徐当会 副教授2007年6月,兰州大学生命科学学院,博士毕业
所在部门: 理论生态研究所
办公室: 逸夫生物楼718
电子邮件: dhxu@
学习经历1995年9月-1999年7月,甘肃农业大学林学院, 攻读学士学位;
2008年5月-2010年11月,中国科学院西北生态资源环境研究院, 博士后;
2010年5月- 现在, 兰州大学草地农业生态系统重点实验室,副教授。
研究方向植物逆境生理生态学, 植物化学计量学
项目成果参加973项目“西部典型区域森林植被对农业生态环境的调控机理”的第五课题“生态用水与森林植被定向恢复调控” (2002CB111505)2003-2008
发表论文及专著Xu Danghui*, Xiaogang Gao, Tianpeng Gao, Jing Mou, Jinhua Li, Haiyan Bu, Renyi Zhang, Qiuxia Li. 2018. Interactive effects of nitrogen and silicon addition on growth of five common plant species and structure of plant community in alpine meadow. Catena. 169: 80–89.
Li JinHua, Hou YiLin, Zhang SenXi , Li WenJin, Xu DangHui, Knops JMH, Shi XiaoMing. 2018. Fertilization with nitrogen and/or phosphorus lowers soil organic carbon sequestration in alpine meadows. Land Degradation and Development. 29:1634–1641.
Xu Danghui*, Wang Wenying, Gao Tianpeng, Fang Xiangwen, Gao Xiaogang,Li Jinhua,Bu Haiyan,Mu Jing. 2017. Calcium alleviates decreases in photosynthesis under salt stress by enhancing antioxidant metabolism and adjusting solute accumulation in Calligonum mongolicum. Conservation physiology. 3 (1): cov060.
Bu Haiyan, Wang Xuejing, Zhou Xianhui, Qi Wei, Liu Kun, Ge Wenjing, Xu Danghui, Zhang Shiting. 2017. The ecological and evolutionary significance of seed shape and volume for the germination of 383 species on the eastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Folia Geobot, 1(1):19.
Fang Xiangwen*, Zhang JuanJuan, Xu Danghui, Pang Jiauin, Gao Tianpeng, Zhang Chunhui, Li Fengming, Turner Neil C. 2017. Seed germination of Caragana species from different regions is strongly driven by environmental cues and not phylogenetic signals. Scientific Report, 7:111.
Zhang Renyi*, Shi Xioaming, Li Wenjin, Xu Danghui, Responses of plant functional groups to natural nitrogen fertility on an alpine grassland in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Russian Journal of Ecology. 47(6):532539.
Li Jinhua*, Zhang Ji, Li Wenjin, Xu Danghui, Knops Johannes M H, Du Guozhen. 2016. Plant functional groups, grasses versus forbs, differ in their impact on soil carbon dynamics with nitrogen fertilization. European Journal of Soil Biology. 75:7987.
Li Honglin, Yu Kailiang, Ratajczak Zak, Nippert Jesse B, Tondrob Dorjeeh, Xu Danghui, Li Wei, Du Guozhen. 2016. When variability outperforms the mean: trait plasticity predicts plant cover and biomass in an alpine wetland. Plant and Soil. 407(1-2):401415.
Bu Haiyan, Ge Wenjing, Zhou Xianhui, Qi Wei, Liu Kun, Xu Danghui, Wang Xuejing, Du Guozhen. 2016. The effect of light and seed mass on seed germination of common herbaceous species from the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Plant Species Biology, 17.
Xu Danghui*, Fang Xiangwen, Zhang Renyi, Gao Tianpeng, Bu Haiyan, Du Gguozhen. 2015. Influences of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon addition on plant productivity and species richness in an alpine meadow. AoB Plants.7:plv125.
Xu Danghui*, Li Honglin, Fang Xiangwen, Li Jinhua, Bu Haiyan, Zhang Wenpeng, Wang Jingjing, Si Xiaolin. 2015. Responses of plant community composition and eco-physiological characteristics of dominant species to different soil hydrologic regimes in alpine marsh wetlands on Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China. Wetlands. 35: 381–390.
Li Honglin, Nicotra A, Xu Danghui, Du Guozhen. 2015. Habitat-specific responses of leaf traits to soil water conditions in species from a novel alpine swamp meadow community. Conservation physiology. 3 (1): cov046.
Fang Xiangwen, Turner NC, Xu Danghui, Jin Ye, He J, Li Fengmin. 2013. Limits to the height growth of Caragana korshinskii resprouts. Tree Physiology. 33:275–284.
Xu Danghui*, Fang Xiangwen, Su Peixi, Wang Gang. 2012. Ecophysiological responses of Caragana korshinskii Kom. under extreme drought stress: Leaf abscission and stem survives. Photosynthetica. 50 (4): 541–548.
Xu Danghui*, Fang Xiangwen, Bin Zhenjun, Wang Gang, Su Peixi. 2012. Eco-physiological mechanisms of Caragana korshinskii Kom. adaptation to extreme drought stress: Leaf abscission and maintaining stem chloroplast integrity. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions. 4(6):0498–0504.
Miller WB, Mattson NS, Xie Xiaorong, Xu Danghui, Currey CJ, Clemens KL, Lopez RG, Olrich M, Runkle ES. 2012. Ethephon substrate drenches inhibit stem extension of floriculture crops. HortScience. 47(9):1312–1319.
Xu Danghui*, Su Peixi, Zhang Renyi, Li Honglin, Zhao Liang, Wang Gang. 2010. Photosynthetic parameters and carbon reserves of a resurrection plant Reaumuria soongorica during dehydration and rehydration. Plant Growth Regulation. 60:183–190.
Xu Danghui*, Li Jinhua, Fang Xiangwen, Wang Gang, Su PX. 2008. Photosynthetic activity of poikilochlorophyllous desiccation tolerant plant Reaumuria soongorica during dehydration and re-hydration. Photosynthetica. 46(4):547–551.
Xu Danghui, Li Jinhua, Fang Xiangwen, Wang Gang. 2007. Changes pattern of soil water content in the rhizosphere of Artemisis ordosica: evidence for hydraulic lift. Journal of Arid Environments. 69: 545–553.
Xu Danghui, Bai Juan, Wang Gang. 2008. Changes of Photosynthetic Activity and Carbohydrate Content in Resurrection Plant Caragana korshinskii during Dehydration and Rehydration. Plant Stress. 2(1): 45–49.
Li Jinhua, Xu Danghui, Wang Gang. 2008. Weed inhibition by sowing legume species in early succession of abandoned fields on Loess Plateau, China. Acta Oecologica. 33(1):10–14.
Bai Juan, Xu Danghui, Kang Hongmei, Cheng Kang, Wang Gang. 2008. Photoprotective function of photorespiration in Reaumuria soongorica during different levels of drought stress in natural high irradiance. Photosynthetica. 46 (2): 232
Fang Xiangwen, Li Jinhua, Xiong Youcai, Xu Danghui, Fan Xiangwen, Li Fengmin. 2008. Responses of Caragana korshinskii Kom. to shoot removal: mechanisms underlying regrowth Ecology Research. 23: 863–871.
Fang Xiangwen, Li Youbin, Xu Danghui, Yang Xxiaoming, Wang Gang. 2007. Activities of starch hydrolytic enzymes and starch mobilization in roots of Caragana korshinskii following aboveground partial shoot removal. Tree. 21:93–100.
王文银,高小刚,司晓林,徐当会*. 2017. 外源钙盐对盐胁迫下沙拐枣渗透调节和膜脂过氧化的影响. 环境科学研究, 8(15) :1230–1237.
夏玉斌, 卜海燕, 葛文静, 张雁明, 赵迪, 徐当会, 刘坤, 齐威. 2017. 椭圆叶花锚种子内源激素对储藏的响应及其与种子萌发的关系. 生态学杂志, 7(10): 2768– 2776.
王文银,高小刚,牟静,高天鹏,徐当会*. 2017. 盐胁迫对沙拐枣光合生理特性的影响. 西北植物学报, 9(15) : 1805– 1812.
马冰,卜海燕,葛文静,王学经,杨慧仙,夏玉斌,徐当会,刘伟. 2016. 生境和降温对高寒草甸6种优势禾本科植物幼苗生长和生物量分配的影响. 生态学杂志, 35(11): 2912–2917.
王学经,卜海燕,周显辉,徐当会,刘伟,齐威,葛文静. 2016. 青藏高原东缘高寒草甸常见植物种子形状对萌发的影响. 植物科学学报,391–396.
杨慧仙,卜海燕,葛文静,王学经,徐当会,夏玉斌,马冰,王顺霞. 2016. 海拔对青藏高原东北缘高寒草甸常见植物种子中主要营养成分含量的影响. 生态学杂志, 2299–2312.
司晓林, 王文银, 高小刚, 徐当会*. 2016. 氮硅添加对高寒草甸垂穗披碱草叶片全氮含量及净光合速率的影响. 植物生态学报. 40(12): 1238–1244.
张文鹏, 司晓林, 王文银, 高天鹏, 徐当会*. 2016. 氮硅添加对高寒草甸生物量和多样性的影响——以青藏高原为例. 草业科学. 33(1): 38–45.
王静静, 张文鹏, 徐当会*. 2015. NaCl 胁迫下钙对沙拐枣株高及光合特征的影响. 中国沙漠. 35(1):167–174.
宾振钧, 张仁懿, 张文鹏, 徐当会*. 2015. 氮磷硅添加对青藏高原高寒草甸垂穗披碱草叶片碳氮磷的影响. 生态学报. 35(14):4699–4706.
宾振钧, 王静静, 张文鹏, 徐当会*, 程雪寒, 李柯杰, 曹德昊. 2014. 氮肥添加对青藏高原高寒草甸6个群落优势种生态化学计量学特征的影响. 植物生态学报. 38(3): 231–237.
张仁懿, 徐当会, 杨智永, 杨莹博, 王刚. 2014. 植物N:P化学计量特征对亚高寒草甸限制类型的指示作用研究. 中国草地学报. 36(3):79–83.
张仁懿, 徐当会, 陈凌云, 王刚. 2014. 基于N:P化学计量特征的高寒草甸植物养分状况研究. 环境科学. 35(3): 1131–1136.
徐当会*, 王军平, 张仁懿, 任正炜, 王刚, 王春燕. 2013. 干旱和复水过程中荒漠植物红砂叶片和枝条超微结构的变化. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 49(1):70–75.
徐当会*, 方向文, 宾振钧, 王刚,苏培玺. 2012. 柠条适应极端干旱的生理生态机制--叶片脱落和枝条中叶绿体保持完整性. 中国沙漠. 32(3):691–697.
李宏林, 徐当会, 杜国祯. 2012. 青藏高原高寒沼泽湿地在退化梯度上植物群落组成的改变对湿地水分状况的影响. 植物生态学报. 36(5):403–410.