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陈旭,中山大学计算机学院教授、博导、院长助理、先进网络与计算系统研究所所长、国家地方联合工程实验室以及广东省工程实验室副主任。2012年于香港中文大学信息工程系获得博士学位,2012年到2014年在美国亚利桑那州立大学网络信息实验室从事博士后研究,2014年到2016年,获世界著名的洪堡基金会资助成为洪堡****,在德国拥有47位诺贝尔奖得主的哥廷根大学从事科研工作。2016年加入中山大学数据科学与计算机学院,入选国家海外高层次青年人才,担任广东省“珠江人才计划”创新团队带头人。迄今在IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing、 IEEE INFOCOM、IEEE ICDCS、ACM MOBIHOC、 ACM MM、Ubicom等国际高水平会议与权威期刊发表论文140余篇, 谷歌学术引用超过7000次,单篇引用最高超过1600次。 获得IEEE ComSoc学会亚太区********奖、IEEE ComSoc学会Young Professional最佳论文奖、CCF A类国际会议IEEE INFOCOM的最佳论文亚军奖、IEEE通信协会旗舰会议ICC最佳论文奖、国际会议IEEE ISI的最佳论文荣誉提名奖以及香港青年科学家奖。获邀担任国际高水平期刊?IEEE Internet of Things Journal、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、IEEE JSAC?Series on Network Softwarization and Enablers、中国工程院院刊Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering编委,以及??IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society领域主编。担任国家重点研发计划专项会评专家、科技部创新人才推进计划评审专家、 教育部国家级高层次人才评审专家、国家自然科学基金评审专家、广东省重点研发计划“芯片、软件与计算”重大专项专家组成员、中国电子科技集团电子科学研究院智库首席专家,2018年度国际会议IEEE ICAPDS边缘计算专区主席、2017年度IEEE通信协会旗舰会议IEEE WCNC分会主席,2015年度国际会议ISVC专区主席, 以及2014年度国际会议NetCoop大会宣传主席,并多次出任包括国际会议ACM MOBIHOC,IEEE旗舰会议INFOCOM、GLOBECOM、ICC、WCNC等大会技术程序委员会成员。
News: 长期招收博士、硕士研究生,以及****副教授、特聘科研人员(副研究员、研究员)、博士后。欢迎优秀本科生加入实验室,表现优秀者可以推荐至香港、美国、欧洲各地继续深造。本团队与腾讯微信研究团队保持长期合作,表现优秀的研究生可优先推荐工作。
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BmiiIaoAAAAJ&hl=en?


2004/09-2008/07 :华南理工大学,学士学位。

全球前2%顶尖科学家“职业生涯影响力”和“年度影响力”榜单 (美国斯坦福大学发布),2020
中国电子科技集团电子科学研究院智库首席专家, 2019-至今
IEEE ComSoc学会亚太区********奖,2017
IEEE ComSoc Young Professional最佳论文奖,2017
IEEE ICC最佳论文奖, 2017
IEEE INFOCOM最佳论文亚军奖, 2014
IEEE ISI最佳论文荣誉提名奖, 2010
香港中文大学Madam Woo Li Shiu Charm 纪念奖学金,2012
美国亚利桑那州立大学工程学院“Key Contributor”荣誉获得者,2013


IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society,?Cloud/Edge/IoT领域主编 (IEEE开放型旗舰期刊)
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Series on Network Softwarization and Enablers编委 (中科院一区、CCF A类)?
IEEE Internet of Things Journal副编辑 (中科院一区)?
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications副编辑 ?(中科院一区)
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking副编辑
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering副编辑
Springer Handbook of Cognitive Radio领域编辑
International Journal of Big Data Intelligence专刊编委

[BOOK]?Sen Lin, Zhi Zhou, Zhaofeng Zhang, Xu Chen, and Junshan Zhang, Edge Intelligence in the Making: Optimization, Deep Learning, and Applications, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2020.
[BOOK]?Yang Yang, Xu Chen, Yong Xiao, and Rui Tang, Intelligent IoT for the Digital World, Wiley, 2021.
[BOOK]?X. Wang, Y. Han, V.?C. M. Leung, D.?Niyato, X. Yan, and Xu Chen, Edge AI - Convergence of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2020.
[TKDE]?Yunpeng Weng, Liang Chen, and Xu Chen*, “Identifying User Relationship on WeChat Money-Gifting Network,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Sept. 2020.
[TKDE]?Yunpeng Weng, Xu Chen*, Liang Chen, and Wei Liu, “GAIN: Graph Attention & Interaction Network for Inductive Semi-Supervised Learning over Large-scale Graphs,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Oct. 2020.
[PIEEE] Zhi Zhou, Xu Chen*, En Li, Liekang Zeng, Ke Luo, and Junshan Zhang,“Edge Intelligence: Paving the Last Mile of Artificial Intelligence with Edge Computing,” Proceedings of the IEEE, May?2019.?(>350 citations)
[COMST] Xiaofei Wang, Yiwen Han, Victor C.M. Leung, Dusit Niyato, Xueqiang Yan, and Xu Chen,“Convergence of Edge Computing and Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey,”? IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Jan. 2020.?(>230 citations)
[TON]?X. Chen, L. Jiao, W. Li and X. Fu, “Efficient Multi-User Computation Offloading for Mobile-Edge Cloud Computing,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 2795 - 2808, Oct. 2016.?(>1600 citations)
[TON]?Qiong Wu, Xu Chen*, Zhi Zhou, Lian Chen, and Junshan Zhang, “Deep Reinforcement Learning with Spatio-temporal Traffic Forecasting for Data-Driven Base Station Sleep Control,” accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Jan. 2021.
[TON]?Liekang Zeng, Xu Chen*, Lei Yang, Zhi Zhou, and Junshan Zhang, “CoEdge: Cooperative DNN Inference with AdaptiveWorkload Partitioning over Heterogeneous Edge Devices,”accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), Nov. 2020.
[TON]?Guocheng Liao, Xu Chen, and Jianwei Huang, “Social-Aware Privacy-Preserving Mechanism for Correlated Data,” accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, April 2020
[TON]?Guocheng Liao, Xu Chen, and Jianwei Huang, “Prospect Theoretic Analysis of Privacy-Preserving Mechanism,” accepted by IEEE/ACMTransactions on Networking, Oct. 2019.
[TON]?X. Gong, X. Chen*, K. Xing, D. Shin, M. Zhang, and J. Zhang, “From Social Group Utility Maximization to Personalized Location Privacy in Mobile Networks,” accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Dec. 2016.
[TON]?X. Chen, X. Gong, L. Yang and J. Zhang, “Exploiting Social Tie Structure for Cooperative Wireless Networking: A Social Group Utility Maximization Framework,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking , Vol. 24, No. 6, Dec. 2016.
[TON] X. Chen, X. Gong, L. Yang and J. Zhang, “Amazon in the White Space: Social Recommendation Aided Distributed Spectrum Access,” accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking , March 2016.?
[TON] X. Chen, B. Proulx, X. Gong and J. Zhang, “Exploiting Social Ties for Cooperative D2D Communications: A Mobile Social Networking Case,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 1471-1484, Oct. 2015.(>220 citations)
[TON] ?C. Wu, X. Chen, ?W. Zhu, and Y. Zhang, “Socially-Driven Learning-Based Prefetching in Mobile Online Social Networks,”accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, March?2017.
[JSAC]?Qiong Wu, Muhong Wu, Xu Chen*, Zhi Zhou, Kaiwen He, and Liang Chen, “DeepCP: Deep Learning Driven Cascade Prediction Based Autonomous Content Placement in Closed Social Network,” accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), March 2020.
[JSAC]?Jieli Yin, Tong Xia, Yong Li, Xiang Chen, Zhi Zhou, and Xu Chen, “Mobile App Usage Patterns Aware Smart Data Pricing,” accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Jan. 2020.
[JSAC]?Zhi Zhou, Qiong Wu, and Xu Chen*, “Online Orchestration of Cross-Edge Service Function Chaining for Cost-Efficient Edge Computing,” accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, June 2019.
[JSAC]?Xinlei Chen, Yulei Zhao, Yong Li, X. Chen, Ning Ge, Sheng Chen,“Social Trust Aided D2D Communications: Performance Bound and Implementation Mechanism,” accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Jan. 2018.?
[JSAC]?Lingjun Pu, Lei Jiao, X. Chen*, Lin Wang, ?and Jingdong Xu,“Online Resource Allocation, Content Placement and Request Routing for Cost-efficient Edge Caching in Cloud Radio Access Networks,” accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, May?2018.?
[JSAC]?Tao Ouyang, Zhi Zhou, and?X. Chen*,“Follow Me at the Edge: Mobility-Aware Dynamic Service Placement for Mobile Edge Computing,” accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Aug.?2018.?(>120 citations)
[JSAC]?X. Chen and J. Huang, “Database-assisted Distributed Spectrum Sharing,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp. 2349–2361, Nov. 2013.
[JSAC]?X. Chen and J. Huang, “Distributed Spectrum Access with Spatial Reuse,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 593–603, March 2013.
[JSAC]?X. Chen and J. Huang, “Spatial Spectrum Access Game,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 646 – 659, March 2015.
[JSAC]?R. Southwell, X. Chen* and J. Huang, “Quality of Service Games for Spectrum Sharing,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 589–600, March 2014.
[JSAC]?L. Pu, X. Chen*, J. Xu, X. Fu, “Crowd Foraging: A QoS-oriented Self-organized Mobile Crowdsourcing Framework over Opportunistic Networks,” accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Jan. 2017.
[JSAC]?L. Pu, X. Chen*, J. Xu, X. Fu, “D2D Fogging: An Energy-efficient and Incentive-aware Task Offloading Framework via Network-assisted D2D Collaboration,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 3887 – 3901, Dec. 2016.?(>250 citations)
[JSAC]?X. Gong, L. Duan, X. Chen*, J. Zhang, “When Social Network Effect Meets Congestion Effect in Wireless Networks: Data Usage Equilibrium and Optimal Pricing,” accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Nov. 2016.?
[TMC]?Qiong Wu, Xu Chen*, Zhi Zhou, and Junshan Zhang, “FedHome: Cloud-Edge based Personalized Federated Learning for In-Home Health Monitoring,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Dec. 2020.
[TMC]?Yuxi Zhao, Xiaowen Gong, and Xu Chen, “Privacy-Preserving Incentive Mechanisms for Truthful Data Quality in Data Crowdsourcing,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Nov. 2020.
[TMC]?Kaiwen He, Xu Chen*, Qiong Wu, Shuai Yu, and Zhi Zhou, “Graph Attention Spatial-Temporal Network with Collaborative Global-Local Learning for Citywide Mobile Traffic Prediction,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Aug. 2020.
[TMC]?Shuai Yu, Xu Chen*, Shuai Wang, Lingjun Pu, and Di Wu, “An Edge Computing-based Photo Crowdsourcing Framework for Real-time 3D Reconstruction,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, June 2020.
?[TMC]?Song Yang, Fan Li, Stojan Trajanovski, Xu?Chen, Yu Wang, and Xiaoming Fu, “Delay-AwareVirtual Network Function Placement and Routing in Edge Clouds,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Sept. 2019.
[TMC]?X. Chen and J. Huang, “Spatial Spectrum Access Game,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 646 – 659, March 2015.
[TMC]?X. Chen and J. Huang, “Imitation-based Social Spectrum Sharing,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1189 - 1202, June 2015.
[TMC]?X. Chen and J. Huang, “Evolutionarily Stable Spectrum Access,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 1281–1293, July 2013.
[TMC]?X. Chen, J. Huang, and H. Li, “Adaptive Channel Recommendation for Opportunistic Spectrum Access,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 12, No. 9, pp.1788–1800, Sept. 2013.
[TMC]?Y. Cao, T. Jiang, X. Chen, and J. Zhang, “Social-Aware Video Multicast Based on Device-to-Device Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing , Vol. 15, No. 6, pp.1528-1539, June 2016.?
[TPDS]?X. Chen, "Decentralized Computation Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 974–983, April 2015.(>690 citations)
[TPDS]?Miao Hu, Zixuan Xie Di Wu, Yipeng Zhou, Xu Chen, and Liang Xiao, “Heterogeneous Edge Offloading with Incomplete Information: A Minority Game Approach,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, April 2020
[TPDS]?Miao Hu, Lei Zhuang, Di Wu, Yipeng Zhou, Xu Chen, and Liang Xiao,“Learning Driven Computation Offloading for Asymmetrically Informed Edge Computing,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Jan. 2019
[TWC]?Huirong Ma, Zhi Zhou, and Xu Chen*, “Leveraging the Power of Prediction: Predictive Service Placement for Latency-Sensitive Mobile Edge Computing,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, June 2020.
[TWC]?En Li, Liekang Zeng, Zhi Zhou, and Xu Chen*, “Edge AI: On-Demand Accelerating Deep Neural Network Inference via Edge Computing,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Sept. 2019
[TWC]??Siqi Luo, Xu Chen*, Qiong Wu, Zhi Zhou, and Shuai Yu, “HFEL: Joint Edge Association and Resource Allocation for Cost-Efficient Hierarchical Federated Edge Learning,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, June 2020.
[TWC]??Siqi Luo, Xu Chen*, Zhi Zhou, Xiang Chen, and Weigang Wu “Incentive-Aware Micro Computing Cluster Formation for Cooperative Fog Computing,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Jan. 2020.
[TNSE]?Canhui Chen, Xu Chen*, Jianshan Yu,Weigang Wu, and DiWu, “Impact of Temporary Fork on the Evolution of Mining Pools in Blockchain Networks: An Evolutionary Game Analysis,”accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), Nov. 2020.
[TCC]?Rui Li, Zhi Zhou, Qing Ling, and Xu Chen*, “Resource Price-Aware Offloading for Edge-Cloud Collaboration: A Two-Timescale Online Control Approach,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Aug. 2019.
[TCCN]?Gongwei Xiao, MuhongWu, Zhi Zhou, Qian Shi, and Xu Chen, “DeepVR: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Predictive Panoramic Video Streaming,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Aug. 2019.
[IoTJ]?Rui Li, Qian Ma, Jie Gong, Zhi Zhou, and Xu Chen*, “Age of Processing: Age-driven Status Sampling and Processing Offloading for Edge Computing-enabled Real-time IoT Applications,” accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal,?Feb. 2021.
[IoTJ]?Shuai Yu, Xiaowen Gong, Qian Shi, XiaofeiWang, and Xu Chen, “EC-SAGINs: Edge Computing-enhanced Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks for Internet of Vehicles,”accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), Jan. 2021.
[IoTJ]?Shuai Yu, Xu Chen*, Zhi Zhou, Xiaowen Gong, and DiWu, “When Deep Reinforcement Learning Meets Federated Learning: Intelligent Multi-Timescale Resource Management for Multi-access Edge Computing in 5G Ultra Dense Network,” accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), Sept. 2020.
[IoTJ]?Xin Tang, Xu Chen*, Liekang Zeng, Shuai Yu, and Lin Chen, “Joint Multi-User DNN Partitioning and Computational Resource Allocation for Collaborative Edge Intelligence,”?IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), July 2020.
[IoTJ]?Song Yang, Nan He, Fan Li, Stojan Trajanovski, Xu Chen, YuWang, and Xiaoming Fu, “Survivable Task Allocation in Cloud Radio Access Networks with Mobile Edge Computing,”IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), July 2020.
[IoTJ]?Mingyue Cui, Shipeng Zhong, Boyang Li, Xu Chen, and Huang Kai , "Offloading Autonomous Driving Services via Edge Computing,” accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal, May 2020.
[IoTJ]?Zhi Zhou, Shuai Yu, Wuhui Chen, and Xu Chen*, “CE-IoT: Cost-Effective Cloud-Edge Resource Provisioning for Heterogeneous IoT Applications,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, April 2020.
[IoTJ]?Qiong Wu, Xu Chen*, Zhi Zhou, and Liang Chen, “Mobile Social Data Learning for User-Centric Location Prediction with Application in Mobile Edge Service Migration,”accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Feb. 2019.?
[IoTJ]?Kang Liu, Xiaoyu Qiu, Wuhui Chen, Xu Chen, and Zibin Zheng, “Optimal Pricing Mechanism for Data Market in Blockchain-enhanced Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, July 2019.
[IoTJ]?Zhen Zhang, Zicong Hong, Wuhui Chen, Zibin Zheng, and Xu Chen, “Joint Computation Offloading and Coin Loaning for Blockchain-empowered Mobile-EdgeComputing,” accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Aug. 2019.
[IoTJ]??Kaijun Liu, Ke Luo, Zhizhou, and Xu Chen*, “ERP: Edge Resource Pooling for Data Stream Mobile Computing,” accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Nov. 2018.
[IoTJ]?Lingjun Pu, Xu Chen*, Guoqiang Mao, Qinyi Xie and Jingdong Xu*, “Chimera: An Energy-efficient and Deadline-aware Hybrid Edge Computing Framework for Vehicular Crowdsensing Applications,” accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Sept. 2018.
[IoTJ]?Yang Yang, KunlunWang, Guowei Zhang, Xu Chen, Xiliang Luo, and Ming-Tuo Zhou, “MEETS: Maximal Energy Efficient Task Scheduling in Homogeneous Fog Networks,”accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal, June 2018.
[IoTJ]?Song Yang, Fan Li, Meng Shen, Xu Chen, Xiaoming Fu, and YuWang, “Cloudlet Placement and Task Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing,” accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal, March 2019.
[TIOT]?Yali Yuan, Chencheng Liang, Megumi Kaneko, Xu Chen, Lingjun Pu, and Xiaoming Fu,“Adaptive Fuzzy Game-based Energy Efficient Localization in Underwater Sensor Networks,” accepted by ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, June 2020.
[OJ-COMS]?Deyin Liu, Xu Chen*, Zhi Zhou, and Qing Ling, “HierTrain: Fast Hierarchical Edge AI Learning with Hybrid Parallelism in Mobile-Edge-Cloud Computing,” IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, May 2020.
[OJ-CS]?Qiong Wu, Kaiwen He, and Xu Chen*, “Personalized Federated Learning for Intelligent IoT Applications: A Cloud-Edge based Framework,”IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, May 2020.
[WCM]?X. Chen, L. Pu, L. Gao, W. Wu, and D. Wu, "Exploiting Massive D2D Collaboration for Energy-Efficient Mobile Edge Computing," IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 64 - 71, Aug. 2017. (>120 citations)
[WCM] Shuai Yu, Xu Chen*, Lei Yang, Di Wu, Mehdi Bennis, and Junshan Zhang, “Intelligent Edge: Leveraging Deep Imitation Learning for Mobile Edge Computation Offloading,” accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications, Dec. 2019
[NET]?Liekang Zeng, En Li, Zhi Zhou, and Xu Chen*, “Boomerang: On-demand Cooperative Deep Neural Network Inference for Edge Intelligence on Industrial Internet of Things,” IEEE Network, May 2019.
[NET]??XiaofeiWang, Yiwen Han, ChenyangWang, Qiyang Zhao, Xu Chen, and Min Chen, “In-Edge AI: Intelligentizing Mobile Edge Computing, Caching and Communication by Federated Learning,” accepted by IEEE Network, March 2019.
[NET]?X. Chen, Z. Zhou, W. Wu,? D. Wu and J. Zhang, “Socially-Motivated Cooperative Mobile Edge Computing,”accpetted by IEEE Networks, Jan. 2018.
[NET]?X. Chen, Qian Shi, Lei Yang, and Jie Xu, “ThriftyEdge: Resource-Efficient Edge Computing for Intelligent IoT Applications,”IEEE Networks, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 61--65, Jan.-Feb. 2018.
[NET] Konglin Zhu,Wenting Zhi, X. Chen, Lin Zhang, “Socially Motivated Data Caching in Ultra Dense Small Cell Networks,” IEEE Networks, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 42–48, August 2017.?
[TSMC]?X. Chen, “Police Patrol Optimization with Security Level Functions,” IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics: Systems , Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 1042–1051, September 2013.
[TSMC]?X. Chen, “Fast Patrol Route Planning in Dynamic Environments,” IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics (SMC) –Part A: Human and Systems, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 894–904, July 2012.
[TSG]?L. Yang, X. Chen, J. Zhang, and H.V. Poor, “Cost-Effective and Privacy-Preserving Energy Management for Smart Meters,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 486–495, Jan. 2015.
[TVT] ?Siqi Luo, Xu Chen, Zhi Zhou, and Shuai Yu, “Fog-enabled Joint Computation, Communication and Caching Resource Sharing for Energy-Efficient IoT Data Stream Processing,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Feb. 2021
[TVT] ?Qian Shi and Xu Chen*, “Carpool for Big Data: Enabling Efficient Crowd Cooperation in Data Market for Pervasive AI,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, April 2020.
[TVT] ?Xu?Chen, Wenzhong Li, Sanglu Lu, Zhi Zhou, and Xiaoming Fu, “Efficient Resource Allocation for On-Demand Mobile-Edge Cloud Computing,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, June 2018.
[TVT] Yali Yuan, Chencheng Liang, Megumi Kaneko, Xu?Chen, and Dieter Hogrefe, “Topology Control for Energy-Efficient Localization in Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks using Stackelberg Game,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Nov. 2018.
[TCOM] ?Chaojing Xue,Wenzhong Li, Lingfan Yu, Jiacheng Shang, and Xu Chen, and Sanglu Lu,“SERO: A Model-driven Seamless Roaming Framework forWireless Mesh Network with Multipath TCP,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communications, Nov. 2018.
[TSIPN] X. Gong, X. Chen*, J. Zhang, and H.V. Poor, “ Exploiting Social Trust Assisted Reciprocity (STAR) towards Utility-Optimal Socially-aware Crowdsensing,” IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, Vol 1. No. 3, pp. 195 - 208, Sept. 2015.
[TETC] L. Pu, X. Chen*, J. Xu*, X. Fu, “Content Retrieval At the Edge: A Social-aware and Named Data Cooperative Framework,” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, May 2016.
[RTSS] Tao Ouyang, Xu Chen*, Liekang Zeng, and Zhi Zhou, “Cost-Aware Edge Resource Probing for Infrastructure-Free Edge Computing: From Optimal Stopping to Layered Learning,” The IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Hong Kong, China, 3-6 Dec., 2019.
[MOBIHOC]?Canhui Chen, Qian Ma, Xu Chen*, and Jianwei Huang, “User Distributions in Shard-based Blockchain Network: Queueing Modeling, Game Analysis, and Protocol Design,” ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, Shanghai, China, 26-30 July, 2021.
[MOBIHOC] Zhi Zhou, Xu Chen*,WeigangWu, DiWu, and Junshan Zhang, “Predictive Online Server Provisioning for Cost-Efficient IoT Data Streaming Across Collaborative Edges,” ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, Catania, Italy, 2-5 July, 2019.
[MOBIHOC]?Lei Jiao, Ruiting Zhou, Xiaojun Lin, and Xu Chen, “Online Scheduling of Traffic Diversion and Cloud Scrubbing with Competitive Online Learning,” ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, Catania, Italy, 2-5 July, 2019.
[MOBIHOC] X. Chen and J. Huang, “Spatial Spectrum Access Game: Nash Equilibria and Distributed Learning,” ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, June, 2012.
[MOBIHOC] X. Chen, B. Proulx, X. Gong and J. Zhang, “Social Trust and Social Reciprocity Based Cooperative D2D Communications,” ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, Bangalore, India, 29 July – 01 August, 2013.
[MOBIHOC] X. Gong, L. Duan, and X. Chen*, “When network effect meets congestion effect: Leveraging social services for wireless service,” ACMInternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, Hangzhou, China, June 22–25, 2015.
[MOBIHOC] Guocheng?Liao, Xu?Chen, and Jianwei Huang, “Social-Aware Privacy-Preserving Correlated Data Collection,”ACMInternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, Los Angeles, United States, June 26–29, 2018.
[INFOCOM]?Zhicong Zhong, Yipeng Zhou, DiWu, Xu Chen, Min Chen, Chao Li, and Quan Z. Sheng, “P-FedAvg: Parallelizing Federated Learning with Theoretical Guarantees,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Virtual Conference, 10-13 May 2021.
[INFOCOM]?Guocheng Liao, Xu Chen, and Jianwei Huang, “Privacy Policy in Online Social Network with Targeted Advertising Business,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Beijing, China, 27–30 April 2020.
[INFOCOM]?Tao Ouyang, Rui Li, Xu Chen*, Zhi Zhou, and Xin Tang, “Adaptive User-managed Service Placement for Mobile Edge Computing: An Online Learning Approach,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Paris, France, 29 April-2 May 2019.
[INFOCOM]?X. Chen, X. Gong, L. Yang and J. Zhang, “A Social Group Utility Maximization Framework with Applications in Database Assisted Spectrum Access,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Toronto, Canada, 27 April – 02 May 2014.
[INFOCOM]?L. Pu, X. Chen, J. Xu, and X. Fu, “Crowdlet: Optimal Worker Recruitment for Self-Organized Mobile Crowdsourcing,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, San Francisco, USA, 10-15 April 2016.
[INFOCOM]?C. Wu, X. Chen, Y. Zhou, N. Li, X. Fu, and Y. Zhang, “Spice: Socially-Driven Learning-Based Mobile Media Prefetching,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, San Francisco, USA, 10-15 April 2016.
[INFOCOM]?X. Gong, X. Chen, K. Xing, D. Shin, M. Zhang, and J. Zhang, “Personalized Location Privacy in Mobile Networks: A Social Group Utility Approach”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Hong Kong, 26 April – 01 May 2015.
[INFOCOM]?Y. Cao, X. Chen, J. Zhang, and T. Jiang, “SoCast: Social Ties Based Cooperative Video Multicast,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Toronto, Canada, 27 April – 02 May 2014.
[INFOCOM]?L. Yang, X. Chen, J. Zhang, and H.V. Poor, “Optimal Privacy-Preserving Energy Management for Smart Meters,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Toronto, Canada, 27 April – 02 May 2014.
[INFOCOM]?J. Sun, X. Chen, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, and J. Zhang, “SYNERGY: A Game-Theoretical Approach for Cooperative Key Generation in Wireless Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Toronto, Canada, 27 April – 02 May 2014.
[INFOCOM]?R. Southwell, X. Chen and J. Huang, “QoS Satisfaction Games for Spectrum Sharing,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Turin, Italy, April, 2013.
[INFOCOM]?C. Wu, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, B. Yang, X. Chen, W. Zhu, and L. Qiu. “ButterFly: Mobile Collaborative Rendering over GPUWorkload Migration ,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Atlanta, GA, USA, 1-4 May 2017.
[ICDCS]?Siqi Luo, Xu Chen*, and Zhi Zhou “F3C: Fog-enabled Joint Computation, Communication and Caching Resource Sharing for Energy-Efficient IoT Data Stream Processing,” IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Dallas, Texas, USA, 7-10 July, 2019.
[ICDCS]?X. Chen and J. Huang, “Game Theoretic Analysis of Distributed Spectrum Sharing with Database,” IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems , Macau, China, June, 2012.
[IWQoS]?Tao Ouyang, Zhi Zhou, Xu Chen*. “Follow Me at the Edge: Mobility-aware Dynamic Service Placement for Mobile Edge Computing,” IEEE/ACMInternational Symposium on Quality of Service, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 4-6 June 2018.
[IWQoS]?Li Li, Jun Wang, Xu Chen, and Chengzhong Xu. “Multi-layer Coordination for High-Performance Energy-Efficient Federated Learning,” IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service, Hangzhou, China, 4-6 June 2020
[ACM MM]?C. Wu, J. Jia, W. Zhu, X. Chen, B. Yang, and Y. Zhang. “Affective Contextual Mobile Recommender System,” ACM Multimedia Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 15-19, 2016.
[Ubicomp]?Xiao Zhang,Wenzhong Li, Xu Chen, and Sanglu Lu. “MoodExplorer: Towards Compound Emotion Detection via Smartphone Sensing,” ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous computing (Ubicomp), Singapore, 9-11 Oct., 2018
[MECOMM]?En Li, Zhi Zhou, Xu Chen*,“Edge Intelligence: On-Demand Deep Learning Model Co-Inference with Device-Edge Synergy,” The ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Mobile Edge Communications, Budapest, Hungary, August 21-23, 2018.
马惠荣, 陈旭, 周知, 于帅. 绿色能源驱动的移动边缘计算动态任务卸载[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2020, 57(9): 1823-1838.

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