


姓 名 赵天翔 性 别 男
最高学位 博 士 职 称 讲师(特岗 A)
一级学科 化学工程与技术 导师类别 硕 导
1.气体(CO2\SO2\H2S 等)





代表性 科研成果

承担课程教学及教改情况 联系方式
2009-09 至 2013-06,内蒙古工业大学,化工学院生物工程系,工学学士
2013-09 至 2016-06,内蒙古工业大学,化工学院化学工程系,工学硕士
2016-09 至 2019-06,南京大学,化学化工学院化学系,理学博士
南京大学优秀博士研究生论文(2020 年)、江苏省优秀博士研究生论文(2020年)、全国“离子液体与绿色过程”新秀奖(2020 年)
贵州大学自然科学专项(特岗)科研基金项目:功能材料的设计及其在气体分离与转化中的应用,2019-10 至 2022-10
[1] Zou, Q. Z.;# Long, G. C.;# Zhao, T. X.;* Hu, X. B.* Catalyst-free selective
N-formylation and N-methylation of amines using CO2 as a sustainable C1 source. Green
Chem. 2020, 22, 1134-1138. (#Co-first author, IF=9.480, 1 区)
[2] Yang, X. Q.;# Zhang, Y. T.;# Liu, F.; Chen, P.; Zhao, T. X.;* Wu, Y. T. Deep eutectic
solvents consisting of EmimCl and amides: Highly efficient SO2 absorption and conversion. Sep.
Purif. Technol. 2020, 250, 117273. (#Co-first author, IF=5.774, 1 区)
[3] Long, G. C.;# Yang, C. L.;# Yang, X. Q; Zhao, T. X.;* Liu, F.;* Cao, J. X.
Bisazole-based deep eutectic solvents for the efficient SO2 absorption and conversion
without any additives. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 2608-2613. (#Co-first author,
IF=7.632, 1 区)
[4] Long, G. C.;# Wu, D. S.;# Pan, H. Y.; Zhao, T. X.;* Hu, X. B.*
Imidazolium hydrogen carbonate ionic liquids: Versatile organocatalysts for chemical conversion of
CO2 into valuable chemicals. J. CO2 Util. 2020, 39, 101155. (#Co-first author, IF=5.993, 2 区)
[5] Zhao, T. X.; Hu, X. B.;* Wu, Y. T.;* Zhang, Z. B. Hydrogenation of CO2 to formate with H2:
Transition metal free catalyst based on a Lewis pair. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 722-726.
(Cover & Hot Paper, highlighted by X-mol, IF = 12.257, 1 区).
[6] Romero, E. A.;? Zhao, T. X.;? Nakano, R.; Hu, X. B.;* Wu, Y. T.; Jazzar, R.;* Bertrand.
G* Tandem copper hydride-Lewis pair catalyzed reduction of carbon dioxide into formate
with dihydrogen. Nature Catalysis 2018, 1, 743-747. (?Co-first author, New & views by
Nature catalysis 2018, 1, 739-740, 1 区).
[7] Zhao, T. X.; Liang, J.; Zhang, Y. T.; Wu, Y. T.;* Hu, X. B.* Unexpectedly efficient SO2
and conversion to sulfur in novel imidazole-based deep eutectic solvents. Chem. Commun.
2018, 54, 8964-8967 (Inside front cover, highlighted by X-mol, IF = 6.319, 1 区).
[8] Zhao, T. X.; Zhai, G. W.; Liang, J.; Li, P.; Hu, X. B.;* and Wu, Y. T.*
Catalyst-free N-formylation of amines using BH3NH3 and CO2 under mild conditions. Chem. Commun.
2017, 53, 8046-8049. (IF = 6.319, 1 区).
[9] Zhao, T. X.; Hu, X. B.;* Wu, D. S.; Li, R.; Yang, G. Q.; Wu, Y. T.* Direct synthesis of
dimethyl carbonate from CO2 and methanol at room temperature using imidazolium hydrogen carbonate
ionic liquid as recyclablecatalyst and dehydrant. ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 2046-2052. (IF=
7.804, 1 区)
[10] Zhao, T. X.; Guo, B.; Zhang, F.; Sha, F.; Zhang, J. B.* Morphology control in the synthesis
of CaCO3 microspheres with a novel CO2-storage material. ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 2015, 7,
15918-15927. (IF = 8.456, 1 区).
Tel:15062283930 E-mail:txzhao3@gzu.edu.cn


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