕士研究生课程动植物系统分类学、高级植物生理学、林业生物技术、植物组织培养和树木逆境生理生态专题等课程。电子邮箱: xg335300@aliyun.com

导师类别 博导 硕导

学 位 博士

科研情况 主持的项目
1)贵州省科技厅社会发展攻关项目“辐射诱变选育麻疯树抗寒品种”[ 黔科合SZ字
[2008]3009(合)] (2008.07至2011.12),
3 ) 国家 自然 基金 项目 “ 麻疯 树(Jatropha curcas.L) 性 别分 化机制 的 研究”[31060103](2011.01至2013.12)。
4 ) 国家自然基金项目“ 麻疯树大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育机制的研究”[31460184](2015.1至2018.12)。
5) 国家自然基金项目“ 赤霉素对麻疯树雌雄花分化和发育调控的机制研究” [31760198](2018.1至2021.12)。
6)国家重点研发计划项目“马尾松高效培育技术研究”子课题“马尾松人工林地力长期维护和调控技术” [2017YFD0600304](2018.1至2020.12)。

1. Li, C.Y?., Xu, G., Zang, R.G., Korpelainen, H., Berninger, F. 2007. Sex-related differences
in leaf morphological and physiological responses in Hippophae rhamnoides along an altitudinal
gradient. Tree Physiology 27: 399–406.
2. Xu, G., Duan, B. and Li, C?. 2008. Different adaptive responses of leaf
physiological and biochemical aspects to drought in two contrasting populations of
seabuckthorn . Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38: 584-591

3. Xu, G., Li, C. and Yao, Y?. 2009. Proteomics Analysis of Drought Stress-Responsive Proteins in
Hippophae rhamnoides L. Plant molecular biology reporter. Plant molecular biology reporter, 27:

4. Xu, G?., Wang, R. 2011. Sulphur and boron-magnesium-zinc compound fertilizer contribute to the
reproductive growth of Jatropha curcas L. Journal of plant nutrition, 34: 1843-1852

5. Xu, G?., Wang, X.T., Gan, C.L., Fang, Y.Q., Zhang, M. 2012. Biological effects of low energy
nitrogen ion implantation on Jatropha curcas L.seed germination. Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research B, 287: 76-84

6.Yao, Y?., Xu, G., Mou., Wang, J., Ma, J. 2012. Subcellular Mn compartation, anatomic
and biochemical changes of two grape varieties in response to excess manganese.
Chemosphere 89(2): 150-157.

7.Yao, Y*., Mou, D., Xu, G., Lutts, S., Achal, V., Ma, J. 2012.Contrasting Performance
and Different Tolerance of Chestnut Rose and Grape to Excess Manganese J Plant Growth
Regul 31:416–426.

8.Yin, C*., Pang, X., Chen, K., Gong, Xu, G., Wang, X. 2012. The water adaptability of Jatropha
curcas is modulated by soil nitrogen availability. Biomass and Bioenergy 47: 71-81.

9.Yao, Y*., Wang, J., Ma, X,. Lutts, S., Sun, C., Ma, J., Yang, Y., Achal, V., Xu, G.
2012.Proteomic Analysis of Mn-induced Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Grapevine. Journal of
Experimental Botany 63(14): 5155-5170.

10.Yao, Y*., Xu, G., Mou, ., Wang, J., Ma, J. 2012. Subcellular Mn compartation, anatomic and
biochemical changes of two grape varieties in response to excess manganese.Chemosphere
89(2): 150-157.

11. Xu, G., Luo, R., Yao, Y?. 2013. Paclobutrazol Improved the Reproductive Growth and the
Quality of Seed Oil of Jatropha curcas. J Plant Growth Regul, 32: 875–883

12. Yao, Y., Xiao, X., Ou, Y., Wu, X., Xu, G?. 2015. Root transcriptome analysis on
the grape genotypes with contrast translocation pattern of excess manganese from root to shoot.
Plant Soil 387:49–67

13. Yao, Y., You, J., Ou, Y., Ma, J., Wu, X., Xu, G?. 2015. Ultraviolet-B protection of ascorbate
and tocopherol in plants related with their function on the stability on
carotenoid and phenylpropanoid compounds. Plant Physiol Biochem 90: 23-31.

14. Xu, G., Huang, J., Yang, Y., Yao, Y?. 2016. Transcriptome Analysis of
Flower Sex Differentiation in Jatropha curcas L. Using RNA Sequencing. Plos One 11(2): e0145613

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