

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-31


郑江教授1977年考入浙江医科大学药学系(现浙江大学药学院),分别获药学学士和药理学硕士。1986年赴美国犹他大学药学院药剂系做访问****,1988年进入美国堪萨斯大学药学院药物化学系就读研究生,并获得硕士、博士学位;毕业后去加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校环境毒理系进行毒理学博士后研究工作;先后就职于美国东北大学药学院和华盛顿大学医学院,分别任助理教授、副教授和终身研究员。2016年获得贵州省“百人领军人才”被贵州医科大学引进,作为学科领军人才,组建由药物代谢、药物毒理和药物化学研究人员组成的研究团队。实验室建立了药物代谢及毒理的研究平台,配有仪器:ABSCIEX Triple Quad? 5500质谱仪等。
作为PI,郑江教授曾主持过美国国家健康研究院(NIH)和美国抗癌学会(American Cancer Society)的共三百多万美元的科研基金。郑江教授课题组擅长集药物代谢、药物毒理和药物设计为一体的研究,将这三领域有机和紧密地结合在一起。近些年来课题组展开大规模中药有毒成分的代谢和致毒机理研究,并获得国家自然基金的大力支持,连续两年获国家自然科学基金面上和重点项目资助。其中,2018年获得的“基于细胞色素P450酶介导的有毒呋喃萜类化合物肝损伤机制研究”是贵州省药学领域第一项国家自然科学基金重点项目。
郑江教授长期从事多学科交叉的科学研究,涵盖药物化学、分析化学、有机化学、物理有机化学、酶学、免疫化学、药物代谢学、毒理学、病理学、细胞生物学和分子生物学。在国际期刊上发表110于篇SCI论文,平均影响因子>3.5/篇。其研究成果发表在多学科领域最权威的学术期刊上,例如:Archives of Toxicology(毒理学)、Proteomics(蛋白质组学)、Drug Metabolism and Disposition(药物代谢学)、Journal of Hepatology(肝脏学)、Journal of Medicinal Chemistry(药物化学)、Analytical Chemistry(分析化学)、Chemical Research in Toxicology(毒理化学)等。郑江教授拥有6项美国专利。
郑江教授的学术地位受到国际同行高度认可,曾于2003年获美国抗癌学会颁发的美国抗癌学会研究****奖。2010年应Chemical Research in Toxicology之邀,连续三届担任该刊编委至今,并在2017年被评选为该期刊过去5年中最高产作者之一。该期刊由美国化学学会主办,是国际毒理化学领域最权威的期刊。郑江教授同时也担任Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology的期刊编委。此外,郑江教授应国家自然科学基金委邀请,连续多年参加基金委的二审工作,包括重大、重点和面上项目的二审工作。

1. Liu, Y.; Cui, T.; Peng, Y.; Ji, M.; Zheng, J. Mechanism-based inactivation of cytochrome P450 2D6 by chelidonine. J. Biochem. Mol. Toxicol. 2019, 33, doi: 10.1002/jbt.22251.
2. Lin, D.; Li, W.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. In vitro DNA adduction derived from reactive metabolites resulting from metabolic activation of diosbulbin B and 8-epidiosbulbin E acetate. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2019. 32, 38-48.
3. Guo, Y.; Xiao, D.; Yang, X.; Zheng, J.; Hu, S.; Wu, P.; Li, X.; Guo, Y.; Wang, H. Prenatal exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids induced hepatotoxicity and pulmonary injury in fetal rats. Reprod. Toxicol. 2019, 85, 34-41.
4. Luo, J.; Yang, X.; Qiu, S.; Li, X.; Xiang, E; Fang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zheng, J.; Kuo, H.; Wang, H. Gender differences of monocrotaline-induced developmental toxicity and fetal hepatotoxicity in rats. Toxicology. 2019, 418, 32-40.
5. Wang, X.; Xin, X.; Sun, Y.; Zou, L.; Li, H.; Zhao, Y.; Li, R.; Peng, Y.; Zheng. J. Chemical reactivity of aloe-emodin and its hydroxylation metabolites to thiols. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2019, 32, 234-244.
6. Li, H.; Zheng, Z.; Yang, X.; Mao, X.; Wang, J.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Structure-toxicity relationship of nitrofurantoin and its hepatic cytoxicity by structure dissection. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2019, 32, 681-690.
7. Mao, X.; Zhao, H.; Wang, Q.; Hu, Z.; Zhang, F.; Guo, X.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Metabolism-based herb-drug interactions of Corydalis bugeana Turcz. with berberine in vitro and in vivo in rats. Biomed. Chromat. 2019 Feb 20:e4514. doi: 10.1002/bmc.4514.
8. Chen, Y.; Guo, X.; Ma, Y.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Identification of quinone methide intermediate from metabolic activation of icaritin in vitro and in vivo. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.8b00418. [Epub ahead of print]
9. Xu, Y.; Mao, X.; Qin, B.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. In vitro and in vivo metabolic activation of rhein. Chem. Biol. Interact. 2018, 283, 1-9.
10. Feng, Y.; Wang, S.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Urinary methyleugenol-deoxyadenosine adduct as potential biomarker of methyleugenol exposure. J. Agricul. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 1258-1263.
11. Li, X.; Yang, X.; Xiang, E.; Luo, J.; Qiu, S.; Fang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Guo, Y.; Zheng, J.; Wang, H. rfrom dams treated wt 20 mg/kg MMetabolic activation of pyrolizidine alkaloids in placenta and fetal liver caused developmental toxicity in different gender of fetal rats. Drug Metab. Dispos. 2018, 46, 422-428.
12. Zhao, H.; Li, S.; Yang, Z.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Identification of ketene reactive intermediate of erlotinib possibly responsible for inactivation of P450 enzymes. Drug Metab. Dispos. 2018, 46, 442-450.
13. Hu, Z.; Li, W.; Lin, D.; Zhang, N.; Zhou, S.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Development of polyclonal antibodies for detection of diosbulbin B derived cis-enedial protein adducts. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2018, 31, 231-237.
14. Qin, X.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. In vitro and in vivo studies of the electrophilicity of physcion and its oxidative metabolites. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2018, 31, 340-349.
15. Sun, Y.; Xin, X.; Zhang, K.; Cui, T.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Cytochrome P450 mediated metabolic activation of chrysophanol. Chem. Biol. Interact. 2018, 289, 57-67.
16. Yu, J.; Zheng, Q.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Metabolite profile analysis and pharmacokinetic study of emodin, baicalin and geniposide in rats. Xenobiotica. 2018, 48, 927-937.
17. Mao, X.; Hu, Z.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, N.; Zhou, S.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Nitidine chloride is a mechanism-based inactivator of CYP2D6. Drug Metab. Dispos. 2018, 46, 57-67.
18. Liu, T.; Wang, X.; He, Y.; Wang, Y.; Dong, L.; Ma, X.; Zheng, L.; Liu, C.; Zheng, J.; Wang, G.; Lan, Y.; Li, Y. In vivo and in vitro anti-arthritis effects of cardenolide-rich and caffeoylquinic acid-rich fractions of Periploca forrestii. Molecule. 2018, 23, pii: E1988.
19. Yang, X.; Li, W.; Wang, X.; Chen, Y.; Guo, X.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Difference in internal exposure made infant mice more susceptible to hepatotoxicity of retrorsine than adult mice. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2018, 31, 1348-1355.
20. Li, H.; Lin, D.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Oxidative bioactivation of nitrofurantoin in rat liver microsomes. Xenobiotica. 2017, 47, 103-111.
21. Yang, X.; Li, W.; Sun, Y.; Guo, X.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Comparative study of hepatotoxicity of retrorsine and monocrotaline. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2017, 30, 532-539.
22. Feng, Y. Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Chemical interactions of cysteine residues with reactive metabolites of methyleugenol. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2017, 30, 564-573.
23. Sun, Y.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. In vitro and in vivo metabolic activation of berbamine to quinone methide intermediate. J. Biochem. Mol. Toxicol. 2017, 31, 1-8.
24. Zhang, Z; Lin, D.; Li, W.; Peng, Y.; Gao, H.; Zheng, J. Sensitive bromine-based screening of potential toxic furanoids in Dioscorea Bulbifera. J. Chromatog. B Anal. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci. 2017, 1057, 1-14.
25. Park, D.; Shen, S.; Zheng, J.; Ivy, D.D.; Hotz, J.C.; DiBlsi, R. Inhaled treprostinil drug delivery during mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing using two different nebulizers. Pediatr. Crit. Care Med. 2017, 18, e253-e260.
26. Li, N.; Zhang, F.; Lian, W.; Wang, H.; Li, W.; Zheng, J.; Lin, G. Immunoassay approach for diagnosis of exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids. J. Environ. Sci. Health C. Environ. Carcinog. Ecotoxicol. Rev. 2017, 35, 127-139.
27. Wang, K.; Lin, D.; Guo, X.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Chemical identity of interaction of protein with reactive metabolite of diosbulbin B in vitro and in vivo. Toxins. 2017, 9, pii:E249.
28. Pan, Y.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, W.; Bai, X.; Ren, S.; Zheng, J.; Wang, D.; Liu, X. Pharmacokinetic comparison of two phenolic acids after oral administration of Typhae Pollen to normal rats and rats with acute cold blood stasis. Biomed. Chromatogr. 2017, 31, doi: 10.1002/bmc.4028.
29. Wang, H.; Peng, Y.; Zhang, T.; Lan, Q.; Zhao, H.; Wang, W.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, X.; Pang, J.; Wang, S.; Zheng, J. Metabolic epoxidation is a critical step for the development of benzbromarone-induced hepatotoxicity. Drug Metab. Dispos. 2017, 45, 1354-1363.
30. Sun, J.; Lu, Y; Li, Y.; Pan, J.; Liu, C.; Gong, Z.; Huang, J.; Zheng, J.; Zheng, L.; Li, Y.; Liu, T.; Wang, Y. Influence of Shenxiong Glucose Injection on the activities of Six CYP isozymes and metabolism of warfarin in rats assessed using probe cocktail and pharmacokinetic approaches. Molecules, 2017, 22, pii: E1994.
31. Chen, Y.; Wang, S.; Yang, Y.; Zheng, J.; Liu, T.; Wang, L. Targeting HSF1 leads to an antitumor effect in human epithelial ovarian cancer. Int. J. Mol. Med. 2017, 39, 1564-1570.
32. Chen, M.; Li, L.; Zhong, D.; Zheng, J.; Chen, X. Metabolic activation of retronecine-type pyrrolizidine alkaloids in rats and in human liver microsomes, and glutathione conjugation of their reactive metabolites. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2016, 29, 180-189.
33. Guo, X.; Lin, D.; Li, W.; Wang, K.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Electrophilicities and protein covalent binding of demethylation metabolites of colchicines. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2016, 29, 296-302.
34. Li, W.; Lin, G.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Lysine adduction by reactive metabolite(s) of monocrotaline. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2016, 29, 333-341.
35. Lin, D.; Li, W.; Peng, Y.; Jiang, C.; Xu, Y.; Gao, H.; Zheng, J. Role of metabolic activation in 8-epidiosbulbin E acetate-induced liver injury: mechanism of action of the hepatotoxic furanoid. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2016, 29, 359-366.
36. Wang, K.; Wang, H.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Identification of epoxide-derived metabolite(s) of benzbromarone. Drug Metab. Dispos. 2016, 44, 607-615.
37. Zhao, D.; Xie, H.; Bai, C.; Liu, C.; Hao, C.; Zhao, S.; Yuan, H.; Luo, C.; Wang, J.; Lin, B.; Zheng J.; Cheng, M. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of N,N-3-phenyl-3-benzylamino-propanamide derivatives as novel cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2016, 24, 1589-1597.
38. DiBlasi, R. M.; Crotwell, D. N.; Shen, S.; Zheng, J.; Flint, J.; Yung, D. Iloprost drug delivery during infant conventional and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Pulm. Circ. 2016, 6, 63-69.
39. Xie, H.; Liu, Y.; Peng, Y.; Zhao, D.; Zheng, J. Detection of protein modification derived from quinone methide metabolite of dauricine. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2016, 408, 4111-4119.
40. Yao, H.; Peng, Y; Zheng, J. Identification of glutathione and cysteine conjugates derived from reactive metabolites of methyleugenol in rats. Chem. Biol. Interact. 2016, 253, 143-152.
41. Tian, Y.; Shen, S.; Jiang, Y.; Shen, Q.; Zeng, S.; Zheng, J. CYP3A5 mediates bioactivation and cytotoxicity of tetrandrine. Arch. Toxicol. 2016, 90, 1737-1748.
42. Sun, Y.; Yao, T.; Guo, X.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Simultaneous assessment of endogenous thiol compounds by LC-MS/MS. J. Chromat. B. 2016, 1029-1030, 213-221.
43. Li, Y.; Lu, Y.; Hu, J., Gong, Z.; Yang, W.; Wang, A.; Zheng, J.; Liu, T.; Chen, T.; Hu, J.; Mi, L.; Li, Y.; Lan, Y.; Wang, Y. Pharmacokinetic comparison of scutellarin and paeoniflorin in sham-operated and middle cerebral artery occlusion ischemia and reperfusion injury rats after intravenous administration of Xin-Shao formula. Molecule. 2016, 21, pii: E1191.
44. Chen, J. Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Cytochromes P450 mediated metabolic activation of saracatinib. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2016, 29, 1835-1842.
45. Qin, B.; Xu, Y.; Chen, J.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Chemical reactivity of emodin and its oxidative metabolites to thiols. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2016, 29, 2114-2124.
46. Wang, H.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Cysteine-based protein adduction by epoxide(s) metabolite of bromobenzmarone. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2016, 29, 2145-2152.
47. Lin, D.; Wang, K.; Gao, H.; Peng, Y.; Zheng, J. Lysine- and cysteine-based protein adductions derived from toxic metabolites of 8-epidiosbulbin E acetate. Toxicol. Lett. 2016, 264, 20-28.

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