

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-15

王涛,男,兰州大学物理科学与技术学院讲师。2008年进入兰州大学物理学隆基班就读,后保送磁学专业研究生、硕博连读。2012年、2017年分别在兰州大学物理科学与技术学院获学士和博士学位,并于2017年留校任教。在校期间主持或参与创新创业及中央高校自由探索项目三项;获中国物理学会2014年秋季学术会议优秀论文奖、研究生学术沙龙优秀报告及尚峰校友奖助学金。博士期间主要工作围绕磁性材料以及硅基器件的电学和磁学输运行为进行研究,并且擅长于测量系统的搭建。目前研究方向包括磁性材料与半导体材料等的高频特性及其在自旋电子学中的应用。目前已在Advanced Electronic Materials、Carbon、Nanoscale、Applied Physics Letters、Scientific reports等学术刊物上发表包括会议文章在内学术论文10余篇。主持或参与国家自然科学基金、省自然科学基金等纵横向项目5项。
[1]Wang, G. X., Dong, C. H., Yan, Z. J., Wang, T., Chai, G. Z., Jiang, C. J. & Xue, D. S. Controlling of magnetic domain structure by sputtering films on tilted substrates. J Alloy Compd 573, 118, (2013).[2]Yang, D. Z., Wang, F. C., Ren, Y., Zuo, Y. L., Peng, Y., Zhou, S. M. & Xue, D. S. A Large Magnetoresistance Effect in p-n Junction Devices by the Space-Charge Effect. Advanced Functional Materials 23, 2918, (2013).[3]Wang, T., Si, M., Yang, D., Shi, Z., Wang, F., Yang, Z., Zhou, S. & Xue, D. Angular dependence of the magnetoresistance effect in a silicon based p–n junction device. Nanoscale 6, 3978, (2014).[4]Han, J. W., Sui, W. B., Yang, D. Z., Wang, T., Li, Y., Xi, L., Si, M. S. & Xue, D. S. Scaling of the Anomalous Hall Effect in Ferrimagnetic Co<sub>90</sub>Gd<sub>10</sub> Thin Films. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51, 1, (2015).[5]Yang, D. Z., Wang, T., Sui, W. B., Si, M. S., Guo, D. W., Shi, Z., Wang, F. C. & Xue, D. S. Temperature-Dependent Asymmetry of Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Silicon p-n Junctions. Scientific reports 5, 11096, (2015).[6]Cao, Y., Wang, T., Yang, D. & Xue, D. in Nanoelectronics Conference.[7]Chen, S., Han, J., Wang, T., Yang, D. & Xue, D. in Nanoelectronics Conference.[8]Wang, T., Yang, D., Si, M., Wang, F., Zhou, S. & Xue, D. Magnetoresistance Amplification Effect in Silicon Transistor Device. Advanced Electronic Materials 2, **, (2016).[9]Zhou, J. K., Wang, T., Wang, W., Chen, S. W., Cao, Y., Liu, H. P., Si, M. S., Gao, C. X., Yang, D. Z. & Xue, D. S. Enhancement of magneto-photogalvanic effect in periodic GaAs dot arrays by p-n junctions coupling. Applied Physics Letters 109, 232404, (2016).[10]Li, D., Cui, B., Wang, T., Yun, J., Guo, X., Wu, K., Zuo, Y., Wang, J., Yang, D. & Xi, L. Effect of inserting a non-metal C layer on the spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching in Pt/Co/Ta structures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Applied Physics Letters 110, 132407, (2017).[11]Wang, T., Yang, Z., Wang, W., Si, M., Yang, D., Liu, H. & Xue, D. Large magnetoresistance effect in nitrogen-doped silicon. Aip Adv 7, (2017).[12]Wang, X., Wang, T., Yang, D., Yang, Z., Li, D., Chen, M., Si, M., Xue, D. & Zhang, Z. Electrically tunable large magnetoresistance in graphene/silicon Schottky junctions. Carbon 123, 106, (2017).[13]Zheng, Y., Wang, T., Su, X., Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Lv, H., Cardoso, S., Yang, D. & Cao, J. Enhancement of spin-orbit torques in Ta/Co20Fe60B20/MgO structures induced by annealing. Aip Adv 7, (2017).

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