

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

职 称:副教授/硕导
1. 甘肃省科技重大专项计划项目,课题二:白龙江流域滑坡、泥石流临灾预警研究,2020/01-2022/12,在研,主持。
2. 国家科技部重点研发计划子课题,2017YFC**,强震区地质灾害链预测评价,2018/01-2021/12,在研,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,**,降雨入渗诱发黄土斜坡变形破坏过程的水分时空动态研究,2018/01-2020/12,在研,主持。
4. 中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心委托项目,[2019]053,基于InSAR西安地面沉降地裂缝监测,2019/06-2019/12,在研,主持。
5. 国家重点实验室开放基金,SKLGP2017K009,基于时移电阻层析成像技术的降雨型堆积层滑坡启动水文地质先兆研究,2016/12-2018/12,在研,主持。
1. Guan Chen, Xingmin Meng*, Liang Qiao, Yi Zhang, Siyuan Wang. Response of a loess landslide to rainfall: observations from a field artificial rainfall experiment in BailongRiver Basin, China. Landslides, 2018, 15:895–911. (SCI-2, Top)
2. Chen G, Zhang Y, Zeng R, Yang Z, Chen X, Zhao F, Meng X*. Detection of land subsidenceassociated with land creation and rapid urbanization in the Chinese LoessPlateau using time series InSAR: A case study of Lanzhou New District. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(2), 270. (SCI-2)
3. Zhang Y, Meng X*, Jordan C, Novellino A,Dijkstra T, Chen G. Investigatingslow-moving landslides in the Zhouqu region of China using InSAR time series.Landslides, 2018(5):1-17. (SCI-2, Top)
4. Xie Z, Chen G*, Meng X, Zhang Y, Qiao L and Tan L. A comparative studyof landslide susceptibility mapping using weight of evidence, logisticregression and support vector machine and evaluated by SBAS-InSAR monitoring:Zhouqu to Wudu segment in Bailong River Basin, China. Environmental EarthSciences, 2017, 76(8): 313. (SCI-4)
5. Wang S, Meng X*, Chen G, Guo P, Xiong M and ZengREffects of vegetation on debris flowmitigation: A case study from Gansu Province, China. Geomorphology, 2017,282: 64-73. (SCI-2)
6. Liang Q, Meng XM*, Guan G, Yi Z, Peng G, Zeng RQ andYa-Jun LI. Effect of rainfall on a colluvial landslide in a debris flowvalley. Journal of Mountain Science, 2017, 14: 1113-1123. (SCI-4)
7. Zhang B*, Wang Z, Chen G. A Sensitivity Study ofApplying a Two‐SourcePotential Evapotranspiration Model in the Standardized PrecipitationEvapotranspiration Index for Drought Monitoring. Land Degradation &Development, 2017, 28(2). (SCI-1, Top)
8. Zhang Y, Meng X*, Chen G, Qiao L, Zeng R Q and Chang J. Detection of geohazards in the Bailong River Basin using synthetic aperture radar interferometry. Landslides, 2016, 13 (5): 1273-1284.(SCI-2,Top)
9.Zeng R Q, Meng X M, Zhang F Y, Wang S Y, Cui Z J, Zhang M S, Zhang Y and Chen G (2016) Characterizinghydrological processes on loess slopes using Electrical ResistivityTomography – A case study of the Heifangtai terrace, Northwest China. Journalof hydrology 541 :742-753. (SCI-2,Top)
10. Xiong M Q, Meng X M*, Wang S Y, Guo P, Li Y J, Chen G, Qing F, Cui Z J, Zhao Y.Effectiveness of debris flow mitigation strategies in mountainous region.Progress in Physical Geography, 2016, 40:1-6. (SCI-2)
11. Xue Y T , Meng X M*, Wasowsk J, Chen G, Li K, Guo P, Bovenga F, ZengR Q. Spatial analysis of surface deformation distribution detected bypersistent scatterer interferometry in Lanzhou Region, China. EnvironmentalEarth Sciences, 2016, 75(1):1-12. (SCI-4)
12. Guo P, Meng X M*, Li Y J, Chen G, Zeng R Q, Qiao L. Effect oflarge dams and irrigation in the upper reaches of the Yellow River of China,and the geohazards burden. Proceedings of the Geologists Association, 2015,126(3): 367-376.
13. Guan Chen, Xingmin Meng*, Long Tan, FanyuZhang, Liang Qiao. Comparison and combination of different models for optimallandslide susceptibility zonation, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geologyand Hydrogeology, 2014, 47(4):283~306. (SCI-4)
14. 杨仲康,陈冠*,陈玺,等. 缓倾黄土滑坡稳定性分析及阈值研究-以廖集村滑坡为例. 兰州大学学报(自科版),2019,55(1):79-91.
15. 杨仲康,陈冠*,孟兴民,陈玺,张毅,王思源,基于现场渗透试验的黄土滑坡体入渗特性分析,兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 53(3):285-291.
16. 陈冠,孟兴民*,乔良,谭龙,郭富赟,张永军,“7? 22”岷县漳县地震地质灾害分布,特征及与影响因子间关系分析,工程地质学报,2013,21(5):750~760.
17. 孟兴民,陈冠*,郭鹏,熊木齐,Janusz Wasowski,白龙江流域滑坡泥石流灾害研究进展与展望,海洋地质与第四纪地质,2013,33(4):1~15.
18. 陈冠,孟兴民*,郭鹏,李亚军,曾润强,乔良,白龙江流域基于GIS与信息量模型的滑坡危险性等级区划,兰州大学学报:自然科学版,2011,47(6):1~6.

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