

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-14

地址:甘肃省兰州市天水南路222号 兰州大学哲学社会学院 邮编:730000
电话:+86- 电邮:chenshbo@sina.com
1992.09-1996.06 兰州大学哲学系攻读哲学学士学位
1993.09-1996.06 兰州大学法律系攻读法学双学士
1996.09-1999.06 兰州大学哲学与社会学系攻读中国哲学硕士学位
1999.07-2002.06 留校任教于哲学与社会学系,任中国哲学助教
2001.02-2001.07 北京大学社会学系、哲学系、法学院进修
2002.07 任兰州大学哲学与社会学系中国哲学讲师
2004.06 任兰州大学哲学社会学院院聘副教授
2004.12 任兰州大学哲学社会学院中国哲学专业硕士研究生导师
2006.06 香港浸会大学宗教及哲学系学术访问
2007.04 任香港中文大学中国哲学与文化研究中心访问学人
2007.04 任兰州大学哲学社会学院中国哲学及宗教学副教授
2007.12-2008.02 香港文化更新研究中心、香港中文大学、香港浸会大学等合作研究
2008.07-2008.08 香港中文大学文化及宗教研究系学术访问
2009.07-2009.09 任香港汉语基督教文化研究所访问学人
2010.07-2010.09 任美国旧金山大学利玛窦中西文化历史研究所访问****
2011.07-2012.07 任美国普渡大学中国宗教与社会研究中心访问****
2013.05- 任兰州大学哲学社会学院中国哲学及宗教学教授
2019.12- 任兰州大学哲学社会学院院长
(7)《圣经》中译与文化诠释:几个相关问题的思考,《宗教学研究》,2013 年第1期,第175-181页,发表后以“《圣经》中译过程中的几个问题思考”为题又被收录《宗教经典汉译研究》(雷雨田、万兆元主编),北京:社会科学文献出版社,2013年8月,第105-120页,1/2
(9)“天”与中国古代的民本思想——民本思想得以成立的一种结构分析,《甘肃社会科学》, 2012 年第2期,第34-36页,1/2
(13)少数中的少数——甘南地区基督教现状的调查与研究,载《宗教对话与和谐社会》(陈声柏主编),北京:中国社会科学出版社,2008年8月, 第372-394页,(发表后被翻译成英文发表于英国伦敦"A Minority amongst a minority: An investigation into the situation of Christianity in Southern Gansu”, China Study Journal, Autumn/Winter, 2008 ),第63-81页,1/1
(14)从“物”、“实”之别看公孙龙名学的价值——以荀况为参照,《中国哲学史》,2008年第1期, 第44-51页(繁体版发表于《国立台湾大学哲学论评》,第35期,2008年3月,第83-104页),1/2
(15)“反向格义”概念的提出,为中国哲学贡献的是科学规范和知识积累(评论),载《中国哲学与文化 第二辑:注释、诠释,还是创构?》(香港中文大学,刘笑敢主编),桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2007年11月,第401-402页,1/1
(22)先秦名学与亚里士多德的范畴,《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》,2003年第2 期,第73-77页,1/1
(31)《中国人应知的国学常识》第一辑(“哲学宗教”部分,与田飞合作撰稿),北京:中华书局,2010年1月,第167-204页;繁体版,台北:华品文创出版公司,2010年9月, 第165-204页
(Updated in December 2018)
Chen Shengbo, Professor
Research Interests: Pre-Qin Philosophy; Modern Chinese Philosophy; Comparison of Chinese and Western Philosophy; and the Spread of Christianity in China especially in Sino-Tibetan border
E-mail: chenshbo@sina.com
Tel/Fax (office): +86-
Address: School of Philosophy and Sociology, Lanzhou University
222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, P. R. China
M. A., Chinese Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Lanzhou University, June 1999.
B. A., Law, Department of Law, Lanzhou University, June 1996.
B. A., Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Lanzhou University, June 1996.
Visiting Scholar, The Center on Religion and Chinese Society of Purdue University, U.S.A., July 2011 – July 2012.
Research Fellow, The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History of University of San Francisco, U.S.A., July 2010 – September 2010.
Research Fellow, Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, Hong Kong, July 2009 – August 2009.
Visiting Scholar, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 2008 – August 2008.
Visiting Scholar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong CRRS, December 2007 – February 2008.
Research Fellow, The Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1-30 April 2007.
Research Fellow, 2006 Summer Intensive Class on Christian Studies for PRC Post-Doctoral Scholars at Centre for Sino-Christian Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, 4-26 June 2006.
Visiting Scholar, Peking University, February 2001 – July 2001.
TEACHING (Positions Held):
Professor of Chinese Philosophy & Religion Studies, School of Philosophy and Sociology, Lanzhou University, May 2013 -.
Associate Professor of Chinese Philosophy & Religion Studies, School of Philosophy and Sociology, Lanzhou University, April 2007 – April 2013.
Lecturer of Chinese Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Lanzhou University, July 2002 – March 2007.
Assistant Professor (助教) of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Lanzhou University, July 1999 – June 2002.
Third Prize of Gansu 11th Social Science Excellence Award, 2009.
Long Ji Youth Teacher Teaching Award of Lanzhou University, 2008.
The 14th Gansu Youth Teacher Award in Advanced Education, 2007.
Second Prize of Lanzhou University Teaching Excellence Award, 2007.
Second Prize of Lanzhou University Teaching Excellence Award, 2005.
Best Courses Award of Lanzhou University, 2004.
RESEARCH GRANTS (Representative):
Research Innovation Team Building Project of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Lanzhou University (17LZUJBWTD007): Study on the Characteristics of Chinese Philosophy and Its Modernization.
Free Exploration Project of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Lanzhou University (15LZUJBWZY076): “Ming(名)” and Philosophy of the Pre-Qin Period.
National Social Science Foundation of China (14BMZ044): Study on the Ethnic Identity of Gannan(甘南) Tibetan Region under the Influences of Christian Communication.
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project in Western and Frontier Areas from Ministry of Education of China (11XJA730001): The Spread of Christianity and the Social and Cultural Changes in Tibetan Areas: A Case Study of Gannan(甘南) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province.
International Cooperation Program in Humanities and Social Sciences from University of San Francisco, U.S.A. (2010-2011): Narratives from the Hinterland: Chinese-Western Cultural Exchange in Gansu-Ningxia-Qinghai since Modern Times.
Cooperation Program in Humanities and Social Sciences from Culture Regeneration Research Society in Hong Kong (2008-2011): Religious Dialogues and Chinese Northwestern Society.
International Cooperation Program in Humanities and Social Sciences from the Culture Regeneration Research Society in Canada (2006-2008): Dialogues between Religions and Harmonious Society.
Philosophical and Social Sciences Project of Gansu Province (2006): Research on Ming(名) Theory of Pre-Qin Dynasty and Chinese Culture Rejuvenation.
PUBLICATION (Representative Articles and Books):
(a) Articles
“The Empirical Property of ‘Shi(实)’: A New Interpretation of ‘Shi is Rong (实,荣也)’ in Mohist Canon” (co-author with HAN, Ji-xiu), Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences), 2018(3): 127-137.
“The Way of Inner Saints and External Kings as the Spirit of Chinese Traditional Culture: Centering on The Great Learning”,in Chinese Classics Review (《国学论衡》) (The Seventh Volume), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2018, pp. 299-310.
“Religious Belief and Frontier Han Society: A Case Study of Lintan(临潭), Gannan(甘南) Tibetan Region”, in Fieldwork and Beyond: Social Scientific Studies of Religion in Chinese Societies Ⅱ: Dissemination and Flow, New Taipei: Chinese Christian Literature Council Ltd., 2015, pp. 343-369.
“New Theory on Confucius’ Fidelity and Piety” (co-author with TIAN, Fei), Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences), 2014(5): 39-44.
“Quan De Zhi Ming (全德之名) and Quan Ti Da Yong (全体大用): Re-recognition of Confucius' Benevolence(仁)”, (co-author with ZHANG, Xiao-hui), Confucius Studies, 2014(4): 10-17.
“W. W. Simpson's Pentecostal Experience and Its influence in China”, Jinan Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2013(4): 111-121.
“Chinese Translation and Cultural Interpretation of the Bible: Reflections on Several Related Issues” (co-author with JIANG, Zong-qiang), Religious Studies, 2013(1): 175-181.
“The Dissemination of Christianity and Its Research in Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai since Modern Times: Focusing on the Chinese Literature before 2009”, in Dialogues between Religions and Harmonious Society (The Third Volume:Papers of the 3rd Academic Conference on Dialogue of Religions and Harmony of Societies), Beijing: Religious Culture Press, 2012, pp. 336-346.
“‘Tian(天)’ and Ancient Chinese People-oriented Thought: A Structural Analysis of the Foundation of People-oriented Thought ” (co-author with ZHANG, Yong-lu), Gansu Social Sciences, 2012(2): 34-36.
“Investigation and Analysis on the Status of Christianity in Lanzhou” (co-author with NIE, Hong-ping), in Dialogues between Religions & Chinese Traditional Cultures, Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press, 2011, pp. 285-299.
“A Foreign Missionary’s View on Gannan(甘南) Ethnic Relations: A Review of Kevil’s Cultural Relations on the Gansu-Tibetan Border” (co-author with WANG Zhi-qing), Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences), 2010(1): 89-97.
“Gospel or Profit: A Case Study of Commercial Ethic and Management by Christian Entrepreneur in China”, in Christian Studies (12th Issue), Beijing: Religion & Culture Press, 2009, pp. 327-343.
“A Minority amongst a minority: An investigation into the situation of [Protestant] Christianity in Southern Gansu(甘南)”, in Dialogues between Religions and Harmonious Society, Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press, 2008, pp. 372-394. Later it was translated into English by Lawrie Breen and published in China Study Journal (London, UK: Autumn/Winter), 2008: 63-81.
“Distinguish the Notion of ‘Wu(物)’ and ‘Shi(实)’, Review The Ming-xue(名学) of Kong-sun Long: Use Xun-Zi(荀子) a Reference” (co-author with LI, Wei), National Taiwan University Philosophical Review, No.35, 2008(1): 83-104.
“Investigation and Analysis on the Status of Christianity in the Area of South Gansu (甘南)” (co-author with NIE, Hong-ping), China Tibetology, 2007(4): 83-90, 124.
“On the Dissemination of Christianity in the South Gansu Province (甘南)”, Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences), 2007(1): 58-64.
“Plato’s Category Theory: on the Orientation of Western Philosophical Thinking of Categories”, in Philosophy and China in the New Century (the 2004 Chinese Philosophical Conference Collected Works), Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press, 2005, pp. 339-352.
“An Investigation of Differences between the Chinese and Western Thinking Styles”, Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences), 2004(2): 85-90.
“Category and Substance: On the Significance of Aristotle's Category Theory”, Science· Economics· Society, 2003(3): 65-68.
“Logic of the Pre-Qin Period and Aristotle’s Category”, Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences), 2003(2): 73-77.
“Comparison on ‘Ge Wu Zhi Zhi (格物致知)’ between ZHU Xi (朱熹)and WANG Yang-ming (王阳明): the Relationship between Yang-ming and Zhu-zi Schools”, Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences), 1998(1): 84-90.
(b) Books
Chinese Classics Review (《国学论衡》) (The Seventh Volume), Executive Editor, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, April 2018.
Chinese Classics Review (《国学论衡》) (The Sixth volume), Executive Editor, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, December 2016.
Dialogues between Religions and Harmonious Society (The Third Volume:Papers of the 3rd Academic Conference on Dialogue of Religions and Harmony of Societies), Editor, Beijing: Religious Culture Press, July 2012.
Dialogues between Religions & Chinese Traditional Cultures (Papers of the 2nd Academic Conference on Dialogue of Religions and Harmony of Societies), Editor, Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press, February 2011.
Dialogues between Religions and Harmonious Society (Papers of the 1st Academic Conference on Dialogue of Religions and Harmony of Societies), Editor, Beijing: Chinese Social Sciences Press, August 2008.
SERVICE (Representative)
(a) Academic Position:
Consultant, Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Educational Teaching Development at Lanzhou University, 2016-.
Executive Editor, Chinese Classics Review (《国学论衡》), Published by Gansu Society for the Study of Chinese Traditional Culture, 2015-.
Vice President, Gansu Society for the Study of Chinese Traditional Culture, 2015-.
Editorial Board, Research on Minority Legal Tradition (《民族法制文化研究》), Published by Institute of Minority Legal Tradition in Gansu, 2014-.
Special Reviewer, International Journal of Sino-Western Studies: Chinese-English Bilingual Semi-annual (《国学与西学:国际学刊(汉英双语半年刊)》, Published by the Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies (ISSN: 1799-8204, Helsinki, Finland), 2011-.
Contributing Editor, Chinese Philosophical Almanac (《中国哲学年鉴》), Published by Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2011-.
Director, Chinese Society for Religious Studies, 2010-.
Executive Director, Research Centre for Religion and Culture of Lanzhou University, 2010-.
Adjunct Researcher, Research Center for Ethnic Theories and Religious in Gansu affiliated by the Chinese United Front Theoretical Research Association, 2008-.
(b) Organize Academic Conferences:
Organized the first “Pre-flow(预流)” Workshop on Chinese Philosophy, which sponsored by the Chinese Confucius Academy, the Research Society on Chinese Traditional Culture in Gansu, and School of Philosophy and Sociology at Lanzhou University from June 16-17, 2018.
A series of lectures and seminars on “Marginal and Diversified: Chinese-Western Cultural Exchange in Gansu-Ningxia-Qinghai Region since Modern Times” were organized by Research Centre for Religion and Culture of Lanzhou University in collaboration with the University of San Francisco in May 2010.
Three academic conferences titled Dialogue of Religions and Harmonious Society were organized by Research Centre for Religion and Culture of Lanzhou University in collaboration with Culture Regeneration Research Society in Hong Kong in June 2007, June 2009, and May 2011.
(c) Hosted Educational Exchange Programs with Hong Kong and Taiwan Universities:
Co-organized five sessions on Exchange Program of Multicultural Education and Culture in Gansu for visiting teachers and students between Lanzhou University and Tunghai University from 2014 to 2018.
Co-organized five sessions on Exchange Program for Visiting Students between Lanzhou University and Chung Chi College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 2010 to 2014.

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