
桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-阮贵华 研究员

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-13

主要完成人: 广西自然科学基金创新团队项目(在研);
主持:国家自然科学基金**(结题) ;
1. Yipeng Huang,Wenjuan Zhang,Guihua Ruan*,Xianxian Li,Yongzheng Cong,Fuyou Du,Jianping Li. Reduced Graphene Oxide-Hybridized Polymeric High-Internal Phase Emulsions for Highly Efficient Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Water Matrix. Langmuir, 2018, 34, 3661-3668.
2. Yipeng Huang,Guihua Ruan*, Yuji Ruan,Wenjuan Zhang,Xianxian Li,Fuyou Du, Cunjie Hu, Jianping Li. Hypercrosslinked porous polymers hybridized with graphene oxide for water treatment: dye adsorption and degradation. RSC Advances,2018, 8: 13417-13422.
3. Zhenfang Cheng, Fuyou Du*, Qun Qin, Lingshun Sun, Qiulian Zeng, Guihua Ruan*, Jianping Li. Graphene oxide composites for magnetic solid-phase extraction of trace cytokinins in plant samples followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 2018, 41: 2386-2392.
4. Qiulian Zeng, Yuji Ruan, Lingshun Sun, Fuyou Du*,Lin Guo, Zhenfang Cheng, Guihua Ruan*, Jianping Li. Development of Graphene Oxide Functionalized Cotton Fiber Based Solid Phase Extraction Combined with Liquid Chromatography-Fluorescence Detection for Determination of Trace Auxins in Plant Samples. Chromatographia, 2018, 81:861-869.
5. X Su, D Fang, Y Liu, G Ruan, J Seuntjens, JM Kinsella, SD Tran*. Lyophilized bone marrow cell extract functionally restores irradiation-injured salivary glands. Oral Diseases. 2018;24: 202–206.
6. Yipeng Huang , Guihua Ruan *, Zhijun Qin , Haiyun Li *, Yanjie Zheng , Antioxidant activity measurement and potential antioxidant peptides exploration from hydrolysates of novel continuous microwave-assisted enzymolysis of the Scomberomorus niphonius protein. Food Chemistry,2017,223:89-95
7. Rihui Su, Guihua Ruan*, Honggang Nie, Ting Xie, Yanjie Zheng, Fuyou Du*, Jianping Li. Development of high internal phase emulsion polymeric monoliths for highly efficient enrichment of trace aromatic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from large-volume water samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2015, 1405: 23-31
8. Yipeng Huang, Zhenwei Wu, Rihui Su, Guihua Ruan*, Fuyou Du, Gongke Li*. Current application of chemometrics in traditional Chinese herbal medicine research. Journal of Chromatography B, 2016, 1026:27-35
9. Guihua Ruan*, Zhenwei Wu, Yipeng Huang, Meiping Wei, Rihui Su, Fuyou Du. A easily regenerable enzyme reactor prepared from polymerized high internal phase emulsions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016,473: 54-60.
10 Rihui Su, Guihua Ruan*, Zhengyi Chen, Fuyou Du, Jianping Li. Application of mercapto-silica PolyHIPE for solid phase extraction and preconcentration of trace lead (II),Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38: 4262-4268.
11. Fuyou Du*, Xian Zheng, Lin Sun, Qun Qin, Lin Guo, Guihua Ruan*. Development and validation of polymerized high internal phase emulsion monoliths coupled with HPLC and fluorescence detection for the determination of trace tetracycline antibiotics in environmental water samples. Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38: 3774-3780.
12. Fuyou Du*, Lin Sun, Xian Zhen, Honggang Nie, Yanjie Zheng, Guihua Ruan*, Jianping Li, Highinternalphaseemulsionpolymericmonolithcoupledtoliquidchromatography–electrosprayta-ndemmassspectrometryforenrichmentandsensitivedetectionoftracecytokininsinplantsamples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015,407(20): 6071-6079.
13. Guihua Ruan*,Meiping Wei, Zhengyi Chen, Rihui Su, Fuyou Du, Yanjie Zheng. Novel regenerative large-volume immobilized enzyme reactor: preparation, characterization and application, Journal of chromatography B, 2014, 967:13-20
14. Zhengyi Chen, Yongle Li, Shuhai Lin, Meiping Wei, Fuyou Du, Guihua Ruan*, Development of continuous microwave-assisted protein digestion with immobilized enzyme, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2014, 445:491-496.
15 Guihua Ruan*, Zhengyi Chen, Meiping Wei, Yuhua Liu, Haiyun Li, Fuyou Du, The study on microwave assisted enzymatic digestion of ginkgo protein, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2013, 94, 23-28,。
16. Yanjie Zheng, Guihua Ruan, Bifang Li, Cen Xiong, Sujuam Chen, Meizhong Luo, Yongle Li, Fuyou Du. Multicomposition analysis and pattern recognition of Chinese geographical indication product: vinegar, European Food Research and Technology, 2014, 238:337-344.
17. 苏日辉,阮贵华*,曾令镇,陈正毅,杜甫佑。超声辅助分散乳液微萃取/高效液相色谱法同时测定辣椒粉中的5种染色剂. 分析测试学报,2015,34(5):546-551.

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