本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-24
1.Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Liang, W.*, and M?ller, A. P. (2021). Common cuckoo females remove more conspicuous eggs during parasitism. Royal Society Open Science, 8: 201264.
2.Wang, L., Yang, C., He, G., Liang, W*., and M?ller, A. P. (2020). Cuckoos use host egg number to choose host nests for parasitism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287: **.
3.Wang, L., Zhong, G., He, G. B., Zhang, Y. H., and Liang, W*. (2020). Egg laying behavior of common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus): Data based on field video-recordings. Zoological Research, 41: 458–464.
4.Wang, L., Hsu, Y. C., and Liang, W*. (2020). Rejection of parasitic eggs by yellowbellied prinias: importance of egg spot location. Journal of Ornithology, 161: 987–994.
5.Wang, L., Cheng, S., Hsu, Y., and Liang, W*. (2018). Nest-dismantling behavior of yellow-bellied prinia in mainland and island populations, Acta Ethologica, 21: 35–41.
6.Wang, L., Liang, W., Yang, Y., Cheng, S., Hsu, Y., and Lu X*. (2016).Egg rejection and clutch phenotype variation in the plain prinia (Prinia inornata). Journal of Avian Biology, 2016.47: 788–794.
7.Wang, L., Yang, C., M?ller, A. P., Liang, W*., and Lu, X*. (2015). Multiple mechanisms of egg recognition in a cuckoo host. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69: 1761–1767.
8.Wang, L., Yang, C., Hsu, Y., Antonov, A., Moksnes, A., R?skaft, E., Liang, W*. and Stokke, B. G. (2013). Increase of clutch size triggers clutch destruction behaviour in common moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) during the incubation period. Behaviour, 150: 215–223.
9.Yang, C#.,Wang, L#.Liang, W*., and Anders Pape M?ller. (2016). Egg recognition as antiparasitism defence in hosts does not select for laying of matching eggs in parasitic cuckoos. Animal Behaviour. 122: 177–181.
10.Yang, C#.,Wang, L#., Cheng, S., Hsu, Y., Liang, W*. and M?ller, A. P. (2014). Nest defenses and egg recognition of yellow-bellied prinia against cuckoo parasitism. Naturwissenschaften, 101: 727–734.
11.Yang, C.,Wang, L., Cheng, S. J., Hsu, Y. C., M?ller, A. P., and Liang, W*. (2020). Model eggs fail to detect egg recognition in host populations after brood parasitism is relaxed. Frontiers in Zoology, 17: 1–6.
12.Yang, C.,Wang, L.W., Liang, W*., and M?ller, A. P. (2019). High egg rejection rate in a Chinese population of grey-backed thrush (Turdus hortulorum). Zoological Research, 40: 226–230.
13.Yang, C.,Wang, L., Liang, W*. Anders Pape M?ller. (2017). How cuckoos and choose host nests for parasitism. Behavioral Ecology, 28: 859–865.
14.Yang, C.,Wang, L., Liang, W*. and M?ller, A. P. (2016a). Do common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) possess an optimal laying behaviour to match their own egg phenotype to that of their Oriental reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) hosts? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 117: 422–427.
15.Yang, C.,Wang, L., Liang, W*., and M?ller, A. P. (2016b). Contrasting egg recognition between European and Asian populations of tree sparrows (Passer montanus). Behavioural Processes,125: 85–88.
16.Yu, J.,Wang, L., Xing, X., Yang, C., Ma, J., M?ller, A. P., Wang, H*. and Liang, W. (2016). Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) differentiate between common cuckoo and sparrowhawk in China: alarm calls convey information on threat. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70: 171–178.
17.Yang, C.,Wang, L., Chen, M., Liang, W*. and M?ller, A. P. (2015a). Nestling recognition in red-rumped and barn swallows. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69: 1821–1826.
18.Yang, C.,Wang, L., Cheng, S., Hsu, Y., Stokke, B. G., R?skaft, E., Moksnes, A., Liang, W*. and M?ller, A. P. (2015b). Deficiency in egg rejection in a host species as a response to the absence of brood parasitism. Behavioral Ecology, 26: 406–415.
19.Yang, C.,Wang, L., Liang, W*. and M?ller, A. P. (2015c). Nest sanitation behavior in hirundines as a pre-adaptation to egg rejection to counter brood parasitism. Animal Cognition, 18: 355–360.
20.Yang, C.,Wang, L., Hsu, Y. C., Antonov, A., Moksnes, A., R?skaft, E., Liang, W*. and Stokke, B. G. (2013). UV reflectance as a cue in egg discrimination in two Prinia species exploited differently by brood parasites in Taiwan. Ibis, 155: 571–575.
21.Yang, C., Huang, Q.,Wang, L., Du, W. G., Liang, W*., and M?ller, A. P. (2018). Keeping eggs warm: thermal and developmental advantages for parasitic cuckoos of laying unusually thick-shelled eggs. The Science of Nature, 105: 10.
22.Tunheim, O. H., Stokke, B. G.,Wang, L., Yang, C., Jiang, A., Liang, W., and Foss?y, F*. (2019). Development and behavior of Plaintive Cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus) nestlings and their Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius) hosts. Avian Research, 10: 1–10.
23.Yang, C., Chen, M.,Wang, L., Liang, W*. and M?ller, A. P. (2015). Nest sanitation elicits egg discrimination in cuckoo hosts. Animal Cognition, 18: 1373–1377.
24.Yang, C., Huang, Q.,Wang, L., Jiang, A., Stokke, B. G., Foss?y, F., Tunheim, O. H., R?skaft, E., Liang, W*. and M?ller, A. P. (2015). Plaintive cuckoos do not select tailorbird hosts that match the phenotypes of their own eggs. Behavioral Ecology, 26: 406–415.
25.Yang, C., Li, D.,Wang, L., Liang, G., Zhang, Z. and Liang, W*. (2014b). Geographic variation in parasitism rates of two sympatric cuckoo hosts in China. Zoological Research, 35: 67–71.
26.Liang, W., Yang, C.,Wang, L. and M?ller, A. P*. (2013). Avoiding parasitism by breeding indoors: cuckoo parasitism of hirundines and rejection of eggs. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67: 913–918.
27.Wang, J., Li, Q.,Wang, L., Yang, C*., and Liang, W. (2020). Do swallows (Hirundo daurica) use the visual cue of hatchling down‐feathers to discriminate parasite alien nestlings? Integrative Zoology, 15: 441–446.
28.Shen, C., Yu, J., Lu, H.,Wang, L., Wang, H*., and Liang, W*. (2020). Warblers perform less nest defense behavior and alarm calls to human intruders: A result of habituation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 23: e01187.
29.王龙舞,杨灿朝,梁伟*. (2012).海口地区高校校园鸟类比较.海南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 25: 438–441.
30.王龙舞,梁伟*. (2013).海南岛发现外来鸟种红嘴相思鸟和灰喜鹊.海南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 26: 291–293.
31.陈敏,王龙舞,马建华,杨灿朝,梁伟*. (2016).家燕和金腰燕的卵胚胎心率比较.动物学杂志,51: 39–44.
32.黄秋丽,王龙舞,杨灿朝,梁伟*. (2015a).八声杜鹃在两种缝叶莺巢中寄生繁殖.动物学杂志, 50: 790–794.
33.黄秋丽,王龙舞,杨灿朝,梁伟*. (2015b).长尾缝叶莺和栗头缝叶莺的巢址选择比较.生态学杂志, 34: 2861–2865.
34.陈敏,王龙舞,杨灿朝,梁伟*. (2015).广西弄岗家燕种群的卵胚胎心率.四川动物,1:93–96.
35.夏灿玮,王龙舞,郭冬生,吴太伦,张雁云*. (2011).高山短翅莺分布新纪录及其鸣声分析.动物学杂志, 46: 106–108.
36.梁伟*,王龙舞. (2011).海南岛鸟类新记录种—红耳鹎.海南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 24: 85–86.
37.梁国贤,杨灿朝,王龙舞,梁伟*. (2014).三个东方大苇莺种群大杜鹃寄生率的变异.四川动物, 33: 673–677.
38.王勇,钟国,宋波,潘长江,张瑜晗,王龙舞*. (2019).花溪十里河滩国家城市湿地公园鸟类多样性研究.贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1: 59-64.
39.钟国,万桂霞,王龙舞*,梁伟. (2019).大杜鹃对北红尾鸲的放牧行为.动物学杂志, 88: 11–25.
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