

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-13

王 波







MPA(公共管理专业硕士) 城市治理与城市政策 2019



2000.09-2004.07 吉林大学广告学专业本科
2006.09-2008.07 吉林大学中外政治之制度专业硕士
2012.03-2015.02 韩国仁川国立大学公共管理专业博士
2016.03-2017.03 韩国仁川国立大学博士后流动站博士后
2019.03-2020.03 韩国首尔国立大学博士后流动站博士后
2016.03-至今 韩国国民大学行政问题研究所 研究员
2018.01-至今 韩国仁川广域市发展研究院 研究顾问
2017.07-2020.02 广西民族大学政治与公共管理学院讲师
2020.07-至今 广西民族大学发展规划研究院区域部门发展规划研究所所长
2020.03-至今 广西民族大学政治与公共管理学院副教授


1. Smart, Sustainable and Citizen Centered: A Network Analysis of Urban R&D Trends in Seoul, South Korea. 2020. Sustainability.12(15):5933. (SSCI 二区)
2.The Main Factors Affecting Cultural Exchange between Korea and China: A Semantic Network Analysis Based on the Cultural Governance Perspective. 2019. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 71:72-83.(SSCI 二区)
3.What Determines Cultural Expenditures in Local Chinese Governments in Liaoning?. 2019. The Korean Journal of Local Government Studies.23(2):139-152.
4.Determinants of Environmental Pollution in Provincial Area in China. 2019.Korean Journal of Local Government & Administration Studies. 33(3):39-59.
5. Welfare, Work, and Women's Empowerment-Evidence from Bangladesh ‘s Food and Work Program. 2019. The Korean Journal of Policy Studies. 34(3): 71-96.
6. Typology of Korea Coastal Guard’s Functions Using Delphi Technique.2019. Journal of Government and Policy. 12(1):5-29.
7.The Links between Science, Technology and Urbanization on the Road towards Chinese Exceptionalism. 2018. Journal of China Study. 21(4):177-199.
8.Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Korean Local Governments. 2018. Korean Journal of Local Government & Administration Studies.32(4):21-36.
9.Urban development in China: Moving from Urbanization to Quality of Urban Life. 2018. In book Public Policy in the ‘Asian Century'(Chapter 8). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
10. Urbanization Process and Policies in China. Korean Comparative Government Review,2013.17(3)1-16.
11. What Drives Urban Development?: A Review of New Cultural Perspective Studies. Asian Journal of Cultural Policy,2014.143-165.
12. Institutional Approach to Anti-corruption at Local Level in China. Songdo Journal of Social Science, 2013(3):79-98.
13. A Comparison of Urbanization between China and Bangladesh. Songdo Journal of Social Science,2014(5):5-23.
14. Do Media’s Orientation and Regime’s Ideology Make Issue Difference of Multi-cultural Society. Korean Cultural Policy Association,2014(2):1-27.
15. Comparison of Urban Development Model Between China And Bangladesh. Songdo Journal of Social Science, 2015(6).
16. “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese Cities: Evidence from Liaoning Province.” Korean Journal of Local Government & Administration Studies, 29(4): 409-421.
17. “A Study of Cultural Policy of the Communist Party of China towards Ethnic Minorities in the New Century.” Asian Journal of Cultural Policy, 2015(3): 19-32.
18. The Cultural Contents Industry in the Development of Dalian. Asian Journal of Cultural Policy,2016(3): 25-42.
19. Neighborly Dalian. China Study,18(3).
1. May 30~31, 2012, Incheon, Searching for a New Paradigm of Public Management in a Changing World. Organized by Incheon National University, presented paper ‘Urban Sprawl Index and Urban Sprawl Factors in China’.
2. October 18~19, 2013, Seoul, The 2013 International Conference on Strengthening Anti-Corruption Competitiveness through a New Governance Paradigm. Organized by The Korean Association for Public Administration, presented paper ‘A Study on the Institution of Chinese Local Government at Anti-Corruption: Case of Dalian City’.
3. October 21, 2013, Ulsan, 2013 KLOG International Conference. Organized by The Korean Association for Local Government Studies, presented paper ‘Cultural Policy as a Strategy for Urban Development’.
4. October 25, 2013, Seoul, 2013 Globalization of Korean Public Administration: International Cooperation and Public Governance. Organized by The Seoul Association Public Administration, presented paper ‘Urban Development Strategies: The Case of Dalian City in China’.
5. December 9, 2013, 2013 Public Policy in the ‘Asian Century’——Advancing Opportunities, Meeting Challenges, Preparing for Change. Organized by The University of Melbourne AND Melbourne School of Government, presented paper ‘Drivers of Urban Development in China: Measuring Development and Comparing Models’.
6. April 3~6, 2014, Midwest Sociological Society 2014 Annual Meeting. Organized by Kenneth Fidel, DePaul University, presented paper ‘Culture and the Scenes of Dalian’.
7. July 13~19, 2014, XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology: Facing an Unequal World:Challenges for Global Sociology. Organized by International Sociological Association, Yokohama, Japan, presented paper ‘The Cultural Industry and the Scenes of Dalian: Culture as a Driver of Development’.
8. May 20, 2016, 10th International Conference of The Korean Museum Association. Organized by Korean Association of Culture and Policy, Korea, presented paper ‘The Cultural Contents Industry in the Development of Dalian’.


2016.03-至今 韩国国民大学行政问题研究所 研究员
2017.12-至今 广西行政管理学会理事
2018.01-至今 韩国仁川广域市发展研究院 研究顾问

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