

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20

联系方式:广州市海珠区新港西路135号? 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院;邮编:510275;??
2006—2009???? 香港中文大学社会工作学系????????? 哲学博士(社会福利)
2004—2006?????南开大学周恩来政府管理学院??????? 法学硕士(社会学)
2000—2004?????南开大学法政学院社会学系????????? 法学学士(社会工作)
2015-2016?????? 海南省白沙县副县长(中组部、团中央第16批“博士服务团”挂职)
2013.09 至今????中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院??????? 教授、博士生导师
2010—2013????? 西南财经大学保险学院社会保障学系??????讲师、副教授
1.?? Liu, J. Q., Liu, K. & Huang, Y., 2016, Transferring from the poor to the rich: examining the regressive redistribution in Chinese social insurance programmes, International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol.25: 199-210. (SSCI, IF: 1.021)
2.?? Liu, K., Wu, Q. & Liu, J. Q., 2014, Examining the impact of social health insurance participation on patients’ out-of-pocket payment in China: The role of institutional arrangement, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 113: 95-103.? (SCI & SSCI, IF: 2.89)
3.?? Liu, J. Q. & Tao CHEN, 2013, Sleeping Money: investigating the huge surpluses of social health insurance in China, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, Vol. 13, No.3/4: 319-331. (SSCI, IF: 1.42)
4.?? Liu, J. Q., Xiong, M. L. & Su, Y., 2013, Perceived Happiness of Chinese People in the Era of Economic Growth: An Analysis with China General Social Survey Data, Social Sciences in China, Vol. 34, no. 4: 20-37. (Translated from the Chinese version)
5.?? Liu, J. Q., 2011, Dynamics of Social Health Insurance Development: Examining the Determinants of Chinese Basic Health Insurance Coverage with Panel Data, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 73, no.4: 550-558.? (SCI & SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.89, rank: 4/33)
6. ? 刘军强、刘凯、曾益,2015,“医疗费用持续增长机制:基于历史数据与田野资料的分析”,《中国社会科学》,第8期。
7.??? 刘军强、熊谋林、苏阳,2012,“经济增长时期的国民幸福感——基于CGSS数据的追踪研究”,《中国社会科学》,第12期:82-102。
8.??? 刘军强. 2011. “资源、激励与部门利益:中国社会保险征缴体制的纵贯研究(1999-2008)”,《中国社会科学》,第3期:139-156。
11.?? 刘军强. 2010. ?“社会政策发展的动力:20世纪60年代以来的理论发展述评”,《社会学研究》,第4期:199-221。
12.?? 刘军强、谢延会,2015,“非常规任务、注意力分配与小组治理机制——基于A市的地方政府议事协调机构研究(2002-2012)”,《政治学研究》,第4期。
13.?? 刘军强. 2010. “中国如何实现全民医保?社会医疗保险制度发展的影响因素研究”,《经济社会体制比较》,第2期:115-122。
14.?? 刘军强. 2009. “激励结构与政府投入:从地方政府视角看新型农村合作医疗制度的可持续性”,《公共行政评论》, 第2卷第6期:47-76。
JunQiang LIU
Address: School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University
???????? No. 135 Xin Gang Xi Road, Guangzhou, P. R. China, 510275?
Education Background
2012 to 2013?????? ?M.S. in Health Policy & Management, Harvard University
2006 to 2009???? ???PH. D in Social Welfare, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2004 to 2006??????? M.A. in Sociology, NanKai University
2000 to 2004??????? B.A. in Social Work, NanKai University
Work Experiences
2013.09 to present?? ???????Professor, School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University
2010 to 2013??????????Assistant professor, associate professor, School of Insurance, Southwestern University of Finance & Economics
Journal Articles
In English:
1.? Liu, J. Q., Liu, K. & Huang, Y., 2015, Transferring from the poor to the rich: examining the regressive redistribution in Chinese social insurance programmes, International Journal of Social Welfare. (SSCI, IF: 1.021)
2.? Liu, K., Wu, Q. & Liu, J. Q., 2014, Examining the impact of social health insurance participation on patients’ out-of-pocket payment in China: The role of institutional arrangement, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 113: 95-103.? (SSCI & SCI)
3.? Liu, J. Q. & Tao CHEN, 2013, Sleeping Money: investigating the huge surpluses of social health insurance in China, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, Vol. 13, No.3/4: 319-331. (SSCI, IF: 1.42)
4.? Liu, J. Q., Xiong, M. L. & Su, Y., 2013, Perceived Happiness of Chinese People in the Era of Economic Growth: An Analysis with China General Social Survey Data, Social Sciences in China, Vol. 34 no. 4. (Translated from the Chinese version)
5.? Liu, J. Q., 2011, Dynamics of Social Health Insurance Development: Examining the Determinants of Chinese Basic Health Insurance Coverage with Panel Data, Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 73, no.4: 550-558. (SCI & SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.89)
In Chinese:
6.? Liu, J. Q., Liu, K. & Zeng, Y., 2015. Decomposing Health Inflation in China: An Analysis based on Historical Data and Field Evidence, Social Sciences in China, no. 8.
7.? Liu, J. Q. & Xie, Y. H., 2015. Informal Tasks, Attention Allocation and Small Group Mechanism: An Study of Inter-departmental Committees of A City, Journal of Political Studies, no. 4.
8.? Liu, J. Q., M.L. Xiong & Y. SU, 2012. Perceived Happiness of Chinese People in Booming Years: An Analysis with China General Social Survey Data (2003-2010), Social Sciences in China, no. 12: 82-102.
9.? Liu, J. Q., 2012. Growth, Employment and Social Expenditure: Reflections on the Conventional Wisdom of Social Policy, Sociological Studies, no. 2: 126-148.
10.? Liu, J. Q., 2011. Resources, Incentives and Sectoral Interests: A Longitudinal Study of Collecting Systems of Social Insurance Contributions in Urban China (1999-2008), Social Sciences in China, no. 3:139-156.
11.? Liu, J. Q., 2010. Dynamics of Social Policy Development: Theoretical Advances since the 1960s, Sociological Studies, no. 4:199-221.
12.? Liu, J. Q., 2010. How Can China Achieve Universal Healthcare: Investigating the Determinants of Social Health Insurance Development, Journal of Comparative Economic & Social Systems, no. 2: 115-122.
13.? Liu, J. Q., 2009. Incentive Structure and Government Contribution: Rethinking Sustainability of the Rural New Cooperative Medical Scheme from the Perspective of Local Government,Journal of Public Administration, Vol.2 no.6: 47-76.

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