1998-2002,南开大学环境科学系?? ? ? ? ? ? ?学士学位
2002-2004,香港科技大学土木和环境工程系?? ? ?硕士学位
2004-2007,香港科技大学土木和环境工程系?? ? ?博士学位
2005.03-2005.06,Arizona State University,?访问****
2007.09-2009.03,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill环境科学与工程系,博士后
1.Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemosphere, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Water Science & Technology等多个刊物的审稿人;
1. ?国家自然科学基金?“新型含氮消毒副产物卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)的生成机理及控制研究”,2011-2013,主持。
2. ?广东省自然科学基金博士科研启动项目“新型含氮消毒副产物卤代硝基甲烷的生成机理及控制”,2011-2012,主持。
3. ?教育部博士点基金“新型含氮副产物在氯胺消毒中的生成与控制”,2011-2013,主持。
4. ?中山大学青年教师重点培育项目“饮用水中溴代消毒副产物的生成机理及控制技术研究”,2011-2012,?主持。
5. ?中山大学青年教师培育项目“典型抗生素在珠江三角洲地区水体中的分布与去除”,2011-2013,?主持。
在Environmental Science & Technology、?Water Research、?Journal of Hazardous Materials、Chemosphere等国际刊物上共发表SCI论文30余篇,论文被SCI他引300多次。
1.??????Guo, W., Shan, Y.,?Yang, X.*?(2014) Factors affecting the formation of iodo-trihalomethanes during oxidation with chlorine dioxide.?Journal of Hazardous Materials, 264, 91–97.
2.??????Deng, Z.,?Yang, X.,?Shang, C., Zhang, X.R. (2014) Electrospray Ionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Differentiating Chlorine Substitution in Disinfection Byproduct Formation.Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 4877-4884.
3.??????Yang, X.*, Guo, W., Zhang, X., Chen, F., Ye, T., Liu, W. (2013) Formation of disinfection by-products after pre-oxidation with chlorine dioxide or ferrate.?Water Research, 47(15), 5856–5864.
4.??????Meng, F., Huang, G.,?Yang, X.*, Li, Z., Li, J., Cao, J., Wang, Z., Sun, L. (2013) Identifying the sources and fate of anthropogenically impacted dissolved organic matter (DOM) in urbanized rivers.?Water Research, 47(14-15), 5027-5039.
5.??????Yang, X.*, Chen, F., Meng, F., Xie, Y., Chen, H., Young, K., Luo, W., Ye, T., Fu, W. (2013) Occurrence and fate of PPCPs and correlations with water quality parameters in urban riverine waters of the Pearl River Delta,?South China.?Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20(8), 5864-5875.
6.??????Yang, X.*, Guo, W.H., Lee, W. (2013) Formation of disinfection byproducts upon chlorine dioxide preoxidation followed by chlorination or chloramination of natural organic matter.?Chemosphere, 91, 1471-1485.
7.??????Gan, W.H., Guo, W.H., Mo, J.M., He, Y.S., Liu, Y.J., Liu, W., Liang, Y.M.,?Yang, X.*?(2013) The occurrence of disinfection by-products in municipal drinking water in China’s Pearl River Delta and a multipathway cancer risk assessment.?Science of the Total Environment,?447, 108-115.
8.??????Yang X.*, Shang C., Shen, Q.Q., Chen, B.Y., Westerhoff, P., Peng, J.F., Guo, W.H. (2012)?
9.??????Yang X.*, Peng, J.F., Chen, B.Y., Guo, W.H., Liang, Y.M., Liu W., Liu, L. (2012) Effects of Ozone and Ozone/Peroxide Pretreatments on Disinfection Byproduct Formation during Subsequent Chlorination and Chloramination.?Journal of Hazardous Materials, 239-240, 348-354.
10.??Yang X.*, Shen, Q.Q., Guo, W.H., Peng, J. F., Liang, Y.M (2012) Precursors and nitrogen origins of trichloronitromethane and dichloroacetonitrile during chlorination/chloramination.?Chemosphere, 88, 25-32.
11.??Yang X.*, Guo, W.H., and Shen, Q.Q. (2011) Formation? of? disinfection? byproducts? from? chlor(am)ination? of? algal organic matter.?Journal of Hazardous Materials, 197, 378-388.
12.??Yang X.*,?Flowers, R.C., Weinberg H.S., and Singer, P.C. (2011) Occurrence and Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in an Advanced Wastewater Reclamation Plant.?Water Research, 45(16): 5218-5228.
13.??Yang X.*,?Fan C.H., Shang C. and Zhao Q. ?(2010) Nitrogenous disinfection byproducts formation and nitrogen origin exploration during chloramination of nitrogenous organic compounds,?Water Research, 44(9),2691-2702.
14.??Fang J.,?Yang X., Ma J., Shang C. and Zhao Q. (2010) Characterization of algal organic matter and formation of DBPs from chlor(am)ination,?Water Research, 44(20), 5897-906.
15.??Yang X., Zhao Q., and Shang C. (2008) Disinfection by-product formation from chloramination of clarified water after prechlorination and preozonation,?Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 8(3), 255-262.
16.??Yang X.*, Shang C., Lee, W., Westerhoff, P. and Fan, C. (2008) Correlations between organic matter properties and DBP formation during chloramination,?Water Research, 42(8-9), 2329-2339.
17.??Yang X., Shang C. and Westerhoff, P. (2007) Factors affecting formation of haloacetonitriles, haloketones, chloropicrin and cyanogen halides during chloramination,?Water Research, 41(6), 1193-1200.
会议报告(*Oral Presentations)
1.??????Yang, X.,?Guo, W.H., Chen, F., Zhang, X. (2013) Formation of disinfection by-products upon chlorine dioxide preoxidation followed by chlorination.?Micropol & Ecohazard 2013,?Zurich,?Switzerland, June 16-20.
2.??????Yang, X.,?Zhang, X., Chen, F., Guo, W.H., (2013) Ferrate(VI) pre-oxidation on the formation of disinfect by-products (DBPs).?Micropol & Ecohazard 2013,?Zurich,?Switzerland, June 16-20.
3.??????Fu, W.J., Xie, Y.Y.,?Yang, X.,?(2013) Impact of halide ions and natural organic matter on PPCPs?? reduction in UV/H2O2?process.?Micropol & Ecohazard 2013, Zurich, Switzerland, June 16-20.
4.??????Yang, X.*,? Shen, Q.Q., Guo, W.H., Peng, J.F., Liu L. (2012) Trichloronitromethane formation and nitrogen origin exploration during chloramination.?The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition,Busan,?Korea, Sep 16-21.
5.??????Yang, X.*,?Guo, W.H., Lee, W., Liu, L., Zhang, X. (2012) Chlorine dioxide preoxidation on the formation of disinfection byproducts during chlorination/chloramination of water and bromide-rich water.?The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition,?Busan,?Korea, Sep 16-21.
6.??????Yang X., Peng, J.F., Chen, B.Y., Guo, W.H., Liang, Y.M., Liu W. (2012) Formation of disinfection by-products during chlorination/chloramination with ozone and ozone/H2O2?pretreatment.?The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition,?Busan,?Korea, Sep 16-21.
7.??????Guo, W.H.,?Yang, X., Shen Q.Q. (2011) Formation of disinfection by-products during chlor(am)ination of a green algae Chlorella.?The 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Oct 2-6,?Tokyo,?Japan.
8.??????Shen, Q.Q.,?Yang, X.*, Wang, P.Y., Miao, J.L. (2011) Formation of THMs, HANs, and HNMs during chlor(am)ination of twenty amino acids.?International Conference on Drinking Water Safety, Security and Sustainability, Oct 9-11,?Hangzhou,?China.
9.??????Yang X.*, Flowers, R.C., Singer, P.C., Weinberg, H.S. (2009) Occurrence of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds and Personal Care Products during Advanced Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study.2009 AWWA Research Symposium: Emerging Organic Contaminants, February 12-13,?Austin,TX.
10.??Yang X.*, Flowers, R.C., Singer, P.C., Weinberg, H.S. (2008) Occurrence of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds and Personal Care Products during Advanced Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study.International Water Association–the Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (IWA-ASI) 2008, June,?Hong Kong.
11.??Yang X.*, Shang C., Lee, W., Westerhoff, P., Fan, C.H. (2007) Correlations among DBP formation and NOM properties during chloramination, Division of Environmental Chemistry,?233rd American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting,?March 25-29, Chicago, IL, USA.
12.??Yang X., Shang C.* (2006) Chlorine residuals and N-DBPs formation from monochloramination of model N-organic compounds,?AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), November, Denver, Colorado, USA.
13.??Yang X., Shang C. (2006) Dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN) formation during chloramination, poster presentation at?2006 Gordon Research Conference, Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products: Integrating Occurrence and Formation, Exposure, Toxicity, and Epidemiology, August, South Hadley,?Massachusetts,?USA.?
14.??Yang X.*, Shang C. (2005) Rapid quantification of cyanogen chloride and cyanogen bromide by MIMS,?124th?American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition, June,California,?USA.
15.??Yang X.*, Shang C., Huang J-C (2004) THMs and HAAs formation from breakpoint chlorination of wastewater,?2nd?IWA Young Researchers Conference, April, Wageningen, Netherlands.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-15
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