

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20



发表论文(部分)1. M. Ma & H. van Ditmarsch. Dynamic Graded Epistemic Logic. The Review of Symbolic Logic, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S**00285.
2. M. Ma & Y. Lin. A Three-Valued Fregean Quantification Logic. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 48(2): 409-423, 2019.
3. M. Ma & A.-V. Pietarinen. A Graphical Deep inference system for intuitionistic system. Logique et Analyse, 245: 73-114,?2019.
4. K. Sano and M. Ma. Sequent Calculi for Normal Update Logics. In: Khan M., Manuel A. (eds) Logic and Its Applications. ICLA 2019. LNCS 11600. Springer, 2019.
5. M. Ma & Y. Lin. A deterministic weakening of Belnap-Dunn logic. Studia Logica, 107(2): 283-312, 2019.
6. M. Ma & A.-V. Pietarinen. Let Us Investigate! Dynamic Conjecture-Making as the Formal Logic of Abduction.?Journal of Philosophical Logic, 47(6): 913-945, 2018.
7. G. Greco, M. Ma, A. Palmigiano, A. Tzimoulis, Z. Zhao. Unified Correspondence as a Proof-Theoretic Tool. Journal of Logic and Computation, 28(7): 1367-1442, 2018.
8. M. Ma & A.-V. Pietarinen. Peirce’s Calculi for Classical Propositional Logic. The Review of Symbolic Logic, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S**00187
9. M. Ma & M. K. Chakraborty. Covering-based rough sets and modal logics. Part II. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 95:113-123, 2018.
10. M. Ma and K. Sano. How to update neighbourhood models. Journal of Logic and Computation, 28(8): 1781-1804, 2018.
11. M. Ma & Y. Lin. Countably weakenings of Belnap-Dunn logic. Studia Logica, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11225-018-9840-6.
12. M. Ma. Labelled tableaux for some subintuitionistic logics. Logica Universalis, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11787-018-0201-z
13. M. Ma. Perice’s logical graphs for Boolean algebras and distributive lattices. Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society, 54(3):320-340, 2018.
14. M. Ma & A.-V. Pietarinen. A Weakening of Alpha Graphs: Quasi-Boolean Algebras. In: Chapman P., Stapleton G., Moktefi A., Perez-Kriz S., Bellucci F. (eds) Diagrammatic Representation and Inference.?Diagrams 2018. LNCS 10871. Springer, 2018.
15. M. Ma and F. Liang. Sequent calculi for semi-De Morgan and De Morgan Algebras. Studia Logica, 106(3): 565–593, 2018.
16. M. Ma, M. K. Chakraborty and Z. Lin. Sequent Calculi for Varieties of Topological Quasi-Boolean Algebras. In: Nguyen H., Ha QT., Li T., Przyby?a-Kasperek M. (eds) Rough Sets. IJCRS 2018. LNCS 11103. Springer, 2018.
17. Z. Lin, M. K. Chakrabort, M. Ma. Decidability in Pre-rough Algebras: Extended Abstract. In: Nguyen H., Ha QT., Li T., Przyby?a-Kasperek M. (eds) Rough Sets. IJCRS 2018. LNCS 11103. Springer, 2018.
18. Z. Lin and M. Ma. On the Complexity of the Equational Theory of Residuated Boolean Algebras. In: V??n?nen J., Hirvonen ?., de Queiroz R. (eds) Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. WoLLIC 2016. LNCS 9803. Springer, 2016.
19. M. Ma & A.-V. Pietarinen. Proof analysis of Peirce’s alpha system of graphs. Studia Logica, 105(3): 625–647, 2017.
20. M. Ma & A.-V. Pietarinen. Gamma graph calculi for modal logics. Synthese, 195(8): 3621-3650, 2018.
21. M. Ma & A.-V. Pietarinen. Peirce’s sequent proof of distributivity. Proceedings of ICLA 2017. Springer, 2017.
22. M. Ma & A.-V. Pietarinen. Graphical sequent calculi for modal logics. Proceedings of Methods for Modalities 2017.
23. M. Ma & M. K. Chakraborty. Covering-based rough sets and modal logics. Part I. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 77:55-65, 2016.
24. M. Ma & Z. Zhao. Unified correspondence and proof theory for strict implication. Journal of Logic and Computation. 27(3): 921-960, 2017.
25. M. Ma and A.-V. Pietarinen. A Dynamic Approach to Peirce's Interrogative Construal of Abductive Logic. IFCoLog Journal of Logic and Applications. 2016.
26. Ma, M., Sano, K., Schwarzentruber, F., & Vela?zquez-Quesada, F. R. (2015). Tableaux for Non-normal Public Announcement Logic. In ICLA 2015?(132-145). Springer.
27. K. Sano & M. Ma. (2015). Alternative Semantics for Visser’s Propositional Logics. In Logic, Language, and Computation (pp. 257-275). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
28. M.?Ma and J. Seligman. Algebraic Semantics for Dynamic Dynamic Logic. In: Proceedings of LORI-V. Springer, 2015.
29. Ma, M., & Sano, K. On Extensions of Basic Propositional Logic. Proceedings of the 13th Asian Logic Conference, 170--200. World-scientific Press, 2015.
30. Ma, M. and S. Wang. Finite-chain graded modal logics. In: Modality, Semantics and Interpretation. Springer, 2015.
31. M. Ma. The disjunction property of some propositional logic. Studies in Logic, 2015(2): 2-11.
32. M. Ma, A. Palmigiano, M. Sadrzadeh. Algebraic semantics and model completeness for Intuitionistic Public Announcement Logic. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165(4): 963-995, 2014.
33. M. Ma. Bull's Logics in NExt(S4) Revisited. Studies in Logic, 1:1-10, 2013.
34. M. Ma. The Semantic Relationistic Approach to Generalized Fregean Puzzles. Frontiers of Philosophy in China. 2012.
35. M. Ma. Mathematics of Public Announcements. In: H. van Ditmarsch, J. Lang, and S. Ju (Eds.), Proceedings of LORI-III, LNAI 6953, pp. 193–205, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
36. M. Ma and M. Guo. Logics of Belief over Weighted Structures. In: H. van Ditmarsch, J. Lang, and S. Ju (Eds.), Proceedings of LORI-III, LNAI 6953, pp.206-219, Springer, 2011.
37. Md. Aquil Khan and M. Ma. A Modal Logic for Multiple-Source Tolerance Approximation Spaces. In: M. Banerjee and A. Seth (Eds.): Proceedings of the 4th Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications?(ICLA 2011), LNAI 6521, pp. 124-136. Springer, 2011.
38. M. Sadrzadeh, A. Palmigiano and M. Ma. Algebraic Semantics and Model Completeness for Intuitionistic Public Announcement Logic. In: H. van Ditmarsch, J. Lang, and S. Ju (Eds.), Proceedings of LORI-III, LNAI 6953, pp. 394–395, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
39. K. Sano and M. Ma. Goldblatt-Thomason-style Theorems for Graded Modal Language. In: Lev Beklemishev, Valentin Goranko and Valentin Shehtman (eds). Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 8, pp. 330-349. College Publications, 2010.
40. M. Ma. Toward Model-Theoretic Modal Logics. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 5(2): 293-310. Higher Education Press and Springer, 2010.
41. M. Ma. Graded Modal Classes of Finite Transitive Frames. Studies in Logic, 2:19-25, 2010.
42. M. Ma. Dynamic Epistemic Logic of Finite Identification. In Proceedings of?LORI-II, pp. 227-237, Springer, 2009.

项目、著作和其他1. 主持国家社科基金重大项目1项(2018年18ZDA033)
2. 国家社科基金青年项目2项(2012-2015年12CZX054、2016年16CZX049)
3. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目1项(2012-2015)
4. 出版著作2部,译著3部,编写教材1部。
5. 2017年获评青年珠江****。

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