

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

招生专业: 凝聚态物理
张森富,男,2011年本科毕业于兰州大学。2016年在兰州大学获理学博士学位。2014年9月到2015年9月在新加坡南洋理工大学做联合培养博士研究生。2016年11月至2020年11月在沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学做博士后。2021年3月加入兰州大学物理科学与技术学院。在Science Advances, Nature Communications,Advanced Materials,Communications physics,ACS Nano和Applied physics Letters等高水平期刊上发表论文38篇。
磁斯格明子等磁畴结构动力学的实验研究与微磁学模拟;自旋电子学; 磁学
[37] D.X. Zheng, Y.W. Fang, S.F. Zhang, P. Li, Y. Wen, B. Fang, X. He, Y. Li, C.H. Zhang, W.Y. Tong, W.B. Mi, H.L. B, H. N. Alshareef, Z. Q. Qiu, and X.X. Zhang. "Berry Phase Engineering in SrRuO3/SrIrO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices Induced by Band Structure Reconstruction." ACS nano 15(3), 5086 (2021).[36] Y.Y. Wu+, S.F. Zhang+, J.W. Zhang, W. Wang, Y.L. Zhu, J. Hu, G. Yin, K. Wong, K. Wong, C. Fang, C.H. Wan, X.F. Han, Q.M. Shao, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, J.D. Zang, Z.Q. Mao, X.X. Zhang, K.L. Wang. Néel-type skyrmion in WTe2/Fe3GeTe2 van der Waals heterostructure, Nature Communications 11, 3860 (2020). 共同一作[35] S.F. Zhang, J.W. Zhang, Y. Wen, Y. Peng, Z.Q. Qiu, T. Matsumoto and X.X. Zhang. Deformation of Néel-type skyrmions revealed by Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. Applied Physics Letters 116, 142402 (2020). (Editor’s pick)[34] S.F. Zhang, X.C. Zhang, J.W. Zhang, A. Ganguly, J. Xia, Y. Wen, Q. Zhang, G.Q. Yu, Z.P. Hou, W.H. Wang, Y. Peng, G. Xiao, A. Manchon, J. Kosel, Y. Zhou and X.X. Zhang. Direct imaging of an inhomogeneous electric current distribution using the trajectory of magnetic half-skyrmions, Science Advances 6, eaay1876 (2020). [33] Y. Guang, Y. Peng, Z.R. Yan, Y.Z. Liu, J.W. Zhang, X. Zeng, S.F. Zhang, S.L. Zhang, D. M. Burn, N. Jaouen, J.W. Wei, H.J. Xu, J.F. Feng, C. Fang, G. van der Laan, T. Hesjedal, B.S. Cui, X.X. Zhang, G.Q. Yu, and X.F. Han. Electron Beam Lithography of Magnetic Skyrmions. Advanced Materials 32(39), ** (2020).[32] A.T. Chen, H.L. Huang, Y. Wen, W.Y. Liu, S.F. Zhang, J. Kosel, W.D. Sun, Y.G. Zhao, Y.L. Lu and X.X. Zhang. Giant magnetoelectric effect in perpendicularly magnetized Pt/Co/Ta ultrathin films on a ferroelectric substrate. Materials Horizons 7 (9), 2328 (2020).[31] J.W. Zhang, Y. Peng, H.B. Ma, S.F.Zhang, Y. Hu, X. Zeng, X. Deng, C.S. Guan, R.R. Chen, Y. Hu, A. Karim, K. Tao, M.J. Zhang, X.X Zhang. Magneto-transport Mechanism of Individual Nanostructures via Direct Magnetoresistance Measurement in situ SEM. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (35), 39798 (2020).[30] J.W. Zhang, X.M. Zhang, H.J. Chen, Y. Guang, X. Zeng, G.Q. Yu, S.F. Zhang, Y.Z. Liu, Y.L. Zhao, Y. Zhou, X.P. Qiu, X.F. Han, Y. Peng, and X.X. Zhang. Stability of magnetic dipole skyrmions and bubbles in a ferrimagnet. Applied Physics Letters 116, 142404 (2020).[29] B. Ding, J.W. Zhang, H. Li, S.F. Zhang, E.K. Liu, G.H. Wu, X.X. Zhang and W.H. Wang. Thermally induced generation and annihilation of magnetic chiral skyrmion bubbles and achiral bubbles in Mn-Ni-Ga Magnets. Applied Physics Letters 116, 132402 (2020).[28] A.T. Chen, S.F. Zhang, Y. Wen, Yan, H.L. Huang, J. Kosel, Y.L. Lu, X.X. Zhang. Electric-field-enhanced bulk perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in GdFe/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.7Ti0.3O3 Multiferroic Heterostructure, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 47091 (2019).[27] D.A. Garanin, E.M. Chudnovsky, S.F. Zhang, X.X. Zhang. Thermal Creation of Skyrmions in Ferromagnetic Films with Perpendicular Anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 493, 165724 (2019).[26] Z.P. Hou, Q. Zhang, X.C. Zhang, G.Z. Xu, J. Xia, B. Ding, H. Li, S.F. Zhang, N.M. Batra, P.M. Costa, E.K. Liu, G.H. Wu, M. Ezawa, X.X. Liu, Y. Zhou, X.X. Zhang, and W.H. Wang. Current-induced helicity reversal of a single skyrmionic bubble chain in a nanostructured frustrated magnet, Advanced Materials **, 1 (2019).[25] Z.P. Hou, Q. Zhang, G.Z. Xu, S.F. Zhang, C. Gong, B. Ding, H. Li, F. Xu, Y. Yao, E.K. Liu, G.H. Wu, X.X. Zhang and W.H. Wang, Manipulating the Topology of Nanoscale Skyrmion Bubbles by Spatially Geometric Confinement, ACS Nano, 13, 922 (2019).[24] P. Li, W.K. Wu, Y. Wen, C.H. Zhang, J.W. Zhang, S.F. Zhang, Z.M. Yu, Shengyuan A Yang, A Manchon, and Xi-xiang Zhang. Spin-momentum locking and spin-orbit torques in magnetic nano-heterojunctions composed of Weyl semimetal WTe2, Nature communications 9, 3990 (2018).[23] S.F. Zhang, J.W. Zhang, Y. Wen, E.M. Chudnovsky, and X.X. Zhang. Creation of a thermally assisted skyrmion lattice in Pt/Co/Ta multilayer films, Applied Physics Letters 113, 192403 (2018). (Editor’s pick)[22] S.F. Zhang, J.W. Zhang, Y. Wen, E. M. Chudnovsky, and X.X. Zhang. Determination of chirality and density control of Néel-type skyrmions with in-plane magnetic field, Communications Physics 1, 36 (2018). [21] S.F. Zhang, J.W. Zhang, Q. Zhang, Y.L. Zhao, Z.P. Hou, Y. Wen, C. Gong, K. Liu, X.X. Zhang. Realization of zero field and room temperature skyrmion lattice by scanning local magnetic field, Applied Physics Letters 112, 132405 (2018). 此工作被 Scilight 报道,并被AIP选为磁学和自旋电子学领域 top文章之一[20] Q. Zhang, J.W. Zhang, Y.L. Zhao, Y. Wen, P. Li, S.F. Zhang, X. He, J.L. Zhang, and X.X. Zhang. Interfacial scattering effect on anisotropic magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect in Ta/Fe multilayers, AIP Advances 8, 055813 (2018).[19] D.A. Garanin, D. Capic, S.F. Zhang, X.X. Zhang, and E.M. Chudnovsky. Writing skyrmions with a magnetic dipole, Journal of Applied Physics 124, 113901 (2018).[18] S.F. Zhang, W. L. Gan, J. Kwon, F. L. Luo, G. J. Lim, J. Wang and W. S. Lew,. Highly efficient domain walls injection in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy memory devices, Scientific Reports 6, 24804 (2016). [17] S.J. Chen, Q.Y. Zhu, S.F. Zhang, C.D. Jin, C.K. Song, J.B. Wang, Q.F. Liu. Dynamic response for Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction on bubble-like magnetic solitons driven by spin-polarized current. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49, 195004 (2016).[16] C.K. Song, C.D. Jin, S.F. Zhang, S.J. Chen, J.B. Wang, and Q.F. Liu, Effect of perpendicular magnetic field on bubble-like magnetic solitons driven by spin-polarized current with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 183901 (2016). [15] F.L. Luo, S. Goolaup, S.H. Li, G.J. Lim, F.N. Tan, C. Engel, S.F. Zhang, F.S. Ma, T.J. Zhou, and W.S. Lew, Characterizing the spin orbit torque field-like term in in-plane magnetic system using transverse field, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 083908 (2016).[14] D.R. Cao, J.L. Du, S.F. Zhang, L.N. Pan, Z.K. Wang, H.M. Feng, Z.T. Zhu, J.B. Wang and Q.F. Liu. Tunable Static and High-Frequency Magnetic Properties of FeCo Films by an Applied Magnetic Field. Science of Advanced Materials. 8, 1061 (2016).[13] S.F. Zhang, J.B. Wang, Q. Zheng, Q.Y. Zhu, X.Y. Liu, S.J. Chen, C.D. Jin, Q.F. Liu, C.L. Jia and D.S. Xue. Current-induced magnetic skyrmions oscillator, New Journal of Physics 17, 023061 (2015). [12] C.D. Jin, S.F. Zhang, Q.Y. Zhu, X.Y. Liu, S.J. Chen, C.K. Song, J.B. Wang and Q.F. Liu. Current-induced 360° domain wall motion with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 49, 175005 (2016).[11] S.J. Chen, S.F. Zhang, Q.Y. Zhu, X.Y. Liu, C.D. Jin, J.B. Wang and Q.F. Liu. Effect of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on the magnetic vortex oscillator driven by spin-polarized current, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 17B720 (2015).[10] J.W. Zhang, H.B. Ma, S.F. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Deng, Q.Q. Lan, D.S. Xue, F.M. Bai, N.J. Mellors and Y. Peng. Nanoscale characterisation and magnetic properties of Co 81 Cu 19/Cu multilayer nanowires, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3, 85-93 (2015).[9] S.J. Chen, Q. Zheng, S.F. Zhang, Q.Y. Zhu, J.B. Wang and Q.F. Liu. Vortex dynamics in magnetic nanodisks with a ring of magnetic defects. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51, 1 (2015).[8] X.Y. Liu, Q.Y. Zhu, S.F. Zhang, Q.F. Liu and J.B. Wang. Static property and current-driven precession of 2π-vortex in nano-disk with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, AIP Advances, 5, 087137 (2015).[7] S.F. Zhang, Q.Y. Zhu, C.P. Mu, Q. Zheng, X.Y. Liu, Q.F. Liu and J.B. Wang. Faster motion of double 360° domain walls system induced by spin-polarized current, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 17D504 (2014). [6] S.F. Zhang, C.P. Mu, Q.Y. Zhu, Q. Zheng, X.Y. Liu, J.B. Wang and Q.F. Liu. Propagating and reflecting of spin wave in permalloy nanostrip with 360° domain wall, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 013908 (2014).[5] Q.Y. Zhu, X.Y. Liu, S.F. Zhang, Q. Zheng, J.B. Wang and Q.F. Liu. Current-induced domain wall motion in nanostrip–nanobars system, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 53, 073001 (2014).[4] Q.Y. Zhu, X.Y. Liu, Q. Zheng, S.F. Zhang, J.B. Wang and Q.F. Liu. Phase locking of vortex cores in two coupled magnetic nanopillars, AIP Advances, 4, 117130 (2014).[3] S.F. Zhang, Q.Y. Zhu, C.P. Mu, Y. Zhang, Q.F. Liu and J.B. Wang. Current-induced collective motion of 180o and 360o domain walls in double nanowires system, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 347, 124 (2013).[2] Y. Zhang, S.F. Zhang, C.Q. Luo, J. Dong, Q.F. Liu and J.B. Wang. Tuning giant magnetoimpedance response of Fe75.5Si13.5B7Nb3Cu1 amorphous ribbon by laser ablation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 324, 3189 (2012).[1] 林伟坚, 张耀宇, 陈兆雄, 张森富, 李恒真, 王建波. 雷击输配电杆塔入地电流生物效应及其解决方案, 高电压技术, 37, 2561 (2011).

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