


姓 名 朱必学 性 别 男
最高学位 博士 职 称 教授
一级学科 化学 导师类别 硕士研究生导师



1. 功能有机配体合成及配位物理化学 2.Schiff 碱大环合成及微纳材料组装

教育及学术经 历


主 持在研项目

代 表 性 科研 成 果

1987 年在贵州大学获理学学士学位
1993 年在武汉大学获理学硕士学位
2004 年在南开大学获理学博士学位
2017 年获贵州大学教师教学水平专项评估“优秀教师奖”;
2015 年获贵州省科学技术进步三等奖(第一获奖人),2015J-3-18-1;
2011 年被聘为贵州大学学科学术带头人;
2009 年教师节获贵州大学“优秀科研奖”;
1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,含 2,6-吡啶二甲酰亚胺基的 Schiff 碱大环非共价微纳结构组装及性质(21961007),2020.01-2023.12
2. 教育部“春晖计划”项目,双头型 Schiff 碱大环合成及其对阴离子识别研究,教外司留[2019] 1383 号. 2020.01-2021.12
[1] Huai yu Chen, Chao Huang, Yazhou Ding, Qi-Long Zhang, Bi-Xue Zhu*
and Xin-Long Ni*. Organic core-shell-shaped micro/nanoparticles from twisted macrocycles in
Schiff base reaction . Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 490-496. (IF: 13.9)
[2] Huai yu Chen, Chao Huang, Yaxin Deng, Qi Sun, Qi-Long Zhang, Bi-Xue Zhu*, and Xin-Long Ni*.
Solvent-Switched Schiff-Base Macrocycles: Self-Sorting and Self-Assembly-Dependent
Unconventional Organic Particles, ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 2840?2848. (IF: 9.5)
[3] Qi-Long Zhang, Guang-Wei Feng, Yun-Qian Zhang, Bi-Xue Zhu*, Syntheses, structures,
and luminescence properties of anion-controlled heterometal modular coordination polymers
based on a metalloligand. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 11384–11392. (IF: 3.05)
[4] Qi-Long Zhang, Bi-Xue Zhu*, Yun-Qian Zhang, Zhu Tao, Jack K. Clegg, Leonard F. Lindoy*,
Gang Wei*, Silver(I) Coordination Polymers Incorporating Neutral γ-Carbon Bound
N,N’-Bis (acetylacetone) alkanediimine Units,Cryst. Growth Des., 2011, 11, 5688–5695. (IF: 4.15)
[5] Bi-Xue Zhu*, Qi-Long Zhang, Yun-Qian Zhang, Zhu Tao, Jack K. Clegg,
Jeffrey R. Reimers, Leonard F. Lindoy* and Gang Wei*, Polymeric di- and discrete
trinuclear silver(I) assemblies in corporating c-carbon bonded, neutralacetylacetone
-imine motifs assembled from racemic and diastereo pure
N,N-bis(acetylacetone)cyclohexanediimineunits, Dalton Trans., 2009, 4896–4900.(IF: 4.05)
[6] Bi-Xue Zhu*, Qi-Long Zhang, Yun-Qian Zhang, Zhu Tao, Jack K. Clegg, Jeffrey R. Reimers,
Leonard F. Lindoy* and Gang Wei*, Four Zinc(II) Helical Coordination Polymers and
78-Membered Six-Node Zinc Metallacycle Assembled form Diastereopur
N,N'-Bis(acetylacetone) cyclohexanediimine, Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47(21), 10053-10061.(IF: 4.8)

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