

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-14

姓名:丁峰,性别: 男


2019- ****,右江民族医学院/基础医学院,细菌性疾病致病机制及纳米技术在其中的应用
2016- 副研究员,温州医科大学/基础医学院;传染病机制和纳米医药交叉研究
2015-2016 副研究员,同济大学&附属上海肺科医院,结核分子致病机制
2014-2015 博士后, 田纳西大学健康科学中心(UTHSC);结核分子致病机制研究
2008-2013 科研/教学助理,欧道明大学(ODU);细菌耐多药运输体结构和功能研究
2007-2008 科研助理, 路易斯安那州立大学健康科学中心(LSUHSC);帕金森,癌症信号通路等研究
2002-2007 科研助理, 第二军医大学&同济大学; 疟疾分子疫苗研究

浙江省微生物学会 青年委员
浙江省医学会医学微生物与免疫学会 青年委员
SCI期刊审稿人(Bioorganic chemistry, Cellular physiology and biochemistry,Scientific reports, Microbiological Research, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Vaccine, Plos One, Indian Journal of Microbiology,etc.)
SCIREA Journal of Biology 编委会(http://www.scirea.org/journal/Biology)


1. 细菌性疾病(如绿脓杆菌,分枝杆菌等)的分子致病机制
2. 纳米技术在上述疾病研究中的应用

3.浙江省卫生健康委(),多重靶向纳米材料-生物/药物分子偶联体对绿脓杆菌耐药性的治疗及作用机制研究, 2020.1-2022.12, 3万,主持(1/6)
2. 基于多功能纳米材料-生物/药物分子偶联体的绿脓杆菌耐药性的治疗研究,温州市科技局,2020.1-2021.12,10万, 项目负责人,项目批准号:2019Y0601
1. 分枝杆菌感染入侵机制和靶向治疗研究,温州医科大学启动资金, 2016.11-2021.10, 20万,项目负责人,项目批准号:QTJ18011



10)Xiaojun He#; Wei Xu#; Feng Ding#; Chuchu Xu; Yahui Li; Hong Chen,Jianliangshen (2020),A Reaction-Based Ratiometric and Colorimetric Chemosensor for Bioimaging of Biosulfite in Live Cells, Zebrafish and Food Samples, Journal ofAgricultural and Food Chemistry,https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c03983#-共同第一作者;SCI, IF-4.2
9)Xiaojun He#, Feng Ding#, Wei Xu; Chuchu Xu; Yahui Li; Yuna Qian; Shengzhe Zhao; Hong Chen; Jianliang Shen(2020), “FRET-based colorimetric and ratiometric sensor for visualizing pH change and application for bioimaging in living cells, bacteria and zebrafish”, Analytica Chimica Acta(#-共同第一作者;SCI, IF-5.4)
8)Preeyaporn Songkiatisak*, Feng Ding*, Pavan Kumar Cherukuri* and Xiao-Hong Nancy Xu (2020), “Size-Dependent Inhibitory Effects of Antibiotics Nanocarriers on Filamentation of E. coli”, Nanoscale advances, 2, 2135-2145; DOI: 10.1039/C9NA00697D (*-共同第一作者; SCIE-新杂志,IF-NA)
7)Pavan Kumar Cherukuri?, Feng Ding?, Preeyaporn Songkiatisak?,Jean-Michel Jault, and X. Nancy Xu* (2020), Size-Dependent Inhibitory Effects of Antibiotic Drug NanoCarriers against Bacillus subtilis , ACS Omega, 5, 1625-1633(?-共同第一作者, IF-3.0)
6)Peng Zhou,Juping Wang, Xiaohong Du,Tao Huang, Prakash D. Nallathamby, Lan Yang, Weiwei Zou, Yongchao Zhou, Jean M. Jault, Song Chen,Feng Ding* (2019), Biomedical Applications of Nanoparticles-Focus on Imaging, Engineered Science, 5, 1-20 (最后通讯,新杂志IF-NA)2576-988X
5)Yan Zhou, Wenjing Hong, Kairui Li, Huihui Zhang, Jiali Zhang, Yongdan Zhu, Xiang Chen; Feng Ding*, Fangyan Wang* (2019), Therapeutic Effects of Probiotic Clostridium Butyricum WZ001 on Bacterial Vaginosis in Mice, Journal of Applied Microbiology-2019, 127(2), 565-575 DOI: 10.1111/jam.14329(共同通讯, IF-3.1)PMID: ** DOI: 10.1111/jam.14329 1365-2672
4)Ding F, Preeyaporn S, Pavan KC, Huang T and Xu XH (2018),Size-Dependent Inhibitory Effects of Antibiotic Drug NanoCarriers against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ACS Omega, 3 (1): 1231-1243 (IF-3.0)2470-1343
3) Xiaohong Du, Jitai Zhang,, Juping Wang, Xiaoming Lin,Feng Ding1,*(2017), Role of miRNA in lung cancer-potential biomarkers and therapies, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 23 (39) : 5997-6010 (*-最后通讯作者, IF-3.0) 1381-6128
2)D. Yang#, F. Ding#, W. R. Shadrick, R. E. Lee, M. Kurosu, and Y. Kong* (2016), “A Fluorescent Probe for Detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosisand Identifying Genes Critical for Cell Entry”, Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:2021(第一作者, IF-4.8)PMID: ** PMCID: PMC** DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.02021 1664-302X
1)Ding F, Kong Y (2015) Host Immune Factors Related to Susceptibility to Tuberculosis in Animal Models. Journal of Immune Research2(1), 1014 (IF-NA)2471-0261

10)Hong Chen, Feng Ding, Zhan Zhou, Xiaojun He and Jianliang Shen* (2020), FRET-based sensor for visualizing pH variation with colorimetric/ratiometric and application for bioimaging in living cells, bacteria and zebrafish, Analyst, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0AN00841A
9)Xiaojun He, Wei Xu, Chuchu Xu, Feng Ding, Hong Chen, Jianliang Shen (2020), Reversible spiropyran-based chemosensor with pH-switches and application for bioimaging in living cells, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and zebrafish, Dyes and pigments, 180, 108497. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2020.108497
8) Zhipeng Li, Wei Xiong, Xiaojun He, Xiaoliang Qi, Feng Dingand Jianliang Shen (2020), A Novel Strategy of Rhodamine B-based Fluorescent Probe for Selective Response of Glutathione to Serve as Bioimaging in Living Cells, Analyst https://doi.org/10.1039/D0AN00582G
7) X He, Q Xie, J Fan, C Xu, W Xu, Y Li, F Ding, H Deng, H Chen, J Shen (2020), Dual-Functional Chemosensor with Colorimetric/Ratiometric Response to Cu(II)/Zn(II) ions and its Applications in Bioimaging and Molecular Logic Gates, Dyes and pigments, 177,108255
6) Xiaojun He; Chuchu Xu; Wei Xiong; Yuna Qian; Jinyi Fan; Feng Ding; Hui Deng; Hong Chen; Jianliang Shen (2020), ICT-Based Fluorescent and Colorimetric Dual Sensing of Endogenous Hypochlorite in Living Cells, Bacteria and Zebrafish, Analyst145(1):29-33.DOI: 10.1039/C9AN02226K (IF=4.1) 0003-2654
5)Xiaojun He; Wei Xiong; Lilei Zhang; Chuchu Xu; Jinyi Fan; Yuna Qian; Jinsheng Wen; Feng Ding; Jianliang Shen (2019),ESIPT-based ratiometric fluorescent probe for highly selective and sensitive sensing and bioimaging of Group IIIA ions in living cancer cells and zebrafish, Dyes and pigments,174, 108059. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2019.108059 (IF-4.1) 0143-7208
4)H Chen, P Yang, Y Li, L Zhang, F Ding, X He, J Shen (2019), Insight into triphenylamine and coumarin serving as copper (II) sensors with “OFF” strategy and for bio-imaging in living cells, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 117384; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2019.117384
3)He, Xiaojun; Wu, Chenglin; Qian, Yuna; Ding, Feng; Zhou, Zhihua; Shen, Jianliang* (2019), Symmetrical bis-salophen probe serves as a selectively and sensitively fluorescentswitch of gallium ions in living cells and zebrafish, Talanta, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2019.120118
2)Xiaojun He, Chenglin Wu, Yuna Qian, Yahui Li, Lilei Zhang,Feng Ding, Hong Chen and Jianliang Shen (2019), Highly sensitive and selective lighting-up fluorescent probe for monitoring gallium and chromium ions in vitro and in vivo,Analyst,144, 3807-3816, PMID: ** DOI 10.1039/C9AN00625G
1)Khadija Mathieu, Waqas Javed, Sylvain Vallet, Christian Lesterlin, Marie-Pierre Candusso, Feng Ding, Xiaohong Nancy Xu, Christine Ebel, Jean-Michel Jault,* and Cédric Orelle* (2019), functionality of membrane proteins overexpressed and purified from E. coli is highly dependent upon the strain, Scientific Reports, 9, 2654


1.Feng Ding*, Xiaohong Du, Weiwei Zou, Lan Yang, Yongchao Zhou (2019), Chapter 4: Biomedical Applications of Nanoparticles-An Overview, Nanomaterials Nanotechnology Applications (ISBN:978-1-970059-00-7),Engineered Science Publisher

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