

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20

2018年9月起为中山大学地理科学与规划学院遥感与地理信息工程系副教授。生于香港, 祖籍广东河源,2015年获加拿大卡尔加里大学颁发测绘工程博士学位。曾经在卡尔加里一初创企业从事测绘研发的工作,开发了一些用于建筑业,石油业和农业等激光雷达数据提取及分析的算法。也曾在一跨国大型企业担任电子工程师约2年,到中大前 ,在工业界工作总约有7年。主要研究方向包括:激光雷达(三维激光扫描)、三维照相机和其他传感器等在各领域的测量应用,包括结构变形监测、结构几何模型(管道、电塔和电缆等)、防灾测量、历史建筑数字化及模型、环境评估及农业相关测量等;专注于传感器结合;传感器校正等技术,并用于不同领域的高精度测量应用;近年也有开展一些面积较大的环境监测和气候变化分析等的研究项目。
[有意愿加入我研究小组攻读硕士,完成大四毕业论文或从事短期研究的同学,请联系我] / [Please?contact me if you are interested in pursuing a master degree in my research group]/[Open to international collaboration or visiting from overseas, please contact me if you have a plan in mind]
卡尔加里大学-测绘工程,博士,加拿大? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2015
卡尔加里大学-测绘工程,硕士,加拿大? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2012
查尔姆斯理工大学-应用环境测量技术,?硕士, 瑞典? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2005
香港科技大学-电子工程(信息与通讯工程),本科,中国香港? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2003
PhD in Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2015
MSc in Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2012
MSc in Applied Environmental Measurement Techniques, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2005
BEng in?Electronic Engineering (Information &?Communication Engineering), HKUST, Hong Kong China? ? ? ? ? ? 2003
副教授,地理科学与规划学院遥感及地信工程系,中山大学,中国? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2018.9 至今
博士后, 地球与大气科学系,阿尔伯塔大学, 加拿大? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2015.9 至 2016.3?
博士后, 测绘工程系,卡尔加里大学, 加拿大? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2015.2 至 2015.8 / 2018.1 至 2018.8
访问研究员,空间科学系,科廷大学, 澳大利亚? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2014.5 至 2014.10?
研究和教学助理, 测绘工程系,卡尔加里大学, 加拿大? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2009.9 至 2015.1
测绘领队, Skytech Solutions Ltd., 加拿大卡尔加里? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2016.3 至 2017.12
电子工程师, 卡西欧Casio (TYO: 6952) 计算机集团香港分部,中国香港? ? ? ? ? ?2008.3 至 2009.8?
初级工程、生产管理等职位, 数家中小型企业,中国香港? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2005.6 至 2008.2? ? ? ??
期刊客席编辑:?国际期刊Symmetry(2073-8994), 任Co-Guess Editor for Special Issue “Symmetry in Building Model” (2021.03~今)
期刊审稿人: Measurement, 3D Research, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Digital Earth, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Journal of Surveying Engineering, - ASCE, International Journal of Remote Sensing?
Gralton S. 2015. Accuracy Assessment of Digital Surface Models Produced from UAV Imagery, Department of Spatial Sciences, Curtin University, Australia
Walsh W. L., 2016. A Review of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Calibration and the Establishment of the Bentley Calibration Field, Curtin University, Australia
工程伦理(研究生), 2020
C/C++程序设计 (本科),2021
测量与地图学(本科), 2018,2019
BMEN509 Biomedical Imaging and Applications (2010-2014 Winter, 5 terms)
ENGG233 Computing for Engineers I (2013 Fall)
ENGG200 Engineering Design and Communication (2012 Fall)
Underlined = Student directly supervised (直接指导的学生), * = ?Corresponding Author (通讯作者)
[J27]?Yu J., Lu, X., Tian, M.,?Chan, T.O.,?Chen, C., 2021. Automatic Extrinsic Self-calibration of Mobile LiDAR Systems Based on Planar and Spherical Features. Measurement Science and Technology, 32 065107.
[J26]?Sun, Y., Wang, S., Zhang X., Chan, T.O., Wu, W., 2021. Estimating Local-scale Domestic Electricity Energy Consumption using Demographic, Nighttime Light Imagery and Twitter Data, Energy, 226, 120351.
[J25]?Chan, T.O., Xia, L., Chen, Y., Lang, W., Chen, T., Sun, Y., Wang, J., Li, Q.,?Du, R., 2021. Symmetry Analysis of Oriental Polygonal Pagodas Using 3D Point Clouds for Cultural Heritage.?Sensors,?21, 1228.?
[J24]?Lichti, D.D., Chan, T.O., Belton, D., 2021. Linear Regression with an Observation Distribution Model.?Journal of?Geodesy,?95,?23.
[J23]?Zhang, X., Sun, Y., Chan, T.O., Huang, Y., Zheng, A., Liu, Z., 2021 Exploring Impact of Surrounding Service Facilities on Urban Vibrancy Using Tencent Location-Aware Data: A Case of Guangzhou.?Sustainability,?13, 444.?
[J22]?Li Q., Xia, L., Chan T. O., Xia J., Geng J., Zhu H., Cai, Y., 2020. Intrinsic Identification and Mitigation of Multipath for Enhanced GNSS Positioning. Sensors. 21, 188.
[J21]?Sun Y., Hu X., Huang Y., Chan T. O., 2020. Spatial patterns of Childhood Obesity Prevalence in Relation to Socioeconomic Factors across England, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9 (10), 599.
[J20]?Sun Y., Wang Y., Yuen K., Chan T. O., Huang Y., 2020. Discovering Spatio-temporal Clusters of Road Collisions using the Method of Fast Bayesian Model-based Cluster Detection, Sustainability, 12, 8681.
[J19]?Chen, M., Chan, T. O.*, Wang, X.*, Lin, Y. Luo, M., Huang, H., Sun, Y., Cui, G., Huang, Y. ,2020. A Risk Analysis Framework for Transmission Towers under Potential Pluvial Flood - LiDAR Survey and Geometric Modelling. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50,101862.
[J18]?Sun, Y., Chan, T.O.*, Xie, J.; Sun, X., Huang, Y. , 2020. Examining Spatial Association of Air Pollution and Suicide Rate Using Spatial Regression Models.?Sustainability,?12, 7444.
[J17]?Xu, F,?Chan, T.O.,?Luo, M. ,2020. Different Changes in Dry and Humid Heat Waves over China.?International Journal of?Climatology,?1–?14.?
[J16]?Chan, T.O., Xia, L., Lichti, D.D., Sun, Y., Wang, J., Jiang, T., Li, Q., 2020. Geometric Modelling for 3D Point Clouds of Elbow Joints in Piping Systems. Sensors, 20, 4594
[J15]?Chan, T. O., Lang W, Chen T., Liu, Z., Zhao, Q., Liao, C., Zhang L., 2020.?A Photogrammetric Inspection Method for the National Flag based on a Single Image.?The Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science (Accepted)
[J14]?Gao T., Luo M., Lau N-C., Chan, T. O.,?2020. Spatially Distinct Effects of Two El Ni?o Types on Summer Heat Extremes in China.?Geophysical Research Letters, 47(6): e2020GL086982.
[J13]?Wang, X., Chan, T. O.*, Liu, K., Pan, J., M. Luo, Li, W. and Wei, C. 2020. A Robust Segmentation Framework for Closely Packed Buildings from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds. International Journal of Remote Sensing,?41(14): 5147-5165.
[J12]?Jiang M., Lin Y., Chan T. O., Yao Y., Zheng G., Luo S., Zhang L. and Liu, D., 2020. Geologic Factors Leadingly Drawing the Macroecological Pattern of Rocky Desertification in Southwest China.Scientific Report 10:1440
[J11]?Lin, L., Chan, T. O., Ge E., Wang X., Zhao, Y., Yang, Y., Ning, G., Zeng Z., Luo, M. 2020. Effects of Urban Expansion on Decreasing Atmospheric Moisture in South China.?Urban Climate,?32, 100626.
[J10]?Lin, L., Luo, M., Chan, T. O., Ge E., Liu, X. Zhao, Y. and Liao, W., 2019. Effects of Urbanization on Winter Wind Chill Conditions over China. Sciences of Total Environment, 688(20), 389-397
[J9] Chan, T.O.*; Lichti, D.D.; Jahraus, A.; Esfandiari, H.; Lahamy, H.; Steward, J.; Glanzer, M., 2018. An Egg Volume Measurement System Based on the Microsoft Kinect. Sensors,?18, 2454.
[J8] Hu, X., Sun, J., Chan, T. O. and Myers, P. G., 2018. Thermodynamic and Dynamic Ice Thickness Contributions in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in NEMO-LIM2 Numerical Simulations.?The Cryosphere, 12, 1233-1247.
[J7] Chan, T. O.*, Lichti, D. D., Belton, D., Klingseisen B. and Helmholz, P., 2016. Survey?Accuracy Analysis of a Hand-held Mobile LiDAR Device for Cultural Heritage Documentation. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation, 3, p.153-165.?
[J6] Chan, T. O.*, Lichti, D. D., Belton, D. and Nguyen, H. L., 2016. Automatic Point Cloud?Registration using a Single Octagonal Lamp Pole. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 82 (4), p. 257-269.?
[J5] Chan, T. O.*?and Lichti, D. D., 2015. Automatic In Situ Calibration of a Spinning Beam LiDAR System in Static and Kinematic Modes. Remote Sensing, 7(8), p. 10480-10500.?
[J4] Chan, T. O.*, Lichti, D. D. and Belton, D., 2015. A Rigorous Cylinder-based Self-Calibration Approach for Terrestrial Laser Scanners. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 99, p. 84-99.?
[J3] Qi, X., Lichti, D. D., El-Badry, M., Chan, T. O., El-Halawany, S. I., Lahamy, H. and Steward, J., 2014. Structural Dynamic Deflection Measurement with Range Cameras. Photogrammetric Record, 29 (145), p. 89-107.?
[J2] Chan, T. O.*, Lichti, D. D. and Glennie C., 2013. Feature-based Boresight Self-Calibration of a Terrestrial Mobile Mapping System. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 82, p. 112-124.?
[J1] Lichti, D. D., Jamtsho, S., El-Halawany, S., Lahamy, H., Chow, J., Chan, T. O. and El-Badry M., 2011. Structural Deflection Measurement with a Range Camera. Journal of Surveying Engineering,138 (2), p. 66-76.?
Conference Papers and Abstracts:?
[C12]?Chan, T. O.*, Xia, L., Tang, J., Liu, M., Lang, W., Chen, T.,? Xiao, H. 2020.?Central Axis Estimation for Ancient Chinese Pagodas based on Geometric Modelling and UAV-based Photogrammetry. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2020, 751–756, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B2-2020-751-2020. (The XXIV?ISPRS Congress, Nice, France, 2020).
[C11]?Wang, X., Chan, T. O.*, Liu, K., Li, W. and Wei, C., 2019 Segmentation of Closely Packed Buildings from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds. The 11th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology, Shenzhen, China
[C10]?Chan, T.O.*, Lichti, D.D., Goesler G., Cosandier D. and Al-Durgham K., 2019. Scale-Factor Calibration of the Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR System for Position Tracking Applications. The 11th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology, Shenzhen, China
[C9] Myers, P. G., Hu, X., Pennelly, C., Castro de la Guardia, L., Chan, T. O., Garcia, Y., Gillard, L., Grivault, N., Holdsworth, A., Marson, J., Ridenour, N. and Courtois, P., 2016. NEMO Modelling with the Arctic Northern Hemisphere Atlantic Configuration. Joint Scientific Congress of CMOS and CGU, May 29–Jun 2, Frederition, NB, Canada
[C8] Chan, T. O.* and Myers, P. G., 2016. Automatic Detection of Cyclonic and Anticyclonic Features from a Dense Wind Forcing Dataset. Joint Scientific Congress of CMOS and CGU, May 29– Jun 2, Frederition, NB, Canada?
[C7] Chan, T. O.*, Myers, P. G. and Hu, X., 2016. Sea Ice Analysis using a Framework based on 3D Surfaces. Joint Scientific Congress of CMOS and CGU, May 29 – Jun 2, Frederition, NB, Canada?
[C6] Lahamy H., Lichti D. D., Ahmed T., Ferber R., Hettinga B., and Chan T. O., 2014. Markerless Human Motion Analysis using Multiple SR4000 Range Cameras. The 13 th International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement (3D-AHM), Jul 14-17, Lausanne, Switzerland.?
[C5] Chan T. O.* and Lichti, D. D., 2014. Geometric Modelling of Octagonal Lamp Poles. ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium "Close-range Imaging, Ranging and Applications", Jun 23-25, Riva del Garda, Italy.?
[C4] Chan T. O.*, Lichti, D. D. and Belton, D., 2013. Temporal Analysis and Automatic Calibration of the Velodyne HDL-32E LiDAR System. ISPRS Laserscanning Workshop 2013, Nov 11-13, Antalya, Turkey.?
[C3] Chan, T. O.* and Lichti, D. D., 2013 (Best Student Paper Award). Feature-based Self- Calibration of Velodyne HDL-32E LiDAR for Terrestrial Mobile Mapping Applications. The 8th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology 2013, May 1 - 3, Tainan, Chinese Taipei?
[C2] Chan, T. O.* and Lichti, D. D., 2012 (Best ePoster Paper Award). Cylinder-based Self-Calibration of a Panoramic Terrestrial Laser Scanner. The XXII ISPRS Congress 2012, Aug 28-Sep 1, Melbourne, Australia.?
[C1] Chan T. O.*?and Lichti, D. D., 2011. 3D Catenary Curve Fitting for Geometric Calibration. ISPRS Laserscanning Workshop 2011, Aug 29-30, Calgary, Canada
国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害检测预警与防范”专项课题“大湾区极端天气气候防灾减灾和适应的技术与对策”(2019YFC**) ,课题骨干,合作院校:香港中文大学(深圳),2020-2023
中山大学青年教师培育项目,2019 - 2021
瑞典Hexagon集团子公司加拿大Novatel Inc. Velodyne VLP-16 激光雷达比例因子参数校正项目(**),2018
澳大利亚 Endeavour Research Fellowship,2014
第8届国际制动制图科技会议(The 8th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology), 最佳研究生论文奖,2013
第22届国际摄影测量及遥感大会(The XXII ISPRS Congress),最佳电子海报论文奖,2012
中山大学大学生创新训练计划项目(获国家级资助),《基于三维激光扫描技术的传统村落古建筑保护研究——以云浮市水东村为例》,导师:郎嵬、陈定安;学生成员:付燕、芮宁静、杜汝旭、张秀叶、陆进锋 (2017,2018级本科)
中山大学大学生创新训练计划项目(获国家级资助),《自动过滤地铁点云人影噪声的算法研究》,导师:陈定安;学生成员:刘智泉、招倩莹、乔浩、张陆潘 (2016级本科)

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