



姓 名最高学位一级学科招生专业
潘红艳 研究生 化学工程
1. 化学工程

2. 化学工艺
性 别职 称
女 教授

1. 非均相催化剂研制及应用

2. 多孔碳研制及应用·

教育及学术经 历
2004 年郑州轻工业学院 获工学学士学位

2009 年华南理工大学获工学博士学位贵州省千层次人才

主 持项目

代 表 性科研成果
1. 合成气制甲醇工艺中甲醇催化剂高稳定性关键技术及工业化应用研究,黔科合支撑[2018]2192,2018-2020
2. 直接合成过氧化氢 Pd 基核壳结构催化剂基础研究, 黔科合 JZ 字

[2014]2008 号 ,2014-2017

3. 高活性高憎水性 Cu 基负载型催化材料研制,黔科合 J 字[2012]2152 号

4. 活性炭性质对低浓度含氧煤层气中 CH4 分离富集的影响研究,黔教合

KY 字[2014]267)号
[1] Peng Liu, Qian Lin, Hongyan Pan*, Jingyun Zhao, Chenchen Zhao, Yaodan Wang. Direct synthesis
of hydrogen peroxide from hydrogen and oxygen over yolk–shell nanocatalyst Pd@HCS with
controlled Pd nanoparticle size[J]. Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 377: 511-523, SCI (一区)
[2] Riling Tang, Qiongbin Dai, Wanwen Liang, Ying Wu, Xin Zhou, Hongyan
Pan, Zhong Li. Synthesis of novel particle rice-based carbon materials and its excellent CH4/N2
adsorption selectivity for methane enrichment from low-rank natural gas[J]. Chemical
Engineering Journal, 2019 SCI (一区)
[3] Yuhua Zhang, Hongyan Pan, Qian Lin*, Fuxin Liu, Guoxiang Zhang, Pingfeng Hu.
Performance of Bimetallic Additives (Fe–Co, Mn–Co, Cu–Co, and Zn–Co) Modified Na2S/AC
Deoxidizers in Removal of O2 from Low-Concentration Coalbed Gas[J]. Energy & Fuels,2019,
33, 7, 6650-6658 (二区)
[4] Xianshu Wang, Hongyan Pan, Qian Lin, Hong Wu, Shuangzhu Jia and
Yongyong Shi One-Step Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Hydrophilic Mesoporous Carbons
from Chitosan-Based Triconstituent System for Drug Release [J]. Nanoscale research letters,
2019, 14: 259. (二区)
[5] H. Y. Pan, J. Y. Zhao, X. Zhang, Y. Yi, F. Liu, and Q. Lin. Catalytic
Combustion of Styrene over the Binary Mixture of Manganese and Copper

Based Catalyst in the Absence and Presence of Water Vapor[J]. Kinetics and Catalysis, 2018, 59(3):
296-303 (四区)
[6] Pingfeng Hu, Hongyan Pan*, Qian Lin, Jianxin Cao, Yuhua Zhang, and Min Zhao. Modified with
Transition Metals (Cu, Fe, Ni, Co) as Efficient Deoxidizers for O2 Removal
from Low-Concentration Coal Bed Methane[J]. Energy Fuels 2018, 32, 6136?6143(二区)
[7] Zheng Chen, Hongyan Pan,* Qian Lin,* Xin Zhang, Sheng Xiao and Shun
He. The modification of Pd core–silica shell catalysts by functional molecules
(KBr, CTAB, SC) and their application to the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from hydrogen
and oxygen[J]. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7, 1415-1422. SCI(二区)
[8] Hongyan Pan, Jingyun Zhao, Qian Lin,* Jianxin Cao,* Fei Liu, and Beilei
Zheng. Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbons from Bamboo Sawdust and Its
Application for CH4 Selectivity Adsorption from a CH4/N2 System [J]. Energy Fuels, 2016, 30,
10730-10738. SCI(二区)
[9] Hongyan Pan, Yun Yi, Qian Lin,*, Guangyan Xiang, Yu Zhang, and Fei Liu. Effect of
Surface Chemistry and Textural Properties of Activated Carbons for CH4 Selective
Adsorption through Low-Concentration Coal Bed Methane[J]. Journal of Chemical &
Engineering Data. 2016, 61(9): 2120-2127. SCI(三区)
[10] Hongyan Pan, Zhiyan He, Qian Lin*, Fei Liu, Zhong Li. The effect of
copper valence on catalytic combustion of styrene over the copper based catalysts in the
absence and presence of water vapor[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016,
24(4):468–474. SCI (四区)
[11] Hongyan Pan, Min Tian, Hui Zhang, Yu Zhang, and Qian Lin*.Adsorption and Desorption
Performance of Dichloromethane over Activated Carbons Modi?ed by Metal Ions[J]. Journal of
Chemical & Engineering Data. 2013, 58(9): 2449-2454. SCI(三区)

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