本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15
学术兼职:New Journal of Physics, Journal of Physics B, Optics Communications, IEEE Photonics Journal, Chinese Physics B, Chinese Physics Letters, Laser Physics Letters, Optical and Quantum Electronics等学术期刊的审稿人。
2020年获Chinese Physics B杰出审稿人(2019年度)
目前主要从事飞秒强激光与原子、分子和固体相互作用的研究,包括高次谐波的产生及其应用,阈上电离和阿秒物理等。以第一作者或通讯作者在Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, J. Chem. Phys., Phys. Rev. A/B等国际权威刊物上发表SCI学术论文30多篇, SCI引用500多次,其中包括Nature Photonics, Physics Reports, Physical Review Letters等高影响因子期刊的引用。
3.主持兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目《高重复率孤立阿秒脉冲产生的研究》(lzujbky-2016-29, 已结)。
[1] Shan Xue, Shengjun Yue, Hongchuan Du*, Bitao Hu, and Anh-Thu Le*, Vibronic coherence and quantum beats of O2+based on laser pump-probe dissociation dynamics, Physical Review A 104, 013101 (2021).
[2] Shengjun Yue, Simon Brennecke, Hongchuan Du*, and Manfred Lein*, Probing dynamical symmetries by bicircular high-order harmonic spectroscopy beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Physical Review A 101,053438 (2020).
[3] Silin Fu, Yongkang Feng, Jinbin Li, Shengjun Yue, Xiao Zhang, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*,Recollision dynamics analysis of high-order harmonic generation in solids, Physical Review A 101, 023402 (2020).
[4] Jinbin Li, Xiao Zhang, Silin Fu, Yongkang Feng, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, Phase invariance of the semiconductor Bloch equations, Physical Review A 100, 043404 (2019).
[5] Huiqiao Wang, Yongkang Feng, Silin Fu, Jinbin Li, Xiao Zhang, and Hongchuan Du*, Complex carrier-envelope phase effect of solid harmonics under nonadiabatic condition, Physical Review A 99, 023406 (2019).
[6] Xiao Zhang, Jinbin Li, Zongsheng Zhou, Hongchuan Du*, Libin Fu, and Honggang Luo*, Ellipticity dependence transition induced by dynamical Bloch oscillations, Physical Review B 99, 014304 (2019).[7] Jinbin Li, Silin Fu, Huiqiao Wang, Xiao Zhang, Baowei Ding, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, Limitations of the single-active-electron approximation in quantum simulations of solid high-order harmonic generation, Physical Review A 98, 043409 (2018).
[8] Shengjun Yue, Silin Fu, Jinbin Li, Xiao Zhang, Yongkang Feng, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, A redshift mechanism of high-order harmonics: Chang of Ionization Energy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 234304 (2018).
[9] Shan Xue, Hongchuan Du*, Bitao Hu, Chii-Dong Lin, and Anh-Thu Le*, Following coherent mulichannel nuclear wave packets in pump-probe studies of O2 with ultrashort laser pulses, Physical Review A, 97, 043409 (2018).
[10] Hongmei Wu, Shengjun Yue, Jinbin Li, Silin Fu, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, Controlling nonadiabatic spectral redshift of high-order harmonic using two orthogonally polarized laser fields, Chinese Optics Letters, 16, 040203 (2018).
[11] Shengjun Yue, Hongchuan Du*, Hongmei Wu, Jinbin Li, Shengwei Yue, and Bitao Hu, Process of selection rules in high-order harmonic generation, Journal of atomic and molecular sciences, 5, 10-17 (2017).
[12] Shengjun Yue, Hongchuan Du*, Hongmei Wu, Jinbin Li, and Bitao Hu, Wavelength dependence of high-harmonic yield in stretched molecules, Chemical Physics, 494, 56-60 (2017).
[13] Jinbin Li, Xiao Zhang, Shengjun Yue, Hongmei Wu, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, Enhancement of the second plateau in solid high-order harmonic spectra by the two-color fields, Optics Express, 25, 18603 (2017).
[14] Shengjun Yue, Hongchuan Du*, Hongmei Wu, Shan Xue, Jiachen Zhao, and Bitao Hu, Theoretical study of the odd-even-order harmonic generation generation for asymmetric ions in non-Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Chinese Physics B, 26, 074215 (2017).
[15] Hongchuan Du*, Jinbin Li, Huiqiao Wang, Shengjun Yue, Hongmei Wu, and Bitao Hu, Enhancing subcycle interference of photoelectron with a linearly polarized two-color field, Physics Letters A, 381, 1563 (2017).
[16] Shan Xue, Hongchuan Du*, Shengjun Yue, Hongmei Wu, and Bitao Hu, Wavelength dependence of electron localization of H2+ and its isotopomers in the UV-pump-probe scheme, Chinese Physics B, 26, 058201 (2017).
[17] Hongchuan Du*, Shengjun Yue, Huiqiao Wang, Hongmei Wu, and Bitao Hu, Reexaming the high-order harmonic generation of HD molecule in non-Born-Oppenheimer approximation, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, 114308 (2016).
[18] Hongchuan Du*, Hongmei Wu, Huiqiao Wang, Shengjun Yue, and Bitao Hu, Theoretical scheme for simultaneously observing forward-backward photoelectron holography, Optics Letters, 41, 697-700 (2016).
[19] Hongchuan Du*, Shan Xue, Huiqiao Wang, Zhilei Zhang, and Bitao Hu, Nonadiabatic spectral redshift of high-order harmonics with the help of a VUV pulse, Physical Review A, 91, 063844 (2015).
[20] Shan Xue, Hongchuan Du,* Yue Xia, and Bitao Hu, Effects of nuclear motion on the ionization-induced terahertz radiation of H2+ in intense few-cycle laser pulses, Physical Review A, 92, 013420 (2015).
[21] Hongchuan Du*, Shan Xue, Huiqiao Wang, Yizhen Wen, and Bitao Hu, Generating elliptically polarized isolated attosecond pulses from the 2p0 state of He+ with a linearly polarized two-color field, Opt. Communications, 338, 422(2015).
[22] Shan Xue, Hongchuan Du,* Yue Xia, and Bitao Hu, Generation of isolated attosecond pulses in bowtie-shaped nanostructure with three-color spatially inhomogeneous fields, Chinese Physics B, 24, 054210(2015).
[23] Hongchuan Du*, Shan Xue, Huiqiao Wang, Yizhen Wen, and Bitao Hu, Wavelength scaling of high-order harmonic yield from a Rydberg atom in few-cycle pulse, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 31, 1621 (2014).
[24] Hongchuan Du, Yizhen Wen, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Role of excited states in the elliptically polarized harmonic generation, Chinese Physics B, 23, 033202(2014).
[25] Hongchuan Du*, Yizhen Wen, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Intense supercontinuum generation exceeding 300eV using a two-color field in combination with a 400-nm few-cycle control pulse, Optics Express, 21, 21337 (2013).
[26] Hongchuan Du, Laoyong Luo, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Isolated attosecond pulse generation combining propagation effects and a modulated chirped polarization gating technique, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56, 888-895 (2013).
[27] Hongchuan Du, Laoyong Luo, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Attosecond ionization control for broadband supercontinuum generation using a weak 400-nm few-cycle controlling pulse, Optics Express, 20, 27226 (2012).
[28] Hongchuan Du, Laoyong Luo, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Generating isolated elliptically polarized attosecond pulses from oriented CO gas medium using linearly polarized driving pulses, Physical Review A, 86, 013846 (2012).
[29] Hongchuan Du, Laoyong Luo, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Isolated attosecond pulse generation from pre-excited medium with a chirped and chirped-free two-color field, Optics Express, 20, 9713 (2012).
[30] Hongchuan Du, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Broadband isolated attosecond pulse generation in a two-color laser field combined with an orthogonally polarized laser pulse, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55, 1-6(2012).
[31] Hongchuan Du, and Bitao Hu, Propagation effects of isolated attosecond pulse generation with a multicycle chirped and chirped-free two-color field, Physical Review A, 84, 023817 (2011).
[32] Hongchuan Du, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Broadband water window supercontinuum generation with a ω+3ω/2 multicycle two-colour pulse, Chinese Physics B, 20, 084206 (2011)
[33] Hongchuan Du, Huiqiao Wang, and Bitao Hu, Supercontinuous high harmonic generation from asymmetric molecules in the presence of a terahertz field, Chinese Physics B, 20, 044207 (2011).
[34] Hongchuan Du, and Bitao Hu, Broadband supercontinuum generation method combining mid-infrared chirped-pulse modulation and generalized polarization gating, Optics Express, 18, 25958 (2010).
[35] Hongchuan Du, Huiqiao Wang and Bitao Hu, Isolated short attosecond pulse generated using a two-color laser and a high-order pulse, Physical Review A, 81, 063813 (2010).
[36] Hongchuan Du, Huiqiao Wang, Zuoye. Liu, Shaohua Sun, Lu Li, Linlin Ma, and Bitao Hu, Interaction of intense laser pulses with hydrogen atomic clusters, Chinese Physics B, 19, 035202 (2010).
[37] Hongchuan Du, Pengjia Zhu, Shaohua Sun, Zuoye. Liu, Lu Li, Linlin Ma, and Bitao Hu, Dynamics simulation on the interaction of intense laser pulses with atomic clusters, Chinese Physics B, 18, 2426 (2009).
2. 部分其他作者论文:
[38] Laoyong Luo, Hongchuan Du, and Bitao Hu, High-order harmonic generation with a two-color laser pulse, Chinese Physics B, 21, 033202 (2012).
[39] Xiaoshan Wang, Hongchuan Du, and Bitao Hu, Electron acceleration in vacuum with two overlapping linearly polarized laser pulses, Laser and Particle Beams, 30, 421-425 (2012).
[40] Xiaoshan Wang, Hongchuan Du, Laoyong Luo, and Bitao Hu, Significant discrepancy between the ionization time for parallel and anti-parallel electron emission in sequential double ionization, Chinese Physics B, 22, 093201 (2013).
2018级:李金斌(2017年获国家奖学金, 2020年国家奖学金,2017年三好研究生)
2015级:薛山(与胡碧涛老师合带, 美国堪萨斯州立大学C.-D. Lin组联培)(2015年获国家奖学金)
2017级:岳生俊(2016年获国家奖学金,2016,2017年三好研究生)Leibniz Universität Hannover的M. Lein课题组联培
2018级:冯永康 (2021年甘肃省优秀毕业生)
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职称:教授/博士生导师职务:兰州大学核科学与技术学院核能与核技术研究所常务副所长电子邮件:ligp@lzu.edu.cn办公电话:研究方向:①射线与物质相互作用及效应;②射线成像及无损检测物理及技术;③离子源、X射线源物理及技术;④中子物理及技术。 ...兰州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-15兰州大学核科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李东仓
一、基本情况李东仓,男,1968年5月出生于甘肃天水,现为兰州大学核科学与技术学院教授,硕士生导师。二、主要学习工作经历1987年9月至1991年6月,在兰州大学核物理专业学习,获理学学士学位。1997年9月至1999年6月,在兰州大学通信与信息系统专业学习,获工学硕士学位。2003年9月至2007 ...兰州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-15兰州大学核科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李玉红
李玉红,兰州大学核科学与技术学院教授,博士生导师,甘肃省高层次专业技术人才。电子邮件:liyuhong@lzu.edu.cn研究方向:核材料、离子束与材料相互作用、高放射性核废物固化主要学习、工作简历兰州大学物理系获学士、硕士、博士学位,中国科学院近代物理研究所博士后,美国LosAlamosNati ...兰州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-15兰州大学核科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李培荣(青年研究员)
一、基本情况李培荣,男,1989年11月出生于山东德州,现为兰州大学核科学与技术学院青年研究员,博士生导师。课题组长期招收研究生开展研究工作,同时非常欢迎本科生同学提前参与前沿课题。主要参加BESIII国际高能物理实验,从事实验数据分析工作,待遇优厚,欢迎各位同学联系。二、主要学习工作经历2007年 ...兰州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-15