Personal Resume
Name: Du Juan
Gender: female
Birth Date: Jan. 1980.
Add: School of Management, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou province
Tel: **
E-mail : ec.jdu@gzu.edu.cn@qq.com
l 、贵州大学管理学院讲师,贵州大学EMBA助教
4、 “挑战杯”中国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛指导教师
6、 新加坡淡马锡基金访问****,中国复旦大学访问****,中国浙江大学访问****
About me:
Ph.D. ofInternational Tea Culture ,Rich experience in teaching, scientific research and social activities in University of “211”Project for 14 years
1、 Lecturer in School of Management,Guizhou University,
Teaching assistant in EMBA of Guizhou University.、”Rainbow scholar” of China MBA Schools Dean and Faculty Capacity Building Program
2. The judge of Professional Manager Competition of Guizhou TV Station.
3、 The Guide Teacher ofthe 14th “Challenge Cup” National Science and Technology College of Extra-curricular Academic Competition
4、 The first place of the Teachers’ Skill Contest in Guizhou University.
5、 Visiting scholar of Singapore Temasek Foundation,
Visiting scholar of Fudan University,
Visiting scholar of Zhejiang University
6、 The Youth Volunteersof the Eighth China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week
2001年9月—— 2006年9月 贵州工业大学 经济管理学院 教师
2006年9月—— 2009年9月 贵州大学 经济学院国际贸易教研室 教师
2009年9月至今 贵州大学 管理学院 工商管理教研室 教师
2015年3月至今 贵州大学管理学院对外合作部官员(兼职)
2014年至今 贵州云思维管理咨询有限公司总经理
Working Experience
1、 From Spet,2001 to Sept 2006. Teacher
School of Economics and Management ,Guizhou Industrial University
2、 From Sept,2006to Sept 2009, teacher.
International Trade teaching and research section, School of Economics ,Guizhou University
3、 From Sept,2009till now, Teacher
Business Management teaching and research section, School of Management,Guizhou University,
4、 Mar, 2015 till now, Official
The Ministry of External Cooperation,School of Management, Guizhou University. (part-time)
5、 From 2014 til now , General Manager of Guizhou Thinking Cloud Management and Consultant Co.Ltd,
1997年9月——2001年7月 武汉纺织大学 国际贸易专业 本科
2006年9月——2008年7月 贵州大学管理学院 工商管理硕士 硕士
Educational background
l、 From Sept 1997 to July ,2001, Wuhan Textile University, International Trade major, Bachelor.
2、 From Sept ,2006 to July, 2008, School of Management, Guizhou University, MBA. Master’s degree.
(1)贵州省现代物流业对进出口贸易的影响的实证研究[J]. 贵州师范大学学报(教育科学版),2011,第六期:101-103. (独著)
(2)生源地生源地助学贷款的利弊分析及对策研究[J]. 管理观察,2012,总第474期:153-155. (第一 作者)
(3)基于电子商务环境下的贵州铁路物流发展[J]. 管理观察,2013,总第513期:90-91. (独著)
(4)贵州铁路货场发展TPL的机会分析[J].物流工程与管理,2013,总第231期:16-17. (独著)
(5)基于非线性主成分分析法的贵州农产品物流系统评价[D].喀斯特地区发展评论(第三辑),2013,3月:241-247. (独著)
(6)特斯拉创新营销案例解读[D].喀斯特地区发展评论(第四辑),2014,9月:31-35. (独著)
(1)The Empirical Study on theImpacts of theModern Logistics Industry to Import and Export Trade in Guizhou[J]. Journal of Guizhou Normal University,2011,(6):101-103.
(2)Advantages and Disadvantages of Students to the Student Loans and Countermeasures[J]. Management Observation,2012(474):153-155
(3)Based on the Electronic Commerce Environment of RailwayLogistics Development in Guizhou[J].Management Observation,2013,(513):90-91
(4)Analysis of Development Opportunity of TPL in Guizhou Railway Freight Yard [J].Logistics Engineering and Management,2013(231):16-17
(5)Based on Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis of Guizhou Agricultural Product Logistics System Assessment[J].Karst Area Development Review,2013,(3):241-247
(6)The Study of Tesla Innovative Marketing Case [J]. Karst Area Development Review,2014,(9):31-35
(2)贵州“PPP”模式发展研究 (贵州省科技厅软科学研究项目,编号:黔科合R字(2015)2017-1)
Scientific and Research Projects
(1)Based on Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis of Guizhou Agricultural Product Logistics System Assessment (Research project of humanities and social science reserch base in Guizhou Province Education Department, No.12JD020)
(2)Research on the Development of "PPP" Model in Guizhou(Research project of Science and Technology Department of Guizhou Province No.(2015)2017-1)
(3)College Students' EntrepreneurialThree-year Plan of Action in Guizhou Gui'an Area(the project of Guizhou Gui'an AreaEconomic Development Board)
(4)Guizhou Province Credit System Construction Plan(Guizhou Province Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) 2014 annual key research projects)
(5)The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan of College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development in Guizhou University(Department of Development Planning, Guizhou University)
Lecture course
l、 Lecturing courses of Micro-economics, Macro-economics , Industrial Economics, Management Science for undergraduates of Guizhou University for a long time
2、Teaching assistant of the coursesof EMBA Globalization and International Operation and Management Economics
3、Lecture courses of CRM and NewMedia Marketing Skills for enterprise training.
Social work
l、 Acting as the judge of “Professional Manager Competition——Large Real Talent Show in Lengshui-River Tourist Attractions” organized by Guizhou TV Station
2、 Organizing the “MTP” employee training of Guizhou EAST Co. Ltd ,and teaching the course of CRM
3、 Organizing the marketing research of Guizhou Changtaiyuan Co. ltd and writing reports
4、Organizingthe training program of “Outstanding Entrepreneur in the Guizhou Federation of Industry and Commerce”
5、Organizing the MBA Promotion Meeting of Guizhou University, School of Management
6、 Organizing the Meeting of College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development in Guizhou University
7、 As the Business consultant of Guizhou Qunshen Real Estate Development Company
l、 熟练掌握经济分析工具;
2、 带领团队开展企业诊断、员工培训以及大范围市场调研;
4、 对工作认真负责,积极进取,能承受工作压力。
l、 Having a good command of economic analysis software
2、 Leading the team to conduct enterprise diagnose, employee training and a large range of market research.
3、 Having a strong ability of analysis, management, communicating and coordination.
4、 Being responsible for work, taking an active attitude to work, being able to bear work pressure.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-10
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