博士 (2012- 2015)英国伦敦大学皇家赫洛威学院地理系
学士 (2008-2012)华南师范大学,旅游管理学院
副教授 (2017- )中山大学地理科学与规划学院
[1]?? Chen, J. & Liu, C. (forthcoming). Takeaway Food Consumption and Its Geographies of Responsibility in Urban Guangzhou. Food, Culture & Society.
[2]?? Liu, C. (2020). Rethinking the timescape of home: domestic practices in time and space. Progress in Human Geography. DOI: 10.1177/0309**8.
[3]?? Liu, C., & Chen, J. (2020). Takeaway food, waste, and their geographies in workplaces. Geographical Research, 58(3), 265-274.
[4]?? Yang, R., Xue, D., & Liu, C. (2020). Connections and disconnections between family and religion: A family geography of Guangzhou Muslim immigrants. Area, 52(3), 531-538.
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[6]?? Liu, C. & Chen, J. (2020). Consuming takeaway food: convenience, waste and Chinese young people’s urban lifestyle. Journal of Consumer Culture, DOI: 10.1177/**82487.
[7]?? Diprose, K., Liu, C. Valentine, G., Vanderbeck, R. M. McQuaid, K. (2019). Caring for the future: climate change and intergenerational responsibility in China and the UK. Geoforum, 105: 158-167.
[8]?? Diprose, K., Valentine, G., Vanderbeck, R. M., Liu, C., & McQuaid, K. (2019). Building common cause towards sustainable consumption: A cross-generational perspective. Environment and Planning E. 2(2): 203-228.
[9]?? Liu, C., Valentine, G., Vanderbeck, R. M., McQuaid, K., & Diprose, K. (2019). Placing ‘sustainability’ in context: narratives of sustainable consumption in Nanjing, China. Social & Cultural Geography, 20(9): 1307-1324.
[10]???? Liu, C., Valentine, G., Vanderbeck, R. M., McQuaid, K., & Diprose, K. (2019). Rural–urban inequality and the practice of promoting sustainability in contemporary China. GeoJournal, 84(5): 1187-1198.
[11]???? McQuaid, K., Vanderbeck, R.M., Valentine, G., Liu, C. and Diprose, K. (2019) ‘An elephant cannot fail to carry its own ivory’: Transgenerational ambivalence, infrastructure and sibling support practices in urban Uganda. Emotion, Space and Society, 32: 100537, 1-8.
[12]???? Liu, C., Chen, L., Vanderbeck, R. M., Valentine, G., McQuaid, K., & Diprose, K. (2018). A Chinese route to sustainability: post-socialist transitions and the construction of ecological civilisation. Sustainable Development, 26(6): 741-748.
[13]???? McQuaid, K., Vanderbeck, R.M., Valentine, G., Liu, C., Chen L., Zhang, M. and Diprose. K. (2018) Urban climate change, livelihood vulnerability and narratives of generational responsibility in Jinja, Uganda. Africa, 88(1): 11-37.
[14]???? Diprose, K., Fern, R., Vanderbeck, R. M., Chen, L., Valentine, G., Liu, C., & McQuaid, K. (2018). Corporations, Consumerism and Culpability: Sustainability in the British Press. Environmental Communication, 12(5): 672-685.
[15]???? McQuaid, K., Vanderbeck, R.M., Plastow, J. Valentine, G., Liu, C., Chen, L., Zhang, M. and Diprose, K. (2017). Intergenerational Community-Based Research and Creative Practice: Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Jinja, Uganda. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 15(4): 389-410.
[16]???? Liu, C. (2017). Family-based food practices and their intergenerational geographies in contemporary Guangzhou, China. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 42 (4): 572-583.
[17]???? Liu C. & Yang R. (2017) Consuming popular songs online: Phoenix Legend’s audiences and Douban Music. Cultural Geographies. 24 (2): 295-310.
[18]???? Liu, C. (2017). Food practices, gendered intimacy and family life in contemporary Guangzhou. Gender, Place & Culture, 24(1), 97-107.
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[20]???? Liu C., Cai X., Zhu H. (2015) Eating out ethically: An analysis of the influence of ethical food consumption in a vegetarian restaurant in Guangzhou, China. Geographical Review, 105(4), 551-565.
[21]???? Liu C., An N. & Zhu H. (2015) A geopolitical analysis of popular songs in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, 1983-2013. Geopolitics, 20(3): 606-625.
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[26]???? 田紫灵,白凯,刘晨. 中国青年国际义工旅行者的旅游动机及其影响因素[J]. 热带地理, 2019, 39(3): 420-429.
[27]???? 刘晨, 蔡晓梅. “噪”起来:广州音乐现场的文化地理研究[J]. 地理科学, 2016, 36(1): 1-7.
[28]???? 刘晨,朱竑,安宁. 文学旅游地的社会文化建构:以凤凰古城为例[J].旅游学刊, 2014,29(7):68-76.
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[1]?? Liu, C. (2020). Food Practices and Family Lives in Urban China. London: Routledge.
[2]?Diprose, K., Valentine, G., Vanderbeck, R.M., Liu, C., McQuiad, K. (2019) Climate Change, Consumption and Intergenerational Justice: Lived Experiences from China, Uganda and the UK. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
[1]?? Korsnes, M. & Liu, C. (forthcoming) ‘Exploring sufficiency in China: Chinese meat consumption between comfort and constraint’. In Hansen, A and Syse, K., L. (eds.) Changing Meat Cultures: Local Cuisines, Global Capitalism and the Consumption of Animals.
[2]?? Diprose, K., Liu, C., Vanderbeck, R.M., Valentine, G., Chen, L., McQuaid, K., and Zhang, M. (2018) ‘Contrasting theories of intergenerational justice: Just savings or capabilities?’. In Punch, S. and Vanderbeck, R.M. (eds.) Family, Intergenerationality and Peer Group Relations. Volume 5 of the series Major Reference Work on Geographies of Children and Young People (series editor: Tracey Skelton). New York: Springer. pp. 351-369.
[3]?? Liu C. (2018) Food and home-based consumption. In: Jayne M. (ed.) Chinese Urbanism: Critical Everyday Perspectives. London: Routledge. 121-136.
AHRC(Arts and Humanities Research Council) INTERSECTION项目,由谢菲尔德大学Gill Valentine教授和利兹大学Robert?Vanderbeck副教授主持,2014-2017
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20
相关话题/中山大学 地理科学
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基本情况:刘立欣,男,河北石家庄人,博士、讲师、高级工程师、硕士研究生导师,国家一级注册建筑师、注册城市规划师。2012年7月于华南理工大学建筑学院获建筑设计及其理论博士学位(导师何镜堂院士),2006年7月于华南理工大学建筑学院获城市规划与设计硕士学位。具有高等院校和大型设计机构的工作经历,注重学 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20中山大学地理科学与规划学院导师教师师资介绍简介-柳意云
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学历背景2013.9-2017.7北京大学,城市与环境学院,理学博士2015.9-2016.9美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,地理与地理信息科学系,联合培养博士生2010.9-2013.7兰州大学,资源环境学院,理学硕士2006.9-2010.7兰州大学,资源环境学院,理学学士工作经历2017至今中山大学 ...中山大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-20中山大学地理科学与规划学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王劲
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