赵书林 [教授]
基本介绍??博士,1978年3月至1982年1月在湖南大学化学化工学院学习,获学士学位;1995年9月至1997年7月在湖南大学化学化工学院硕士研究生班学习;2003年9月至2006年6月在四川大学化工学院学习,获博士学位。1999年8月至2001年8月在美国杰克逊州立大学做访问****, 2004年3月至2004年8月, 2008年11月至2009年4月为美国杰克逊州立大学访问教授。1982年2月至1992年2月在原机械电子工业部沈阳铸造研究所工作;1992年3月至1997年12月在沈阳化工大学工作;1998年1月至今在广西师范大学工作。分别于1986年、1993年、2001年晋升为工程师、副教授和教授。现为广西师范大学化学化工学院院长,广西化学化工学会副秘书长,广西优秀专家,广西八桂名师,广西先进工作者。曾主持各类科研课题18项。其中国家自然科学基金项目5项,省部级科研项目8项,广西教育厅科研项目2项,广西重点实验室项目2项,广西师范大学重点项目1项。科研成果分别获广西自然科学二、三等奖各1项,广西科技进步二、三等奖各1项,辽宁省教育厅科技进步三等奖1项,广西师范大学科技成果一等奖2项,二等奖1项。
至今,已在国内外学术期刊上发表学术论文280余篇,其中120多篇被美国《科学引文索引》(SCI)收录, 40多篇被EI收录。70多篇论文发表在Analytical Chemistry; Chemistry-A European Journal;Chem.Commun;J. Chromatography A; Analytica Chimica Acta; Electrophoresis; Analyst和Talanta等SCI影响因子3.0以上的国际核心期刊上,20余篇获省、市自然科学优秀论文奖。发表论文被SCI引用1000余次。获国家发明专利2项,实用新型专利1项。参写中文专著1部、英文专著3部。负责起草国家标准1项,国家专业标准1项。
论著专利1. Shulin Zhao,Jinwen Liu, Yong Huang, Yi-Ming Liu. Introducing chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer into immunoassay in a microfluidic format for an improved assay sensitivity.Chem.Commun.,2012, 48, 699–701.
2. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Zhen-Feng Chen, Ming Shi, and Hong Liang. Amplified fluorescence polarization aptasensors based on structure-switchingtriggered nanoparticles enhancement for bioassays.Chem.Commun., 2012, 48, 7480-7482.
3. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Yi-Ming Liu, Jia Chen, Zhen-Feng Chen, Ming Shi,Hong Liang. An amplified single-walled carbon nanotube mediated chemiluminescence turn-on sensing platform for ultrasensitive DNA detection.Chem.Commun., 2012, 48, 9400-9402.
4. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Zhen-Feng Chen, Ming Shi, Jia Chen and Hong Liang. Amplified chemiluminescence aptasensor based on bi-resonance energy transfer on the gold nanoparticles and exonuclease III-catalyzed target recycling.Chem.Commun.,2012, 48, 11877-11879.
5. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Zhen-Feng Chen, Yan-Cheng Liu, Hong Liang. Ultrasensitive endonuclease activity and inhibition detection using gold nanoparticle-enhanced fluorescence polarization.Chem.Commun.,2011, 47, 4763-4765.
6. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Hong Liang, Zhen-Feng Chen, Yi-Ming Liu. Multiplex detection of endonucleases by using a multicolor gold nanobeacon.Chemistry-A European Journal,2011, 17, 7313-7319.
7. Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Rongjun Liu, Ming Shi, Yi-Ming Liu. A non-enzymatic chemiluminescent reaction enabling chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer to quantum dots.Chemistry-A European Journal,2010, 16, 6142–6145.
8. Yong Huang, Jia Chen, Shulin Zhao, Ming Shi, Zhen-Feng Chen, and Hong Liang. Label-free colorimetric aptasensor based on nicking enzyme assisted signal amplification and DNAzyme amplification for highly sensitive detection of protein.Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85, in press.
9. Guoxin Qin, Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Jing Jiang, Fanggui Ye. Magnetic bead sensing platform based chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer and its immunoassay application.Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 2708?2712
10. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao,Ming Shi, Jia Chen, Zhen-Feng Chen, and Hong Liang.Intermolecular and intramolecular quenchers based quantum dot nanoprobes for multiplexed detection of endonuclease activity and inhibition.Analytical Chemistry,2011, 83, 8913-8918.
11. Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Ming Shi, Rongjun Liu, Yi-Ming Liu. Chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer-based detection for microchip electrophoresis.Analytical Chemistry,2010, 82, 2036-2041.
12. Shulin Zhao, Xiangtang Li, Yi-Ming Liu. An integrated microfluidic system with chemilumine- scence detection for single cell analysis after intracellular labeling.Analytical Chemistry,2009,81, 3873-3878.
13. Yaru Song, Yangzheng Feng, Michael H. LeBlanc, Shulin Zhao, Yi-Ming Liu. Assay of trace D-amino acids in neural tissue samples by capillary liquid chromatography/tandem mass spec- trometry.Analytical Chemistry,2006, 78: 8121-8128.
14. Kun Hu, Jinwen Liu, Jia Chen, Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Jianniao Tian, Guohai Zhang. An amplified graphene oxide-based fluorescence aptasensor based on target-triggered aptamer hairpin switch and strand-displacement polymerization recycling for bioassays.Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2013, 42, 598-602.
15. Guoxing Qin, Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Jing Jiang, Yi-Ming Liu. A sensitive gold nanoparticles sensing platform based on resonance energy transfer for chemiluminescence light on detection of biomolecules.Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2013, 46,119-123.
16. Yong Huang, Jia Chen, Ming Shi, Shulin Zhao, Zheng Feng Chen Hong Liang. Gold nano particleenhanced fluorescence polarization biosensor for amplified detection of T4 polynucleotide kinase activity and inhibition.Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2013, 1, 2018-2021.
17. Jing Jiang, Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Guoxin Qin, Fanggui Ye. Highly sensitive immunoassay of carcinoembryonic antigen by capillary electrophoresis with gold nanoparticles amplified chemiluminescence detection.J. Chromatogr. A,2013, 1282,161-166.
18. Shulin Zhaoa, Yong Huanga, Fanggui Ye, Ming Shi, Yi-Ming Liu, Determination of intracellu- lar sulphydryl compounds by microchip electrophoresis with selective chemiluminescence detection.J. Chromatogr. A,2010, 1217, 5732–5736.
19. Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Ming Shi, Yi-Ming Liu. Quantification of biogenic amines by microchip electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection.J. Chromatogr. A,2009, 1216: 5155-5159.
20. Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Yi-Ming Liu. Microchip electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection for assaying ascorbic acid and amino acids in single cells.J. Chromatogr. A,2009, 1216, 6746-6750.
21.Fanggui Ye, Shun Wang, Shulin Zhao. Preparation and characterization of mixed-mode monolithic silica column for capillary electrochromatography.J. Chromatogr. A,2009, 1216, 8845-8850.
22. Shulin Zhao, Hengshan Wang, Yinming Pan, Min He, Zhicai Zhao. 3-[(3-Dehydroabietami- dopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate as a new type of chiral surfactant for enan- tiomer separation in micellar electrokinetic chromatography.J. Chromatogr. A,2007, 1145, 246-249.
23. Yaru Song, Shulin Zhao, Paul Tchounwou, Yi-Ming Liu. A nanoparticle-based solid- phase extraction , method for liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization-tandem m, , , as, s spectrometric analysis.J. Chromatogr. A,2007, 1166, 79-84.
24. Jiangshan Shen, Shulin Zhao. Enantiomeric separation of NDA derivatized DL-dopa and optical purity analysis of levodopa drug by, , cyc, , lodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography.J. Chromatogr. A,2004,1059: 209-214.
25. Shulin Zhao, Hongyan Yuan, Chao Xie, Dan Xiao. Determination of folic acid by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection.J. Chromatogr. A, 2006, 1107: 290-293.
26. Yaru Song, Ming Shenwu, Shulin Zhao, Dongyan Hou, Yi-Ming Liu. Enantiomeric separation of amino acids derivatized with 7-fluoro-4-nitrobenzoxadiazole by capillary liquid chromatography/tandem spectrometry.J. Chromatogr. A, 2005,1091: 102-109.
27. Shulin Zhao, Bing Wang, Hongyan Yuan, Dan Xiao. Determination of agmatine in biological samples by capillary electrophoretic with optical fiber light-emitting diode induced fluorescence detection.J. Chromatogr. A, 2006, 1123: 138-141.
28. Xiangtang Li, Shulin Zhao, Yi-Ming Liu. Evaluation of a microchip electrophoresis-mass spectrometry platform deploying a pressure-driven make-up flow.J. Chromatogr. A, 2013, 1285,159-164.
29. Shulin Zhao, Tianxing Niu, Yaru Song, Yi-Ming Liu. Gold nanoparticle-enhanced chemiluminescence detection for CE.Electrophoresis,2009, 30, 1059–1065.
30. Yong Huang, Ming Shi, Shulin Zhao, Hong Liang. A sensitive and rapid immunoassay for quantification of testosterone by microchip electrophoresis with enhanced chemiluminescence detection.Electrophoresis,2011, 32, 3196–3196.
31. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Ming Shi, Jinwen Liu, Hong Liang. Microchip electrophoresis coupled with on-line magnetic separation and chemiluminescence detection for multiplexed immunoassay.Electrophoresis,2012, 33, 1198-1204.
32. Li Yang, Xiangtang Li, Jing Li, Hongyan Yuan, Shulin Zhao, Dan Xiao. Small-angle optical deflection from collinear configuration for highly sensitive detection in microfluidic systems.Electrophoresis,2012, 33, 1996-2004
33. Shulin Zhao, Xuehua Lan, Yi-Ming Liu. Gold nanoparticle-enhanced capillary electro phoresis-chemiluminescence assay of trace uric acid.Electrophoresis,2009 30, 2676-80.
34. Fanggui Ye, Hengshan Wang, Baojun Huang, Shulin Zhao. Maleopimaric acid anhydride-bonded silica monolith as chiral stationary phase for separations of phenylthiocarbamyl amino acids by CEC.Electrophoresis,2010, 31, 1488-1492.
35. Fanggui Ye, Yong Huang, Qing Xu, Ming Shi, Shulin Zhao. Quantification of taurine and amino acids in mice single fibrosarcoma cell by microchip electrophoresis coupled with chemiluminescence detection.Electrophoresis,2010, 1, 1630-1636.
36. Shulin Zhao, Hongyan Yuan, Dan Xiao. Optical fiber light-emitting diode induced fluorescence detection for capillary electrophoresis.Electrophoresis,2006, 27: 461-467.
37. Shulin Zhao, Hengshan Wang, Rongcan Zhang, Lidong Tang, Yi-Ming Liu. Degradingdehydroabietylisothiocyanate as a chiral derivatizing reagent for enantiomeric separations by capillary electrophoresis.Electrophoresis,2006, 27:3428-3433.
38. Dan Xiao, Shulin Zhao, Hongyan Yuan, xiupei yang. CE detector based on light-emitting diodes.Electrophoresis, 2007. 28: 233-242.
39. Xiupei Yang, Hongyan Yuan, Chunlin Wang, Shulin Zhao, Dan Xiao, Martin M. F. Choi. In-column fiber-optic laser-induced fluorescence detection for CE.Electrophoresis,2007, 28: 3105-3114.
40.Dan Xiao, Lei Yan, Hongyan Yuan, Shulin Zhao, Xiupei Yang, Martin M. F. Choi, CE with LED- based detection: An update,Electrophoresis,2009, 30, 189–202.
41. Shulin Zhao, Chao Xie, Xin Lu, Yaru Song, Yi-Ming Liu. A facile and sensitive chemiluminescence detection of amino acids in biological samples after capillary electrophoresis separation.Electrophoresis,2005, 26, 1745-1750.
42. Shulin Zhao, Yi-Ming Liu. Electrophoretic separation of tryptophan enantiomers in biological samples.Electrophoresis,2001, 22, 2769-2774.
43. Shulin Zhao, C. Prasad, H.J.F. Robertson, Yi-Ming Liu. Determination of enterostatin in human cerebrospinal fluid by capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection.Fresenius’Journal of Analytical Chemistry,2001, 369(3-4): 220-224.
44. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Ming Shi, Hong Liang. One-way multiplexed immunoassay strategy for simultaneous determination of multi-analytes by microchip electrophoresis.Analyst, 2011, 136, 2119–2124.
45. Yi Zheng, Shulin Zhao, Yi-Ming Liu. A magnetically active microfluidic device for chemiluminescence bioassays.Analyst, 2011, 136, 2890–2892.
46. Jia Chen, Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Xin Lu, Jianniao Tian. Gold nanoparticles-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer for competitive immunoassay of biomolecules.Analyst,2012, 137, 5885-5890.
47. Kun Hu, Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Jianniao Tian, Qiang Wu, Guohai Zhang, Jing Jiang. Ultrasensitive detection of potassium ions based on target induced DNA conformational switch enhanced fluorescence polarization.Analyst,2012, 137, 2770-2773.
48. Junyu Lu, Fanggui Ye, Aizhu Zhang, Xia Chen, Yu Wei, Shulin Zhao. Preparation and evaluation of ionic liquids-gold nanoparticles functionalized silica monolithic column for capillary electrochromatography.Analyst,2012, 137, 5860-5865.
49. Yunsha Zhao, Shulin Zhao, Junming Huang, Fanggui Ye. Quantum dot-enhanced chemiluminescence detection for simultaneous determination of dopamine and epinephrine by capillary electrophoresis.Talanta, 2011, 85, 2650-2654.
50. Jia Chen, Yong Huang, Ming Shi, Shulin Zhao, Yanchun Zhao. Highly sensitive multiplexed DNA detection using multi-walled carbon nanotube-based multicolor nanobeacon.Talanta, 2013, DOI:. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2013.02.003.
51. Jianniao Tian, Liujin Zhou, Yanchun Zhao, Yuan Wang, Yan Peng, Shulin Zhao. Multiplexed detection of tumor markers with multicolor quantum dots based on ?uorescence polarization immunoassay.Talanta,2012, 92, 72-77.
52.Xiaowen Ji, Fanggui Ye, Pingtan Lin, Shulin Zhao. Determination of intracellular sulphydryl compounds by microchip electrophoresis with selective chemiluminescence detection.Talanta,2010, 82, 1170–1174.
53. Shulin Zhao, Wenling Bai, Bing Wang, Min He. Determination of levodopa by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection.Talanta,2007, 73: 142-146.
54. Shulin Zhao, Yaru Song, Yi-Ming Liu. A novel capillary electrophoresis method for the determination of D-serine in neural samples.Talanta,2005, 67: 212-216.
55. Shulin Zhao, Xinquan Xia, Gang Yu. Simultaneous determina-tion of iron and zinc by pH gradient construction in a flow-injection system.Talanta, 1998, 46: 845-850.
56. Shulin Zhao, Xinquan Xia, Xianwen Kong, Tiesheng Liu. Highly sensitive colour reaction of nickel with a new chromogenic reagent benzothiazolyl diazoamino- azobenzene and its application.Talanta,1997, 45:13-17.
57. Shulin Zhao, Xinquan Xia. Spectrophotometric determi-nation of nickel with p-acetylarsenazo.Talanta,1994, 41:1353-1358.
58. Hengshan Wang, Rongcan Zhang, Shulin Zhao, Lidong Tang, Yinming Pan. Synthesis and application of dehydroabietyliso- thiocyante as a new chiral derivatizing agent for the enantiomeric separation of chiral compounds by capillary electrophoretic.Analytica Chimica Acta,2006, 560: 64-68.
59. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Ming Shi, Jinwen Liu, Hong Liang. Competitive immunoassay of phenobarbital by microchip electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection.Anal. Chim. Acta, 2011, 694, 162-166.
60. Shulin Zhao, Wenling Bai, Hongyan Yuan, Dan Xiao. Detection of paracetamol by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection.Analytica Chimica Acta,2006, 559: 195-199.
61. Shulin Zhao, Bing Wang, Min He, Wenling Bai, Li Chen. Determination of free D-alanine in the human plasma by CE with optical fiber light-emitting diode induced fluorescence detection.Analytica Chimica Acta,2006, 569: 182-187.
62. Shulin Zhao, Yi-Ming Liu. Enantioseparation of underivatized amino acids by capillary electrophoresis using copper(Ⅱ)-(S)-3-aminopyrroli-dine-L-histidine ternary complex as the chiral selector.Analytica Chimica Acta,2001, 426: 65-70.
63. Shulin Zhao, Yi-Ming Liu. Determination of agmatine in biological samples by high performance liquid chromatography with laser induced fluorescence detection.Analytica Chimica Acta,2002, 470:155-161.
64. Shutin Li. Shulin Zhao. Spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants with benzothiaxolyldiazoaminoazobenzene.Analytica Chimica Acta,2004, 501: 99-102.
65. Shulin Zhao Xinquan Xia, Qiaofei Hu. Complex formation of the new reagent 5-(6-methoxy-2- benzo- spectropho-tometric detection.Analytica Chimica Acta,1999, 391:365-371.
66. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao Ming Shi, Yi-Ming Liu. Chemiluminescent immunoassay of thyroxine enhanced by microchip electrophoresis.Analytical Biochemistry,2010, 399, 72-77.
67. Shulin. Zhao, Yong Huang, Ming Shi, Junming Huang, Yi-Ming Liu. Quantification of carnosine-related peptides by microchip electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection.Analytical Biochemistry,2009, 393,105-110.
68. Shulin Zhao, Xiaowen Ji, Pingtan Lin, Yi-Ming Liu. A gold nanoparticle-mediated enzyme bioreactor for inhibitor screening by capillary electrophoresis.Analytical Biochemistry,2011, 411, 88-93.
69. Qinglei Yu, Shulin Zhao, Fanggui Ye, Shuting Li. Determination of octopamine in human plasma by capillary electrophoresis with optical fiber light-emitting diode- induced fluorescence detection.Analytical Biochemistry,2007, 369, 187–191.
70. Shulin Zhao, Jianshi Wang, Fanggui Ye, Yi-Ming Liu. Determination of uric acid in human urine and serum by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection.Analytical Biochemistry,2008, 378, 127–131.
71. Jianniao Tian, Rongjun Liu, Yanchun Zhao, Qing Xu, Shulin Zhao. Controllable synthesis and cell-imaging studies on CdTe quantum dots together capped by glutathione and thioglycolic acid.J. Colloid Interface Sci.,2009, 336, 504-509.
72. Jianniao Tian, Rongjun Liu, Yanchun Zhao, Yan Peng, Xue Hong, Qing Qing, Shulin Zhao. Synthesis of CdTe/CdS/ZnS Quantum dots and the application in imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma cells and immunoassay for alpha fetoprotein.Nanotechnology, 2010,21: 305101-305108.
73. Jianniao Tian, Jiaoling Huang, Yanchun Zhao, Shulin Zhao, Electrochemical immunosensor for prostate-specific antigen using a glassy carbon electrode modified with a nanocomposite containing gold nanoparticles supported with starch-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes,Microchim Acta,2012, 178, 81–88.
74. Hengshan Wang, Shulin Zhao, Min He, Zhicai Zhao, Yingming Pan, Qian Liang. Sodium maleopimaric acid as pseudostationary phase for chiral separations of amino acid derivatives by capillary micellar electrokinetic chromatography.J. Sep. Sci.,2007, 30, 2748 – 2753.
75. Xiaomei Mu, Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Fanggui Ye. Use of capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection for sensitive determination of homocysteine.J. Sep. Sci.,2012, 35, 280 280–285.
76. Shuting Li, Qinglei Yu, Xin Lu, Shulin Zhao. Determination of D, L-serine in midbrain of Parkinson's disease mouse by capillary electrophoresis with in-column light-emitting diode induced fluorescence detection.J. Sep. Sci.,2009, 32, 282-287.
77. Fanggui Ye, Baojun Huang, Shun Wang, Shulin Zhao. Electrochromatographic performance of conventional and polar-embedded C16 silica monolithic stationary phases.J. Sep. Sci.,2010, 33, 3386–3392.
78. Yong Huang, Ming Shi, Shulin Zhao. Quantification of D-Asp and D-Glu in rat brain and human cerebrospinal fluid by microchip electrophoresis.J. Sep. Sci.,2009, 32, 3001-3006.
79. Fanggui Ye, Shuting Li, Shulin Zhao. Development of a new C14 monolithic silica column containing embedded polar groups for pressurized capillary electrochro- matography.J. Sep. Sci.,2007, 30, 3027-3034.
80. Xin Lu, Zhihui Luo, Chengwei Liu, Shulin Zhao. Resonance Rayleigh scattering for detection of proteins in HPLC.J. Sep. Sci.,2008, 31, 2988-2993.
81. Junyu Lu, Fanggui Ye, Aizhu Zhang, Zong Wei, Yan Peng, Shulin Zhao. Preparation and characterization of silica monolith modified with bovine serum albumin-gold nanoparticles conjugates and its use as chiral stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography.J. Sep. Sci.,2011, 34, 2329–2336.
82. Heng-Shan Wang, Ying-Chun Wang, Ying-Ming Pan, Shulin Zhao, Zhen-Feng Chen. Simultaneous reduction of nitro- to amino-group in the palladium-catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling reaction.Tetrahedron Letters,2008, 49, 2634–2637.
83. Kun Hu, Lichun Zhang, Xiangtang Li, Shulin Zhao. Rapid screening of monoamine oxidase B inhibitors in natural extracts by capillary electrophoresis after enzymatic reaction at capillary inlet.J. Chromatogr. B,2010, 878, 3156–3160.
84. Yong Huang, Ming Shi, Shulin Zhao, Hong Liang. Trace analysisof d-tyrosine in biological samples by microchip electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection.J. Chromatogr. B,2011, 879, 3203-3207.
85. Ming Shi, Shulin Zhao, Yong Huang, Yi-Ming Liu, Fanggui Ye. Microchip fluorescence-enhanced immunoaasay for simultaneous quantification of multiple tumor markers.J. Chromatogr. B,2011, 879, 2840-2844.
86. Shuting Li, Janshi Wang, Shulin Zhao. Determination of terbutaline sulfate by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection.J. Chromatogr. B,2009, 877, 155-158.
87. Xin Lu, Dan Zhang, Chengwei Liu, Qin Xu, Shulin Zhao. Development of a non-derivatization high-performance liquid chromatography method with resonance Rayleigh scattering detection for the detection of sisomicin in rat serum.J. Chromatogr. B,2009, 877, 4022-4026.
88. Shulin Zhao, Hongyan Yuan, Dan Xiao. Determination of D-Serine in rat brain by capillary electrophoresis with LIF detection.J. Chromatogr. B,2005, 822: 334-338.
89. Shulin Zhao, Chao Xie, Yi-Ming Liu. Determination of agmatine in biological samples by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection.J. Chromatogr. B,2006, 832: 52-57.
90. Shulin Zhao, Rongcan Zhang, Hengshan Wang, Lidong Tang, Yinming Pan. Capillary electrophoresis enantioselective separation of vigabatrin enantiomers by precolumn derivatization with dehydroabietylisothiocyante and UV-Vis detection.J. Chromatogr. B,2006, 833: 186-190.
91. Chulin Wang, Shulin Zhao, Hongyan Yuan, Dan Xiao. Determination of excitatory amino acids in biological fluids by CE with optical fiber LED induced fluorescence detection.J. Chromatogr. B,2006, 833: 129-134.
92. Shulin Zhao, Yangzheng Feng, M.H. Leblanc, Yi-Ming Liu. Determination of free aspartic acids enantionmers in rat brain by capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection.J. Chromatogr. B,2001,762: 97-101.
93. Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao, Ming Shi, Hong Liang. A microchip electrophoresis strategy with online labeling and chemiluminescence detection for simultaneous quantification of thiol drugs.J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.,2011, 55, 889-894.
94. Fanggui Ye, Ming Shi, Yong Huang, Shulin Zhao. Noncompetitive immunoassay for carcinoembryonic antigen in human serum by microchip electrophoresis for cancer diagnosis.Clinica Chimica Acta,2010, 411, 1058-1062.
95. Yaru Song, Yangzheng Feng, Xin Lu, Shulin Zhao, Cheng-Wei Liu, Yi-Ming Liu. D-Amino acids in rat brain measured by liquid chromatography/ tandem mass spectrometry.Neuroscience Letters,2008, 445, 53–57.
96. Jianniao Tian*, Liujin Zhou, Yanchun Zhao, Yuan Wang, Yan Peng, Xue Hong and Shulin Zhao. The Application of CdTe/CdS in the Detection of Carcinoembryonic Antigen by Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay,J. Fluoresc.,2012, DOI: 10.1007/s10895- 012-1097-2.
97. Shulin Zhao, Guoxin Qin, Yong Huang, Shuting Li, Xin Lu, Jing Jiang, Fanggui Ye. Nonenzymatic chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer: an efficient technique for selective and sensitive detection of silver ion.Anal. Methods,2012, 4, 1927-1931.
98. Shulin Zhao, Dianmei Liu, Shutin Li. Determination of proteins using the p-acetylchlorophosphonazo-barium(II) complex as a spectroprobe.Analytical Sciences,2003, 19:1173-1176.
99. Shulin Zhao, Yi-Ming Liu. Quantification of D/L-aspartic acids in Aplysia californica central nervous system by β-cyclodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography.Biomedical Chromatography,2001,15: 274-279.
100. Kun Hu, Hu Yang, Jia Zhou, Shulin Zhao, Jianniao Tian. Aptasensor for ampli?ed IgE sensing based on ?uorescence quenching by graphene oxide.Luminescence,2012, DOI 10.1002/bio.2412.
101. Jianniao Tian, Yuhuan Xie, Yanchun Zhao, Caifeng Li and Shulin Zhao. Spectroscopy characterization of the interaction between brevifolin carboxylic acid and bovine serum albumin.Luminescence,2011, 26: 296–304.
102. Jianniao Tian, Yanchun Zhao, X. Liu, Shulin Zhao.A steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence, circular dichroism study on the binding of myricetin to bovine serum albumin.Luminescence,2009, 24, 386–393.
103. Jianniao Tian, Xiuhong Liu, Yanchun Zhao and Shulin Zhao, Studies on the interaction between tetraphenylporphyrin compounds and bovine serum albumin.Luminescence,2007, 22, 446–454.
104. Tianniao Tian, Shengzhi Wei, Yanchun Zhao, Rongjun Liu, Shulin Zhao. Studies on interaction between CdTe quantum dots and chymotrypsin by molecular spectroscopy.J. Chem. Sci.,2010, 122, 391-400.
105. Lichun Zhang, Kun Hu, Xiangtang Li, Shulin Zhao. CE method with partial filling techniques for screening of xanthine oxidase inhibitor in traditional chinese medicine.Chromatographia,2011, 73, 583-587.
106. Ming Shi, Yong Huang, Xiangtang Li, Shulin Zhao. Detection of agmatine and octopamine in rat brain and human plasma by microchip electrophoresis.Chromatographia,2009, 70, 1651-1657.
107. Kun Hu, Shulin Zhao, Fanggui Ye, Xin Lu, Fingerprint analysis of zanthoxylum nitidum by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis.Chromatographia,2008, 68, 475–479.
108. Fanggui Ye, Shuting Li, Shulin Zhao. Electrochromatographic evaluation of diol-bonded silica monolith capillary column for separation of basic compounds.J. Chromatogr. Sci.,2009, 47, 492-296.
科研项目1. 基于化学发光共振能量转移检测的微流控芯片免疫和核酸分析新方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目(编号: **).
2. 基于化学发光共振能量转移的酶联免疫分析, 国家自然科学基金2012年度中俄 (NSFC-RFBR)合作项目.
3. 基于化学发光共振能量转移的免疫分析和抗肿瘤活性物质与靶点相互作用研究,广西重点实验室项目.
获奖情况1. 2010年, 微流控芯片和毛细管电泳新方法及其在单细胞和体液分析中的应用研究,获广西自然科学二等奖,排名第一。
2. 2007年,毛细管电泳新技术及其在生物和药物分析中的应用研究,获广西科技进步二等奖,排名第一。
3. 2005年,新型高灵敏分析试剂的合成及应用研究,获广西科技进步三等奖,排名第一。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-13
相关话题/药学 化学
黄勇 [教授]联系方式办公电话:手机号码:电子邮箱:huangyong_2009@163.com办公地址:基本介绍博士,教授。2012年6月毕业于中南大学,获工学博士学位。2012年7月到广西师范大学工作,2013年晋升副教授。2017年破格晋升教授。2016年入选广西师范大学拔尖人才计划,2017 ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-莫蔚明
莫蔚明 [副教授]联系方式办公电话:手机号码:电子邮箱:gxnumwm@sina.com办公地址: ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张亮亮
张亮亮 [教授]联系方式办公电话:手机号码:电子邮箱:liangzhang319@163.com办公地址:广西师范大学化学与药学学院基本介绍博士,教授,硕士生导师,广西自然科学基金****基金获得者。2013年6月毕业于湖南大学,获分析化学专业博士学位。2013年7月起在广西师范大学化学与药学学院从 ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-林天然
林天然联系方式电子邮箱:tianranlin@163.com;tianran@gxnu.edu.cn办公地址:化学办公楼分析化学教研室410基本介绍林天然博士,2010年6月于福州大学化学基地班专业获理学学士学位;2010年7月至2012年8月在中化平原化工和万源冶金公司工作,2017年6月于福州大 ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王胜娥
王胜娥 [讲师]联系方式办公电话:手机号码:电子邮箱:wse-1978@163.com办公地址: ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-何思婧
联系方式办公电话:手机号码:电子邮箱:办公地址: ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-侯丽
丽[讲师]联系方式办公电话:手机号码:电子邮箱:houli@mailbox.gxnu.edu.cn办公地址:广西师范大学化学与药学学院分析化学教研室410基本介绍侯丽,2012年6月于重庆三峡学院化学与环境工程学院获理学学士学位;2017年6月于福州大学药物分析学专业获得医学博士学位;2017年6月 ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-梁宏
梁宏 [教授]联系方式办公电话:(0773)**或**电子邮箱:hliang@mailbox.gxnu.edu.cn简介梁宏,博士,教授。现任广西自治区科协副主席,省部共建药用资源化学与药物分子工程国家重点实验室/教育部重点实验室主任,广西师范大学博士生导师;曾任广西师范大学校长(2002-2017 ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-胡盛强
联系方式电子邮箱:zn_sqhu@163.com办公地址:广西师范大学化学与药学学院基本介绍博士,讲师,硕士生导师(分析化学学硕、生物与医药专硕)。2019年6月毕业于中南大学,获化学(分析化学方向)专业博士学位。2018年5月至2019年5月,获国家留学基金委资助赴加拿大UniversityofW ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13广西师范大学化学与药学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-梁福沛
梁福沛[教授]联系方式办公电话:手机号码:**电子邮箱:fliangoffice@yahoo.com办公地址:广西桂林育才路15号基本介绍梁福沛,博士,教授,博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,广西“新世纪十百千人才工程”第二层次人选。现任桂林理工大学党委常委、副校长。长期从事无机化学教学和科研 ...广西师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13