本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
中山大学地球科学与工程学院系 副教授
Email: fanghj23 at mail.sysu.edu.cn
办公室: 海琴4号楼A527
个人主页:Google Scholar, GitHub, ResearchGate, ORCID
研究方向 Research Interests
We actually know the distribution of mater inside the sun far better than the earth, and until now, we don't understand what makes an earthquake. So my research focuses on extracting information from ground motion recorded by seismometers to constrain the properties of the earth's interior as well as the ways earthquakes rupture. Specifically, I
(1) 发展小尺度、区域尺度地震层析成像新方法,结合强地面运动模拟来评估地震灾害以及研究区域构造演化;
(2) 发展全球尺度地震层析成像新方法,结合地球动力学模拟研究俯冲板片在地幔中的演化;
(3) 基于远震数据小波域反投影方法研究大地震破裂特征;
(4) 基于台阵分析方法提取微弱信号来约束地震深度、地震破裂持续时间、破裂方向性等。
教育和工作经历 Education and Working Experience
2021.02 -??????????? ? ? ? ?? ? 中山大学地球科学与工程学院????? ? ?? 副教授
2018.01 - 2021.01????? 麻省理工学院(MIT)??????????????????????????? 博士后
2015.10 - 2016.09 ?? ? 苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)?? ? 访问学生
2012.08 - 2017.06????? 中国科学技术大学??????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? 博士
2008.09 - 2012.06????? 吉林大学????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? 学士
学术任职 Professional Services
Reviewer for: GRL, JGR, PEPI, SRL, Geophysics and others.
Member of: Amer. Geophys. Union (AGU), Seism. Soc. Amer. (SSA) and Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
代表性论文 Publications
Malcolm C. A. White, Hongjian Fang, Nori Nakata, Yehuda Ben‐Zion; PyKonal: A Python Package for Solving the Eikonal Equation in Spherical and Cartesian Coordinates Using the Fast Marching Method. Seismological Research Letters doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/
Fang, H., & van der Hilst, R. D. ( 2019). Earthquake depth phase extraction with P wave autocorrelation provides insight into mechanisms of intermediate‐depth earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 46. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085062
Hongjian Fang, Robert D. van der Hilst, Maarten V. de Hoop, Konik Kothari, Sidharth Gupta, Ivan Dokmani? (2019). Parsimonious Seismic Tomography with Poisson Voronoi Projections: Methodology and Validation. Seismological Research Letters ; 91 (1): 343–355. doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/
Shujuan Mao, Aurélien Mordret, Michel Campillo, Hongjian Fang, Robert D van der Hilst. (2019). On the measurement of seismic travel-time changes in the time-frequency domain with wavelet cross-spectrum analysis, Geophysical Journal International, , ggz495, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz495
Liu, C., Yao, H., Yang, H.‐Y., Shen, W., Fang, H., Hu, S., & Qiao, L. ( 2019). Direct inversion for three‐dimensional shear wavespeed azimuthal anisotropy based on surface‐wave ray tracing: methodology and application to Yunnan, southwest China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JB016920
Liu, Y., Zhang, H., Fang, H., Yao, H., & Gao, J. (2018). Ambient noise tomography of three-dimensional near-surface shear-wave velocity structure around the hydraulic fracturing site using surface microseismic monitoring array. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 159, 209-217.
Fang, H., Yao, H., Zhang, H., Thurber, C., Ben-Zion, Y., & van der Hilst, R. D. (2018). Vp/Vs tomography in the southern California plate boundary region using body and surface wave traveltime data. Geophysical Journal International, 216(1), 609-620.
Fang, H., Yao, H., & Zhang, H. (2018). Earthquake rupture imaging with the wavelet domain compressive sensing: methodology and application to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Geophysical Journal International, 215(3), 2060-2070.
Zhang, Y., Yao, H., Yang, H. Y., Cai, H. T., Fang, H., Xu, J., ... & Chen, K. X. (2018). 3‐D Crustal Shear‐Wave Velocity Structure of the Taiwan Strait and Fujian, SE China, Revealed by Ambient Noise Tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(9), 8016-8031.
Golos, E. M., Fang, H., Yao, H., Zhang, H., Burdick, S., Vernon, F., ... & van der Hilst, R. D. (2018). Shear wave tomography beneath the United States using a joint inversion of surface and body waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(6), 5169-5189.
Singer, J., Obermann, A., Kissling, E., Fang, H., Hetényi, G., & Grujic, D. (2017). Along‐strike variations in the Himalayan orogenic wedge structure in Bhutan from ambient seismic noise tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
Fang, H., Zhang, H., Yao, H., Allam, A., Zigone, D., Ben‐Zion, Y., ... & van der Hilst, R. D. (2016). A new algorithm for three‐dimensional joint inversion of body wave and surface wave data and its application to the Southern California plate boundary region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
Ji, G., Hai-Jiang, Z., Hong-Jian, F., & Nan, L. (2017). An efficient joint inversion strategy for 3D seismic travel time and DC resistivity data based on cross-gradient structure constraint. CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 60(9), 3628-3641.
Li, C., Yao, H., Fang, H., Huang, X., Wan, K., Zhang, H., & Wang, K. (2016). 3D Near‐Surface Shear‐Wave Velocity Structure from Ambient‐Noise Tomography and Borehole Data in the Hefei Urban Area, China. Seismological Research Letters.
Chen, K. X., Chen, P. F., Chen, L. W., Yao, H., Fang, H., & Su, P. L. (2016). South Ilan Plain High-Resolution 3-D S-Wave Velocity from Ambient Noise Tomography. Terrestrial, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, 27(3).
Fang, H., Yao, H., Zhang, H., Huang, Y. C., & van der Hilst, R. D. (2015). Direct inversion of surface wave dispersion for three-dimensional shallow crustal structure based on ray tracing: methodology and application. Geophysical Journal International, 201(3), 1251-1263.
Fang, H., & Zhang, H. (2014). Wavelet-based double-difference seismic tomography with sparsity regularization. Geophysical Journal International, 199(2), 944-955.
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