



化);电池材料。近 3 年(2018~)相关成果以第一、通讯作者身份在 Chem, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., Nano Res., Nanoscale, Carbohyd.
Polym., Polymers 等杂志上发表 SCI 论文 9

■ 科研项目(2018 年~至今)
1、氮掺杂生物质炭负载纳米铂催化剂的构建及其选择性加氢行为研究(黔教合 KY 字
[2021]029,30 万),贵州省教育厅,贵州省科技拔尖人才项目,2021.01-2023.12。
2、甲壳素微球负载双金属催化剂的制备及其在选择性氢化反应中的应用研究(黔科合基础 [2020]1Y212,10 万),贵州省科技厅,贵州省科学技术基金,2020.03-2023.04。
3、甲壳素碳球负载纳米钯催化剂的构建及应用(GZNUD[2018]18,10 万),贵州师范大学,博士科研启动资金,2019.06-2022.06。
4、纤维素微球负载纳米钯催化剂的构建及应用(201910663002,2 万),贵州省教育厅,大学生创新创业项目(国家级),2019.12.-2020.12。

■ 著作与论文(2018 年~至今)

1、Pei XL, Jiao HB*, Gong W*. Facile Construction of a Highly Dispersed Pt Nanocatalyst
Anchored on Biomass-Derived N/O-Doped Carbon Nanofibrous Microspheres and Its Catalytic
Hydrogenation. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2020, 12, 51459. (一作,SCI 一区 TOP,IF=9.23)
2、Pei XL, Li Y, Lei AW* and Zhang LN*. Chitin microsphere supported Pd nanoparticles as an

efficient and recoverable catalyst for CO oxidation and Heck coupling reaction. Carbohyd. Poly.,

2021, 251, 117020. (一作,SCI 一区 TOP,IF=9.38)

3、Pei XL, Li Y, Jiao HB*, Gong W*. Highly Dispersed Pd Clusters Anchored on Nanoporous
Cellulose Microspheres as Highly Efficient Catalyst for Suzuki Coupling Reaction. ACS
Appl. Mater. Inter., 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c12850 (一作,SCI 一区 TOP,IF=9.23)
4、Pei XL, Deng Y, Lei AW* and Zhang LN*. Ultra-small Pd clusters supported by chitin nanowires

as highly efficient catalysts. Nano. Res., 2018, 11, 3145. (一作,SCI 一区 TOP,IF=8.90)

5、Lu LJ∮, Pei XL∮, Zhang LN* and Lei AW*. Carbon nanofibrous microspheres promoted the first
oxidative double carbonylation of alkanes with CO. Chem., 2018, 4, 2861. (共一作,SCI 一区 TOP,IF=22.80)
6、Pei XL, Deng Y, Lei AW* and Zhang LN*. Size-controllable ultrafine palladium nanoparticles
immobilized on calcined chitin microspheres as efficient and recyclable catalysts for
hydrogenation. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 14719. (一作,SCI 一区 TOP,IF=7.79)
7、Gong W, He L*, Pei XL*. Study on Foaming Quality and Impact Property of Foamed

Polypropylene Composites. Polymers, 2018, 10, 1375. (通讯,SCI 二区,IF=4.33)

8、Fu H, Gong W, He L*, Pei XL*. Influence of electrolytes on thermal expansion microcapsules. J.
Macromol. Sci. A., 2019, 56, 104. (通讯,SCI)

9、 Luo D, Pei XL*, Gong W*. Modification of sodium bicarbonate and its effect on
foaming behavior of polypropylene. e-Polymers, 2021, 21, 366. (通讯,SCI)
10、龙思宇, 裴响林*, 龚维*. 贵金属钌基催化剂合成及应用研究进展. 化学通报, 2021, 84,

120. (通讯,CSCD)

■ 获奖与荣誉

1、贵州省科学技术进步奖,贵州省人民政府,省部二等奖,2020,排 6.

2、博士科研创新奖二等奖,武汉大学,武汉大学博士科研创新奖,2018,排 1.

■ 学术职务

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