

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20


人类学系 副教授


基本介绍张文义 (1978 - ), 男, 云南大理白族人, 中山大学“****”引进人才, 副教授
学历背景2013 ? ? 博士 ? ? 伊利诺伊大学香槟校区(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) ? ? ?社会文化人类学 ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
2007-08 认知神经科学培训 ? ? ?伊利诺伊大学香槟校区贝克曼研究所(Beckman Institute)
2004 ? ? 硕士 ? ? 北京大学 ? ? 社会文化人类学
2001 ? ? 学士 ? ? 云南大学 ? ? 物理
研究方向医学人类学,心理和认知人类学,神经人类学 (neuroanthropology);景颇族,中国,东南亚;
科研项目1. ?2016 ? ? 国家社科一般项目 “儿童健康与农村消费的人类学研究”
2. ? ? 2013 -- 至今 ?合作研究项目“自然的文化模式的跨文化研究”, 美国国家科学基金会
2012 ? ?Thomas J. Anastasio, Kristen Ann Ehrenberger, Patrick Watson, and Wenyi Zhang (按姓氏字母顺序排名)Individual and Collective Memory Consolidation: Analogous Processes on Different Levels. M.I.T. Press.?
2019 ? ? ?“Flowing Between Certainty and Uncertainty Rhythmically:Spirit’s Power and Human Efforts in a Kachin Cultural Model of the Nature in Southwest China.” In Cultural Models of Nature: Primary Food Producers and Climate Change. Edited by Giovanni Bennardo. Oxford: Routledge. Pp. 247-263.
2017 ? ? 《田野一个月,发现心中最美的人类学》,载《武陵纵歌:人类学田野笔记》田阡 编著 新北:华艺学术出版社,第xv - xxxvi页。
2020 ? ? ?《人类学四个基本问题与中国西南民族志探讨的新形式》,《原生态民族文化学刊》2020年第12卷第1期,12(1):35-48. 【《高等学校文科学术文摘》2020年第三期,第125-126页】
2019 ? ? ? 《景颇鬼鸡是什么味道?人类学三次元视野下的记忆、想象与味觉经验的不可言说》,《开放时代》,2019年第5期,第190-203页
2019 ? ? ? 《涨缩的时间,同构的空间:中国西南景颇世界的欲望,想象与记忆》《中山大学学报》(社会科学版),2019年第4期 (中国社会科学网全文转载),59(4):142-152
2017 ? ? ? 《社会与生物的连接点:医学人类学国际研究动态》,《医学与哲学》,2017年第38卷第10A期(总第570期),第39-42页
2017 ? ? 《文斯理与内外交织的人类学方法》,《西北民族研究》,第一期,第90卷,第68-72页。
2016 ? ? ?“Healing Through States of Consciousness: Animal Sacrifice and Christian Prayer among the Kachin in China.” Medical Anthropology 35(2): 119-131.
2014 ? ? ?“Bearing the Decline of Animal Sacrifice: Enhanced State of Consciousness, Illness, Taboos, and the Government in Southwest China.” Anthropology of Consciousness 25(1): 116–140.
2013 ? ? ?(Wenyi Zhang and F. K. L. Chit Hlaing) “The Dynamics of Kachin “Chieftaincy” in Southwestern China and Northern Burma.” Cambridge Anthropology 31(2):88-103.
2019 《“做我喜欢的事,有人给发工资,最快乐莫过于此”:纪念我的导师F. K. L. Chit Hlaing》,载 《成为人类学家》,华东师范大学出版社
2020 ? 《病毒推动人类进化》信睿周报,第21期
2019 ? ?《如果社会是一个又一个的用户界面:读<穿行社会:出租车上的社会学故事>》亚明·那塞希著,许家绍 译. 澎湃书评。
2019 ? “人类学的四个基本问题和中国西南民族志研究的新形式”,“反思民族志工作坊”,云南大学,昆明,2019年6月6日?
2018 ? “你们回去做点迷信吧”:当科学与非科学同时出现”,“趋向:人类学理论、经验与实践”学术工作坊,中山大学,广州,2018年10月20日
2018 ? ?How Do Anthropologists Understand Life? Contingencies and Entanglement of Individual Fates in a Kachin Woman’s Eighty Years of Life.Presnetation at conference “An Anthropological Perspective on Good Life”, Lanzhou Universty, Lanzhou, September 27, 2018
2018 ? Bodily Experience is Rule-governed but sometimes Ineffable: Writing Stories in Society through Ethnography. Presentation at Conference ?“Beyond Self and Other: Contemporary Ethnography in and Beyond China”, University of Chicago Center in Beijing, Apirl 21, 2018?
2018 ? “景颇山的祭师,教室里的人类学家,和日常生活的人类学”中央民族大学,北京,2018年4月19日.?
2017 ? Enfolding and Unfolding Desires and Imaginations through Memory among the ethnic Kachin in Southwest China. Presentation at the First Junior Anthropologists’ Conference in Tongji University, Shanghai. November 18, 2017.?
2017 ? Bodily Experience and Linguistic Efficacy in a Kachin Animal Sacrifical Ritual Officiant’s Conversion to Christianity. Invited Prensentation at Shanghai Foreign Language Univeristy, May 17, 2017.?
2017 ? What Does Kachin Ghost Chicken Taste Like? Taste, Memory and Imagination in Anthropology. Invited Presentation at Funda University, May 16, 2017.?
教学情况本科课程:文化人类学理论;人类学研究方法; 从民族志到人类学;心理、体验与社会:日常生活的人类学研究; Health, Medicine and Society
获奖情况2013 ? ?密西根大学国家制度多样性研究中心授予“典范的多样性****”称号(NCID Exemplary Diversity Scholar Citation, National Center for Institutional Diversity)
2012 ? 约瑟夫?德?卡曼奖金 (The Josephine de Karman Fellowship), 每年在美国所有学科所有研究生和本科生中选10名,我是伊利诺伊大学历史上该奖金的第一位获得者
2012 ? 美国医学人类学协会研究生最佳论文提名奖
2011 ? 美国人类学科学协会最佳学生论文奖
2011 ? 伊利诺伊大学研究生院博士论文写作奖
2011 ? 伊利诺伊大学“认知科学及人工智能奖”
2009 ? 博士论文基金,美国国家科学基金会
2009 ? 路易斯与克拉克田野调查研究基金,美国哲学协会
2009 ? 伊利诺伊大学研究生院博士论文研究奖
2008 ?伊利诺伊大学“认知科学及人工智能奖”
社会兼职2014 ? ? ?中国西南民族研究学会第九届理事会常务理事
American Anthropological Association ?(美国人类学联会) ?
Society for Psychological Anthropology ?(心理人类学协会)
Society for Medical Anthropology ?(医学人类学协会)
2016 ? “When Subjectivity is Contingent on Ethics: Cross-border Marriage, Population Control Policy, and Ethical Christianity in Southwest China,” 中央民族大学,12月17日
2016 ? ?The Paradox of Morality in Kachin Conversion to Christianity: Emancipation, the Immoral Others, and the Predicament of Christianity in Southwest China, 第五届中国青年人类学论坛主旨发言,北京,12月10日
2016 ? “The Market Is a Wandering Witch Spirit: Climate Change, Economic Development, and Transgenic Crops in Southwest China,” in the panel of “Translation, Regulation, and Incorporation: Configuring the Politics of life at the Sites of Technological Intervention in China”, 2016 AAA meetings, Minneapolis.
2015 ? “Flowing Between Certainty and Uncertainty Rhythmically: Spirit’s Power and Human Efforts in a Kachin Cultural Model of the Nature in Southwest China.” Presentation at the workshop “Local Knowledge and Nature: Fieldwork Experiences”, University of Verona, Italy, March 12.
2015 ? ?Anthropology as a bridge between science and culture: consciousness , local biologies, and neuroanthropology in Kachin Healing Rituals. Doing Ethnography in a Globalized World, International Workshop. 南京大学, July 2.
2014 ? <意识与治疗: 中国景颇族献鬼仪式和基督教祈祷仪式的比较研究>, 广州市社会学人类学学会年会, 12月20日
2013 ? "我已经入教了, 但鬼神还不放过我: 中国景颇基督徒的身体, 语言与认知", 中山大学千禾学术讲座, 2013年10月24日.
2013 ? ?“Many Cultures, Many Biologies: Consciousness in Chinese Traditional Medicine and Cognitive Neuroscience” “Traditional Chinese Medicine in Contemporary Contexts” ,Pittsburg University, ?Feb. 15
2012 ? “Spontaneous Cross-border Marriages Encounter Population Control Policy in Southwest China: Citizenship, Genealogy, and Ambiguous Belonging” 2012 AAA meetings, San Franscisco
2011 ? “A Cultural Model of Climate Change in Terms of Local Time and Space Schemes: The Kachin Case in Southwest China”, “Cultural Models of Nature and the Environment” Northern Illinois University, September 16
2011 ? “A Case Analysis of Using the Concept of an ‘Attractor’ from Chaos Theory to Model the Micro-level Dynamics of Interactions among Knowledge Systems” annual Conference for Anthropological Sciences, best student paper
2008 ? “Does Collective Retrograde Amnesia Exit? A Comparative Study on Memory Loss in Post-socialist Mainland China, Taiwan, and Northern Thailand Chinese Villages, 1950-70s” ?“Exploring Analogies between Neural and Social Systems” , University of Illinois ?at Urbana-Champaign, Feb. 28

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