吴文伟,男,1961年8月生,广西合浦人,中共党员。1982年6月毕业于中南矿冶学院冶金分析化学专业,获学士学位。1988年6月毕业于中南工业大学(现改名为中南大学)应用化学专业,获工学硕士学位。1990年晋升冶金工程师,1996年晋升冶金高级工程师,2003年转为副教授, 2006年12月晋升教授。现为化学专业硕士研究生导师。主要工作经历:(1)1982年6月至1985年8月在广西大厂矿务局(现更名为广西华锡集团)试验所从事分析测试工作;(2)1988年6月至2002年8月在广西冶金研究院从事无机功能材料和有色冶金新工艺研发工作;(3)2002年8月至今在广西大学化学化工学院从事无机化学及相关课程的教学工作。
一、科研项目1. 锂离子电池镍钴锰酸锂三元正极材料质量标准研究与检测平台构建(广西重点研发计划项目,Key Program Projects of Research and Development of Guangxi, 项目任务书编号: 桂科AB**,项目经费:70万元,研究期限:2019年6月27日至2022年06月27日)2. Mn0.6Co0.4RexFe2-xO4/MnCoReFe的合成、磁性能及其交换耦合效应研究[广西有色金属及特色材料加工重点实验室开放基金,This project is supported by open foundation of Guangxi Key Laboratory of Processing for Non-ferrous Metals and Featured Materials, Guangxi University (Grant No. 2019GXYSOF05)]。项目经费:5万元;研究期限:2019年1月至2020年12月)。项目负责人:吴文伟,成员:周开文,陈文,夏久阳,梁居理3. 新型锰材料及先进加工技术[广西有色金属及特色材料加工重点实验室开放基金,This project is supported by open foundation of Guangxi Key Laboratory of Processing for Non-ferrous Metals and Featured Materials, Guangxi University (Grant No. GXYSOF1807)]。项目经费:5万元;研究期限:2018年1月至2019年12月)。项目负责人:吴文伟,成员:周开文,陈文,夏久阳。已结题4. 高功率钠镍锰氧体系/石墨烯钠离子电池正极材料的结构调控及长时循环稳定性研究(广西自然科学基金重点项目,项目任务书编号: 2016GXNSFDA380034,研究期限:2016-09-01至2019-08-31,项目经费30万元)。主持人:吴文伟;成员:吴学航,王清,陈文,周元,王开拓。已结题5. 高比能P2/O3共生型钠镍锰氧基钠离子电池正极材料的结构优化及其协同效应研究(国家自然科学基金-青年基金,项目批准号:**, 批准金额:20万元,研究期限:2017.1.1-2019.12.31)。主持人:吴学航,成员:吴文伟,梁立喆,刘宗,唐正,黄士志,张伶俐6. 新型Na4Fe3(PO4)2(P2O7)/石墨烯复合钠离子电池正极材料的原位合成及电化学性能研究(广西自然科学基金- 青年基金项目, 项目任务书编号: 2016GXNSFBA380062, 研究期限:2016-09-01至2019-08-31, 批准金额:5万元)。项目主持人:吴学航,成员:吴文伟,唐正,刘宗,陈文7.高性能钙钛矿型稀土亚锰酸盐的新法合成、结构、性能及其结晶动力学研究(国家自然科学基金**,研究期限:2012-00-01至2015-12-31,项目经费50万元)。主持人:吴文伟;成员:王清,吴学航,蔡金超,李永妮。8.铁磁电材料BiFeO3的新法合成及其性能研究(2011GXNSFA018036,研究期限:2011.3至2014.3,项目经费5万元):主持人:吴文伟;成员:姜求宇,吴学航,蔡金超9.层状化合物磷酸锆钠纳米晶的低热固相合成研究(桂科自**,研究期限:2006.5至2009.5,项目经费4元)。主持人:吴文伟;成员:廖森,姜求宇,赖水彬,侯生益,樊艳金,孙建华。10.低热固相反应自组装合成防锈颜料微孔磷酸锌铝纳米晶(桂科攻**-5,研究期限:2009.1至2012.12,项目经费35万元)。主持人:刘晨,成员:吴文伟,何航军,罗海燕,余小宁,柯剑华,李姝姝,苏鹏,林艳。11.新法制备高性能软磁性材料铁酸锰锌纳米晶(桂科攻**-9,研究期限:2008.5至2010.4,项目经费45万元)。主持人:黄进文,成员:吴文伟,廖森,苏鹏,何航军,苏瀚。12.离子交换法从铝酸钠溶液中吸附钒的选择性及其吸附动力学研究(桂科自**,研究期限:2008.3至2011.3,项目经费5万元)。主持人:黄进文,成员:吴文伟,廖森,苏鹏,柯剑华,侯生益,樊艳金。13.室温固相反应法简易合成橄榄石型LiMnPO4纳米晶及其性能研究(桂科自**,研究期限:2009.3至2012.3,项目经费4万元)。主持人:刘晨,成员:吴文伟,庞欣荣,林艳,罗靖,李姝姝。14.室温固相反应法制备硼酸铝晶须(桂科攻**,项目经费20万元)。主持人:何航军,成员:吴文伟,苏鹏。15.室温固相自晶化合成手性多孔磷酸锌钠纳米晶体(教育部地方高校重点科研项目,资助号205120,主要参加)。主持人:廖森16.低热固相反应中碱式碳酸铵铝纳米粒子自组装研究(桂科基**,主要参加)。主持人:廖森17. 项目名称:从金银废料中回收金银及其它有价金属。区科技厅项目,经费1.4万元,于1990年完成, 成果用于生产,共获利约80万元,该项目获广西冶金研究院科技进步二等奖。18. 项目名称:碘化银和氧化银的试制。区科技厅项目,经费2.0万元,于1991年完成,成果在广西冶金研究院内转化,已获产值约600万元。主要参加19. 项目名称:从含镍废料中回收镍并生产硫酸镍。区科技厅项目,经费11万元,于1994年完成扩大试验。主要参加20. 项目名称:用非氰化法从隆安银锰矿中提取银的新方法研究。区科技厅项目,经费11万元,于2000年完成扩大试验。主要参加21. 项目名称:高纯无机铟盐及集流体镀铟铜钉产业化试产。区科技厅项目,经费350万元,于2002年完成试产,目前成果正在转化中,已取得了一定的经济效益。主要参加22. 项目名称:直接合成乙醇铟的研制(区科技厅项目,经费22万元,时间:2001.1-2002年8月)。项目主持人。二、研究生、大学生创新实验项目1. 设计合成纳米盒硫化铁@掺氮碳复合物增强储锂/钠循环稳定性(研究生创新项目,合同编号:YCSW**, 研究期限:2020.12-2022.6,经费:1万元,Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education(YCSW**)。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:李清照, 成员:张丰平。2. 棒状CuFe2O4@CuS/FeS@CN钠离子电池负极材料的合成及其储钠性能研究(省级,合同编号:4, 研究期限:2020.05-2021.08,经费:0.6万元)。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:徐萌(Meng Xu),成员: 雷家蔚(Jiawei Lei),霍晓昱(Xiaoyu Huo),叶德彬(Debin Ye),张时帆(Shifan Zhang)。3. 研究组成对六方M-型Sr1-xRexFe12O19磁性能的影响,构建磁性硬/软Sr1-xRexFe12O19/Fe3O4核/壳结构的交换耦合效应提高磁性复合材料的磁性能(研究生创新项目,合同编号:YCSW**, 研究期限:2019.11.1-2021.6,经费:1万元,Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education(YCSW**))。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:梁居理,成员:李清照。4. 高温还原法合成核/壳Ba1-xRexFe12O19/ReFe纳米复合物及其磁性能研究(研究生创新项目,合同编号:YCSW**, 研究期限:2019.1.1-2020.6,经费:1万元,Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education(YCSW**))。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:夏久阳,成员:梁居理。结题为优5. 通过两步高温固态反应法合成具有核-壳结构的硬/软铁氧体复合物及其磁性能演变(省级,合同编号:7, 研究期限:2018.05-2019.08,经费:0.6万元)。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:肖程月,成员:王强帅,李金滔。已结题,被评为优秀。6. 球磨辅助高温固态反应法合成具有核-壳结构的硬/软铁氧体复合物及其磁性能研究(Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education,广西研究生教育创新计划项目,YCBZ**)。负责人:陈文。结题为良。7. 钠离子/锂离子电池负极材料金属硫化物/还原石墨烯复合物的溶剂热合成及其电化学性能研究(国家级,合同编号:4, 研究期限:2017.04-2019.03,经费:1万元)。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:宁宇,成员:李清照,李坤桃。已结题,被评为良好。8.四元金属M型六方铁氧体的合成、结构及磁性能研究(省级,合同编号:4, 研究期限:2016.04-2018.03,经费:0.6万元)。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:周冲,成员:周士芳,李苗雨。已结题,被评为良好。9. 棒状/花状掺铝四元金属铁氧体的合成、性能及前驱体热分解动力学研究(国家级,合同编号:30,研究期限:2015.06-2016.08,经费:1万元)。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:陈羽烨,成员:黎棠微,张翠滟。已结题,被评为优秀。10.棒状/或花状三元金属铁氧体的合成、性能及前驱体热分解动力学研究(省级,合同编号:2,研究期限:2014.4-2015.8,经费:0.6万元)。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:刘上倩,成员:徐嘉蔚,刘东升。已结题,被评为优秀。11.草酸盐热分解法合成锂取代锰系铁氧体及前驱体热分解动力学(校级,合同编号:SYJN**,研究期限:2013.9-2015.6,经费:0.5万元)。指导老师:吴文伟,项目负责人:沈月晓,成员:田宇林,陆介岳。已结题,被评为优秀。12.掺稀土铁酸盐的合成、性能及结晶动力学研究(省级,合同编号:**,研究期限:2013.1-2014.12,经费:0.5万元)。指导老师:吴文伟。项目负责人:高敏琳,成员:刘榜,欧世倩。已结题,被评为优秀。13. 新法制备M(OH)InPO4(M=NH4+, K+, Na+)及其性能研究(学院级,研究期限:2008.10-2010.05,经费:0.1万元)。指导老师:吴文伟。项目负责人:吴学航,陈 剑,范昊坤。已结题。
一、论文2021年1、Jiuyang Xia, Fengping Zhang, Juli Liang, Kaixin Fang, Wenwei Wu, Xuehang Wu*, In-situ constructing a supersodiophilic fluffy surface layer on a Cu foam host for stable Na metal anodes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (SCI收录,2区, IF: 4.65, TOP), 2021,853:157371. 2、Juli Liang, Yifan Huang, Yizhong Huang, Meng Xu, Jiawei Lei, Hua Tao, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Hydrothermal synthesis of urchin-like NiCo2O4/stereotaxically constructed graphene microspheres for ultrahigh-rate lithium and sodium storage, Powder Technology (SCI收录,2区,IF: 4.142,TOP), 2021, 380: 115-125 (MAR 2021).3、Juli Liang, Wenwei Wu, Lin Xu, Xuehang Wu*,Highly stable Na metal anode enabled by a multifunctional hard carbon skeleton, Carbon (1区,IF: 8.821), 2021, 176: 219-227.4、Juli Liang, Jiyong jiang, Meng Xu, Xiaoyu Huo, Debin Ye, Shifan Zhang, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Improved lithium storage performance of urchin-like CuO microspheres by stereotaxically constructed graphene mediating synergistic effect, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 2.20), 2021, 32: 8557–8569 (APR 2021).5、X.D. Ma, X.H. Wu*, Y. Liu, W.W. Wu, Z.Y. Pan, P.K. Shen*, Toward a high –energy density cathode with enhanced temperature adaptability for sodium ion batteries: a case study of Na3MnZr(PO4)3 microspheres with embedded dual carbon networks, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (1区,IF:8.758),2021, 13, 21390?21400 (May 2021).6、Qingzhao Li, Yun Guo, Shiqiang Wei, Meng Xu, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Improved lithium storage performance by structure-designed synthesis of (Ni0.1Co0.7Mn0.2)3O4@Void@N-doped carbon with interior void space. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 2.20), revised.7、Wen Chen, Qingzhao Li, Huaxin Zhang, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Meng Xu, Rational synthesis of fern leaf-like FeS2@sulfur-doped carbon as anode for superior lithium-ion batteries, Energy & Fuels (3区,IF: 3.421),revised. 2021.06.052020年1、Jiuyang Xia, Wenwei Wu, Kaixin Fang, Xuehang Wu*, Enhancing the interfacial stability of P2-type cathodes by polydopamine-derivedcarbon coating for achieving performance improvement, Carbon (IF: 8.821, 1区),2020,157:693-702(February 2020)2、Juli Liang, Yu Ning, Xuehang Wu*, Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Kaituo Wang, Controlled synthesis of uniform porous CuO microspheres for enhanced sodium storage, Materials Letters (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 3.204), 2020, 263: 127231.(15 March)3、Qingzhao Li, Xuehang Wu*, Shaoping Ye, Wenwei Wu*, Jiuyang Xia, Kaiwen Zhou, Yizhong Huang, Simultaneous enhancements of magnetization and remanence in sufficiently exchange-coupled Co0.8Al0.2NdxFe2–xO4/Co7Fe3(Co) composites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (SCI收录, 2区, IF: 2.717), 2020, 498: 166150 (15 March)4、Yifan Huang, Yizhong Huang, Kuntao Li, Wen Chen, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Lilian Huang, Qin Zhao, Synthesis and electrochemical properties of NixCo3-xO4 with porous hierarchical structure for Na-ion batteries. Journal of Electronic Materials (SCI收录, 4区,IF:1.774),2020, 49(9): 5508-5522.(6 July)5、Jihui Liao, Meng Xu, Xuehang Wu*, Mingshen Ao, Wenwei Wu*, Juli Liang, Yifan Huang, Composition dependent magnetic properties of exchange-coupled hard/soft Co0.55Ni0.4NdxFe2.05-xO4/Co composites. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 2.20), 2020, 31: 6349-6359.(15 April)6、Juli Liang, Yifan Huang, Sifan Zhang, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Jiuyang Xia, Structure, Magnetic Properties and Exchange-Coupling Effect of Co0.6Mg0.15NdxFe2.25–xO4/Co, Applied Physics A (SCI收录, 4区, IF: 1.81), 2020, 126: 358.(21 April)7、Juli Liang, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Lili Chen, Yifan Huang, Yizhong Huang, Improved magnetic properties of Sr0.93Sm0.10Fe11.97O19/Fe3O4 composite powders by substitution of Sm and magnetic exchange–coupling effect, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 2.22), 2020,31(22): 20400-20410 (2020年12月出版).2019年1、Wen Chen, Yu Ning, Qingzhao Li, Kuntao Li, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Huaxin Zhang. Hydrothermal synthesis of flower-like NiS-Ni3S4/stereotaxically constructed graphene composite for ultrahigh-rate sodium storage. Materials Letters (SCI收录, 3区, 3.204), 2019, 236: 618-621 (1 February).2、Wen Chen, Chengyue Xiao, Chen Huang, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Qiangshuai Wang, Jintao Li, Kaiwen Zhou, Yifan Huang. Exchange-coupling behavior in soft/hard Li0.3Co0.5Zn0.2Fe2O4/SrFe12O19 core/shell composite synthesized by the two-step ball-milling-assisted ceramic process. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 2.20), 2019,30(2): 1579-1590 (15 January).3、Jiuyang Xia, Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Xuehang Wu*, Shifang Zhou, Chengyue Xiao. Structural and magnetic properties of La substituted M-type hexagonal Sr-Ni ferrites synthesized by ball-milling assisted ceramic process. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (SCI收录, 4区, IF: 1.244). 2019, 32(2): 441-449(February).4、Jiuyang Xia, Xuehang Wu*, Yifan Huang, Wenwei Wu*, Juli Liang, Qingzhao Li. Enhancements of saturation magnetization and coercivity in Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SrFe12O19 composite powders by exchange-coupling mechanism. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 2.20),2019,30(12):11682–11693(11 June).5、Juli Liang, Zhile Li, Ke Ma, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Jiuyang Xia, Yifan Huang, Yizhong Huang. Improved magnetic properties of Co0.5LaxFe2.5-xO4/FeCo composite powders by magnetic exchange-coupling effect. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 2.717), 2019,491:165596(12月1日).2018年1、Xuehang Wu, Wen Chen, Julian Key, Wenwei Wu*. One-pot solvothermal synthesis of fern leaf-like α-Fe2O3@C/graphene from ferrocene with enhanced lithium and sodium storage properties. Powder Technology (SCI收录, IF: 3.413, 2区), 2018, 323: 424-432. (15 January, 2018)2、Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Chong Zhou, Shifang Zhou, Miaoyu Li, Yu Ning. Structural and magnetic properties evolution of Co-Nd substituted M-type hexagonal strontium ferrites synthesized by ball-milling-assisted ceramic process. Journal of Electronic Materials (SCI收录, IF: 1.676, 4区), 2018, 47(3): 2110–2119. (March 2018).3、Yuan Zhou, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Chen Wen, Qing Wang. Improvement of the magnetization and coercivity of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 induced by substitution of nickel for manganese. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (SCI/EI收录, 4区, IF: 1.130), 2018, 31(2): 521-528. (February). 4、Xuehang Wu, Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Juan Wu, Qing Wang. Improvement of the magnetic moment of NiZn ferrites induced by substitution of Nd3+ ions for Fe3+ ions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (SCI收录, IF: 2.683, 2区), 2018, 453, 246-253. doi: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.01.057(1 May).5、Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Miaoyu Li, Chong Zhou, Shifang Zhou. Al3+ doped M-type hexagonal Ba-Co ferrites synthesized via ball-milling assisted ceramic process: Magnetism and its correlation with structural properties. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI/EI收录, 3区, IF: 2.195), 2018, 29(10): 8020-8030. doi: 10.1007/s10854-018-8808-7(May).6、Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu, Zhiyi Pan, Xuehang Wu*, Huaxin Zhang. PEG400-assisted synthesis of oxygen-incorporated MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets supported on reduced graphene oxide for sodium ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (SCI收录, 2区, IF: 4.175, top), 2018, 763: 257-266.(30 September).7、Jiuyang Xia, Yu Ning, Yanghua Luo, Wen Chen, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Qingzhao Li, Kuntao Li. Structural and magnetic properties of soft/hard NiFe2O4@SrCo0.2Fe11.8O19 core/shell composite prepared by the ball-milling-assisted ceramic process. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI收录, 3区, IF: 2.193), 2018, 29(16):13903–13913(August 2018)8、Jiuyang Xia, Yanling Shen, Chengyue Xiao, Wen Chen, Xuehang Wu*, Wenwei Wu*, Qiangshuai Wang, and Jintao Li. Structural and magnetic properties of soft/hard Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4@Sr0.85Ba0.15Fe12O19 core/shell composite synthesized by the ball-milling-assisted ceramic process. Journal of Electronic Materials (SCI收录, 4区, IF: 1.676), 2018, 47(11): 6811-6819(November).9、Hua-Xin Zhang*, Wen-Shan Ke, Cui-Ying Zhu, Jin-Yun Wang, Yoichi Sasaki, Zhong-Ning Chen, Cuiwu Lin, Zhibin Wang, Sen Liao, Wenwei Wu. Synthesis, characterization and properties of oxo-bridged diruthenium(III) complexes with thiocyanato and cyanato ligands. Inorganica Chimica Acta 469 (2018) 469–477 (SCI收录, IF: 2.433, 4区)2017年1、Wen Chen, Dongsheng Liu, Wenwei Wu*, Huaxin Zhang,Juan Wu. Structure and magnetic properties evolution of rod-like Co0.5Ni0.25Zn0.25DyxFe2–xO4 synthesized by solvothermal method. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (SCI/EI收录, 3区, IF: 3.046), 2017, 422: 49-56.(15 January, 2017)2、Xuehang Wu, Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Hongjiao Li, Cuiwu Lin. Structural and magnetic properties evolution of Li-substituted Co0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 ferrite. Journal of Electronic Materials (SCI/EI收录, 3区, IF: 1.566), 2017, 46(1): 199-207.(2017年1月出版)3、Wen Chen, Dongsheng Liu, Wenwei Wu*, Juan Wu. Improvement of the coercivity of rod-like NiCuMg ferrites induced by substitution of Dy3+ ions for Fe3+ ions. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI/EI收录, 3区, IF: 2.324), 2017, 28(3): 2901-2909 (出版年: FEB 2017)4、Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Minmin Mao, Chong Zhou, Shìfang Zhou, Miaoyu Li, Qing Wang. Improvement of the magnetization of barium hexaferrites induced by substitution of Nd3+ ions for Fe3+ ions. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (SCI/EI收录, 4区, IF: 1.142), 2017,30(3): 707-714.(March 2017)5、Kaiwen Zhou, Wen Chen, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Cuiwu Lin, Juan Wu. Improvement of the coercivity of cobalt ferrites induced by substitution of Sr2+ ions for Co2+ ions. Journal of Electronic Materials (SCI/EI收录, 3区, IF: 1.566), 2017, 46(7): 4618-4626.(2017年7月出版)6、Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Xuehang Wu, Tangwei Li, Juan Wu, Huaxin Zhang. Controlled growth of large-area arrays of Al-substituted CoNiZn ferrite rods with high saturation magnetization by solvothermal method. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI/EI收录, 3区, IF: 2.324), 2017, 28(11): 7874-7883 (June 2017)7、Xuehang Wu, Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Yuye Chen, Tangwei Li, Cuiyan Zhang, Huaxin Zhang*. Controllable preparation of large-area arrays of Al-substituted CoCuNi ferrite rods with improvement of saturation magnetization and initial permeability. Journal of Materials Science (SCI收录, IF: 2.993, 2区, top), 2017, 52(17): 10085-10097(2017年9月出版).8、Xuehang Wu, Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Yu Ning, Shasha Chen, Synthesis of hexagonal Co3+-substituted Sr-ferrites via ball-milling assisted ceramic process and their magnetic properties, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI收录,IF: 2.324, 3区), 2017, 28 (24): 18815-18824 (2017年12月出版)2016年1、Wen Chen, Yuan Zhou, Jieyue Lu, Xusheng Huang, Wenwei Wu*, Cuiwu Lin, Qing Wang. Effects of Li+ substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4 particles. Ceramics International 42 (2016) 1114-1121(SCI/EI收录, 2区, IF: 2.986).2、Yuan Zhou, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Xusheng Huang, Wen Chen, Yulin Tian, Dan He. Structure and magnetic properties evolution of cobalt-zinc ferrite with lithium substitution. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 41 (2016) 162-167(SCI/EI收录, 3区, IF: 2.359).3、Wen Chen,Yuye Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Tangwei Li, Cuiyan Zhang, Yuan Zhou, Juan Wu. Lattice strain and magnetic property evolution of La0.5Sr0.5Mn1-xCoxO3 synthesized by solid-state reaction at low temperatures. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 29 (2016) 2751-2756(SCI/EI收录, 4区, IF: 1.180)。4、Xusheng Huang, Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Yuan Zhou, Juan Wu, Qing Wang, Yuye Chen. Effect of Co3+ substitution on the structure and magnetic properties of La0.6Ca0.4MnO3 perovskite manganite. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics (SCI/EI收录, 3区, 年IF:2.019),2016,27:5395-5402.5、Xusheng Huang, Yuan Zhou, Wenwei Wu*, Jiawei Xu, Shangqian Liu, Dongsheng Liu, Juan Wu. Effect of Zn2+ substitution on the structure and magnetic properties of Co0.5Cu0.5Fe2O4 synthesized by solvothermal method. Journal of Electronic Materials (SCI/EI收录,3区,IF:1.579), 2016, 45(6): 3113-3120.2015年1、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Yongni Li, Feng Li, Sen Liao. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of rod-like CuFe2O4 as an anode material for Na-ion battery. Materials Letters 138 (2015) 192-195. (SCI/EI收录, 2区, IF:2.437,top)2、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Kaituo Wang, Wen Chen, Dan He. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of flower-like MnCo2O4 as an anode material for sodium ion batteries. Materials Letters 147 (2015) 85-87. (SCI/EI收录, 2区, IF:2.437,top)3、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Yuan Zhou, Xusheng Huang, Wen Chen, Qing Wang. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of SnO2–Fe2O3 composite as an anode material for Na-ion and Li-ion batteries. Powder Technology 280 (2015) 119-123(SCI/EI收录, 2区, IF: 2.759)4、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Liqin Qin, Kaituo Wang, Shiqian Ou, Kaiwen Zhou, Yanjin Fan. Structure and magnetic properties evolution of nickel–zinc ferrite with lanthanum substitution. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 379 (2015) 232-238 (SCI/EI收录,3区,IF: 2.357).5、Zhou Kaiwen, Qin Liqin, Wu Xuehang, Wu Wenwei*, Shen Yuexiao, Tian Yulin, Lu Jieyue. Structure and magnetic properties of manganese–nickel ferrite with lithium substitution. Ceramics International 41 (2015) 1235-1241 (SCI/EI收录,2区,IF: 2.758)6、Wen Chen, Wenwei Wu*, Shangqian Liu, Jiawei Xu, Dongsheng Liu, Xuehang Wu, Yuan Zhou, Juan Wu. Lattice strains and magnetic properties evolution of Ni doped rod-like cobalt–manganese ferrite. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 39 (2015) 544-550. (SCI/EI收录,3区,IF: 2.264)7、Yuan Zhou, Wen Chen, Yuexiao Shen, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Juan Wu. Lattice strains and magnetic properties evolution of copper–magnesium ferrite with lithium substitution. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 396 (2015) 198-203. (SCI/EI收录,3区,IF: 2.357). 8、Kaituo Wang, Xuehang Wu,Wenwei Wu*, Wen Chen,Liqin Qin, Xuemin Cui. Synthesis of rambutan-like MnCo2O4 and its adsorption performance for methyl orange. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, 122(2): 653-663. (SCI/EI收录,4区,IF: 1.781)2014年1、Yongni Li, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Kaituo Wang, Liqin Qin, Sen Liao, Yanxuan Wen. Synthesis of CeO2 by thermal decomposition of oxalate and kinetics of thermal process of precursor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 117(1) (2014) 499-506. (SCI/EI收录,4区,IF: 1.982).2、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Kaiwen Zhou, Liqin Qin, Sen Liao, Yejian Lin. Magnetic nanocrystalline Mg0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4: preparation, morphology evolution, and kinetics of thermal decomposition of precursor. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (SCI/EI收录,IF: 0.702), 2014, 27(2): 511-518.3、Qin Liqin, Wang Kaituo, Wu Xuehang, Wu Wenwei*, Liao Sen, Li Gengming. Nanocrystalline Nd2O3: Preparation, phase evolution, and kinetics of thermal decomposition of precursor. Ceramics International (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.789,3区), 2014, 40: 2003-2009.4、Shushu Li, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Sen Liao, Yongmei Hu. Preparation and ultraviolet-visible ray transmission property of nanocrystalline InPO4. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982), 2014, 115(2): 1705-1709.5、Kaituo Wang, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Yongmei Hu, Sen Liao. Synthesis of spinel MnCo2O4 by thermal decomposition of carbonates and kinetics of thermal process of precursor. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 27 (2014) 1249-1256. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 0.702).6、Wang Kaituo, Wu Xuehang, Wu Wenwei*, Li Yongni, Liao Sen. Synthesis of perovskite LaCoO3 by thermal decomposition of oxalates: Phase evolution and kinetics of the thermal transformation of the precursor. Ceramics International, 2014, 40: 5997-6004. (SCI/EI收录, 3区, IF: 1.789).7、Qin Liqin, Gao Minlin, Wu Wenwei*, Ou Shiqian, Wang Kaituo, Liu Bang,Wu Xuehang. Co1–xMgxFe2O4 magnetic particles: preparation and kinetics research of thermal transformation of the precursor. Ceramics International 40 (2014) 10857-10866. (SCI/EI收录,3区, IF: 1.789).8、Zhou Yuan, Wu Xuehang, Wu Wenwei*, Wang Kaituo. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of Na0.7Fe0.7Mn0.3O2 as a cathode material for Na-ion battery. Ceramics International, 2014, 40(8): 13679-13682. (SCI/EI收录,3区, IF: 1.789). 9、Liqin Qin, Xuehang Wu, Kaituo Wang, Wenwei Wu*, Kaiwen Zhou, Sen Liao. Synthesis of perovskite Pr1.1MnO3.15 and phase evolution and magnetic properties. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2014, 27:2751-2756.(SCI收录, IF: 0.909)10、Jinwen Huang, Peng Su, Wenwei Wu*, Bang Liu. Co0.5Mn0.5LaxFe2-xO4 magnetic particles: preparation and kinetics research of thermal transformation of the precursor. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2014, 27:2317-2326.(SCI收录, IF: 0.909)2013年1、Jinwen Huang, Peng Su, Wenwei Wu*, Yongni Li, Xuehang Wu, Lin Tao. Preparation of nanocrystalline BiFeO3 and kinetics of thermal process of precursor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 111(2) (2013) 1057-1065. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982).2、Xuehang Wu, Kaiwen Zhou, Wenwei Wu*, Xuemin Cui, Yongni Li. Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline CuFe2O4 and kinetics of thermal decomposition of precursor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 111(1) (2013) 9-16. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982).3、Wu Wenwei*, Cai Jinchao, Wu Xuehang, Liao Sen, Wang Kaituo, Tao Lin. Nanocrystalline LaMnO3 preparation and kinetics of crystallization process. Advanced Powder Technology, 2013, 24(1): 154-159. (SCI/EI收录,3区, IF: 1.65)4、Zhou Kaiwen, Wu Xuehang, Wu Wenwei*, Xie Jun, Tang Siqi, Liao Sen. Nanocrystalline LaFeO3 preparation and thermal process of precursor. Advanced Powder Technology 24(1) (2013) 359-363. (SCI/EI收录,3区, IF: 1.65).5、Wenwei Wu*, Kaituo Wang, Yongni Li, Xuehang Wu, Sen Liao, Qing Wang. Nanocrystalline LiMn2O4 preparation and kinetics of thermal process of precursor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 112 (3) (2013) 1391-1399. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982).6、Yongni Li, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Kaituo Wang, Sen Liao. Magnetic properties of Cu0.48Ni0.52Fe2O4 and thermal process of precursor. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (SCI/EI收录,IF: 0.702), 2013, 26(6): 2153-2158.7、Kaiwen Zhou, Wenwei Wu*, Yongni Li, Xuehang Wu, Sen Liao. Preparation of magnetic nanocrystalline Mn0.5Mg0.5Fe2O4 and kinetics of thermal decomposition of precursor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 114 (1) (2013) 205-212. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982).8、Su Peng, Huang Jinwen, Wu Wenwei*, Wu Xuehang. Preparation of aluminum borate whisker by the molten salt synthesis method. Ceramics International 39 (6) (2013) 7263-7267. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.789, 3区).9、Wenwei Wu*, Jinchao Cai, Xuehang Wu, Kaituo Wang, Yongmei Hu, Qing Wang. Nanocrystalline Cu0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4: Preparation and Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of Precursor. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 26 (12) (2013) 3523-3528. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 0.702).2012年1、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Xuemin Cui, Sen Liao. Preparation of nanocrystalline BiFeO3 via a simple and novel method and its kinetics of crystallization. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 107 (2) (2012) 625-632. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982),2、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Xuemin Cui, Sen Liao. Selective self-assembly synthesis of MnV2O6*4H2O with controlled morphologies and study on its thermal decomposition. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 109 (1) (2012) 163-169. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982)3、Wu Wenwei*, Cai Jinchao, Wu Xuehang, Li Yongni, and Liao Sen. Nanocrystalline ZrO2 preparation and kinetics research of phase transition. Rare Metals 31(1) (2012) 51-57. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 0.493).4、Wenwei Wu*, Jinchao Cai, Xuehang Wu, Sen Liao, Aigui Huang. Co0.35Mn0.65Fe2O4 magnetic particles: preparation and kinetics research of thermal process of the precursor. Powder Technology 215-216 (2012) 200–205. (SCI/EI收录, 影响因子2.024, 2区).5、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Kaiwen Zhou, Xuemin Cui, Sen Liao. Products and non-isothermal kinetics of thermal decomposition of MgFe2(C2O4)3*6H2O. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 110 (2) (2012) 781-787. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982).6、Wenwei Wu*, Yongni Li, Kaiwen Zhou, Xuehang Wu, Sen Liao, Qing Wang. Nanocrystalline Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4: preparation and kinetics of thermal process of precursor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 110 (2012) 1143-1151. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.982)7、Jinwen Huang, Peng Su, Wenwei Wu*, Yongni Li, Xuehang Wu, Sen Liao. Preparation of magnetic Cu0.5Mg0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles and kinetics of thermal process of precursor. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 25 (6) (2012) 1971-1977. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 0.702),2011年1、Chen Liu, Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Jinchao Cai, Sen Liao. Preparation of nanocrystalline LiMnPO4 via a simple and novel method and its isothermal kinetics of crystallization. Journal of Material Sciences 46(8) (2011) 2474-2478. (SCI/EI收录, 2区, IF: 2.015). 2、Wu Wenwei*, Wu Xuehang, Lai Shuibin, Liao Sen. Non-isothermal kinetics of thermal decomposition of NH4ZrH(PO4)2*H2O. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 104 (2) (2011) 685-691. (SCI/EI收录, IF: 1.604).3、Xuehang Wu, Wenwei Wu*, Shushu Li, Xuemin Cui, Sen Liao. Kinetics and thermodynamics of thermal decomposition of NH4NiPO4*6H2O. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 103 (3) (2011) 805-812. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 1.604)4、Wu Wenwei*, Cai Jinchao, Wu Xuehang, Li Yongni, Liao Sen. Magnetic properties and crystallization kinetics of Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4. Rare Metals 30(6) (2011) 621-626. (SCI/EI收录,IF: 0.593).2010年1、Wu Wenwei (吴文伟)*, Li Shushu (李姝姝), Wu Xuehang (吴学航), Liao Sen (廖 森), Cai Jinchao(蔡金超). Novel method for preparing NH4NiPO4*6H2O: Hydrogen bonding coacervate selective self-assembly. Chinese Journal of Chemistry (SCI收录, IF: 0.773) 28(12) (2010) 2389-2393.2、Wu Xuehang (吴学航), Wu Wenwei (吴文伟)*, Liu Chen (刘 晨), Li Shushu (李姝姝), Liao Sen (廖 森), Cai Jinchao (蔡金超). Synthesis of layered sodium manganese phosphate via low-heating solid-state reaction and its properties. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 28(12) (2010) 2394-2398. (SCI收录, IF: 0.773).3、Huang Jinwen,Su Peng,Wu Wenwei*, Liao Sen, Qin Huiquan, Wu Xuehang, He Xiaohu,Tao Liujia, Fan Yanjin. Pre-concentration and separation of vanadium from alkaline media by strong alkaline anion-exchange resin 717. Rare Metals 29(5) (2010) 439-443. (SCI/EI收录, IF: 0.643)4. Wu Wenwei*, Li Shushu, Liao Sen, Xiang Feng, Wu Xuehang. Preparation of new sunscreen materials Ce1–xZnxO2–x via solid-state reaction at room temperature and study on their properties. Rare Metals 29(2) (2010) 149-153. (SCI/EI收录, IF: 0.643)2009年1、Wu Xuehang, Wu Wenwei*, Liao Sen, Fan Yanjin, Li Shushu, Preparation via solid-state reaction at room temperature and characterization of layered nanocrystalline KMnPO4*H2O. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 479(1–2): 541-544. (SCI/EI收录, 2区, IF: 2.135)2、Wu Wenwei*, Fan Yanjin, Wu Xuehang, Liao Sen, Li Shushu, Preparation via solid-state reaction at room temperature and characterization of layered nanocrystalline NH4MnPO4*H2O. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids(SCI/EI收录, 影响因子1.189), 2009, 70(3-4): 584-587.3、Wu Wenwei*, Fan Yanjin, Wu Xuehang, Liao Sen, Huang Xiufu, Li Xuanhai. Preparation of nano-sized cerium and titanium pyrophosphates via solid-state reaction at room temperature. Rare Metals (SCI/EI收录,影响因子0.601), 2009, 28(1): 33-38. 2008年1、Wu Wenwei*, Lai Shuibin, Wu Xuehang, Liao Sen, and Hou Shengyi. Preparation of NH4ZrH(PO4)2*H2O via solid-state reaction at low heat and study on catalytic synthesis of butyl acetate. Rare Metals 27(5) (2008) 550-554 (SCI/EI收录, 4区,IF: 0.347).20061、Wenwei Wu*, Qiuyu Jiang. Preparation of nano- crystalline zinc carbonate and zinc oxide via solid state reaction at room temperature,Materials Letters 60 (2006) (21–22) 2791-2794. (SCI/EI收录, 2区, IF: 1.353)2005年1、 吴文伟*,姜求宇,廖 森,邓广金,黎子学. 液相转化法制备纳米级二氧化锆. 功能材料(EI收录)36(5) (2005) 734-736, 739.二、专利1、黄进文,刘晨,吴文伟,苏鹏,廖 森,樊艳金,吴学航,等. 发明专利:“一种磷酸锌铝纳米晶的合成方法” (专利号:ZL 2011 1 **.3). 授权公告日:2013年01月09日2、黄进文,吴文伟,刘晨,苏鹏,廖森,陈克勤,黄瀚,樊艳金,吴学航. 发明专利: 一种锰锌铁氧体的合成方法.专利号: ZL2009 1 **.8. 授权公告日:2013年05月01日3、廖 森,吴文伟,宋宝玲,姜求宇. 发明专利:“低热固相反应直接合成纳米磷酸锌晶体的方法”(专利号:ZL **.2).三、教材1、主编:吴文伟,副主编:王凡,廖森,尹作栋,吴学航. 《简明无机化学》(高等学校规划教材). 化学工业出版社, 2019.092、主编:吴文伟,参编:罗芳光,王凡,廖森,周立亚,刘和清,王清,尹作栋,江丽。《无机化学》(普通高等院校“十一五”规划教材). 国防工业出版社, 2009.043、主编:王凡,参编:吴文伟,周艳玲,周立亚,王清,廖森,尹作栋,罗芳光,江丽,刘和清,宋宝玲,陶林,林宝凤,马震. 《大学无机化学实验》. 化学工业出版社, 2013,034、主编:龚福忠,副主编:周立亚,吴文伟,杨梅,李俊杰. 《大学基础化学实验》. 华中科技大学出版社,2008,09。5、主编:袁天佑,副主编:吴文伟,王清. 《无机化学实验》. 华东理工大学出版社,2005,08四、教学成果奖1、E时代特色公共课程教材《试验设计及数据挖掘技术》的构建研究与实践。校级三等奖,证书编号:j2008-3-16-2,廖森,吴文伟,王凡,宋宝玲,孙建华。2、由氯氧化铋直接制备纳米氧化铋。实验教学成果奖(论文)。校级二等奖,吴文伟,赖水彬,姜求宇,廖森,苏云峰,伍朝广。3、纳米氧化铁红颜料的室温固相合成。实验教学成果奖(论文)。校级二等奖,吴文伟,侯生益,姜求宇,廖森,樊艳金,李俊善。4、由粗铋直接制备高纯氧化铋。实验教学成果奖(项目)。校级一等奖,吴文伟,廖森,袁天佑,王清,姜求宇,宋宝玲。5、新法提纯硫酸铜及其组成、热分解行为研究。实验教学成果奖(项目)。校级三等奖,吴文伟,廖森,王清,王凡,姜求宇。6、无机化学,区级精品课程。2008.10-2011.10。主持人:吴文伟,成员:罗芳光,王凡,廖森,尹作栋,刘和清,周立亚,江丽,马震,王清,姜求宇,宋宝玲,林宝凤,陶林。五、荣誉1、广西普通高校大学生第三届化学实验技能竞赛本科组团队二等奖优秀教练员;2、2015-2017学年度“三育人”先进个人;3、2007-2009学年度“三育人”先进个人; 4、2005-2007学年度“三育人”先进个人。
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