

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-12



李伏生,男,博士,教授,从1988年起,在原广西农学院和广西大学农学院从事教学和科学研究工作。现为广西大学农学院作物学专业博士研究生导师,农业资源与环境专业硕士研究生导师。第十届、第十一届和第十二届广西壮族自治区政协委员、第九届南宁市政协委员、中国国民党革命委员会广西委员会第十、第十一、第十二和第十三届委员、民革广西大学总支主委(第三届、第四届、第五届)。 1985.7毕业于湖南农学院土壤和农业化学专业,获农学学士学位。 1988.8.毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤学专业,获理学硕士学位。 2002.7毕业于西北农林科技大学、中国科学院和水利部水土保持研究所土壤学专业,获农学博士学位。 1997. 8-1998. 9在以色列农业研究组织水土和环境科学研究所从事果树水分利用规律以及节水灌溉管理方面的合作研究。 2004. 10-12在香港浸会大学从事作物控水与高产优质关系方面的合作研究。
目前主持广西科技计划-基地和人才专项1项,曾主持和参加包括国家自然科学基金、“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划课题(863)子课题在内的课题10多项,指导博士生创新项目2项,硕士生创新项目2项。主持的主要课题如下:[1]广西科技计划-基地和人才专项:喀斯特地区节水农业新技术院士工作站能力建设(桂科AD**),主持人,2017-2020[2]国家自然科学基金课题:"薄浅湿晒"与干湿交替灌溉稻田甲烷和氧化亚氮排放机制和水氮运筹模式(**),主持人,2015-2018[3]“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划课题(863)子课题:糯玉米水肥联合调控技术和模式(2011AA100504),主持人,2011-2015[4]国家自然科学基金课题:不同水肥条件下作物根区局部灌溉的效应机制和最佳水肥供应模式研究(**),2009-2011 主持人
研究了不同灌水施肥方式对作物生长、品质、水分和养分利用、土壤碳氮组分和微生物和酶活性以及温室气体排放的影响及机制,取得了较多的成果,为提高南方地区水土肥资源高效利用奠定了理论基础;系统、深入研究了在不同土壤N素和水分条件下,CO2浓度升高对小麦水分、养分利用的影响机制,所取得的成果具有明显的创新性;土壤镁素和镁肥施用方面的研究成果对指导南方地区农业生产镁肥施用有重要的参考作用。先后在国内外期刊上公开发表学术论文230余篇,其中SCI期刊论文100余篇。参加专著2本,参编著作4本。获省部级科技二等奖2项,发表教学研究论文6篇,研究生教材1本,本科生教材1本(副主编)。SCI和EI第一作者和通讯作者论文[1]Zeng Yan, Li Fusheng (李伏生)*. Ridge irrigation reduced greenhouse gas emission in double-cropping rice field. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020, DOI:10.1080/**.2020.**(SCI, WOS: 001, 通讯作者)[2]Li Luobu; Li Fusheng (李伏生)*; Dong Yanfang. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Warming Potential in Double-Cropping Rice Fields as Influenced by Two Water-Saving Irrigation Modes in South China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2020, 20(4), 2617–2630,DOI: 10.1007/s42729-020-00328-5 (SCI, WOS: 003,通讯作者)[3]Wang Kai; Li Fusheng (李伏生)*; Dong Yanfang. Methane Emission Related to Enzyme Activities and Organic Carbon Fractions in Paddy Soil of South China Under Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Management. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2020, 20(3): 1397–1410, DOI: 10.1007/s42729-020-00221-1 (SCI, WOS: 002, 通讯作者)[4]Yan Zeng, Zetao Fang, Jingwen Liu, Yanfang Dong, Fusheng Li (李伏生)*. Nitrous Oxide Emission in Relation to Paddy Soil Microbial Communities in South China Under Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Strategies. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2019, 50 (10): 1278-1291. (SCI, WOS: 008, 通讯作者)[5]Hui Luo, Fusheng Li (李伏生)*. Tomato yield, quality and water use efficiency under different drip fertigation strategies. Scientia Horticulturae, 2018, 235, 181–188(SCI, WOS:021,通讯作者)[6]Fu Fengbei, Li Fusheng (李伏生)*, Kang Shaozhong. Alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation improves water– and nitrogen– use efficiencies of sweet-waxy maize with nitrogen fertigation. Scientific Reports, 2017,7: 17256, 1-10, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-17560-2 (SCI,WOS:0004**,通讯作者)[7]Wang Daobo, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Nong Mengling. Response of yield and water use efficiency to different irrigation levels at different growth stages of Kenaf and crop water production function. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 179,177-183 (SCI, WOS:018, EI,通讯作者)[8]Liang Yanfei, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Nong Mengling, Luo Hui, Zhang Jianhua. Microbial activity in paddy soil and water use efficiency of rice as affected by irrigation method and nitrogen level. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2016,47(1),19-31(SCI,WOS:003,通讯作者)[9]Liang Hailing, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Nong Mengling. Effects of alternate partial root-zone irrigation on yield and water use of sticky maize with fertigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 116 (1): 242-247 (SCI, WOS:0003**, EI, 通讯作者)[10]Xiaogang Liu, Yuntao Qi, Fusheng Li(李伏生), Qiliang Yang, Liming Yu. Impacts of regulated deficit irrigation on yield, quality and water use efficiency of Arabica coffee under different shading levels in dry and hot regions of southwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 204, 292-300(SCI, WOS:028, EI,通讯作者)[11]Liu Xiaogang, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Fucang, Cai Huanjie, Yang Qiliang. Influences of alternate partial root-zone irrigation and urea rate on water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies in tomato. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2017, 10 (6): 94-102 (SCI,WOS:0004**,通讯作者)[12]Daobo Wang, Wei Huang, Ruwen Liang, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Effects of Spartina alterniflora Invasion on Soil Quality in Coastal Wetland of Beibu Gulf of South China. PLoS One, 2016, 11(12):e**,10.1371/journal.pone.** (SCI,WOS:040,通讯作者)[13]Liu Xiaogang, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Yang Qiliang Wang Xinle. Effects of alternate drip irrigation and superabsorbent polymers on growth and water use of young coffee tree. Journal of Environmental Biology, 2016, 37 (4), 485-491 (SCI, WOS:002, 通讯作者)[14]Liu Xiaogang, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Yan, Yang Qiliang. Effects of deficit irrigation on yield and nutritional quality of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) under different N rates in dry and hot region of southwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 172, 1-8 (SCI, WOS:001, EI,通讯作者)[15]Yang Lijuan, Zhao Fengyan, Chang Qing, Li Tianlai, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Effects of vermicomposts on tomato yield and quality and soil fertility in greenhouse under different soil water regimes. Agricultural Water Management, 2015, 10, 160: 98-105(SCI, WOS:010,EI,通讯作者)[16]Li Caixia, Zhou Xinguo, Sun Jingsheng, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Gao Yang, Wang Hezhou. Evapotranspiration model of maize field with ridge culture under alternate furrow irrigation. Irrigation and Drainage, 2015, 64 (4), 557-565 (SCI,WOS:010,通讯作者之一)[17]Li Fusheng (李伏生), Yu Jiangmin, Nong Mengling, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua. Partial root-zone irrigation enhanced soil enzyme activities and water use of maize under different ratios of inorganic to organic nitrogen fertilizers. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 97 (2): 231-239 (SCI, WOS:006, EI)[18]Li Fusheng (李伏生), Wei Caihui, Zhang Fucang, Zhang Jianhua, Nong Mengling, Kang Shaozhong. Water-use efficiency and physiological responses of maize under partial root-zone irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 97 (8): 1156-1164 (SCI, WOS:008, EI)[19]Li Fusheng (李伏生), Liang Jihua, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua. Benefits of alternate partial root-zone irrigation on growth, water and nitrogen use efficiencies modified by fertilization and soil water status in maize. Plant and Soil, 2007, 295:279–291(SCI, WOS:023)[20]Li Fusheng (李伏生), Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua. Interactive effects of elevated CO2, nitrogen and drought on leaf area, stomatal conductance, and evapotranspiration of wheat. Agricultural Water Management, 2004, 67 (3): 221-233 (SCI, WOS:005, EI)[21]Li Fusheng (李伏生), Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua, Cohen Shabtai. Effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment, water status and applied nitrogen on water-and nitrogen-use efficiencies of wheat. Plant and Soil, 2003, 254: 279-289 (SCI, WOS:000**4)[22]Li Fusheng (李伏生), Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua. CO2 enrichment on biomass accumulation and nitrogen nutrition of spring wheat under different soil nitrogen and water status. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2003, 26(4): 769-788(SCI, WOS:000**5)[23]Li Fusheng (李伏生), Cohen Shabtai, Naor Amos, Kang Shaozhong, Erenz Amnon. Studies of canopy structure and water use of apple trees on three rootstocks, Agricultural Water Management,2002, 55 (1): 1-14 (SCI, WOS:000**1)[24]Yang Qiliang, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Zhang Fucang, Liu Xiaogang. Interactive effects of irrigation frequency and nitrogen addition on growth and water use of Jatropha curcas. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2013, 59: 234-242 (SCI, WOS:022,EI, 通讯作者)[25]Yang Qiliang, Zhang Fucang, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Effect of different drip irrigation methods and fertilization on growth, physiology and water use of young apple tree. Scientia Horticulturae, 2011, 129 (1): 119-126 (SCI, WOS:018, 通讯作者之一)[26]Yang Qiliang, Zhang Fucang, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Liu Xiaogang. Hydraulic conductivity and water-use efficiency of young pear tree under alternate drip irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 119, 80-88 (SCI, WOS:0003**, EI, 通讯作者之一)[27]Yang Lijuan, Qu Hui, Zhang Yulong, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Effects of partial root-zone irrigation on physiology, fruit yield and quality and water use efficiency of tomato under different calcium levels. Agr1icultural Water Management, 2012, 104: 89-94 (SCI, WOS:010, EI, 通讯作者)[28]Yang Lijuan, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Chu Huixia. Effects of Food Waste Compost on Soil Microbial Populations, Tomato Yield, and Tomato Quality. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2014, 45 (8), 1049 - 1058 (SCI, WOS:003, 通讯作者)[29]Yang Lijuan, Li Tianlai, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Lemcoff J. H., Cohen S. Fertilization regulates soil enzymatic activity and fertility dynamics in a cucumber field. Scientia Horticulturae, 2008, 116 (1): 21–26 (SCI, WOS:004, 通讯作者之一)[30]Yang Lijuan, Li Tianlai, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Lemcoff J.H. Long-Term Fertilization Effect on Fraction and Distribution of Soil Phosphorus in a Plastic-Film House in China. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2011, 42 (1): 1-12 (SCI, WOS:001, 通讯作者之一)[31]Liu Xiaogang, Wang Xinle, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Fucang, Cai Huanjie, Yang Qiliang. Response of tomato yield and quality to alternate partial root-zone irrigation at different water and nitrogen levels. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015, 7 (4), 154-160(EI,通讯作者)[32]梁继华,李伏生,唐梅,冯毅. 分根区交替灌溉对甜玉米水分和氮素利用的影响. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22 (10): 68-72(EI,核心刊物,通讯作者)[33]刘永贤,李伏生,农梦玲. 烤烟不同生育时期分根区交替灌溉的节水调质效应. 农业工程学报,2009, 25(1):16-20(EI,核心刊物,通讯作者)[34]刘水,李伏生,韦翔华,农梦玲. 不同生育期分根区交替灌溉对玉米水分利用和土壤微生物量碳的影响. 农业工程学报,2012,28 (8): 71-77 (EI,通讯作者2021年[35]Yufeng Wang, Shaozhong Kang, Fusheng Li (李伏生), Xiaotao Zhang. Modified water-nitrogen productivity function based on response of water sensitive index to nitrogen for hybrid maize under drip fertigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 245, 106566(SCI,WOS:)2020年[36]白雪, 农梦玲, 龙鹏宇, 李伏生*. 蔗田滴灌施肥土壤甲烷排放通量与活性有机碳含量的关系. 华南农业大学学报, 2020, 41(3): 31-37. (核心刊物,通讯作者)[37]龙鹏宇, 农梦玲, 白雪, 李伏生*.滴灌施肥蔗田土壤氧化亚氮排放与反硝化酶活性的关系. 土壤通报,2020,51(1):122-129[38]单翔宇,谢如林,李伏生*. 氮肥运筹提升宿根蔗产量和氮素利用. 热带作物学报,2020, 41(12): 2446-2453(核心刊物,通讯作者)[39]Zhou Huiping, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Du Taisheng, Shukla Manoj K., Li Xiaojie. Nitrogen application modified the effect of deficit irrigation on tomato transpiration, and water use efficiency in different growth stages. Scientia Horticulturae, 2020, 263, 109112: 1-10 (SCI, WOS: 017).[40]Zhou Qingyun, Zhang Baozhong, Jin Jianhua, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Production limits analysis of rain?fed maize on the basis of spatial variability of soil factors in North China. Precision Agriculture, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-020-09714-6 (SCI, WOS: 001)2019年[41]杜爱林, 傅丰贝, 李伏生. 赤红壤碳库管理的滴灌施氮模式研究. 华南农业大学学报, 2019, 40 (2): 14-20. (核心刊物,通讯作者)[42]单翔宇, 黄语娇, 谢如林, 李伏生. 施用白云石粉对酸性土壤pH和有效养分及甘蔗生长的影响. 广西农学报,2019,34(5):20-24,29.(通讯作者)[43]Hui Ran, Shaozhong Kang, Xiaotao Hu, Fusheng Li (李伏生), Taisheng Du, Ling Tong, Sien Li, Risheng Ding, Zhenjiang Zhou, David Parsons. Newly developed water productivity and harvest index models for maize in an arid region. Field Crops Research, 2019, 234, 73-86 (SCI, WOS:008)[44]Rangjian Qiu, Chunwei Liu, Fusheng Li (李伏生), Zhenchang Wang, Zaiqiang Yang and Ningbo Cui. An investigation on possible effect of leaching fractions physiological responses of hot pepper plants to irrigation water salinity. BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19: 297, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-019-1910-z. (SCI, WOS: 002)2018年[45]Xiaojie Li, Shaozhong Kang, Xiaotao Zhang, Fusheng Li (李伏生), Hongna Lu. Deficit irrigation provokes more pronounced responses of maize photosynthesis and water productivity to elevated CO2. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 195, 71-83 (SCI, WOS:0004**, EI)[46]JIANG Xuelian, TONG Ling, KANG Shaozhong, LI Fusheng (李伏生), LI Donghao, QIN Yonghui, SHI Rongchao, LI Jianbing. Planting density affected biomass and grain yield of maize for seed production in an arid region of Northwest China. J Arid Land, 2018, 10 (2): 292–303. (SCI, WOS: 009)[47]Hui Ran, Shaozhong Kang, Fusheng Li (李伏生), Taisheng Du, Ling Tong, Sien Li, Risheng Ding, Xiaotao Zhang. Parameterization of the AquaCrop model for full and deficit irrigated maize for seed production in arid Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 203, 438-450 (SCI,WOS:045,EI)[48]陈意超, 李伏生, 李烙布. 不同灌溉方式和尿素猪粪比例对稻田氮素转化相关微生物活性的影响. 华南农业大学学报, 2018, 39(1): 31-39(核心刊物,通讯作者)[49]韦至激,方泽涛,李伏生,黄忠华,谭文艳,罗维钢. 不同灌溉模式和施氮量下稻田N2O排放与有机氮组分的关系. 江苏农业科学,2018,46 (9): 246-251(核心刊物,通讯作者)2017年[50]Du Shaoqing, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Du Taisheng. Water use efficiency is improved by alternate partial root-zone irrigation of apple in arid northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 179,184-192 (SCI, WOS:019, EI)[51]Zhang Baozhong, Chen He, Xu Di, Li Fusheng(李伏生). Methods to estimate daily evapotranspiration from hourly evapotranspiration. Biosystems Engineering, 2017, 153, 129-139 (SCI,WOS:012,EI)[52]Ran Hui, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Tong Ling, Ding Risheng, Du Taisheng, Li Sien, Zhang Xiaotao. Performance of AquaCrop and SIMDualKc models in evapotranspiration partitioning on full and deficit irrigated maize for seed production under plastic film-mulch in an arid region of China. Agricultural Systems, 2017, 151, 20–32 (SCI, WOS:003)[53]Ji S., Tong L., Kang S., Li F. (李伏生), Lu H., Du T., Li S., Ding R. A modified optimal stomatal conductance model under water-stressed condition. International Journal of Plant Production, 2017, 11 (2), 295-314 (SCI,WOS:007)[54]RAN Hui, KANG Shaozhong, LI Fusheng(李伏生), DU Taisheng, DING Risheng, LI Sien, TONG Ling. Responses of water productivity to irrigation and N supply for hybrid maize seed production in an arid region of Northwest China. Journal of Arid Land, 2017,9(4): 504–514.(SCI, WOS:003)[55]Xiaojie Li, Shaozhong Kang, Fusheng Li (李伏生), Xiaotao Zhang, Zailin Huo, Risheng Ding, Ling Tong, Taisheng Du, Sien Li. Light Supplement and Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Affect Yield and Quality of Off-Season Pepper. Agronomy Journal, 2017, 109:1–12 (SCI, WOS:030)[56]Jintao Wang, Ling Tong, Shaozhong Kang, Fusheng Li (李伏生), Xiaotao Zhang, Risheng Ding, Taisheng Du, Sien Li. Flowering Characteristics and Yield of Maize Inbreds Grown for Hybrid Seed Production under Deficit Irrigation. Crop Science, 2017, 57: 2238-2250. (SCI, WOS:042)[57]JI Shasha, TONG Ling, LI Fusheng (李伏生), LU Hongna, LI Sien, DU Taisheng, WU Youjie. Effect of a new antitranspirant on the physiology and water use efficiency of soybean under different irrigation rates in an arid region. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. 2017, 4(2): 155–164.[58]魏贵玉,方泽涛,李伏生. 不同氮肥种类和亏缺灌溉对切花百合品质的影响, 植物营养与肥料学报,2017,23(1)244–253(核心刊物,通讯作者)[59]王楷,李伏生,方泽涛,董艳芳,刘靖雯,黄忠华,罗维钢. 不同灌溉模式和施氮量条件下稻田甲烷排放及其与有机碳组分关系. 农业环境科学学报, 2017, 36(5):1012-1020(核心刊物,通讯作者)[60]董艳芳,黄景,李伏生,王楷,方泽涛,刘靖雯,黄忠华,罗维钢. 不同灌溉模式和施氮处理下稻田CH4和N2O排放. 植物营养与肥料学报,2017, 23(3): 578–588(核心刊物,通讯作者)[61]刘靖雯,李伏生,董艳芳,王楷,方泽涛,黄忠华,罗维钢. 不同灌溉模式和施氮处理下稻田氨氧化细菌及无机氮对N2O排放的影响. 华中农业大学学报,2017, 36(4):7-14(核心刊物,通讯作者)[62]谢振兴,李伏生,方泽涛,陈意超,周英捷. 生物炭对玉米秸秆堆肥酶活性的影响. 农业研究与应用, 2017, (3): 1-5[63]裴自伟,陈意超,李伏生,黄忠华,罗维刚.不同灌溉模式与施氮处理下稻田N2O排放通量及其与硝化-反硝化细菌数量的关系. 农业环境科学学报, 2017, 36 (12), 2561-2568(核心刊物,通讯作者)[64]方泽涛,李伏生,刘靖雯,王楷,董艳芳,黄忠华,罗维钢. 不同灌溉模式和施氮处理下稻田N2O排放与反硝化酶活性的关系. 应用与环境生物学报, 2017, 23 (6): 1-10(核心刊物,通讯作者)2016年[65]Zhang Baozhong, Xu Di, Liu Yu, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Cai Jiabing, Du Lijuan. Multi-scale evapotranspiration of summer maize and the controlling meteorological factors in north China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2016, 216, 1-12. (SCI,WOS:001)[66]Wu Youjie, Du Taisheng, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Li Sien, Ding Risheng, Tong Ling. Quantification of maize water uptake from different layers and root zones under alternate furrow irrigation using stable oxygen isotope. Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 168, 35-44. (SCI, WOS:004, EI)[67]Jiang Xuelian, Kang Shaozhong, Tong Ling, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Modification of evapotranspiration model based on effective resistance to estimate evapotranspiration of maize for seed production in an arid region of northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 538, 194–207 (SCI,WOS:017)[68]Jiang Xuelian, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Du Taisheng, Tong Ling, Comas Louise. Evapotranspiration partitioning and variation of sap flow in female and male parents of maize for hybrid seed production in arid region. Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 176, 132–141(SCI, WOS:013,EI).[69]Li Xiaojie, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Jiang Xuelian, Tong Ling, Ding Risheng, Li Sien, Du Taisheng. Applying segmented Jarvis canopy resistance into Penman-Monteith model improves the accuracy of estimated evapotranspiration in maize for seed production with film-mulching in arid area. Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 178, 314-324 (SCI, WOS:029,EI)[70]Ran Hui, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Tong Ling, Du Taisheng. Effects of irrigation and nitrogen management on hybrid maize seed production in north-west China. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering,2016, 3(1): 55–64. [71]张亚杰,钱慧慧,刘坤平,李伏生,苏以荣. 玉米/大豆套作下施肥对土壤活性有机碳组分及碳库管理指数的影响. 华南农业大学学报,2016,37(3):29-36(核心刊物,通讯作者)[72]张亚杰,钱慧慧,李伏生,苏以荣. 土地管理和利用方式与喀斯特区坡地养分和碳库管理指数的关系. 中国岩溶,2016,35(1):1-8(核心刊物,通讯作者)[73]罗慧,吴祥颖,李伏生. 沟灌方式和有机肥运筹对甜糯玉米产量和土壤有机碳组分和酶活性的影响. 干旱地区农业研究,2016,34(3):31-38(核心刊物,通讯作者)[74]农梦玲,张潇潇,李伏生. 沟灌方式和肥料运筹对甜糯玉米产量、品质和土壤酶活性的影响. 灌溉排水学报,2016,35(10):52-57(核心刊物,通讯作者)2015年[75]Ding Risheng, Tong Ling, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Yanqun, Hao Xinmei, Kang Shaozhong. Variations of crop coefficient and its influencing factors in an arid advective cropland of northwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2015, 29(2): 239-49 (SCI, WOS:007, EI)[76]Liu Xin, Wang Sufen, Huo Zailin, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Hao Xinmei. Optimizing layout of pumping well in irrigation district for groundwater sustainable use in northwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2015, 29(19), 4188-4189 (SCI,WOS:002, EI)[77]Zhao Peng, Li Sien, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Du Taisheng, Tong Ling, Kang Shaozhong. Comparison of dual crop coefficient method and Shuttleworth–Wallace model in evapotranspiration partitioning in a vineyard of northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 160, 2015, 41-56 (SCI, WOS:005,EI)[78]Feng Di, Zhang Junpeng, Cao Caiyun, Sun Jingsheng, Shao Liwei, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Dang Hongkai, Sun Chitao. Soil salt accumulation and crop yield under long-term irrigation with saline water. Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, 2015, 141(12),**-1-7(SCI,WOS:009)[79]Chen Renqiang, Kang Shaozhong, Hao Xinmei, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Du Taisheng, Qiu Rangjian, Chen Jinliang. Variations in tomato yield and quality in relation to soil properties and evapotranspiration under greenhouse condition. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 197, 318-328, 12.14 (SCI,WOS:040)[80]傅丰贝,何文,李伏生. 滴灌水氮运筹对糯玉米生理和水分利用的影响. 中国农村水利水电,2015,5:26-30(核心刊物,通讯作者)[81]王道波, 李伏生, 宋岩, 周瑞阳. 灌水水平和肥料运筹对红麻生长和养分吸收的影响. 节水灌溉,2015, 6: 1-5, 9. (核心刊物,通讯作者)[82]王道波,李伏生,宋岩,周瑞阳. 减量施肥和灌溉对红麻生长和产量的影响. 湖北农业科学,2015,54(11):2610-2614,2619(核心刊物,通讯作者)[83]王道波,李伏生,宋岩,周瑞阳. 灌溉和施肥方式对红麻生长和产量的影响. 干旱地区农业研究,2015,33(5):181-185(核心刊物,通讯作者)[84]张亚杰,邓少虹,李伏生?,苏以荣. 喀斯特地区春玉米套作夏大豆下作物产量和农田碳贮量对有机肥与化肥配施的响应. 南方农业学报,2015,46(9):1584-1590(核心刊物,通讯作者)[85]汤向辉, 李伏生. 河南省新型农业经营主体参与农业技术推广服务的探讨. 河南农业,2015,11(上),592014年[86]Guo WH, Kang SZ, Li FS (李伏生), Li SE. Variation of NEE and its affecting factors in a vineyard of arid region of northwest China. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 84: 349-354 (SCI, WOS:038, EI)[87]Jiang Xuelian, Kang Shaozhong, Tong Ling, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Li Donghao, Ding Risheng, Qiu Rangjian. Crop coefficient and evapotranspiration of grain maize modified by planting density in an arid region of northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2014, 142: 135–143 (SCI, WOS:015,EI)[88]Liu Xin, Wang Sufen, Wang Yajuan, Kang Shaozhong, Hao Xinmei, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Comprehensive evaluation of farmland infrastructure in the arid area of north-west China. Irrigation and Drainage, 2014, 63 (5): 561-572 (SCI, WOS:001)[89]农梦玲,贝晓晓,李伏生. 沟灌方式和施肥水平对玉米产量及氮钾含量的影响. 南方农业学报, 2014,45 (1): 72-75 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[90]农梦玲,谢振兴,李伏生. 灌水方式和水平与施肥方式对糯玉米产量和水肥利用的影响. 节水灌溉, 2014, 4: 22-26 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[91]周英捷,傅丰贝,李伏生. 水肥调控下糯玉米生长、产量和水分利用效率研究. 干旱地区农业研究,2014,32(3):114-118,126(核心刊物,通讯作者)[92]张潇潇,钱慧慧,吴祥颖,李伏生. 沟灌方式和施肥水平对甜糯玉米产量、土壤养分和酶活性的影响. 节水灌溉, 2014,6: 1-4, 8 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[93]刘水,李伏生. 不同水氮条件下灌溉方式对玉米干物质量和氮钾利用的影响.生态学报,2014,34 (18): 5249-5256 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[94]陆文娟,李伏生,农梦玲. 不同水肥条件下分根区交替灌溉对玉米生理特性和水分利用的影响. 生态学报, 2014, 34 (18): 5257-5265 (核心刊物,通讯作者) [95]罗慧,刘水,李伏生. 不同灌水施肥策略对土壤微生物量碳氮和酶活性的影响. 生态学报,2014,34 (18): 5266~5274 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[96]吴祥颖,张潇潇,李伏生. 沟灌方式和有机无机氮比例对甜糯玉米种植土壤酶活性和活性有机碳的影响. 土壤,2014,46(5):832-838 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[97]傅丰贝,陆文娟,李伏生. 不同控水时段根区局部灌溉对玉米生理和水分利用效率的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2014,20(6):1378-1386 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[98]王道波,贝晓晓,李伏生,周瑞阳. 不同生育期灌水水平对红麻生长和产量的影响. 干旱地区农业研究,2014,32(3):62-69(核心刊物,通讯作者)[99]王道波,李伏生,周瑞阳. 施肥水平和方式对红麻生长和产量的影响. 华中农业大学学报,2014,33(4): 13-18 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[100]王道波,李伏生,周瑞阳. 氮磷钾肥运筹对红麻养分利用的影响. 华南农业大学学报,2014,35 (6): 33-40 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[101]王道波,刘靖雯,宋岩,农梦玲,李伏生,周瑞阳. 灌溉与施肥方式对红麻纤维产量和品质的影响. 南方农业学报,2014,45(11):1981-1985(核心刊物)[102]王道波,陈意超,李伏生,宋岩,农梦玲,周瑞阳. 水肥运筹对红麻纤维产量和品质的影响. 广东农业科学,2014,23:61-65,77[103]邓少虹,林明月,李伏生,苏以荣,刘坤平. 施肥对喀斯特地区植草土壤碳库管理指数及酶活性的影响. 草业学报,2014,23 (4): 262-268 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[104]罗文丽,周柳强,谭宏伟,李伏生. 水稻秸秆腐解规律及养分释放特征. 南方农业学报, 2014,45(5):808-812 (核心刊物)2013年[105]Ding Risheng, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Yanqun, Tong Ling. Evapotranspiration measurement and estimation using modified Priestley–Taylor model in an irrigated maize field with mulching. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 168: 140-148 (SCI, WOS:0003**)[106]Li Sien, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Lu, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Hao Xingmei, Ortega-Farias Samuel, Guo Weihua, Ji Shasha, Wang Jingtao, Jiang Xuelian. Quantifying the combined effects of climatic, crop and soil factors on surface resistance in a maize field. Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 489: 124-134 (SCI, WOS:0003**, EI)[107]Li Sien, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Lu, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Du Taisheng, Tong Ling, Wang Shufen, Lu Hongna. Greater effect of canopy conductance in regulating the energy partition above the maize field in arid northwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2013, 27 (24): 3452–3460 (SCI, WOS:008, EI)[108]Li Sien, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Lu, Ortega-Farias Samuel, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Du Taisheng, Tong Ling, Wang Sufen, Ingman Mark, Guo Weihua. Measuring and modeling maize evapotranspiration under plastic film-mulching condition. Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 503: 153-168(SCI, WOS:014, EI)[109]Liu Hao, Duan Aiwang, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Sun Jingsheng, Wang Yancong, Sun Chitao. Drip Irrigation Scheduling for Tomato Grown in Solar Greenhouse Based on Pan Evaporation in North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12 (3): 520-531 (SCI, WOS:0003**)[110]Qiu Rangjian, Kang Shaozhong, Du Taisheng, Tong Ling, Hao Xinmei, Chen Renqiang, Chen Jinliang, Li Fusheng(李伏生). Effect of convection on the Penman–Monteith model estimates of transpiration of hot pepper grown in solar greenhouse. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013,160: 163–171 (SCI, WOS:020)[111]Liu Chunwei, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Li Sien, Du Taisheng. Canopy leaf area index for apple tree using hemispherical photography in arid region. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013, 164: 610–615 (SCI,WOS:082)[112]刘宇锋, 李伏生. 灌溉方式与施肥水平对超级稻光合生理的影响. 中国生态农业学报, 2013, 21 (4): 416-425(核心刊物,通讯作者)[113]梁燕菲, 张潇潇, 李伏生. “薄浅湿晒”灌溉稻田土壤微生物量碳氮和酶活性研究. ?植物营养与肥料学报, 2013, 19 (6): 1402-1409 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[114]魏贵玉,周琼,李伏生. 不同水肥处理对亚洲黄百合切花品质的影响. 北方园艺, 2013,22: 157-162 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[115]王少静,张潇潇,李伏生. 百色市主要农作物土地生产潜力研究. 南方农业学报?, 2013,44(11): 1841-1845 (核心刊物,通讯作者)2012年[116]Liu Chunwei, Du Taisheng, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Kang Shaozhong, Li Sien, Tong Ling. Trunk sap flow characteristics during two growth stages of apple tree and its relationships with affecting factors in an arid region of northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2012, 104: 193-204 (SCI, WOS:021, EI)[117]Hu Meng, Kang Shaozhong,? Zhang Jianhua, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Du Taisheng, Tong Ling. Potential use of saline water for irrigating shelterbelt plants in the arid region. Irrigation and Drainage, 2012, 61 (1): 107-115 (SCI, WOS:011)[118]Yan Hui, Hu Xiaotao, Li Fusheng(李伏生). Leaf photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, ion content and free amino acids in Caragana korshinskii Kom exposed to NaCl stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2012, 34 (5): 2285–2295 (SCI, WOS:022)[119]Kim Ki-Hyun, Parker David, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Tang Kea-Tiong. Sampling and analysis of odorants and volatile organic compounds in air, water, and soil. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2012, Special Issue, Article ID 308013, 1 (SCI, WOS:0003**)[120]Yang Lijuan, Zhang Yulong, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Soil Enzyme Activities and Soil Fertility Dynamics. Advances in Citrus Nutrition, 2012, 143-156[121]刘宇锋,梁燕菲,邓少虹,李伏生. 灌溉方式和有机无机氮比例对水稻产量与水分利用的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2012, 18 (3): 551-561(核心刊物,通讯作者)[122]刘宇锋,邓少虹,梁燕菲,李伏生. 灌溉方式与有机无机N配施对水稻土壤微生物活性的影响. 华中农业大学学报,2012, 31 (4): 25-32(核心刊物,通讯作者)[123]周英捷,梁燕菲,李伏生. 不同时期亏水对糯玉米产量和水分利用的影响.玉米科学,2012,20(2):119~123 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[124]Chu Anh Tiep, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Effect of water deficit at different growth stages on photosynthesis, yield and water use efficiency of sticky maize (Zea mays L. sinensis Kulesh). Journal of Science and Development, 2012, 10 (1): 74-83. (In Vietnamese,越南语), ISSN: 1859-0004. (通讯作者)[125]刘永贤,梁海玲,农梦玲,贝晓晓,李伏生. 不同施肥及滴灌方式对糯玉米生长和产量的影响. 南方农业学报, 2012, 73(7): 981-985 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[126]梁海玲,吴祥颖,农梦玲,李伏生. 根区局部灌溉水肥一体化对糯玉米产量和水分利用的影响. 干旱地区农业研究,2012,30 (5): 109-114 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[127]农梦玲,魏贵玉,李伏生. 不同时期根区局部灌溉对玉米干物质积累和水氮利用的影响. 玉米科学,2012,20(5):115-120 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[128]林明月,邓少虹,苏以荣,刘坤平,李伏生. 施肥对喀斯特地区植草土壤活性有机碳组分和牧草固碳的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2012,18(5): 1124-1132 (核心刊物,通讯作者)2011年[129]Li Caixia, Sun Jingsheng, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhou Xinguo, Li Zhongyang, Qiang Xiaoman, Guo Dongdong. Response of root morphology and distribution in maize to alternate furrow irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2011, 98 (12): 1789-1798 (SCI, WOS:003, EI, Email通讯作者)[130]Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Jianhua. Effects of partial root-zone irrigation on hydraulic conductivity in soil-root system for maize plant. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62 (12): 4163–4172 (SCI, WOS:008)[131]Yang Lijuan, Zhang Yulong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Lemcoff J.H. Soil Phosphorus Distribution as Affected by Irrigation Methods in Plastic Film House. Pedosphere, 2011, 21 (6): 712-718 (SCI, WOS:004)[132]Xu Xiaoyan, Tong Ling, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Kang Shaozhong, Qu Yanping. Sap flow of irrigated Populus alba var. pyramidalis and its relationship with environmental factors and leaf area index in an arid region of Northwest China. Journal of Forest Research, 2011, 16: 144–152. (SCI, WOS:007, EI)[133]Zhang Baozhong, Xu Di, Liu Yu, Cai Jiabing, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Evapotranspiraton estimation based on scaling up from leaf stomatal conductance to canopy conductance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2011, 151 (8): 1086-1095 (SCI, WOS:007)[134]Wang Feng, Kang Shaozhong, Du Taisheng, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Qiu Rangjian. Determination of comprehensive quality index for tomato and its response to different irrigation treatments. Agricultural Water Management, 2011, 98 (8), 1228-1238 (SCI, WOS:005, EI)[135]Qiu Rangjian, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Du Taisheng, Tong Ling, Wang Feng, Chen Renqiang, Liu Junqi, Li Sien. Energy partitioning and evapotranspiration of hot pepper grown in greenhouse with furrow and drip irrigation methods. Scientia Horticulturae, 2011, 129 (4): 790-797 (SCI, WOS:040)[136]Liu Chunwei, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Li Sien, Du Taisheng, Tong Ling. Relationship between environmental factor and maximum daily stem shrinkage in apple tree in arid region of northwest China. Scientia Horticulturae, 2011, 130 (1): 118-125 (SCI, WOS:019)[137]Li Xiaojuan, Tong Ling, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Comparison of spatial interpolation methods for yield response factor of winter wheat and its spatial distribution in Haihe basin of north China. Irrigation Science, 2011, 29 (6): 455-468 (SCI, WOS:003,EI)[138]余江敏,李伏生,雷文杰,农梦玲. 根区局部灌溉和有机无机氮比例对玉米水分利用和土壤氮磷含量的影响. 土壤通报,2011,42(1): 22-26(核心刊物,通讯作者)[139]梁继华,李伏生. 分根区交替灌溉对荔枝幼苗生长和水分利用的影响. 中国南方果树,2011,40 (3):19-22(核心刊物, 通讯作者)[140]刘宇锋,李伏生,曾祥伟,黄海桥. 不同控水方式下不同水稻品种的生理响应与产量构成因子研究. 华南农业大学学报,2011,32 (2):6-11(核心刊物, 通讯作者)[141]姚立民,李伏生,申孝军,佟玲. 土壤因素对根系导水率影响的研究进展. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2011,39 (5): 65-71(核心刊物)[142]姚立民,李伏生,佟玲,谢恒星. 土壤水分有效性对梭梭苗根系导水率的动态影响. 农业机械学报, 2011, 42 (5): 68-72 (EI,核心刊物)[143]曾黎明,王少静,宁琳,李伏生. 生物有机肥与石灰对土壤肥力和木薯产量质量的影响. 中国农学通报,2011,27 (15): 212-216(核心刊物, 通讯作者)[144]曾黎明, 李伏生, 陈涛. 生物有机肥和石灰对木薯生理性状及生长的影响. 广东农业科学,2011,17:1-3(核心刊物, 通讯作者)[145]林明月,许春辉,苏以荣,李伏生. 平衡施肥对喀斯特地区牧草产量及品质的影响. 农业现代化研究,2011,32 (4): 502-504(核心刊物, 通讯作者)[146]刘永贤,梁崎峰,李伏生,刘其葵,钟俊军,蔡利民,叶小冬. 广西低碳农业发展现状与对策. 南方农业学报,2011,42(4):453-456. (核心刊物)2010年[147]Hu Tiantian, Yuan Lina, Wang Jinfeng, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Antioxidation responses of maize roots and leaves to partial root-zone irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 98 (1): 164-171 (SCI, WOS:019, EI)[148]Zhang Baozhong, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Tong Ling, Du Taisheng. Variation in vineyard evapotranspiration in an arid region of northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 97 (11): 1898-1904 (SCI, WOS:021, EI)[149]Ding Risheng, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Yanqun, Tong Ling, Sun Qingyu. Evaluating eddy covariance method by large-scale weighing lysimeter in a maize field of northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 98 (1): 87-95 (SCI, WOS:010, EI)[150]Zeng Xieting, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu, Guo Ping. Fuzzy multi-objective linear programming applying to crop area planning. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 98 (1): 134-142 (SCI, WOS:015, EI)[151]余江敏,李伏生,农梦玲. 根区局部灌溉和有机无机氮比例对种植玉米土壤酶活性的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2010,16(2):334-340 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[152]农梦玲,李伏生,刘水. 根区局部灌溉和氮钾水平对玉米干物质积累和水肥利用的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2010,16(6):1539-1545(核心刊物,通讯作者)[153]雷文杰,李伏生,陆文娟. 灌水、石灰和镁肥水平对玉米干物质积累和镁素利用的影响. 土壤,2010,42 (6): 952-959 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[154]韦彩会,李伏生,许春辉,农梦玲,余江敏,罗慧. 调亏灌溉及施肥对玉米干物质积累和相关生理性状的影响. 干旱地区农业研究,2010,28(4):76-83 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[155]陆文娟,王熊军,梁海玲,农梦玲,李伏生. 水分亏缺和施钾水平对大豆子粒产量和水分利用的影响. 中国农业工程学会农业水土工程专业委员会,云南农业大学水利水电与建筑学院编. 现代节水高效农业与生态灌区建设,云南大学出版社,2010,277-282[156]王磊,周柳强,谢如林,黄金生,黄美福,董文斌,李伏生,谭宏伟. 不同控释尿素的氮素释放特性及在甘蔗上的应用研究. 广西农业科学,2010,41(4):345-3482009年[157]Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Jianhua. Effects of partial root-zone irrigation on the nitrogen absorption and utilization of maize. Agricultural Water Management, 2009, 96 (2): 208-214 (SCI, WOS:004, EI, Email通讯作者)[158]Zhang Baozhong, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Lu, Tong Ling, Du Taisheng, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Jianhua. An evapotranspiration model for sparsely vegetated canopies under partial root-zone irrigation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2009, 149 (11): 2007-2011 (SCI, WOS:021)[159]Li Sien, Tong Ling, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu, Zhang Baozhong, Kang Shaozhong. Variability in energy partitioning and resistance parameters for a vineyard in northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2009, 96(6): 955-962 (SCI, WOS:009, EI, Email通讯作者)[160]Gao Yang, Duan Aiwang, Sun Jingsheng, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Liu Zugui, Liu Hao, Liu Zhandong. Crop coefficient and water-use efficiency of winter wheat/spring maize strip intercropping. Field Crops Research, 2009, 111 (1-2): 65-73 (SCI, WOS:008)[161]Sun Yue, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu. Comparison of interpolation methods for depth to groundwater and its temporal and spatial variations in the Minqin oasis of northwest China. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2009, 2009, 24(10): 1163-1170(SCI, WOS:004, EI)[162]Liu Xiaozhi, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Simulation of artificial neural network model for trunk sap flow of Pyrus pyrifolia and its comparison with multiple-linear regression. Agricultural Water Management, 2009, 96(6): 939-945 (SCI, WOS:007, EI)[163]Cui Ningbo, Du Taisheng, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Tong Ling, Kang Shaozhong, Wang Mixia, Liu Xiaozhi, Li Zhijun. Response of vegetative growth and fruit development to regulated deficit irrigation at different growth stages of pear-jujube tree. Agricultural Water Management, 2009, 96(8), 1237-1246 (SCI, WOS:008, EI)[164]Cui Ningbo, Du Taisheng, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Hu Xiaotao, Wang Mixia, Li Zhijun. Relationship between stable carbon isotope discrimination and water use efficiency under regulated deficit irrigation of pear-jujube tree. Agricultural Water Management, 2009, 96 (11): 1615-1622 (SCI, WOS:015, EI)[165]Su Xiaoling, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu, Tong Ling. Benefits evaluation of water resources used for ecosystem in Shiyang River basin of Gansu province. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2009, 15(2): 108-112 (EI,核心刊物)[166]罗慧,李伏生,韦彩会,余江敏,韦建玉,曾祥难,欧清华.灌水方式对不同施肥水平烤烟产量和质量的影响. 中国农业科学, 2009, 42(1): 173-179 (核心刊物,通讯作者)2008年[167]Wang Jinfeng, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Fucang, Li Zhijun, Zhang Jianhua. Effects of alternate partial root-zone irrigation on soil microorganism and maize growth. Plant and Soil, 2008, 302: 45–52 (SCI, WOS:004)[168]Du Taisheng, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Water use and yield responses of cotton to alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation in the arid area of north-west China. Irrigation Science, 2008, 26:147-159 (SCI, WOS:006, EI)[169]Zhou Qingyun, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu. Comparison of dynamic and static APRI-models to simulate soil water dynamics in a vineyard over the growing season under alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2008, 95(7): 767-775 (SCI, WOS:003, EI)[170]Du Taisheng, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Yan Boyuan. Water use efficiency and fruit quality of table grape under alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 2008, 95 (6): 659-668 (SCI, WOS:003, EI)[171]Li Sien, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu. Evapotranspiration and crop coefficient of spring maize with plastic mulch using eddy covariance in northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2008, 95:1214-1222 (SCI, WOS:002, EI, Email通讯作者)[172]Xia Guimin, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Jianhua, Zhou Qingyun. Diurnal and seasonal variations of sap flow of Caragana korshinskii in the arid desert region of north-west China. Hydrological Processes, 2008, 22 (8), 1197–1205 (SCI, WOS:012, EI)[173]Zhang Baozhong, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu. Comparison of three evapotranspiration models to Bowen ratio-energy balance method for a vineyard in an arid desert region of northwest China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2008, 148 (10): 1629-1640 (SCI, WOS:021)[174]Li Sien, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu, Zhang Baozhong. Vineyard evaporative fraction based on eddy covariance in an arid desert region of Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 2008, 95 (8), 937-948 (SCI, WOS:006, EI)[175]Li Sien, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Lu, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Zhu Zhilin, Zhang Baozhong. A comparison of three methods for determining vineyard evapotranspiration in the arid desert regions of northwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2008, 22 (23), 4554–4564 (SCI, WOS:006, EI)[176]Cui Ningbo, Du Taisheng, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Jianhua, Wang Mixia and Li Zhijun. Regulated deficit irrigation improved fruit quality and water use efficiency of pear-jujube trees. Agricultural Water Management, 2008, 95 (4): 489-497 (SCI, WOS:016, EI)[177]Wang Sufen, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Lu, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Modelling hydrological response to different land-use and climate change scenarios in the Zamu River basin of northwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2008, 22(14): 2502-2510 (SCI, WOS:010, EI)[178]李伏生, 吴花, 石玫莉, 刘永贤, 莫江华. 钾与水分相互关系的研究. 见周健民,Magan H.主编. 土壤钾素动态与钾肥管理. 南京:河海大学出版社,2008. 3, 146-153[179]莫江华,李伏生,李桂湘,吴花,欧清华,陈勇. 不同生育期适度缺水对烤烟生长、水分利用和氮钾含量的影响. 土壤通报,2008,39(5): 1071-1076(核心刊物,通讯作者)[180]石玫莉,李伏生,韦建玉,李业其,杞永华. 不同氮水平下根区局部灌溉对烤烟产量、水分利用与氮钾含量的影响. 广西农业生物科学, 2008, 27 (2): 142-147(CBA收录,通讯作者)[181]余江敏,李伏生,韦彩会,李志军. 根区局部灌溉对有机无机肥配施土壤微生物和玉米水分利用的影响. 干旱地区农业研究,2008,26 (6): 63-69(核心刊物,通讯作者)[182]王熊军,李伏生,曾黎明,陆文娟,银秋玲. 水分亏缺和施肥对玉米干物质积累和水分利用的影响. 土壤科学与社会可持续发展(中).中国农业大学出版社,2008,62-69(通讯作者)[183]李思恩,康绍忠,朱治林,杜太生,佟玲,李伏生. 应用涡度相关技术监测地表蒸发蒸腾量的研究进展. 中国农业科学 2008, 41(9): 2720-2726(核心刊物)[184]石玫莉, 刘永贤, 莫江华, 李伏生. 烤烟氮、钾营养和水分及其相互关系的研究. 见周健民,Magan H.主编. 土壤钾素动态与钾肥管理. 南京:河海大学出版社,2008. 3, 154-159[185]农梦玲, 刘永贤, 李伏生. 干旱胁迫对烟草生理生化特征影响的研究进展. 广西农业科学, 2008, 39 (2): 155-159(通讯作者)[186]王献华, 谢如林, 周柳强, 黄美福, 黄金生, 李伏生, 谭宏伟. Olsen 法测定的土壤速效磷含量与土壤pH 值的相关性研究. 广西农业科学, 2008, 39 (2): 199-201[187]曾黎明, 李伏生, 王熊军, 余江敏. 生物有机肥与碳酸钙对土壤肥力和生物活性的影响. 广西热带农业, 2008, 6: 5-9(通讯作者)[188]莫江华,李伏生,王熊军. 不同生育期适度缺水对烤烟生长和水分利用的影响. 现代农业水土资源高效利用理论与实践(上). 中国科技文化出版社,2008,274-281(通讯作者)[189]石玫莉,李伏生,王熊军. 根区局部灌溉对烤烟生长、干物质积累和水分利用的影响. 现代农业水土资源高效利用理论与实践(上). 中国科技文化出版社,2008,315-320(通讯作者)[190]余江敏,李伏生,韦彩会. 根区局部灌溉对有机无机肥配施土壤微生物和玉米水分利用的影响. 现代农业水土资源高效利用理论与实践(上). 中国科技文化出版社,2008,433-439(通讯作者)2007年[191]Zhou Qingyun, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Lu, Li Fusheng (李伏生). Comparison of APRI and Hydrus-2D models to simulate soil water dynamics in a vineyard under alternate partial root zone drip irrigation. Plant and Soil, 2007, 291:211–223 (SCI, WOS:017) [192]Qu Yanping, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Jianhua, Xia Guimin, Li Wangcheng. Xylem sap flows of irrigated Tamarix elongata Ledeb and the influence of environmental factors in the desert region of Northwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2007, 21(10): 1363-1369(SCI, WOS:010, EI) [193]Ma Fusheng, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Zhang Jianhua, Du Taisheng, Hu Xiaotao, Wang Mixia. Effect of water deficit in different growth stages on stem sap flux of greenhouse grown pear-jujube tree. Agricultural Water Management, 2007, 90 (3): 190-196(SCI, WOS:003, EI)[194]Zhang Fucang, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng(李伏生), Zhang Jianhua. Growth and major nutrient concentrations in Brassica campestris supplied with different NH4 /NO3 ratios. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 2007, 49(4), 455-462 (SCI, WOS:007)[195]Wang Yangren, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Zhang Lu, Zhang Jianhua. Saline water irrigation scheduling through a crop-water-salinity production function and a soil-water-salinity dynamic model. Pedosphere, 2007, 17(3): 303-317 (SCI, WOS:004)[196]刘永贤,李伏生,农梦玲,韦建玉,汪加林. 不同时期分根区交替灌溉对烤烟生长和氮钾含量的影响. 灌溉排水学报,2007,26(6):102-105,109(核心刊物,通讯作者)[197]周琼,李伏生,黄文君,覃冬梅. 分根区交替灌溉对百合鲜切花生理变化和质量的影响. 北方园艺, 2007, 3: 33-38 (核心刊物,通讯作者)[198]刘永贤,曾祥难,欧清华,李伏生,农梦玲. 水肥时空耦合在烟草上的研究进展. 湖南农业科学,2007, 3; 54-56 (通讯作者)[199]吴花,李伏生,莫江华. NH4/NO3配比对土壤镉和锌形态及其生物有效性的影响.农业环境科学学报, 2007, 26(5): 1865-1869(核心刊物,通讯作者)[200]杨瑞青,周柳强,曾艳,谢如林,黄美福,谭宏伟,李伏生. 施肥对扶芳藤产量及养分吸收特性的影响. 广西农业科学, 2007, 38 (3): 288-290[201]曾艳,周柳强,杨瑞青,谢如林,黄美福,李伏生,谭宏伟. 施钾对桑树生长和吸钾特性的影响. 广西农业科学, 2007, 38 (2):169-1732006年[202]Du Taisheng, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Jianhua, Li Fusheng (李伏生), Hu Xiaotao. Yield and physiological responses of cotton to partial root-zone irrigation in the oasis field of northwest China. 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CO2浓度、氮和水分对春小麦光合、蒸散和水分利用效率的影响. 应用生态学报,2003, 14(3): 387~393(核心刊物)[213]李伏生,康绍忠, 张富仓. CO2浓度升高、氮和土壤水分对春小麦生长和干物质积累的效应. 中国生态农业学报,2003, 11 (2): 39~42(核心刊物)2002年[214]李伏生,康绍忠. CO2浓度、氮和水分对养分利用效率的影响. 中国农业科学, 2002, 35(8): 953~958(核心刊物)[215]李伏生,康绍忠. CO2浓度升高和氮对小麦水分利用效率的效应. 作物学报,2002, 28 (6): 835~840(核心刊物)[216]李伏生,康绍忠. 在不同氮素水平和水分条件下CO2浓度升高对小麦碳氮比和碳磷比的影响. 植物生态学报, 2002, 26 (3): 295~302(核心刊物)[217]李伏生,康绍忠. CO2浓度升高、氮和水分对春小麦养分吸收和土壤速效养分的效应. 植物营养和肥料学报 2002, 8 (3): 303~309(核心刊物)[218]李伏生,康绍忠, 张富仓. 大气CO2浓度和温度升高对作物生理生态的影响. 应用生态学报, 2002, 13 (9): 1169~1173(核心刊物)[219]李伏生,康绍忠, 张富仓, 李志军. 大气温度对土壤养分迁移和春小麦干物质积累的影响. 西北农业学报, 2002, 11 (3): 132~1372001年[220]Li Fusheng (李伏生), Cohen Shabtai, Kang Shaozhong. Water use of apple trees on three rootstocks measured with heat pulse technique (in English). 西北植物学报,2001, 21 (5): 910-917 (核心刊物)[221]李伏生,康绍忠. CO2浓度升高对作物水分养分利用效应和机制的研究. 见:朝伦巴根,史海滨主编农业水土工程科学,内蒙古教育出版社,2001年8月,198-2022000年[222]李伏生,陆申年. 灌溉施肥的研究和应用. 植物营养和肥料学报,2000, 6 (2): 233-240 (核心刊物)[223]李伏生. 红壤地区镁肥对作物的效应. 土壤与环境,2000, 9 (1): 53-55[224]李伏生, Cohen Shabtai. 利用林窗部分转换技术测定苹果树冠层结构. 果树科学, 2000, 17 (2): 101-104(核心刊物)1999年[225]马光庭, 李伏生, 韦珂. 糖蜜发酵生产丙酮和丁醇的研究. 工业微生物,1999, 29 (2): 28-32(核心刊物)[226]马光庭, 韦珂, 李伏生. 糖蜜发酵生产丙酮和丁醇菌种筛选及其发酵条件的选择. 广西轻工业, 1999, 1: 24-26[227]李伏生. 灌溉施肥的研究初探. 灌溉和排水,1999, 18 (增刊): 161-164[228]李伏生. 我所了解的以色列农业. 广西农学报,1999, 1: 53-58[229]李伏生, 陆申年. 广西农业应走科学用水节水的道路. 广西农学报,1999, 2: 8-121998年[230]Cohen Shabtai,Li Fusheng (李伏生).Heat pulse peak detection by real-time polynomial regression in sap flow measurement. In: proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Measuring Sap Flow in Intact Plants (in English). 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1. 赵国胜; 马晨蕾; 李伏生*. 一种移动式微灌施肥装置. 实用专利, 中国, ZL 2019 2 **.X,公开号:CN U,2020-2-212.刘宇锋; 陈高峰; 李伏生,等. 可获得作物完成根系及对土壤温湿度无线测报的栽培系统. 实用专利, 中国, ZL** 02052.7,公开号:CN U,2019.1.17
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