

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-19

张勇勇 性别:

硕士生导师 学历:

zhangxyz23@126.com 个人主页:

730000 通讯地址:

简历: 博士,中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院副研究员,硕士生导师。2013年6月在中国科学院教育部水土保持与生态环境研究中心获得博士学位。主要从事土壤及生态水文方面的研究,在荒漠绿洲区土壤水文过程、农业生态方面取得创新性成果。

研究领域: 自然地理学

职称: 副研究员

职务: 无

获奖及荣誉: 无

代表论著: (1) Yongyong Zhang ; Wenzhi Zhao; Jianhua He; Li Fu, Soil Susceptibility to Macropore Flow Across a Desert-Oasis Ecotone of the Hexi Corridor, Northwest China, Water Resources Research, Water Resources Research, 2018,54, 1281–1294.
(2) Yongyong Zhang ; Wenzhi Zhao; Li Fu, Soil macropore characteristics following conversion of native desert soils to irrigated croplands in a desert-oasis ecotone, Northwest China, Soil & Tillage Research, 2017, 168(2017) : 176~186.
(3) Yongyong Zhang ; Wenzhi Zhao; Jianhua He; Kun Zhang, Energy exchange and evapotranspiration over irrigated seed maize agroecosystems in a desert-oasis region, northwest China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2016 , 223(2016): 48~59.
(4) Yongyong Zhang ; Pute Wu; Xining Zhao; Wenzhi Zhao, Measuring and modeling two-dimensional irrigation infiltration under film-mulched furrows, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2016, 8(5): 0419~0431.
(5) Yongyong Zhang; Wenzhi Zhao, Vegetation and soil property response of short-time fencing in temperate desert of the Hexi Corridor, northwestern China , Catena, 2015, 133(2015): 43~51.
(6) Yongyong Zhang; Wenzhi Zhao, Effects of variability in land surface characteristics on the summer radiation budget across desert-oasis region in Northwestern China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2015, 119(2015): 771~780.
(7) Yongyong Zhang; Xining Zhao; Pute Wu, Soil wetting patterns and water distribution as affected by irrigation for uncropped ridges and furrows, Pedosphere, 2015, 25(3): 468~477.
(8) Yongyong Zhang; Pute Wu ; Xining Zhao; PingLi, Simulation of soil water dynamics for uncropped ridges and furrows under irrigation conditions, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2013, 93(2013): 85~98.
(9) Yongyong Zhang; Pute Wu ; Xining Zhao; Zikui Wang, Evaluation and modelling of furrow infiltration for uncropped ridge–furrow tillage in Loess Plateau soils, Soil Research, 2012, 50: 360~370.

承担科研项目情况: 主持国家自然科学基金、中科院西部之光博士项目、中国博士后基金等项目。

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