

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-13

姓名: 刘文芬
正高级 女 桂林电子科技大学 邮箱:liuwenfen@guet.edu.cn


主要从事概率统计在密码和数据分析中的应用研究。在密码学中的逻辑函数、可证明安全协议分析和网络安全、大数据安全性分析及隐私保护等方向取得了一系列研究成果。在《IEEE Tran. on Information Theroy》、《The ComputerJournal》、《软件学报》、《通信学报》等国内外重要学术期刊及会议上发表论文100余篇,其中被EI收录40余篇,SCI收录30余篇,申请技术发明专利5项(已授权4项),和他人合作出版专著4部。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,广西区基金项目1项。支持并完成国家973计划子课题、国防预研课题、中国密码发展基金和军队级其它科研课题多项。并作为副组长或骨干成员参与863项目和国家自然科学基金项目多项。


1984/09 -1988/07,解放军信息工程学院,信息研究系,本科生

2017 - 桂林电子科技大学, 教授




1. Wenfen Liu, Mao Ye, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Compressed Constrained Spectral Clustering Framework for Large-scale Data Sets. Knowledge Based Systems[J]. 2017, 135:77-88. (SCI 检索)
2. Wenfen Liu, Mao Ye, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Fast Constrained Spectral Clustering and Cluster Ensemble With Random Projection. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience[J]. 2017, Article ID **. (SCI 检索)
3. Wenfen Liu, Huifeng Sun. An Analysis of Resequencing Queue Size at Receiver on Multi-Path Transfers[C]// International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications. IEEE, 2011:1-4. (EI 检索)
4. 刘文芬, 魏江宏, 胡学先. 属性隐藏的基于谓词的认证密钥交换协议[J]. 通信学报, 2012(s1):41-47. (EI 检索)
5. 刘文芬, 代致永, 郜燕. 基于信任域的分布式动态信任管理模型[J]. 四川 大学学报:工程科学版, 2014, 46(4):61-66. (EI 检索)
6. Mao Ye, Wenfen Liu, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Fuzzy c-means and cluster ensemble with random projection for big data clustering[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016. (SCI 检索)
7. Yan Gao, Wenfen Liu. BeTrust: A Dynamic Trust Model Based on Bayesian Inference and Tsallis Entropy for Medical Sensor Networks[J]. Journal of Sensors, 2014(2):1-10. (SCI 检索)
8. Yan Gao, Zhiyong Dai, Wenfen Liu. Modeling Dynamic Trust and Risk Evaluation Based on High-Order Moments[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering , 2015(2):1-9. (SCI 检索)
9. Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu, Wenfen Liu. An improved authentication scheme for telecare medicine information systems[J]. Journal of medical systems, 2012, 36(6): 3597-3604. (SCI 检索)
10. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Robust Smart Card Authentication Scheme for Multi-server Architecture[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2014, 77(3):2255-2269. (SCI 检索)
11. Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu, Wenfen Liu. Traceable attribute‐based signcryption[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2014, 7(12): 2302-2317. (SCI 检索)
12. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Forward-secure threshold attribute-based signature scheme[J]. The Computer Journal, 2014, 58(10): 2492-2506. (SCI 检索)
13. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Secure and Efficient Attribute-Based Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, PP(99):1-12. (SCI 检索)
14. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Using Revocable Storage Identity-Based Encryption[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2016 (99). (SCI 检索)
15. Yan Gao, Wenfen Liu. A security routing model based on trust for medical sensor networks[C] IEEE International Conference on Communication Software and Networks. 2015:405-408. (EI 检索)
16. 叶茂, 刘文芬. 基于快速地标采样的大规模谱聚类算法[J]. 电子与信息 学报, 2017,39(2):278-284. (EI 检索)
17. 郜燕, 刘文芬. 基于隐 Markov 过程的网络信任评估模型[J]. 四川大学学 报:工程科学版, 2015, 47(3):101-107. (EI 检索)
18. Guangpu Gao, Wenfen Liu, Xiyong Zhang. The degree of balanced elementary symmetric Boolean functions of 4k+3 variables. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57(7): 4822-4825, 2011 [SCI检索] . SCI: 058,EI: 657
19. Guangpu Gao, Xiyong Zhang, Wenfen Liu and Claude Carlet. Constructions of quadratic and cubic rotation symmetric bent functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58(7): 4908-4913, 2012 [SCI检索 WOS: 053].
20. Guangpu Gao, Thomas W. Cusick and Wenfen Liu. Families of rotation symmetric functions with useful cryptographic properties, IET Information Security, 2014, 8(6): 297-302. [SCI检索].
21. Claude Carlet, Guangpu Gao and Wenfen Liu. A secondary construction and a transformation on rotation symmetric functions, and their action on bent and semi-bent functions. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2014, 9,127, 161-175, 2014[SCI检索].
22. Claude Carlet, Guangpu Gao and Wenfen Liu, Results on constructions of rotation symmetric bent and semi-bent functions, Sequences and their Applications 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 2014, 12, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8865, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2014: 21-33 .[ EI检索].
23. Gong, Xin, Guangpu Gao, and Wenfen Liu. On permutation polynomials of the form . International Journal of Computer Mathematics 93(10): 1715-1722, 2016[SCI检索].

24. Wenfen Liu, Mao Ye*, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Compressed Constrained Spectral Clustering Framework for Large-scale Data Sets. Knowledge-Based Systems[J]. 2017, 135:77-88.
25. Wenfen Liu, Mao Ye*, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Fast Constrained Spectral Clustering and Cluster Ensemble With Random Projection. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience[J]. 2017, Article ID **.
26. Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu, Wenfen Liu. Forward and backward secure fuzzy encryption for data sharing in cloud computing. Soft Computing[J], 2017: 1-10.
27. Zhonglei Lu , Wenfen Liu*, etc, An Effective Approach of Sentence Compression Based on "Re-read" Mechanism and Bayesian Combination Model,NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING AND CHINESE COMPUTING, NLPCC 2017,2017,129-140, 卷: 10619,页: 339-350 ,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73618-1_29 ,出版年: 2018
28. Li J,Wei JH, Liu WF*,et al. PMDP: A Framework for Preserving Multiparty Data Privacy in Cloud Computing, Security &Communication Networks[J]. 2017:1-14.
29. Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu, Wefnfen Liu. Two-factor Authentication Scheme Using Attribute and Password. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2017, 30(1).
30. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Forward-secure identity-based signaturewith efficient revocation. International journal of Computer Mathematics, 2017, 94(7): 1390-1411.
31. Liu, WF (Liu, Wenfen); Zhou, G (Zhou, Gang); Wei, JH* (Wei, Jianghong); Hu, XX (Hu, Xuexian); Kumari, S (Kumari, Saru),Security Enhanced and Cost-e?ective User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,Information Technology and Control,47(2): 275-294,2018.(SCI 检索009,IF:0.800,4区,被引2次,ESI期刊)
(刘文芬,周刚,魏江宏,胡学先, Saru Kumari. 无线传感器网络的安全增强和高性价比的用户认证方案. 信息技术与控制, 2018, 47(2): 275-294)
32. Wei, JH (Wei, Jianghong); Liu, WF* (Liu, Wenfen); Hu, XX (Hu, Xuexian),On the security and improvement of privacy-preserving 3-factor authentication scheme for TMIS,International Journal of Communication Systems,,卷: 31,期: 15,2018
33. 王彬宇,刘文芬*,胡学先,魏江宏,基于余弦距离选取初始簇中心的文本聚类研究,计算机工程与应用,54(10):11-18,2018。
34. Wang Bing-Yu, Liu Wen-Fen*, Lin Zi-Jie, Hu Xue-Xian, Wei Jiang-Hong, Liu Chun. Text clustering algorithm based on deep representation learning. The Journal of Engineering, 2018-10-15, 16(16):1407-1414.)
35. Zhang Meng-Li, Zhang Qi-Hui, Hu Xue-Xian, Liu Wen-Fen[2], A password cracking method based on structure partition and BiLSTM recurrent neural network//Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communication and Network Security. Tsingtao, China, 2018/11/02:79-83.
36. Zhang Yu-Xuan, Wei Jiang-Hong, Zhang Xiao-Jian, , Hu Xue-Xian, Liu Wen-Fen. A Two-Phase algorithm for generating synthetic graph under local differential privacy//Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communication and Network Security. Tsingtao, China, 2018/11/02,84-89.
37. 叶茂,刘文芬.一种适用于大规模数据的约束谱聚类框架[J].信息工程大学学报,2018,19(04):480-487.
38. Wei, Jianghong; Liu, Wenfen; Hu, Xuexian, Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Using Revocable-Storage Identity-Based Encryption, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 6(4): 1136-1148, 2018-10-01
39. Wei, JH (Wei, Jianghong)[ 1,2 ] ; Liu, WF (Liu, Wenfen)[ 1 ] ; Hu, XX (Hu, Xuexian) Secure and Efficient Attribute-Based Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage ,IEEE Systems Journal,12(2): 1731-1742, 2018-01-01
40. 鹿忠磊,刘文芬*,周艳芳,胡学先,王彬宇,一种基于“预读”及简单注意力机制的句子压缩方法,计算机应用研究, 2019-02-01,36(2):371-375。Vol36,No.2,Feb.2019
41. 张宇轩,魏江宏,李霁, 刘文芬*,胡学先,点差分隐私下图数据的度直方图发布方法,计算机研究与发展,56(3),508-520,2019-3-15.
42. 章梦礼,张启慧,刘文芬*,胡学先,魏江宏.一种基于结构划分及字符串重组的口令攻击方法[J].计算机学报, 42(04):913-928,2019-4-1.
43. Gao Guangpu, Lin Dongdai,Liu Wenfen,A Note on Rotation Symmetric S-boxes,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 32(5): 1460-1472,2019-10-01. DOI: 10.1007/s11424-019-7263-8 ,
44. Mengli Zhang, Qihui Zhang, Wenfen Liu*, Xuexian Hu and Jianghong Wei: TG-SPSR: A Systematic Targeted Password Attacking Model, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 13(5): 2674-2697,2019.05.31
45. Zhang, QH (Zhang, Qihui)[ 1 ] ; Chaudhary, P (Chaudhary, Pradeep)[ 2 ] ; Kumari, S (Kumari, Saru)[ 3 ] ; Kong, ZY (Kong, Zhiyin)[ 4 ] ; Liu, WF (Liu, Wenfen)[ 5 ],Verifier-based anonymous password-authenticated key exchange protocol in the standard model ,Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,16( 5): 3623-3640, 2019
46. Chun Liu, Xuexian Hu, Qihui Zhang, Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu: An Efficient Biometric Identification in Cloud Computing With Enhanced Privacy Security. IEEE Access vol. 7: 105363-105375(2019)
47. Mengli Zhang, Gang Zhou, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Saru Kumari, Xuexian Hu, Wenfen Liu: SPSR-FSPG: A Fast Simulative Password Set Generation Algorithm. IEEE Access 7: 155107-155119 (2019)
48. Wei, JH [1] ; Hu, XX [1] ; Liu, WF[2] ; Zhang, QH [1],Forward and backward secure fuzzy encryption for data sharing in cloud computing ,Soft Computing, 23(2): 497-506 2019-06-01,
49.Ji Li, , Jianghong Wei, Mao Ye, Wenfen Liu* , Xuexian Hu, Privacy preserving constrained spectral clustering algorithm for large-scale data sets,IET Inf. Secur., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 3, pp. 321-331
50. Qihui Zhang1, Wenfen Liu2*, Kang Yang3, Xuexian Hu1, and Ying Mei4Round-Efficient Anonymous Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol in the Standard Model. The 15th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt 2019) .
51. 张启慧, 胡学先, 刘文芬, 魏江宏,改进的三方口令验证元认证密钥交换协议. 软件学报. 2020年.
52. GuangpuGaoa,b,c,DongdaiLinb,WenfenLiud,YongjuanWanga,c,Composition of Boolean functions: An application to the secondary constructions of bent functions, Discrete Mathematics。


1、 密码学中的逻辑函数,中软电子出版公司,2003.01

1. 十一五国家密码发展基金项目,具有优良性能的密码学布尔函数构造,2007/01- 2010/12,10万元,主持。
2. 863目标导向类课题,2007AA01Z2A,快速自愈路由协议与试验系统, 2007.12-2009.12,40万,子课题负责人。
3. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目子课题,2008BAH37B02-2,新一代可信任互联网真实地址寻址关键技术,2008.01-2010.12,37万,子课题负责人。
4. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题,2009AA01Z417,面向新一代宽带无线移动通信网的密码算法和认证/密钥交换协议设计分析,2009/01-2009/12,96万元,副组长。
5. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)课题,2012CB315905,可重构基础网络的安全和管控机理与结构,2012/01-2016/12,108万元,子课题负责人。
6. 重点实验室开放课题,SKLNST-2013-1-06,具有优良密码学性质的旋转对称布尔函数的构造,2013.10-2015.10,5万,主持
7. 国防预研项目,统计方法在大数据分析中的应用研究,2014.12-2017.12,20万,主持
8. 国家自然学科学基金项目,**,网关口令认证密钥交换协议的模型与设计研究,2014/01-2017/12,75万元,副组长。
9. 国家自然学科学基金项目,**,面向隐私保护的口令认证和密钥交换协议研究,2016/01-2018/12,21万元,副组长。
10. 桂林电子科技大学科研启动基金,隐私保护下的大数据分析关键技术研究,2017.12-2012.12,40万,主持
11. 国家自然科学基金项目,**,差分隐私约束下的图数据发布机制与挖掘算法研究,2019/01-2022/12,38万元。
12. 广西地区自然科学基金项目,2018GXNSFAA138116,面向大数据的谱聚类算法及其在异常检测中的应用研究,2018/07-2021/07,12万元,负责人。

13.广西重点实验室开放课题项目,GCIS201704, 健康医疗大数据安全共享关键技术研究, 2017/11-2019/12,3万


1. 刘文芬, 胡学先, 魏江宏, 郜燕, 代致永. (2014). 面向可重构服务承载网的安全管控模型建立方法. CN. ZL 1.7. 发明专利.
2. 刘文芬, 张建辉, 王伟, 程东年, 胡学先,魏江宏. (2011). 域间路由系统中自治系统间信任关系的建立和维护方法. CN. ZL 3.7. 发明专利.
3. 兰巨龙,杨琴,刘文芬,胡学先,陈庶樵,张风雨,曹敏.(2006)网络拓扑模型生成方法和系统. CN. ZL 6.6. 发明专利.


E-mail: liuwenfen@guet.edu.cn


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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13
  • 桂林电子科技大学导师教师师资介绍简介-史卓
    姓名:史卓副高级男艺术与设计学院、计算机与信息安全学院邮箱:shzh@guet.edu.cn研究领域数字化艺术设计;可视化;人工智能;个人简介男,1978年出生,中山大学工学博士毕业,导师为国家****基金获得者罗笑南教授,华南理工大学出站博士后,香港科技大学、美国新泽西理工学院访问****,入选第 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-13