

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-19

顾菁 GU Jing 教授



教授/博士导师 Professor/PhD supervisor
博士 PhD

医学统计学系 Department of Medical Statistics
[电子邮件 Email:]
[现任职务 Current Positions and Employment]
中山大学公共卫生学院医学统计学系 主任
Chair, Department of Medical Statistics, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University.
[主要学习经历 Qualifications]
2005.9 – 2008.12

Ph.D. in Public Health, School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2001.9 – 2004.6

Master?in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University, China

1996.9 – 2001.6

M.D. Sun Yat-sen Medical University, China

[主要工作经历Positions and Employment]
2019 -??

Professor, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University


Assistant to the Dean, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University


Deputy Director, Sun Yat-sen Global Health Institute

2012.1 – 2018.12

Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen?University

2009.1 -

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Visiting scholar, School of Public Health, Department of Global Health, University of Washington

2013.7 – 2013.8

Visiting scholar, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University

2009.1 –2011.12

Post-doctoral Fellow & Lecturer, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University

2004.7 –2005.8

Public health physician, Dept. of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control, Guangzhou CDC, China.

[主要承担与参与的课题] [Research Projects]
1. 国家自然科学基金(面上)(National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC));**;基于行为学理论的青少年HIV感染人群“互联网+”病例管理模式研究和效果评价;2018-2021,在研,主持。
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant # **) Development and evaluation of a behavioral theory-based ‘internet plus’ case management model among youth and adolescents who are living with HIV. 2018-2021, ongoing, PI.
2. 广东省科学技术厅 2017A;基于移动平台的HIV阳性男男性接触者病例管理和效果评价;2017-2019,在研,主持。
Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong (Grant #. 2017A) Case management and effectiveness evaluation based on mobile platforms among MSM HIV positives in Guangzhou, 2017-2019,ongoing, PI.
3. 科技部“十三五”艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治子课(2018ZX**),吸毒人群艾滋病感染研究队列研究,2018-2020,在研,子课题主持。
Ministry of Science and Technology;?“The 13th Five-Year Plan” on the prevention and treatment of major infectious diseases such as AIDS and viral hepatitis(Grant #. 2018ZX**). 2018-2020, ongoing, subproject PI.
4. 广东省教育厅(横向)我国高校预防艾滋病教育现状调研,2019-2020,在研,主持。
Education Department of Guangdong Province, Research on the current situation of HIV/AIDS?prevention education among colleges in Guangdong province. 2019-2020, ongoing, PI.
5. 广州市疾病预防控制中心(横向),基于健康行为理论的大肠癌筛查肠镜检查顺应性干预和评价,2018-2020,在研,主持。
Guangzhou Center for Disease ontrol and Prevention, The Intervention and evaluation of compliance of colorectal cancer screening colonoscopy based on healthy behavior theory.2018-2020, ongoing, PI.
6. 中山市卫生与计划生育局(横向课题基金),中山市WHO健康城市指标体系调查项目? 2016-2017,在研,主持。
The Hearth and Family Planning Bureau of Zhongshan City, The Project of WHO. Healthy City Index System Survey in Zhongshan City.2016-2017, ongoing, PI.
7. 广州市科学(技术)研究专项一般项目;8;基于行为学理论的HIV感染者艾滋病抗病毒治疗率和依从性:前瞻性队列研究, 2016/04-2019/03,在研,主持。
Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou, Grant # 8); A behavioral theory-based cohort study on ART initiation and adherences among?HIV positives in Guangzhou, 2016/04-2019/03, ongoing, PI.
8. 中山大学青年教师重点培育项目,2015ykzd04,基于信息-动机-行为技巧理论的HIV阳性者艾滋病抗病毒治疗行为研究和干预效果评价,2015/9-2017/9,在研,主持。
Key Cultivation Project of Young Teachers of SYSU (Grant # 2015ykzd04), Information-motivation-behavioral skills theory-based treatment behaviors and intervention evaluation among HIV positives in Guangzhou. 2015/9-2017/9, ongoing, PI.
9. 广州市疾病预防控制中心(横向课题基金),51,居穗非洲人群艾滋病相关健康现状研究,2015/12-2016/11,已结题,主持。
Guangzhou center for disease control and prevention (Grant # 51), Study on the current status of AIDS-related health among African population in Guangzhou. 2015/12-2016/11, finished, PI.
10. 中国人民健康保险股份有限公司(横向课题基金), 51,健康管理评估与疾病预防干预,2015/9-2016/8,已结题,主持。
PICC Health Insurance Company Limited (Grant #51), Health management assessment and disease prevention interventions. 2015/9-2016/8, finished, PI.
11. NIH Fogarty Global Health Fellowship (R25TW009340, R25TW009345). Efficacy of a positive psychological intervention in improving mental health status among methadone maintenance treatment users in Guangzhou, China – a randomized controlled trial, 2014-2015. finished, PI.
12. China Medical Board (CMB) Open Competition (Grant # 11-074) Integrating psycho-social services delivered by social workers and clinical services in methadone maintenance treatment settings – investigating feasibility and effectiveness of a new service model in China,2012/03-2016/02. finished, PI.
13. 广州市科技公关专项重点项目,2012Y2-00021,男男性行为人群HIV感染预防模式与艾滋病合并马尔尼菲青霉菌病诊治的综合研究,2012/10-2015/09,在研,参与。
Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou, Grant #2012Y2-00021), A comprehensive study on the prevention model of HIV infection and the diagnosis and treatment of AIDS complicated with Penicilliosis marneffei in men who have sex with men. 2012/10-2015/09,under research, participation.
14. 国家自然科学基金,**,基于维持行为理论的美沙酮维持治疗脱失研究和干预评价,2010/1-2012/12,已结题,主持。
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(Grant # **), Research and intervention evaluation of methadone maintenance therapy based on maintenance behavior theory, 2010/1-2012/12, finished, PI.
15. 国家自然科学基金,**,残疾人生存质量和照顾质量的流行病学调查研究,2010/01-2012/12,已结题,参与。
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)(Grant # **), Epidemiological investigation on quality of life and quality of care for disabled persons. 2010/01-2012/12, finished, participation.
16. 广东省普通高校青年创新人才培育项目,LYM090120,美沙酮维持治疗脱失研究和干预效果评价,2010-2011,已结题,主持。
The Programs of Young Innovative College Talents in Guangdong Province (Grant #LYM090120), Research and intervention evaluation of methadone maintenance therapy.2010-2011, finished, PI.
17. 中山大学青年教师培育基金,**,社会环境因素与高危性行为-吸毒小姐人群的定性和定量研究,2010-2012,已结题,主持。
Cultivation Fund of Young Teachers of SYSU (Grant # **), A qualitative and quantitative study on social environmental factors and high-risk sexual behaviors in the group of girls addicted to drugs. 2010-2012,finished, PI.
18. 香港卫生福利及食物局之控制传染病研究基金,**,香港男男性接触者高危性行为的情境预测因素:病例交叉研究,2009-2011,已结题,参与。
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau (HWFB) --Research fund for the control of infectious diseases (Grant #**) Event-specific risk factors predicting unprotected anal intercourse among Hong Kong men who have sex with men (MSM) using a special case-crossover study design, 2009-2011, finished, participation.
19. 国家科技部“十一五”重大专项课题,2009ZX10001-018,广东艾滋病、病毒性肝炎社区综合防治研究,2009/01-2010/12,已结题,参与。
The Ministry of Science and Technology; “The 11th five-year plan” of on the prevention and treatment of major infectious diseases such as AIDS and viral hepatitis (Grant #. 2009ZX10001-018). 2009/01-2010/12, finished, participation.
20. National Institutes of Health (NIH)( Grant #.5R24 HD056670), Social environment, unprotected commercial sex and potential for spreading HIV via a bridge population of female injecting drug users who are sex workers,2009-2010,finished, subproject PI.
[教改项目] [Educational Reform Project]
1. 中山大学本科教学改革研究项目,结合网络课程资源的《医学统计学》全英教学模式改革和效果评价,2016-2017。已结题,主持。
Undergraduate teaching reform research project of Sun Yat-sen University, English teaching model reform and effect evaluation of medical statistics based on online course resources.2016-2017, PI.
2. 2018年度广东省高等教育教学改革项目,结合网络课程资源的《医学统计学》全英教学模式改革和效果评价,2019-2020,主持。
Higher education teaching reform project of Guangdong province in 2018, English teaching model reform and effect evaluation of medical statistics based on online course resources.2019-2020, PI.
[发表论文Publications] [*为通讯作者 *Corresponding author]
Zheng, Z.-W., Yang, Q.-L., Liu, Z.-Q., Qiu, J.-L., Gu, J., Hao, Y.-T., Song, C., Jia, Z.-W. & Hao, C Associations Between Affective States and Sexual and Health Status Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in China: Exploratory Study Using Social Media Data. Journal of medical Internet research, 2020;22(1), e1320
Wei, D., Cao, W., Hou, F., Hao, C., Gu, J., Peng, L. & Li, J. Multilevel factors associated with perpetration of five types of intimate partner violence among men who have sex with men in China: an ecological model-informed study. AIDS care, 2020;1-1
Peng, L., She, R., Gu, J., Hao, C., Hou, F., Wei, D. & Li, J. The mediating role of self-stigma and self-efficacy between intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization and depression among men who have sex with men in China. BMC public health, 2020;20(1), 1-10.
Li, J., Wang, Y., Gilmour, S., Wang, M., Yoneoka, D., Wang, Y., You, X., Gu, J., Hao, C. & Peng, L. Estimation of the epidemic properties of the 2019 novel coronavirus: A mathematical modeling study.2020.
Cao, W., Sun, S., Peng, L., Gu, J., Hao, C., Li, J., Wei, D., Gilmour, S. & Li, J. Low willingness to pay for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China. BMC public health, 2020;20(1), 1-11.
Chen W#, Zhang W#, Liu H, Liang Y, Zhou Q, Li Y*, Gu J*. How Spatial Accessibility to Colonoscopy Affects Diagnostic Adherences and Adverse Intestinal Outcomes among the Patients with Positive Preliminary Screening Findings. Cancer Medicine. (IF= 3.357) First published:21 April 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/cam4.3054
Fan X,?She R,?Liu C,?Zhong H,?Lau JTF,?Hao C,?Li J,?Hao Y,?Li L*, Gu J* Evaluation of smartphone APP-based case-management services among antiretroviral treatment-na?ve HIV-positive?men who have?sex?with?men: a randomized controlled trial?protocol. BMC Public Health.?2020 Jan 20;20(1):85. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-8171-5.
Jiao M, Chen W, Gu J*, Li J, Liu D, Lau J, Mo P, Zhang X, Hao Y. Efficacy of a positive psychological intervention in improving mental health status among methadone maintenance treatment users in Guangzhou, China – a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. (IF=1.42) Published:?20 February 2020
Fan X,?Zhang X,?Xu H,?Yang F,?Lau JTF,?Hao C,?Li J,?Zhao Y,?Hao Y,?Gu J*.?Effectiveness of a Psycho-Social Intervention Aimed at Reducing Attrition at Methadone Maintenance Treatment Clinics: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health (IF=2.47). 2019 Nov; 16(22): 4337. PMID:?**
Du X,?He Q,?Yang T,?Wang Y,?Xu H,?Hao C,?Zhou K,?Gu J*,?Hao Y. Intention to start ART after the launch of expanded treatment strategy among people living with HIV in China: a behavioral theory-based cross-sectional study. AIDS care (IF=2.1). 2019 Nov 5:1-9.
Liu D#,?Maimaitijiang R#,?Gu J*,?Zhong S,?Zhou M,?Wu Z,?Luo A,?Lu C,?Hao Y. Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to Investigate the Intention to Use Physical Activity Apps: Cross-Sectional Survey. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth (IF=4.5).?2019 Aug 22;7(9):e13127.
Wu Y*, Liang Y*, Zhou Q, Liu H,?Lin G,?Cai W,?Li Y#,?Gu J*. Effectiveness of a short message service intervention to motivate people with positive results in preliminary colorectal cancer screening to undergo colonoscopy: A randomized controlled trial. Cancer (IF=6.5). 2019 Mar 2.?doi: 10.1002/cncr.32043. [Epub ahead of print]
Maimaitijiang R*, He Q*, Wu Y, Bouey JZH, Koné A, Liang Y, Hao C, Tu J, Gu J*, Hao Y. Assessment of the health status and health service perceptions of international migrants coming to Guangzhou, China, from high-, middle- and low-income countries. Globalization and Health (IF=3.0). 2019;2019-01-25:1-11.
He Q,?Du X,?Xu H,?Fan L,?Maimaitijiang R,?Wu Y,?Hao C,?Li J,?Hao Y,?Gu J*. Intention to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV in China under the scaling-up of ART: the role of healthcare workers' recommendations. BMC Health Serv Res (IF=1.8).?2019 May 16;19(1):3 doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4143-9.
Liu, Z., Tan, Y., Liang, H., Gu, Y., Wang, X., Hao, Y., Gu, J. & Hao, C. Factors Influencing Residents’ Willingness to Contract With General Practitioners in Guangzhou, China, During the GP Policy Trial Phase: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 2019;56, 5484.
Gu, F., Li, S., Zheng, L., Gu, J., Li, T., Du, H., Gao, C., Ding, C., Quan, S. & Zhou, C. Perinatal outcomes of singletons following vitrification versus slow-freezing of embryos: a multicenter cohort study using propensity score analysis. Human Reproduction, 2019;34(9), 1788-1798.
Qiu, J., Song, D., Nie, J., Su, M., Hao, C., Gu, J., Hao, Y., Kiarie, J. N. & Chung, M. H. Utilization of healthcare services among Chinese migrants in Kenya: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 2019;19(1), 1-8.
Peng, L., Cao, W., Gu, J., Hao, C., Li, J., Wei, D. & Li, J. Willingness to Use and Adhere to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in China. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019;16(14), 2620.
Yi, Y., Liao, Y., Zheng, L., Li, M., Gu, J., Hao, C. & Hao, Y. Health Selectivity and Rural-Urban Migration in China: A Nationwide Multiple Cross-Sectional Study in 2012, 2014, 2016. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019;16(9), 1596.
Wei, D., Hou, F., Hao, C., Gu, J., Dev, R., Cao, W., Peng, L., Gilmour, S., Wang, K. & Li, J. Prevalence of intimate partner violence and associated factors among men who have sex with men in China. Journal of interpersonal violence, 2019;9935.
Lau J, Gu J*, Tsui HY, Chen H, Wang Z, Cao W. Anticipated suicidal ideation among female injecting drug users who are sex workers of negative or unknown HIV status in China. Women Health. 2018 Aug;58(7):774-789. doi: 10.1080/**.2017.**.
Jiao M , Gu J*, Xu H, Hao C, Lau J, Mo P, Liu D, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Babbitt A, Hao Y. Resilience associated with mental health problems among methadone maintenance treatment patients in Guangzhou, China. AIDS care (IF=2.1). 2017; 29(5):660-665
Liu D , Gu J*, Xu H, Hao C, Jiao M, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Babbitt A, Hao Y. Club drugs and alcohol abuse predicted dropout and poor adherence among methadone maintenance treatment patients in Guangzhou, China. AIDS care (IF=2.1). 2017; 29(4):458-463.
Nie J , Unger J, Thompson S, Hofstee M, Gu J* and Mercer MA. Does mobile phone ownership predict better utilization of maternal and newborn health services? a cross-sectional study in Timor-Leste. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2016; 16(1):183.
Zhang X , Xu H, Gu J*, Lau J, Hao C, Zhao Y, Davis A, Hao Y. Depression, suicidal ideation and related factors of methadone maintenance treatment users in Guangzhou, China. AIDS Care. 2016; 28(7): 851-6.
Gu J, Lau JT, Wang Z, Wu AM, Tan X. Perceived Empathy of Service Providers Mediates the Association between Perceived Discrimination and Behavioral Intention to Take Up HIV Antibody Testing Again among Men Who Have Sex with Men. PLoS One. 2015; 10(2): e**.
Gu J, Zhong Y, Hao Y, Zhou D, Tsui H, Hao C, Gao Q, Ling W, Lau JT. Preventive behaviors and mental distress in response to H1N1 among university students in Guangzhou, China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2015;27(2):NP1867-79.
Gu J#*, Lau JT#, Li M, Li H, Gao Q, Feng X, Bai Y, Hao C, Hao Y. Socio-ecological factors associated with depression, suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt among female injection drug users who are sex workers in China. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2014; 144: 102-10.
Gu J, Xu H, Lau JT, Chen L, Wang Z, Hao C, Hao Y. Situation-specific factors predicting nonadherence to methadone maintenance treatment: a cross-sectional study using the case-crossover design in Guangzhou, China. AIDS Care. 2014; 26 Suppl 1: S107-12.
Gu J*, Bai Y, Lau JT, Hao Y, Cheng Y, Zhou R, Yu C. Social environmental factors and condom use among female injection drug users who are sex workers in China. AIDS and Behavior. 2014; 18 Suppl 2: S181-91.
Chen L, Chen Y, Hao Y, Gu J*, Guo Y, Ling W. Effectiveness of school-based smoking intervention in middle school students of Linzhi Tibetan and Guangzhou Han ethnicity in China. Addictive Behaviors. 2014; 39(1): 189-95.
Gu J*, Lau JT, Xu H, Zhong Y, Hao Y, Zhao Y, Fan L, Ling W. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the relative efficacy of the addition of a psycho-social intervention to standard-of-care services in reducing attrition and improving attendance among first-time users of methadone maintenance treatment in China. AIDS and Behavior. 2013; 17(6): 2002-10.
Xu H, Gu J*, Lau JT, Zhong Y, Fan L, Zhao Y, Hao C, He W, Ling W. Misconceptions toward methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and associated factors among new MMT users in Guangzhou, China. Addictive Behaviors. 2012; 37(5): 657-62.
Gu J, Xu H, Lau JT, Hao Y, Zhong Y, Fan L, Zhao Y, Hao C, Ling W. Misconceptions predict dropout and poor adherence prospectively among newly admitted first-time methadone maintenance treatment clients in Guangzhou, China. Addiction. 2012; 107(9): 1641-9.
Gu J, Lau JT, Chen H, Tsui H, Ling W. Prevalence and factors related to syringe sharing behaviours among female injecting drug users who are also sex workers in China. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2011; 22(1): 26-33.
Gu J, Lau JT, Tsui H. Psychological factors in association with uptake of voluntary counselling and testing for HIV among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong. Public Health. 2011; 125(5): 275-82.
Gu J, Lau JT, Chen H, Chen X, Liu C, Liu J. Mental health and interpersonal factors associated with HIV-related risk behaviors among non-institutionalized female injection drug users who are also sex workers in China. Women Health. 2010; 50(1): 20-36.
Gu J, Lau JT, Chen X, Liu C, Liu J, Chen H, Wang R, Lei Z, Li Z. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to investigate condom use behaviors among female injecting drug users who are also sex workers in China. AIDS Care. 2009; 21(8): 967-75.
Gu J, Lau JT, Chen H, Liu Z, Lei Z, Li Z, Lian Z, Wang R, Hu X, Cai H, Wang T. Validation of the Chinese version of the Opiate Addiction Severity Inventory (OASI) and the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) in non-institutionalized heroin users in China. Addictive Behaviors. 2008; 33(5): 725-41.
Gu J, Chen H, Chen X, Lau JT, Wang R, Liu C, Liu J, Lei Z, Li Z. Severity of drug dependence, economic pressure and HIV-related risk behaviors among non-institutionalized female injecting drug users who are also sex workers in China. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2008; 97(3): 257-67.
Zheng ZW, Qiu JL, Gu J, Xu HF, Cheng WB, Hao C.?Preexposure prophylaxis comprehension and the certainty of willingness to use preexposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in China.?Int J STD AIDS. 2018 Aug 23:1142.
He J, Xu HF, Cheng WB, Zhang SJ, Gu J, Hao YT, Hao C.?Intimate relationship characteristics as determinants of HIV risk among men who have sex with regular male sex partners: a cross-sectional study in Guangzhou, China.?BMC Infect Dis. 2018 Apr 2;18(1):150.
Wu X, Lau JTF, Mak WWS, Gu J, Mo PKH, Wang X.?How newly diagnosed HIV-positive men who have sex with men look at HIV/AIDS - validation of the Chinese version of the revised illness perception questionnaire.?BMC Infect Dis. 2018 Jan 2;18(1):2.?
Meng XJ, Grulich A, Wang XW, Yin HL, Gu J, Zhang X, Gu J, Zou HC.?Repeat HIV Testing and Incident Rates among Individuals Attending Voluntary Counseling and Testing Clinics in Wuxi, China: A Retrospective Study.?Biomed Environ Sci. 2018 Jan;31(1):37-47.?
Lau JTF, Wang Z, Kim Y, Li J, Gu J, Mo PKH, Wang X.?Low sustainability, poor governance, and other challenges encountered by grassroots non-governmental organizations targeting HIV prevention for men who have sex with men in China - a nation-wide study.?AIDS Care. 2017 Dec;29(12):1480-1490.
Lau JT*, Mo PK, Gu J, Hao C, Lai CH. Association of Situational and Environmental Factors With Last Episode of Unprotected Anal Intercourse Among MSM in Hong Kong: A Case-Crossover Analysis. AIDS Educ Prev. 2016; 28(1): 26-42.
Zheng Q, Tian Q, Hao C, Gu J, Tao J, Liang Z, Chen X, Fang J, Ruan J, Ai Q, Hao Y.?Comparison of attitudes toward disability and people with disability among caregivers, the public, and people with disability: findings from a cross-sectional survey.?BMC Public Health. 2016 Sep 29;16(1):1024.
Lau JT*, Wang Z, Kim Y, Gu J, Wu AM, Zhou Q, Hao C, Cheng P, Hao Y. Anticipated Negative Responses by Students to Possible Ebola Virus Outbreak, Guangzhou, China. Emerg Infect Dis. 2016; 22(1): 154-156.
Yaming Zou, Ricky Leung, Shao Lin, Mingan Yang, Tao Lu, Xianyun Li, Jing Gu, Chun Hao, Guanghui Dong, Yuantao Hao*. Attitudes towards suicide in urban and rural China: a population based, cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry. 2016, 16:162.
Huan X, Hao C, Yan H, Guan W, Xu X, Yang H, Wang N, Zhang M, Tang W, Gu J, Lau JT. High prevalence of HIV and syphilis among men who have sex with men recruited by respondent-driven sampling in a city in Eastern China. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2015; 27(2): NP854-865.
Li J, Gu J, Lau JT, Chen H, Mo PK, Tang M. Prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated factors among people who inject drugs in China. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2015;151:228-35.
Mo PK, Lau JT, Cheng KM, Mak WW, Gu J, Wu AM, Li J. Investigating the factor structure of the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised for substance dependence among injecting drug users in China. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2015; 148: 195-202.
Mo PK, Lau JT, Yu X, Gu J. A Model of Associative Stigma on Depression and Anxiety Among Children of HIV-Infected Parents in China. AIDS Behav. 2015; 19(1): 50-9.
Mo PK, Gu J, Lau JT, You H. Prevalence and associated factors of mental health problems among monogamous Chinese female patients with sexually transmitted diseases in Hong Kong. AIDS Care. 2015;27(4):481-8.
Mo PK, Lau JT, Yu X, Gu J. The role of social support on resilience, posttraumatic growth, hopelessness, and depression among children of HIV-infected parents in mainland China. AIDS Care. 2014; 26(12): 1526-33.
Lau JT, Li J, Choi KC, Gu J. A randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a theory-based intervention promoting condom use among Chinese monogamous female sexually transmitted infection patients. Int J Behav Med. 2014; 21(4): 719-29.
Yan J, You LM, Liu BL, Jin SY, Zhou JJ, Lin CX, Li Q, Gu J. The effect of a telephone follow-up intervention on illness perception and lifestyle after myocardial infarction in China: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies.2014; 51(6): 844-55.
Lin A, Zhang G, Liu Z, Gu J, Chen W, Luo F. Community-based lifestyle intervention for reducing blood pressure and glucose among middle-aged and older adults in China: a pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2014; 11(11): 11645-63.
Zheng QL, Tian Q, Hao C, Gu J, Lucas-Carrasco R, Tao JT, Liang ZY, Chen XL,Fang JQ, Ruan JH, Ai QX, Hao YT. The role of quality of care and attitude towards disability in the relationship between severity of disability and quality of life: findings from a cross-sectional survey among people with physical disability in China. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2014;12:25.
Lau JT, Feng TJ, Liu XL, Gu J, Tsui HY, Hong FC, Wang Z, Cao W. Associations between cognitive, sociocontextual, and affective variables and unprotected anal intercourse among men who have sex with men--a comparative study conducted in two Chinese cities. Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014: 970975.
Li J, Lau JT, Gu J, Hao C, Lai CH. Event-specific risk factors predicting episodes of unprotected anal intercourse with male nonregular partners among men who have sex with men using case-crossover study design. Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014: 475195.
Hao C, Lau JT, Zhao X, Yang H, Huan X, Yan H, Gu J. Associations between perceived characteristics of the peer social network involving significant others and risk of HIV transmission among men who have sex with men in China. AIDS Behav. 2014; 18(1): 99-110.
Lau JT, Gu J, Tsui HY, Wang Z. Prevalence and associated factors of intention to participate in HIV voluntary counseling and testing for the first time among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong, China. Prev Med. 2013; 57(6): 813-8.
Liu R, Wu S, Hao Y, Gu J, Fang J, Cai N, Zhang J. The Chinese version of the world health organization quality of life instrument-older adults module(WHOQOL-OLD): psychometric evaluation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2013; 11: 156.
Huang Y, Deng T, Yu S, Gu J, Huang C, Xiao G, Hao Y. Effect of meteorological variables on the incidence of hand, foot, and mouth disease in children: a time-series analysis in Guangzhou, China. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2013; 13: 134.
You H, Lau JT, Gu J, Tsui HY, Wang Z, Kim JH. Awareness and acceptability of female condoms among monogamous Hong Kong Chinese female sexually transmitted infection patients. AIDS Behav. 2013; 17(3): 1195-204.
Lau JT, Zhao JK, Wu X, Gu J, Hao C. Gay saunas and the risk of HIV and syphilis transmissions in China-results form a Meta-analysis. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2013;10(3), 642–652.
Lau JT, Gu J, Tsui HY, Chen H, Holroyd E, Wang R, Hu X. Prevalence and associated factors of condom use during commercial sex by female sex workers who were or were not injecting drug users in China. Sexual Health. 2012 Sep;9(4):368-76.
Yan J, Lau JT, Tsui HY, Gu J, Wang Z. Prevalence and Factors Associated with Condom Use among Chinese Monogamous Female Patients with Sexually Transmitted Infection in Hong Kong. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9(12):3009-17
Rao DP, Gu J, Meng XH, Zhang Q, Fu MQ, Liu Y, Chen F, Cao SM, Hong MH, Liu Q. An efficacy analysis for nasopharyngeal carcinoma screening of different screening intervals. J Int Med Res. 2012;40(2):525-36.
Wang Z, Lau JT, Gu J. Acceptability of circumcision among clients of female sex worker in Hong Kong. AIDS and Behavior. 2012 Oct;16(7):1836-45.
Lau JT, Cheng Y, Gu J, Zhou R, Yu C, Holroyd E, Yeung NC. Suicides in a mega-size factory in China: poor mental health among young migrant workers in China. Occup Environ Med. 2012 Jul;69(7):526. Epub 2012 Feb 28.
Tsui HY, Lau JT, Wei X, Gu J, Wang Z. Should association between HIV-related risk perceptions and behaviors or intentions be positive or negative? PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52124.
Lau JT, Cai W, Tsui HY, Chen L, Cheng J, Lin C, Gu J, Hao C. Unprotected anal intercourse behavior and intention among male sex workers in Shenzhen serving cross-boundary male clients coming from Hong Kong, China - prevalence and associated factors. AIDS Care. 2012;24(1):59-70.
Hao C, Huan X, Yan H, Yang H, Guan W, Xu X, Zhang M, Wang N, Tang W, Gu J, Lau JT. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the relative efficacy of enhanced versus standard voluntary counseling and testing on promoting condom use among men who have sex with men in China. AIDS Behav. 2012; 16(5): 1138-47.
Lau JT, Lin C, Hao C, Wu X, Gu J. Public health challenges of the emerging HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in China. Public Health. 2011; 125(5): 260-265.
Hao C, Yan H, Yang H, Huan X, Guan W, Xu X, Zhang M, Tang W, Wang N, Gu J, Lau JT. The incidence of syphilis, HIV and HCV and associated factors in a cohort of men who have sex with men in Nanjing, China. Sex Transm Infect. 2011; 87(3): 199-201.
Lau JTF, Tsui HY, Gu J, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Cheng F, Wang N. Sexual mixing and condom use with different types of sex partners among non-institutionalized sexually active female injecting drug users in Sichuan, China. AIDS Behav. 2011 Jan;15(1):86-94.
Lau JT, Gu J, Tsui H, Chen H, Wang R, Hu X. How likely are HIV-positive female sex workers in China to transmit HIV to others? Sex Health. 2011; 8(3): 399-406.
Lau JTF, Yeung NCY, Mui LWH, Tsui HY, Gu J. A simple new method to triangulate self-reported risk behavior data – the Bean Method. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2011; 38(9):788-792.
Lau JT, Lin C, Ho KM, Lau MC, Tsui HY, Gu J, Lo KK. Setting up a surveillance system for sexually transmitted diseases in the general population with prospective data collection from private-practice and public-practice doctors in Hong Kong. BMC Public Health 2011;11:254.
Lau JT, Gu J, Zhang L, Cheng F, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Wang N, Lan Y. Comparing prevalence of HIV-related behaviors among female injecting drug users (IDU) whose regular sexual partner was or was not IDU in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, China. AIDS Care. 2009; 21(7): 909-917.
Lau JT, Wang M, Tse YK, Gu J, Tsui HY, Zhang Y, Wang N, Cheng F. HIV-related behaviors among men who have sex with men in China: 2005-2006. AIDS Educ Prev. 2009; 21(4): 325-39.
Lau JT, Choi KC, Tsui HY, Zhang L, Zhang J, Lan Y, Zhang Y, Wang N, Cheng F, Gu J. Changes in HIV-related behaviours over time and associations with rates of? HIV-related services coverage among female sex workers in Sichuan, China. Sexually Transmitted Disease. 2008; 84(3): 212-6.
Lau JTF, Zhang JX, Zhang LL, Wang N, Cheng F, Zhang Y, Gu J, Tsui H Y, Lan Y J. Comparing prevalence of condom use among 15379 female sex workers injecting or not injecting drugs in China. Sexually Transmitted Disease. 2007 Nov; 34(11): 908-16.
Lau JTF, Wang RF, Chen HY, Gu J, Zhang JX, Cheng F, Zhang Y, Zhang LL, Tsui HY, Wang N, Lei ZQ, Zhong XD, Lan YJ. Evaluation of the overall program effectiveness of HIV-related intervention programs in a community in Sichuan, China. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2007; 34(9):653-662.
[中文文章 Papers in Chinese](第一作者或通讯作者,按时间倒序排序)(first author or corresponding author, in reverse chronological order)
蔡欢乐,朱言欣,雷璐碧,潘程浩,朱乐玮,李菁华,顾菁*,郝元涛.新型冠状病毒肺炎相关知识、行为和心理应对:基于网络的横断面调查.中国公共卫生. 2020,36(2):152-155.
杨廷龙,杜璇,徐慧芳,樊莉蕊,范笑嫣,陈唯一,顾菁*,郝元涛. 新ART策略下不同感染时长HIV感染者治疗意愿及影响因素[J]. 中国艾滋病性病,2019,25(9): 906-910.
何强生, 周凯, 顾菁, 等. HIV/AIDS感知的医生同理心对抗病毒治疗依从性的影响[J]. 中国艾滋病性病, 2019, 25(05):489-49 2019,25(9): 484-487
吴亚南*, 梁颖茹*, 冯志强,?钟舒怡, 林国桢, 刘华章, 李燕#, 顾菁*. 广州市大肠癌初筛阳性人群肠镜顺应性及影响因素的随访研究[J]. 中山大学学报(医学版), 2019, 40(2):257-263.
热米娜·买买提江, 吴亚南, 何强生,?涂炯, 梁玉成, 顾菁*,?郝元涛. 居穗非洲人健康状况及对中国医疗服务评价. 中国公共卫生.2019;35(3): 324-327
杜璇, 周凯, 顾菁, 等, 艾滋病扩大治疗策略下未治疗者的心理健康研究[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2017,21(12):1214-121
刘迪,焦明旭,钟舒怡,周梦萍,吴子悦,卢聪,罗傲,顾菁*,郝元涛. 广州市大学生运动类电子监测设备使用者健康状况研究. 中国学校卫生. 2017;38(2):180-182+186.
焦明旭,徐慧芳,顾菁*,赵宇腾,郝元涛. 2006-2015年广州市社区美沙酮维持治疗状况分析. 中国艾滋病性病. 2016,22(12):971-974.
张浩洋,曹莉蓉,杨远航,郑好,林荣榕,徐慧芳,赵宇腾,顾菁*. 广州美沙酮维持治疗患者自杀意念现状及危险因素分析. 现代预防医学. 2016,43(24):4489-4493.
杜璇,陆芷晖,刘迪,顾菁*,郝春,郝元涛. 手机短信干预在HIV 相关人群中的应用模式及效果. 中国艾滋病性病,2016,22(11):943-946.
杜璇,刘迪,顾菁*,郝春,郝元涛. 手机短信干预应用于HIV/AIDS相关防治研究的可行性. 华南预防医学,2016,42(6):584-588.
张晓, 叶美玉, 赵宇腾, 李健强, 钟莹, 徐慧芳, 顾菁*, 郝元涛. 社会工作者介入美沙酮维持治疗综合服务模式的定性研究. 中国艾滋病性病. 2016; 22(6) : 464-467.
刘迪,杜璇,焦明旭,顾菁*,郝元涛. 移动医疗干预在HIV相关人群中应用研究进展. 中国公共卫生. 2016; 32(12) : 1618-1621.
焦明旭,张晓,刘迪,顾菁*,郝元涛. 倾向性评分匹配在非随机对照研究中的应用. 中国卫生统计. 2016; 33(2): 350-352.
张晓, 袁伟, 何展鸿, 陆晓晖, 夏希, 徐慧芳, 赵宇腾, 陈龙, 顾菁*, 郝元涛. 美沙酮维持治疗者新型毒品滥用行为研究. 中国艾滋病性病. 2015; 21(7) : 593-596.
顾菁,郝元涛*. 全球健康中的关键研究方法-实施性研究简介. 全球健康学杂志. 2014;1(1):46-51.
陈龙, 徐慧芳, 徐楚钧, 赵宇腾, 樊莉蕊, 李健强, 罗忠勇, 曾健成, 顾菁*, 郝元涛. 社区美沙酮维持治疗门诊医生共情对受治者治疗满意度的影响研究. 现代预防医学. 2014; 41(3): 448-51.
钟田飞, 姚晓欣, 夏希, 顾菁*. 广州市高校学生新型毒品滥用意向及其影响因素. 中山大学学报(医学科学版). 2014; 35(3): 476-80.
姚晓欣, 钟田飞, 夏希, 顾菁*. 广州市大学生新型毒品滥用情况及影响因素. 中国公共卫生. 2014; 30(8): 1038-41.
赵宇腾, 徐慧芳, 钟莹, 徐楚钧, 潘文亮, 樊莉蕊, 顾菁*. 社会工作者介入美沙酮维持治疗综合干预服务模式初探. 中国艾滋病性病. 2013; 19(1): 68-73.
顾菁, 赵宇腾, 钟莹, 徐楚钧, 潘文亮, 樊莉蕊, 徐慧芳, 王鸣. 社会工作者介入美沙酮维持治疗综合干预服务效果分析. 中华预防医学杂志. 2012; 46(11): 999-1003.
顾菁, 陈培奋, 林羽媚, 刘德辉, 葛菲雪, 凌文华. 不同专业大学生甲型H1N1流感知识及行为调查. 中国公共卫生. 2011; 27(1): 14-6.
顾菁, 柳青. AIDS潜伏期研究进展. 中国艾滋病性病. 2004; 10(2): 149-50.
顾菁, 柳青, 万德森, 曾楚华, 陈桂枝. 广州市越秀区、中山市南头镇居民肿瘤相关知识、态度和行为调查. 华南预防医学. 2004; 30(1): 7-9.
顾菁, 柳青. 艾滋病潜伏期研究方法. 国外医学·流行病学传染病学分册. 2003; 30(4): 201-3.
杨冰清,郝春,田娟,程伟彬,钟斐,刘仲琦,顾菁,郝元涛,徐慧芳. 个人社会网络分析方法在男男性行为者高危性行为研究中的应用. 中国卫生统计. 2016;33(5): 758-762.
陈嘉泳,郝元涛,周紫霄,顾菁,杜纯艳,黄奕祥. 困局与突围:广东援外医疗队派遣中面临的问题与对策. 卫生软科学. 2016;30(7): 18-22.
李佳玲,赵艳霞,顾菁,郝元涛. 基于项目反应理论修订生存质量测定量表简表WHOQOL-BREF. 中山大学学报(医学科学版). 2015; 36(2): 284-93.
张王剑, 季振东, 郭貔, 顾菁, 于石成, 郝元涛. 广东省2009-2012 年手足口病流行趋势分析. 中山大学学报(医学科学版). 2014; 35(4): 607-13.
李艳芳, 朱玲, 王淑平, 顾菁, 李道成. 杞菊地黄丸对肝肾阴虚证孕妇血清IFN-γ及IL-4水平的影响. 中国中西医结合杂志. 2014; 34(4): 442-445.
樊莉蕊,顾菁,赵宇腾,徐慧芳. 广州市新入组服药人员对美沙酮维持治疗认知情况的调查. 中国医药科学. 2013;3(22):82-84.
李艳芳, 朱玲, 柯晓燕, 顾菁, 李道成. 杞菊地黄丸对肝肾阴虚型先兆子痫预防作用研究. 辽宁中医药大学学报. 2013; 15(4): 38-40.
邓特, 黄勇, 顾菁, 于石成, 肖革新, 郝元涛. 空间分析中空间自相关性的诊断. 中国卫生统计. 2013;30(3): 343-6.
黄勇, 邓特, 于石成, 顾菁, 肖革新, 郝元涛. 空间面板数据模型在传染病检测数据分析中的应用. 中华疾病控制杂志. 2013;17(4): 277-81.
[参编教材与论著][Treatises and Textbooks]
《健康行为与健康教育学》四川大学出版社 2019.12,副主编? “Health behavior and health pedagogy” Sichuan University Press, 2019.12, Associate Editor.
《生物医学研究的统计方法第二版》高等教育出版社(2019.8,ISBN978-7-04-052277-8)副主编?“statistical methods for biomedical research, 2nd Ed”. Higher education press (2019.8, ISBN 978-7-04-05 2277-8), Associate Editor.
《Medical Statistics医学统计学》(国家卫计委“十三五”临床医学专业英文版规划教材)人民卫生出版社(2018.3 ISBN 978-7-117-27278-0)编委“Medical Statistics”, People's Medical Publishing House (2018.3 ISBN 978-7-117-27278-0), Member of the Editorial Board.
《全球健康研究方法》(国家卫计委“十三五”规划教材),人民卫生出版社(2018.3 ISBN 978-7-117-25627-8/R25628)编委?Global health research methods, People's Medical Publishing House (2018.3 ISBN 978-7-117-25627-8/R25628), Member of the Editorial Board.
《医学统计学》(中国高等教育学会医学教育专业委员会规划教材),北京大学医学出版社 (2013.12,ISBN 978-7-5659-0758-5)编委?? ?Medical Statistics, Peking University medical press, (2013.12,ISBN 978-7-5659-0758-5), Member of the Editorial Board.
《医学统计学与电脑试验第四版》上海科学技术出版社(2012.6,ISBN978-7-5478-1192-4/R383)编委?Medical statistics and computer experiments, fourth edition, Shanghai Science and Technology Press, Member of the Editorial Board.
《Medical Statistics and Computer Experiments 2nd edition》,世界科学出版社(2013.4,ISBN 978-981-4566-77-3)编委?Medical Statistics and Computer Experiments 2nd edition, World Science Press, (2013.4,ISBN 978-981-4566-77-3), Member of the Editorial Board.
2010年,中山大学公共卫生学院,青年教师授课比赛,英文组一等奖?2010, School of Public Health Sun Yat-sen University, Young teachers teaching competition, The first prize in English group.
2011年, 中国信息学会 医学统计教育专业委员会,英文授课比赛,一等奖?2011, Chinese informatics association, Professional committee on medical statistics education, English teaching competition, the first prize.
2017年广东省教育厅教学成果一等奖(高等教育类):基于互联网的互动式教学-公共卫生核心课程《医学统计学》慕课建设与应用(第五完成人)2017, Education department of Guangdong province, The first prize of teaching achievement (higher education). Internet-based interactive teaching -- construction and application of MOOC for medical statistics, the core course of public health (the fifth accomplisher).
2017年中山大学第八届教育教学成果奖一等奖:基于互联网的互动式教学-公共卫生核心课程《医学统计学》慕课建设与应用(第五完成人)2017, Sun Yat-sen University, The first prize of the 8th education and teaching achievement award. Internet-based interactive teaching -- construction and application of MOOC for medical statistics, the core course of public health (the fifth accomplisher).
[社会兼职] [Social Services]
中国卫生统计学教育专业委员会 委员
Member of China Health Statistics Education Committee
广东省生物统计学会 青年委员
Youth Committee Member of Guangdong Biostatistics Society
中华医学会行为医学分会 委员
Member of the Behavioral Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association
中华预防医学会全球卫生分会 青年委员
Youth Member of Global Health Branch of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association
广州市北斗星社会工作服务中心 督导
Supervisor of the Big Dipper social work service center in Guangzhou city
[联系方式][Contact Information]
Address: Department of Medical Statistics, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University, No. 74, Zhongshan 2nd Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.
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  • 中山大学公共卫生学院导师教师师资介绍简介-黄存瑞
    黄存瑞教授卫生管理学系电子邮件huangcr@mail.sysu.edu.cn学术简历2009-2012,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学,环境流行病学,哲学博士(PhD)2008-2009,澳大利亚格里菲斯大学,国际公共卫生,理学硕士(MSPH)2002-2005,中山大学(广州),社会医学与卫生事业管理, ...
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  • 中山大学公共卫生学院导师教师师资介绍简介-贾卫华
    贾卫华教授医学统计学系电子邮件jiaweih@mail.sysu.edu.cn学术简历学习经历1999.10-2002.5中山大学肿瘤防治中心临床肿瘤学专业,博士后1992.9-1998.7中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学流行病学专业,获博士学位1987.9-1992.7山西医科大学预防医学专业,获学 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19
  • 中山大学公共卫生学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蒋卓勤
    蒋卓勤教授营养学系电子邮件jiangzhq@mail.sysu.edu.cn学术简历1983年毕业于中山医学院(预防医学本科),1989年毕业于中山医科大学(营养与食品卫生学研究生)。任职于中山大学,先后被聘任为助教、讲师(1992年)、副教授(1997年)、教授(2002年)和博士生导师(2003 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19
  • 中山大学公共卫生学院导师教师师资介绍简介-匡莉
    匡莉教授卫生管理学系电子邮件kuangli@mail.sysu.edu.cn【学位/学历】2004年9月-2010年12月,中山大学公共管理学专业,博士学历1986年9月-1988年7月,同济医科大学卫生管理与卫生统计专业,硕士学位1981年9月-1986年7月,同济医科大学预防医学专业,学士学位【 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19
  • 中山大学公共卫生学院导师教师师资介绍简介-静进
    静进教授妇幼卫生学系电子邮件jingjin@mail.sysu.edu.cn学术简历  1982.12毕业于内蒙古医学院,获医学学士;1989.7毕业于湖南医科大学医学心理学专业,获医学硕士;1994.7毕业于上海第二医科大学儿科学专业,获医学博士;1994.8-至今在现单位聘为讲师、副教授、教授/ ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-05-19