

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20


? ? ? ?自2013年12月入职中山大学以来,我做了三件重要的事情:第一,提案工作。作为哲学系工会常设工作小组成员,这些年我与陈长安等同事们合力给学校提了数十个议案,其中我所主笔的关于深化改革学校经费制度、职称评定制度、学生评教制度及提案制度等议案获得了校工会和院系的证书表彰。第二,班主任及学生工作。2014年9月至2018年6月,我担任2014级逻辑专业班主任,随后改革了班委选举制度。其核心思想是:1,通过民主程序来凝聚全班对选举规则的共识;2,班委选上之后,同样会受到班级民主程序的约束(班委任期一年,并可以被选下);3,对班主任的不信任案。另外,我与陈长安等同事们组织了三次哲学系新生校史、系史一日游。第三,学术会议组织工作。2014年8月6日,我组织了中山大学校级文科平台的首次会议。同年9月4日至6日,我与同事江璐共同组织了一个年轻人团队赴葡萄牙里斯本参加欧洲科学史学会第六次年会(这是历史上第一次)。2016年9月22日至24日,我组织了一个八人的年轻人团队(实际报告五人)赴捷克布拉格参加欧洲科学史学会第七次年会。2019年8月19日至23日,我与Karine Chemla(林力娜)和郭世荣教授共同组织学术团队赴韩国全州参加第15届东亚科学史国际会议。
? ? ? ?入职以来,我每学期为逻辑专业和哲学专业本科生开设《数学史》与《中国科技史》课程,讲授世界数学史与中国科技史;开设过多次面向全校本科生的《象棋文化》核心通识课和《世界数学通史》公选课,及《世界数学史》《中国数学史》《<九章算术>导读》等研究生课程。我主要研究数学史及其相关的哲学问题,在Historia Mathematica(《国际数学史杂志》,系国际科学史学会数学史专业委员会会刊,SCI、SSCI、A&HCI收录)、Centaurus(《半人马座杂志》,系欧洲科学史学会会刊,SCI、SSCI、A&HCI收录)、Archive for History of Exact Sciences(《精密科学史档案》,SCI、SSCI、A&HCI收录)、《哲学与文化》(A&HCI收录)、《自然科学史研究》《中国科技史杂志》《自然辩证法通讯》《自然辩证法研究》《周易研究》《汉学研究》《中国人口科学》《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》等国内外学术期刊及Springer出版社Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter系列丛书论文集发表论文20余篇,其中在哲学、科学技术史等一级学科权威刊物发表论文10余篇。
? ? ? ?我主持国家社科基金青年项目、国家社科基金重大项目子课题、教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金、广东省社科规划青年项目各一项,及多项中山大学校级科研与教学项目。2015年10月,我当选为全国数学史学会理事。2016年7月,我受聘为美国Mathematical Reviews(《数学评论》)评论人。2019年5月,我当选为全国数学史学会常务理事;12月,当选为中国自然辩证法研究会科学方法论专业委员会理事。2020年1月,我受聘为《中国科技史杂志》编委。2018年9月,我受邀为“科学技术史学科建设再出发——庆祝中国科学院大学建校40周年学术研讨会”(中国科学技术史学会与中国科学院大学人文学院举办)作大会报告;10月,我受邀为“中国科学技术史学会2018年度学术会议”(中国科学技术史学会与清华大学科学史系举办)作大会报告。2020年7月,我受邀为“国际数学史与数学教育会议(HPM2020)”组织大会报告讨论组,并作大会报告。2017年5月,我获得中国数学史学会颁发的青年优秀论文奖;10月,我获得国际数学史学会颁发的Montucla Prize提名。2020年1月,我获得教育部第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)青年成果奖。2021年1月,入选内蒙古自治区草原英才计划(柔性引进)。

? ? 2000年9月至2004年7月,上海交通大学材料科学与工程系获工学学士学位(材料科学与工程专业);
? ? 2005年9月至2008年3月,上海交通大学科学史与科学哲学系获理学硕士学位(科学技术史专业,导师纪志刚教授);
??? 2008年9月至2011年7月,中国科学院自然科学史研究所获理学博士学位(科学技术史专业,导师郭书春研究员);
??? 2011年12月至2013年11月,法国国家科研中心(CNRS)科学史与科学哲学(SPHere)研究所博士后(合作导师Karine Chemla教授);
??? 2013年12月至2018年3月,中山大学哲学系讲师(科学技术哲学专业);
??? 2016年6月起,具有哲学专业硕士生导师资格;
??? 2017年9月至10月,巴黎第七大学访问教授;
??? 2018年4月起,中山大学哲学系副教授(科学技术哲学专业);
? ? 2019年1月起,具有哲学专业博士生导师资格;
? ? 2021年1月起,入选内蒙古自治区草原英才计划(柔性引进)。
? ? ? ?第一,数学史与数学哲学。具体而言形成六个方向:甲、筹筭及其复原研究;乙、筹筭文本化及宋元数学转变研究;丙、儒筭及唐代数学与政治研究;丁、古代****对数学史的书写研究;戊、筹珠之变及西学东渐研究;己、数学史与数学哲学研究方法论研究;第二,象棋史与游戏文化。开设《象棋文化》公选课程,并做相关研究。
? ? ? ?攻读硕士学位期间获国家奖学金(2007年)、上海市优秀毕业生(2008年)等奖励;
? ? ? ?攻读博士学位期间获自然科学史研究所2008年度青年学术论坛二等奖(一等奖空缺;获奖论文发表于《自然科学史研究》2009年第3期);
? ? ? ?2009年度青年学术论坛三等奖(获奖论文发表于《汉学研究》2010年第4期);
? ? ? ?2017年获首届数学史青年优秀论文奖二等奖(一等奖空缺;该奖为中国数学史学会颁发,获奖论文发表于《自然科学史研究》2015年第2期);
? ? ? ?2017年获Montucla? Prize提名(3人提名1人获奖;该奖为国际数学史学会颁发,每四年一次,颁发给40岁以下,在Historia Mathematica上发表论文的青年****;? 被提名的论文发表于Historia Mathematia2016年第1期);
? ? ? ?2020年获教育部第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)青年成果奖(获奖论文发表于Historia Mathematia2016年第1期)。
? ??2003年至2007年间作为学生多次代表上海交通大学参加比赛,所获主要奖励如下:
? ? 2003年、2007年上海市大学生象棋比赛,个人季军;
? ? 2005年长三角象棋比赛,团体冠军,个人季军;
? ? 2006年上海交通运动会大学生组,团体冠军;
? ? 2007年“旦洋杯”复旦交大象棋对抗赛,个人冠军。
? ??2013年入职中山大学以来,代表学校教工参加比赛,所获主要奖励如下:
? ? 2017年首次作为教职工代表中山大学出战“迎春杯”广州地区高校教工象棋团体赛,我所在的"中大二队"获得团体亚军;
? ? 2017年首届中山大学教职工象棋个人争霸赛,个人冠军。中山大学工会主页新闻报导http://zdgh.sysu.edu.cn/gkkx/149889.htm;
? ? 2018年第二届“迎春杯”广州地区高校教工象棋团体赛,团体冠军。个人成绩位列射手榜第三;
? ??2020年第三届“迎春杯”广州地区高校教工象棋团体赛,我所在的“中大南校区队”获得团体亚军。个人成绩位列射手榜第一。
? ? ? ?中国数学会数学史分会理事(2015年10月至2019年4月);
? ? ? ?中国数学会数学史分会常务理事(2019年5月至今);
? ? ? ?中国自然辩证法研究会科学方法论专业委员会理事(2019年12月至今);
? ? ? ?《中国科技史杂志》编委(2020年1月至今);
? ? ? ?美国Mathematical Reviews(《数学评论》)评论人(Reviewer)(2016年7月至今);
? ? ? ?Historia Mathematica,?The British Journal for the History of Science,《自然科学史研究》《中国科技史杂志》《周易研究》《汉学研究》《台湾东亚文明学刊》、Springer出版社等特约审稿人;
? ? ? ?中山大学教职工棋牌协会副会长(2017年至今)。
教学工作Teaching works? ? ? ?本科生课程:《数学史》(哲学系专业选修课)、《中国科技史》(哲学系专业选修课)、《象棋文化》(全校公选课、核心通识课)、《世界数学通史》(全校公选课);
? ? ? ?研究生课程:《世界数学史》(哲学系硕士、博士研究生选修课)、《中国数学史》(哲学系硕士、博士研究生选修课)、《〈九章算术〉导读》(哲学系硕士研究生选修课);
? ? ? ?班主任工作:2014年9月至2018年6月担任哲学系逻辑专业2014级本科生班主任;
? ? ? 1、陈思宇(2020级在读);
? ? ? 1、叶兆华(2016级,已毕业,硕士论文《数字表达方式在中国传统数学向现代转型中的作用——以〈笔算数学〉(1898)为例》);
? ? ? 2、王鑫(2017级,已毕业,硕士论文《〈九章算术〉阳马术刘徽注的编史学研究》,该论文被评为中山大学2020年优秀硕士学位论文);
? ? ? 3、刘庆隆(2018级,在读);
? ? ? 4、石旭鹏(2019级,在读);
? ? ? 5、温世超(2020级,在读)。
承担项目Research projects科研项目:
? ? 1. 主持2014年高校基本科研业务费-中山大学青年教师培育项目“儒家经典中的数学知识研究”(14wkpy75),已结项;
? ? 2. 主持2015年广东省哲学社会科学“十二五”规划青年项目“儒家经典中数学文献的整理与研究”(GD15YLS01),已结项(鉴定等级为“良好”);
? ? 3. 主持2015年教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金“唐代数学与儒学的关系研究”(教外司留?[2015] 311号),已结项;
? ? 4. 主持2016年国家社会科学基金青年项目“儒家经典注疏中天算文献的整理与研究”(16CZS012),已结项(证书号:**,鉴定等级为“优秀”);??
? ? 5. 主持2019年国家社会科学基金重大项目“桐城方氏学派文献整理与研究”(19ZDA030)子课题“方中通著作整理与研究”,在研;
? ? 6. 主持2020年高校基本科研业务费-中山大学青年教师重点培育项目“明清时期的数学、儒学与西学”(20wkzd14),在研。
? ? 1. 共同主持2015年中山大学公益助学项目“情牵中大——中大精神沿习活动”(本人排名第三),已结项;
? ? 2. 共同主持2016年中山大学师德师风和学风建设项目“课程知识产权制度探索与师德师风和学风建设——基于‘一则三分二殊论’的实践”(与陈长安共同负责),已结项;
? ? 3. 主持2018年中山大学教材建设项目“象棋文化教程”,在研。
会议组织Conference organizations1.?组织中山大学文科校级公共平台首次会议(2014年8月6日,中国广州)。
? ? 中国社会科学网新闻报导www.cssn.cn/gd/gd_rwhn/gd_zxjl/201408/t**_**.shtml
? ? 中山大学主页英文报导http://www.sysu.edu.cn/2012/en/news/news02/16998.htm?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0
2. 与江璐共同组织一个讨论组参加欧洲科学史学会第六次年会(2014年9月4日至9月6日,葡萄牙里斯本)。
? ? 中国社会科学网新闻报导www.cssn.cn/gd/gd_rwhn/xslt/201409/t**_**.shtml
? ? 中山大学哲学系主页报导http://philosophy.sysu.edu.cn/xw/xw08/88891.htm
3. 组织了一个讨论组参加欧洲科学史学会第七次年会(2016年9月22日至9月24日,捷克布拉格)。
4. 与Karine Chemla(林力娜)、郭世荣共同组织讨论组参加第15届国际东亚科学史会议(2019年8月19日至23日,韩国全州)。
发表论文Published papers26.?朱一文. 分途与合流:从算学与经学的关系看南北朝数学史.《中国科技史杂志》.?2020年3月第42卷第1期:?79-90.?(一级学科科学技术史权威期刊)
26. Zhu Yiwen. Fentu yu heliu: cong suanxue yu jingxue de guanxi kan nanbeichao shuxueshi?(Diversion and Unification: The History of Mathematics in the Southern and Northern Dynasties from the Viewpoint of the Relationship between Mathematics and the Confucian Textual Studies).?The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology. March?2021, 42(1): 79-90.
25.?朱一文. 从宋代文献看数的表达、用法与本质.《自然辩证法研究》.?2020年12月第36卷第12期: 101-105.(CSSCI收录)
25. Zhu Yiwen. Cong Songdai wenxian kan shu de yongfa?yongfa yu benzhi?(The Representations, Uses and Essences of Numbers from the Viewpoint of?Documents in Song Dynasty).?Studies in?Dialectics of Nature. December?2020, 36(12): 101-105.?
24. Zhu Yiwen.?How do We Understand Mathematical Practices in Non-mathematical Fields? Reflections Inspired by Cases from 12th and 13th Century China.?Historia Mathematica. August 2020, 52: 1-25. (Available online?June 5?2020).(SCI、SSCI、A&HCI收录)
24.?朱一文. 我们如何理解非数学活动中的数学实作?由12与13世纪中国数学案例引起的思考.《国际数学史杂志》. 2020年8月52卷第3期: 1-25 (2020年6月5日网络发表).?
23.?朱一文. 史料与方法:中国数学史研究的新思考.《自然辩证法通讯》. 2020年3月第42卷第3期:77-84.(封面文章,CSSCI收录,《中国人民大学复印报刊资料》2020年第6期全文转载)?
23. Zhu Yiwen. Shiliao yu fangfa: Zhongguo shuxueshi yanjiu de xinsikao (Sources and Approaches: A New Thinking on Studies in the History of Mathematics).?Journal of Dialectics of Nature. March 2020, 42(3): 77-84.?
22.?Zhu Yiwen. On Qin Jiushao's Writing System.?Archive for History of Exact Sciences. June 2020, 74(4): 345-379. (Available online?January 4?2020).(SCI、A&HCI收录)
22.?朱一文. 论秦九韶的书写体系.《精密科学史档案》. 2020年第74卷第4期:345-379. (2020年1月4日网络发表).?
21.?朱一文. 明清之际的数学、儒学与西学——以黄宗羲的数学实作为中心.《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》.?2019年11月第48卷第6期: 538-544.?
21. Zhu Yiwen. Ming Qing zhi ji de shuxue ruxue yu xixue: yi Huang Zongxi de shuxue shizuo wei zhongxin (Mathematics, Confucianism?and Western learning in the Late?Ming and Early Qing Dynasties).?Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Natural Science Edition). November 2019, 48(6): 538-544.
20.?朱一文. 再论数学史与数学哲学的关系.《自然辩证法研究》.?2019年11月第35卷第11期:?95-99.(CSSCI收录)
20. Zhu Yiwen. Zailun shuxueshi yu shuxuezhexue de guanxi?(A Further Discussion on the Relationship between History and Philosophy of Mathematics).?Studies in?Dialectics of Nature. November 2019, 35(11): 95-99.?
19. Zhu Yiwen. Scholarship and Politics in Seventh Century China from the Viewpoint of Li Chunfeng's Writing on Histories. In: Daniel Patrick Mongan and Damien Chaussende eds.?with the collaboration of Karine Chemla.?Monographs in Tang Official Historiography: Perspectives from the Technical Treatises of the?History of Sui (Sui shu).(Chemla Karine, Keller Agathe?and Proust Christine eds.?Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter, Volume?3).?Switzerland: Springer, September 2019. 89-116.??
19.?朱一文. 从李淳风对正史的书写看七世纪中国的学术与政治. 收入:Daniel Patrick Mongan 和 Damien Chaussende 主编《唐代编史学专论:从〈隋书〉书志的角度看》(Chemla Karine, Keller Agathe and Proust Christine主編《为什么古代世界的科学如此重要》第三卷). 瑞士:Springer出版社,2019年9月. 89-116.
18.?朱一文. 宋代的数学与易学——以《数书九章》“蓍卦发微”为中心.《周易研究》.?2019年4月第32卷第2期: 81-92.(CSSCI收录,《中国社会科学文摘》2019年第10期“论点摘要”收录,《中国人民大学复印报刊资料》2019年第8期全文转载)
18. Zhu Yiwen. Song dai de shuxue yu yixue——yi?Shushu jiuzhang?"shi gua fa wei" wei zhongxin?(Mathematics and the study on the?Book of Changes?in the Song Dynasty: The Case of "Elucidation of Yarrow-stalk Method of Divination" in the?Mathematical Book in Nine Chapters).?Studies of?Zhouyi. June 2019, 32(2): 81-92.
17.?朱一文. 从度量衡单位看初唐算法文化的多样性.《中国科技史杂志》.?2019年3月第40卷第1期:?1-9.?(一级学科科学技术史权威期刊)
17. Zhu Yiwen. Cong duliangheng danwei kan chu Tang suanfawenhua de duoyangxing?(Reviewing the Diversity of Mathematical Culture in Early Tang Period from the Viewpoint of Measurement Units).?The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology. March?2019, 40(1): 1-9.
16.?朱一文. 儒家开方算法之演进——以诸家对《论语》“道千乘之国”的注疏为中心.《自然辩证法通讯》.?2019年2月第41卷第2期:?49-55.(CSSCI收录)
16. Zhu Yiwen. Rujia kaifangsuanfa zhi yanjin——yi zhujia dui?Lunyu?'dao qianchengzhiguo' de zhushu wei zhongxin (The Historical Evolution of Confucian Method?for Square Root Extraction: The Case of Scholars’ Commentaries on “To rule a County of a Thousand Chariots” of the?Analects).?Journal of Dialectics of Nature. February?2019, 41(2): 49-55.?
15. 朱一文. 朱熹的数学世界——兼论宋代数学与儒学的关系.《哲学与文化》. 2018年11月第45卷第11期:167-182.(A&HCI收录)
15. Zhu Yiwen. Zhu Xi de shuxue shijie: jianlun Songdai shuxue yu ruxue de guanxi (Zhu Xi's Mathematical World: A Discussion on the Relationship between Mathematics and Confucianism in the Song Dynasty).?Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture. November?2018, 45(11): 167-182.
14. Zhu Yiwen.?How were Western Written Calculations Introduced into China? — An Analysis of the?Tongwen suanzhi?(Arithmetic Guidance in the Common Language, 1613).?Centaurus. February & May?2018, 60(1-2): 69-86?(Available online?20 July 2018).(SCI、SSCI、A&HCI收录)
14.?朱一文. 西方笔算如何传入中国——对《同文算指》(1613)的分析.《半人马座杂志》.?2018年2月和5月第60卷第1-2期:?69-86.?(2018年7月20日网络发表).
13.?朱一文.?算学、儒学与制度化——初唐数学的多样性及其与儒学的关系.《汉学研究》.?2017年12月第35卷第4期:?109-134.(MEDLINE, THCI收录)
13. Zhu Yiwen. Suanxue, ruxue yu zhiduhua: chutang shuxue de duoyangxing jiqi yu ruxue de guanxi (Mathematics, Confucianism and Institutionalization: The Diversity of Mathematics and Its Relationship to Confucianism in Early Tang Period).?Chinese Studies. December 2017, 35(4): 109-134.
12.?朱一文. 秦九韶对大衍术的筭图表达——基于《数书九章》赵琦美钞本(1616)的分析.《自然科学史研究》.?2017年6月第36卷第2期:?244-257.?(一级学科科学技术史权威期刊)
12. Zhu Yiwen. Qin Jiushao dui Dayanshu de suantu biaoda——jiyu?Shushu jiuzhang?Zhao Qimei chaoben(1616) de fenxi (Qin Jiushao's Writing of the Dayan Algorithm: An Analysis Based on Zhao Qimei's Manuscript of the?Mathematical Book in Nine Chapters?(1616)).?Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. June 2017, 36(2): 244-257.
11.?朱一文. 初唐的数学与礼学——以诸家对《礼记·投壶》的注疏为例.《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》.?2017年3月第57卷第2期: 60-68.(CSSCI收录)
11. Zhu Yiwen. Chu Tang de shuxue yu lixue——yi zhujia dui?Liji?Touhu de zhushu wei li (Mathematics and the Ritual Study in Early Tang Period: The Case of Scholars' Commentaries on pitchpot passage in the?Records of Rites).?Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Social Science Edition). March 2017, 57(2): 60-68.?
10. Zhu Yiwen. Zailun Zhongguo gudai shuxue yu ruxue de guanxi——yi liu zhi qi shiji xuezhe dui lishu de butong zhushu wei li (A Further Study on the Relationship between Mathematics and Confucianism in Ancient China: The Case of Scholars' Commentaries on Ritual Numbers in the Sixth and Seventh Century China).?Journal of Dialectics of Nature. September 2016, 38(5): 81-87.
9. Zhu Yiwen.?Different Cultures of Computation in Seventh Century China from the Viewpoint of Square Root Extraction.?Historia Mathematica. February 2016, 43(1):?3-25 (Available online 23 April 2015).(SCI、SSCI、A&HCI收录)
9.?朱一文. 从开方算法看七世纪中国不同的计算文化.《国际数学史杂志》.?2016年2月第43卷第1期: 3-25 (2015年4月23日网络发表).
8. Zhu Yiwen. Ruxue jingdian zhong de shuxue zhishi chutan——yi Jia Gongyan dui?Zhouli?Kaogongji?lishiweiliang de zhushu weili (A Preliminary Research on Mathematical Knowledge in the Confucian Classics: The Case of Jia Gongyan's Commentary on the?Rites of Zhou).?Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. June 2015, 34(2): 131-141.
7.?朱一文. 秦九韶“历家虽用,用而不知”解.《自然科学史研究》. 2011年4月第30卷第2期:?193-206.(一级学科科学技术史权威期刊)
7. Zhu Yiwen.?Qin Jiushao lijiasuiyong yongerbuzhi jie (A History of Dayan algorithm: From Fangcheng to Dayan).?Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. April 2011, 30(2): 193-206.
6.?朱一文.?数学的语言:筭筹和文本——以天元术为中心.《九州学林》. 2010年冬季第8卷第4期:?81-103.?
6. Zhu Yiwen. Shuxue de yuyan: suanchou he wenben——yi tianyuanshu wei zhongxin (Substance Language and Text Language: A Study of Tianyuan Rule during the Jin-Yuan Period).?Chinese Cutural Quarterly. Winter 2010, 8(4): 81-103.
5.?朱一文.?数:筭与术——以九数之方程为例.《汉学研究》. 2010年12月第28卷第4期:?73-105.(MEDLINE, THCI收录)
5. Zhu Yiwen. Shu: suan yu shu——yi jiushu zhi fangcheng weili (Chinese Mathematics: Counting Rods and Techniques: Using Fangcheng as an Example).?Chinese Studies. December 2010, 28(4): 73-105.
4. Zheng Cheng, Zhu Yiwen.?Shushu jiuzhang?liuchuan xinkao——Zhao Qimei chaoben chutan (A New Textual Research on the?Mathematical Book in Nine Chapters).?Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. July 2010, 29(3): 319-328.
3. Zhu Yiwen. Zailun Jiuzhang suanshu tongfenshu (A Further Discussion on the Reduction of Fractions to a Common Denominator in Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures).?Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. July 2009, 28(3): 290-301.
2. Zhu Yiwen. Cong yilüxiaoxi kan Liu Hui yuanzhoulü de chansheng guocheng (Reviewing the Process of Liu Hui's Deducing the Circular Constant Through 'Modifying by Ratio').?Studies in the History of Natural Sciences. January 2008, 27(1): 59-70.
1. Zhu Yiwen, Li Wei.?Gailü jisuan moxing keneng cunzai de wenti——ping?18shijimo zhi 19shijichu wuyuanxian de hunnei jieyu?(Possible Weakness in Probablility Calculating Model: Comments on Mark Elvin's Research about?Birth Control in Marriage from the End of 18th century to the Begining of 19th century in Wuyuan County).?Chinese Journal of Population Science. June 2006, 20(3): 81-85.
近年来所作学术报告Presentations in recent years
58.?朱一文. 筹算操作的视觉层面.?报告于第九届欧洲国际科学史会议,分组会议S84:古代世界数学的视觉与物质文化.?Microsoft Teams线上会议.?2020年9月2日;
58.?Zhu Yiwen.?Visual Aspects of Mathematical Operations Carried Out With Counting Rods.?Presentation delivered for 9th?International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science,?Session S84: Visual and Material Cultures in the Mathematics of the Ancient World-1. Microsoft Teams Online Seminar. September 2 2020;
57.?朱一文. 从宋代文献看数的表达、用法与本质. 报告于2020年青年数学史网上学术研讨会.腾讯网络会议 2020年7月10日;
57.?Zhu Yiwen. The Representations, Uses and Essences of Numbers from the Viewpoints of Documents in Song Dynasty.?Presentation delivered for 2020 Online?Seminar: History of Mathematics for Young Scholars. Tencent?conference. July?10?2020;
56.?朱一文. 我们如何理解非数学领域内的数学实作——基于中国12至13世纪案例的考察. 报告于北京青年数学史讲习会.Zoom网络会议 2020年5月9日;
56.?Zhu Yiwen. How do we understand mathematical practice in non-mathematical fields? Reflections inspired by cases from 12th and 13th century China.?Presentation delivered for Beijing Seminar: History of Mathematics for Young Scholars.?Zoom conference. May?9?2020;
55.?朱一文. 郑玄与《九章算术》.?报告于回顾·展望·奋进——中国数学史研究新视野研讨会. 中国呼和浩特:内蒙师范大学.?2019年12月28日;
55.?Zhu Yiwen.?Zheng Xuan and?The Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures. Presentation delivered for Conference: Retrospection, Hope and Endeavor: A New View of the Studies in the History of Mathematics in China.?Hohhot, China: Inner Mongolia Normal University. December?28 2019;
54.?朱一文.?儒学、《周易》、算学与历算:宋代(960-1279)数学实作的多样性.?报告于第15届东亚科学史国际会议. 韩国全州:?全北国立大学.2019年8月19日;
54.?Zhu Yiwen.?Confucianism,?Book of Changes, Mathematics and Calendric Computations: The Diversity of Mathematical Practices in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Presentation delivered for The 15th?International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia. South Korea,?Jeonju:?Chonbuk National University. August 19, 2019;?
53.?朱一文.?中国古代的数学与儒学. 报告于上海交通大学历史系学术报告会.?中国上海:上海交通大学.?2019年6月26日;
53.?Zhu Yiwen.. Mathematics and Confucianism in Ancient China. Presentation delivered for Department of History, Shanghai Jiaotong?University. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Jiaotong University.?June 26, 2019;
52.?朱一文. 数学史与数学哲学. 报告于中山大学哲学系“哲学前沿”讲座.?中国广州:中山大学.?2019年6月13日;
52.?Zhu Yiwen.. History and Philosophy of Mathematics.?Presentation delivered for "frontier of philosophy" lecture of the Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University. Guangzhou, China: Sun Yat-sen University.?June 13, 2019;
51.?朱一文. 晚明的数学、儒学与西学.?报告于科学、西学与儒学——纪念《崇祯历书》开编390周年国际学术会议. 中国合肥:中国科学技术大学.?2019年4月30日;
51.?Zhu Yiwen. Mathematics, Confucianism and Western Learning in the Late?Ming Dynasty.?Presentation delivered for? Conference: Science, Western Learning and Confucianism: Commemorating the 390th?Anniversary of the Compilation of the Chongzhen-Reign Treatises on Calendrical Astronomy. Hefei, China: University of Science and Technology of China.?April 30, 2019;
50.?朱一文. 我们如何理解非数学活动中的数学实作??报告于论古代数学科学中科学实作文化.?法国巴黎:巴黎大学.?2019年4月10日;
50.?Zhu Yiwen.?How do we understand mathematical practices in non-mathematical fields?.?Presentation delivered for? Conference: On cultures of scientific practice in ancient mathematical sciences. Paris, France:?Paris University.?April 10, 2019;
49.?朱一文. 再论数学史与数学哲学的关系.?报告于2018年数学哲学工作坊.?中国广州:中山大学.?2018年12月15日;
49.?Zhu Yiwen. A Further Discussion on the Relationship between History and Philosophy of Mathematics.?Presentation delivered for 2018 Workshop on Philosophy of Mathematics. Guangzhou, China:?Sun Yat-sen University.?December 15, 2018;
48.?朱一文.?初唐的算学与政治新论.?报告于中国科学技术史学会2018年度学术会议,大会报告. 中国北京:清华大学.?2018年10月28日;
48.?Zhu Yiwen.?A New Discussion on Mathematics and Politics in Early Tang Period.?Presentation delivered for 2018 Annual Conference of Chinese Society for the?History of Science and Technology, plenary talk. Beijing, China:?Tsinghua University.?October 28, 2018;
47.?朱一文.?史料与方法:中国数学史研究的新思考.报告于科学技术史学科建设再出发——庆祝中国科学院大学建校40周年学术研讨会,大会报告. 中国北京:中国科学院大学. 2018年9月20日;
47.?Zhu Yiwen.?Sources and Approaches: A New Thinking on the Study in History of Mathematics in China.?Presentation delivered for Conference for A New Start for the Discipline Construction on History of Science and Technology: Celebration for the?40th?anniversary of University of?Chinese Academy Sciences, plenary talk. Beijing,?China:?University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.?September 20, 2018;
46.?朱一文. 《同文算指》西方笔算传入新论. 报告于自然科学史研究所2018年度青年学术论坛. 中国北京:中国科学院自然科学史研究所. 2018年6月23日;
46.?Zhu Yiwen.?A New Discussion on the Introduction of Western Written Calculations in the Tongwen suanzhi (Arithmetic Guidance in the Common Language).?Presentation delivered for Conference for Young Scholars of The Institute for The History of Natural Sciences, 2018.?Beijing, China: Institute for The Hisroty of Natural Sciences, CAS. June 23, 2018;
45.?Zhu Yiwen.?A New Discussion on Mathematics and Politics in Early Tang Period.?Presentation delivered for The First Conference for Young Scholars on History of Science and Technology of Sun Yat-sen University (Zhuhai Campus).?Zhuhai, China: Sun Yat-sen University. May 20, 2018;
44. 林力娜、朱一文.?算法“推”vs.算法“求”:论《五经筭术》第一问.?报告于数学科学中的实践推理会议.?法国巴黎:巴黎第七大学.?2017年12月7日;
44. Karine Chemla &?Zhu Yiwen.?Algorithms carrying out derivations (tui) versus Algorithms for looking for (qiu): On the first entry of?Mathematical Procedures for the Five Canons.?Presentation delivered for Conference: Practices of Reasoning in the Mathematical Sciences.?Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. December 7, 2017;
43.?朱一文. 《知新报》与晚清数学.?报告于澳门与近代中国——纪念《知新报》创刊120周年学术研讨会.?中国澳门:?澳门科技大学.?2017年11月29日;
43.?Zhu Yiwen.?The Reformer China?and Mathematics in the Later Qing Period. Presentation delivered for The Conference on Macao and Modern China: A Memory for the 120th?Anniversary of the First Issue of?The Reformer China.?Macao, China:?Macao?University of Science and Technology. November 29, 2017;
42.?朱一文. 浅谈中国传统数学教育.?报告于第二届大湾区中华传统文化教育座谈会.?中国澳门:?澳门大学.?2017年11月27日;
42.?Zhu Yiwen.?A Brief Discussion on Chinese Traditional Mathematical Education. Presentation delivered for The 2nd?Symposium on? Chinese Traditional Cultural Education in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao? Greater Bay Area.?Macao, China:?University of Macao. November 27, 2017;
41.?朱一文. 儒家开方算法之演进.?报告于纪念《几何原本》翻译410周年国际学术研讨会暨第6届上海数学史会议.?中国上海:?上海交通大学.?2017年11月5日;
41.?Zhu Yiwen.?A History of Confucian Methods for Square Root Extraction. Presentation delivered for The International Symposium for the 410th?Anniversary of the First Chinese Translation of the?Elements?& The 6th? Conference of the History of Mathematics in Shanghai.?Shanghai, China:?Shanghai Jiaotong?University. November 5, 2017;
40.?Zhu Yiwen.?Part of the First Problem of the?Mathematical Book in Nine Chapters. Presentation delivered for Seminar:?Reading Mathematical Texts.?Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. October 25, 2017;
39.?Zhu Yiwen.?Using Counting-diagrams in Astral Procedures in the Thirteenth Century China: Qin Jiushao's?Great Inference Procedure for All Numbers. Presentation delivered for Seminar:?Mathematical and Astronomical Practices.?Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. October 9, 2017;
38.?林力娜、朱一文.?比较算学经典与儒学经典中的数学注释再讨论.?报告于从比较的角度看数学文献中的注释工作坊. 德国柏林:马克斯普朗克科学史研究所.?2017年8月14日;
38. Karine Chemla &?Zhu Yiwen.?A Rediscussion on?Contrasting Mathematical Commentaries on Mathematical Canons and on Confucian Canons. Presentation delivered for Work:?Commentaries on Mathematical Texts in a Comparative Perspective. Berlin, German: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. August 14 2017;
37.?林力娜、朱一文.?比较算学经典与儒学经典中的数学注释.?报告于从比较的角度看数学文献中的注释工作坊. 德国柏林:马克斯普朗克科学史研究所.?2017年8月2日;
37. Karine Chemla &?Zhu Yiwen.?Contrasting Mathematical Commentaries on Mathematical Canons and on Confucian Canons. Presentation delivered for Work: Commentaries on Mathematical Texts in a Comparative Perspective. Berlin, German: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. August 2 2017;
36.?朱一文.?再论中国古代数学与儒学的关系.?报告于第2届中国社会科学青年哲学论坛. 中国广州:中山大学.?2017年5月13日;
36.?Zhu Yiwen.?A Further Discussion on the Relationship Between Mathematics and Confucianism in Ancient China. Presentation delivered for the 2nd?philosophical conference for young scholars in Chinese social sciences. Hohhot, China: Sun Yat-sen University. May 13 2017;
35.?朱一文.?朱熹的数学世界——兼论宋代数学与儒学的关系.?报告于第2届大衍论坛. 中国呼和浩特:内蒙师范大学.?2017年5月6日;
35.?Zhu Yiwen.?Zhu Xi's Mathematical World——A Discussion on the Relationship Between Mathematics and Confucianism in Song Dynasty. Presentation delivered for the 2nd?Dayan?conference. Hohhot, China: Inner Mongolia Normal University. May 6 2017;
34.?朱一文.?数学与礼学的关系及其历史演进.?报告于“经典与解释”讲习会第十二期. 中国广州:中山大学.?2016年11月19日;
34.?Zhu Yiwen.?The?Relationship Between Mathematics and the Ritual Study, and Its Historical Evolution. Presentation delivered for the 12th?seminar for "Classics and its Interpretations". Guangzhou, China: Sun Yat-sen University. November 19 2016;
33.?朱一文.?中国古代对早期数学史的塑造.?报告于第五届制造人文科学会议,分组会议:科学与医学编史学. 美国巴尔的摩:约翰霍普金斯大学.?2016年10月5日;
33.?Zhu Yiwen.?Shaping the Early History of Mathematics in Ancient China. Presentation delivered for The Making of the Humanities Conference V, Session:?Historiography of Science and Medicine. Baltimore, United States of America: Johns Hopkins University. October 5 2016;
32.?Zhu Yiwen.?Mathematics and Power in Seventh Century China. Presentation delivered for 7th?International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Session 200:?Comparative study on the interplay between knowledge?practices and powers in Chinese history. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University. September 22 2016;
31.?Zhu Yiwen.?A Further Study on the Reasoning Mode in Ancient Chinese Mathematics.?Presentation delivered for Conference of "History of Chinese Logic" Across the Taiwan Strait.?Guangzhou, China: Sun Yat-sen University. September 03, 2016;
30.?Zhu Yiwen.?Writing Calculations Using Chinese Characters in Seventeenth Century. Presentation delivered for The EACS XXIth?Conference, Session10: Philosophy:?Compatibility and commensurability?between Western and Chinese systems of thought in Late Ming. Russia,?Saint Petersburg:?Saint-Petersburg State?University. August 26 2016;
29.?朱一文.?七世纪中国通过不同数学注疏礼数.?报告于"SAW"?conference: 礼仪、数学和星占学.?法国巴黎:?巴黎第七大学.?2016年6月8日;
29.?Zhu Yiwen.?Commentaries on Numbers of Ritual through Different Mathematical Knowledge in Seventh Century China. Presentation delivered for "SAW"?conference: Ritual, Mathematics and the Astral Sciences. Paris, France:?University Paris-Diderot. June 08, 2016;
28.?朱一文. 秦九韶算图连线系统初探.?报告于第5届上海数学史会议.?中国上海:?东华大学.?2016年5月28日;
28.?Zhu Yiwen.?A Preliminary Study on Qin Jiushao's Counting-diagrams and Lines System. Presentation delivered for The 5th? Conference of the History of Mathematics in Shanghai.?Shanghai, China:?Donghua?University. May 28, 2016;
27.?Zhu Yiwen.?A Further Study on Qin Jiushao's Writing on Chinese Remainder Theorem. Presentation delivered for The 9th?National Conference of Chinese Society for the History of Mathematics.?Guangzhou, China:?Sun Yat-sen University. October 11, 2015;?
26.?Zhu Yiwen.?& Zheng Cheng. On Qin Jiushao’s Writing System in the?Mathematical Book in Nine Chapters. Presentation delivered for The 14th?International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia. Paris, France:?école des Haute études en Sciences Sociales. July 8, 2015;?
25.?Zhu Yiwen.?Uncovering Astronomical Procedures Using Counting-diagrams: The Case of Qin Jiushao’s Writings on Chinese Remainder Theorem. Presentation delivered for?SAW conference: Mathematical Practices in relation to Astral Sciences. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. March 31, 2015;
24.?Zhu Yiwen.?Commentaries on Numbers of Ritual Through Different Mathematical Knowledges in Seventh Century China. Presentation delivered for SAW exploratory workshop: Astral Sciences, Mathematics and Ritual.?Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. March 20, 2015;
23.?Zhu Yiwen.?Between Scholarships and Politics: Rethinking Li Chunfeng’s Writings on Histories. Presentation delivered for Conference for the History of Science in the Winter Solstice of 2014. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Jiaotong University. December 27, 2014;
22.?Zhu Yiwen.?& Zheng Cheng.?On the First Printed Edition of?Mathematical?Book?in?Nine Chapters. Presentation delivered for?SAW?workshop:?History of Critical Editions. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. December 03, 2014;
21.?Zhu Yiwen.?A New Research on History of Mathematics in China. Presentation delivered for Serious of Lectures on Logic and Cognition. Guangzhou, China: Sun Yat-sen University. October 21, 2014;
20.?Zhu Yiwen.?A?Primary Investigation on the Mathematics in Confucianism. Presentation delivered for 3rd?Conference of the History of Mathematics in Shanghai. Shanghai, China: Fudan University. September 26 2014;
19.?Zhu Yiwen.?Two Modes of Teaching Mathematical Knowledge in 7th?Century China. Presentation delivered for 6th?International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Session 9I: Rethinking Modes of Teaching and Transmitting Knowledge: A Historical Perspective in East and West. Lisbon, Portugal: University of Lisbon. September 04 2014;
18.?Zhu Yiwen.?Two Modes of Teaching Mathematical Knowledge in 7th?Century China. Presentation delivered for the First Seminar of the Public Platform of Humanity Sciences of Sun Yat-sen University: Rethinking Modes of Teaching and Transmitting Knowledge from the Perspective of Intercultural Philosophy. Guangzhou, China: Sun Yat-sen University. August 06, 2014;
17.?Zhu Yiwen.?A New Research on History of Mathematics in China. Presentation delivered for the 28th?Philosophical Salon of Young Scholars in Lingnan. Guangzhou, China: Sun Yat-sen University. May 10, 2014;
16.?Zhu Yiwen.?The Use of a traditional method (Fangcheng) in Calendric Calculations in ancient China. Presentation delivered for SAW seminar: Mathematical Practices in the Content of the Astral Sciences. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. April 11, 2014;
15.?Zhu Yiwen.?Qin Jiushao on the Chinese remainder theorem for calendric calculations. Presentation delivered for SAW seminar: Reading Mathematical Texts. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. April 09, 2014;
14.?朱一文. 十三世纪中国数学的文本化和符号化.?报告于2014年国际数学史和数学哲学会议:给Ashutosh Mookherjee150年诞辰的礼物.?印度加尔各答:Ashutosh Mookherjee纪念研究所和Bose研究所.?2014年2月20日;
14.?Zhu Yiwen.?Symbolization and textualization of mathematics in 13th?century China. Presentation delivered for?International Seminar on History and Philosophy of Mathematics 2014: A Tribute to Sir Ashutosh Mookherjee on his 150th?Birth Anniversary. India, Kolkata: Ashutosh Mookherjee Memorial Institute和Bose Institute. February 20 2014;
13.?Zhu Yiwen.?Politics and Scholarships in 7th?century Tang China from the viewpoint of Li Chunfeng’s writing on histories. Presentation delivered for SAW workshop: Technical Treatise on?Book of Sui. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. September 11 2013;
12.?Zhu Yiwen.?The uses of quantities involving measuring units in 7th?century China. Presentation delivered for 24th?International Conference of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Symposium S45: Mathematical facets of measurement, measuring units, measured quantities and their uses. Manchester, UK: University of Manchester. July 22 2013;
11.?Zheng Cheng &?Zhu Yiwen.?The first printed edition of Shushu Jiuzhang and the text criticism during 17th?century to 9th?century. Presentation delivered for SAW conference: Shaping sciences in ancient world. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. June 17 2013;
10.?Zhu Yiwen.?Differentiate different numbers and present processes in manuscript and block-printed cultures. Presentation delivered for SAW seminar: History of Science, History of Text. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. April 25 2013;
9.?Zhu Yiwen.?Another culture of computation from 7th?century China. Presentation delivered for SAW conference: Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. March 28 2013;
8.?Zhu Yiwen.?Computation with volume units, capacities units and weight units in 7th?century China. Presentation delivered for SAW workshop: Cultures of Computation and Quantification. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. January 29 2013;
7.?Zhu Yiwen.?The way of writing treatises on Harmonics and Calendars (Lü Li zhi) in the 7th?century China. Presentation delivered for SAW workshop: Li Chunfeng and the Treatises in the Official Histories Written in Tang China. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. November 29 2012;
6.?Zhu Yiwen.?Different mathematical cultures in Tang time period as revealed by the treatment of measured quantities. Presentation delivered for The EACS XIXth?Conference, Session10: Premodern History: Meanings and Uses of Measuring Units in Pre-modern China. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. September 08 2012;
5.?Zhu Yiwen.?Jia Gongyan's commentary on?Rites of Zhou Dynasty?and?Ceremonies and Rites. Presentation delivered for SAW seminar: Reading Mathematical Texts. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. June 06, 2012;
4.?Zhu Yiwen.?Moving counting rods into text: The change of language and content of Chinese mathematics. Presentation delivered for Seminar SAW: History and Philosophy of Mathematics. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. April 02, 2012;
3.?Zhu Yiwen.?Positions of counting rods in ancient China. Presentation delivered for Seminar SAW: History of Mathematics, History of Economical and Financial Practices. Paris, France: University Paris-Diderot. January 06, 2012;
2.?Zhu Yiwen.?Counting Rods: From Mathematical Instruments to Calculational Tools—A Further Discussion on the History of Computational Technology. Presentation delivered for The 9th?International Conference on the Minortiy History of Science and Technology and The 8th?Conference on History of Sciecne and Technology for Young Scholars. Xining, China: Qinghai University. August 2, 2011.
1.?Zhu Yiwen.?A new research on the history of mathematics in China: from counting rods to paper. Presentation delivered for The 13th?International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia. Hefei, China: University of Science and Technology of China. July 28, 2011.
说明:SAW指大型的欧盟研究项目“Mathematical?Sciences in the?Ancient?World” (欧洲学术委员会(European Research Council)的第七项目架构(European Union’s Seventh Framework Program?(FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant agreement n.269804),由Karine Chemla, Christine Proust和Agathe Keller三位教授发起并主持。官方网页http://sawerc.hypotheses.org/。我在法国做博士后期间参与此研究项目,上述列表中凡出现SAW均指该项目。

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